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P. i .LA. r, ,~ ~ ~ b ~, ~-°' i f`~, ~ ~~' E : i 1 .~ _. ~80I u'"iI i'J` U ~' _~:.~ ~Ou.:.% ~.~ ~ ~:': ~i' ~.:~ 0.~' i _.. 'J C1T ~ 0 +~ iilv.~,- I -r - . t~- r f i. 1~.. - -: -. ~>~1 `~ !! 1 ..~ `,'ice ~'...'.~~ c ~^~ ~+, ~.,..iilt LsLJt~.'~I_',~.r Il T; ..t I4)i, L~ 1.U ..t ..•,'`1 ti r .1 u. ~.,~ Za-_'+ , .1.. i..J is I' ~~ 2 1 : ~ - t,~.,~ _~R -~ .l .~ r i ~ ~.,T .F i1 x v ~5 - -i ~~(il ~ 1~'~ v ~ Ffi}~~~- i }~i. ~ ~.:.(1 ~til ~i.Ttt x V~_ .r~~_ Li_ a V_ ~. L 6 _~_.a~~l~l' ~...L_{~.~1. , 1 ~Z1L'U~ ~J ti~,l., ~.t..~i ~-L:.:V^ `` a(~~ -; ('~ ~~^, r7 ^r ~ , r fa f' ~ --rr~ z rTr ~('1~ ~ J ~i'C, -~- [' ~~ , ~~. ~.J Y J .a. V ..I l .f .. ~ .. 1.~ L / .L r J..a.ti .1. -.-~ ...:.i j.` 1'. V -.J» 1.L .J 1 .. ~ LJ _ 3 ~ ,•~,} ;. .~-7 ~.. '~'1 4:{r,l -. -'1 ~ ~t1 - ~-r A ~ -'~~:ti C ';_i ~{tr~i~i i ~i ".I ~ ~,..y i ~!`l _.L_~.t._ 1 __....1:_ ,._i.~:.~1 , r`i.l...i)v ~./ ~L:~1_i...+i..i_X a .-:l, >,. ~~1.J ~r:J~.. t L :Il..s. ,.~~. i~.:J_:I,i 4 ~;:`•;;1V:;L b.~ t:sa Board of rustaes of tY:.e r~it~,' of ~~r>z~lei:~~~: i 5 actio~l 1. y"hat t~~,e }public intar~;~t ~.rld co~ivLriar~c3 ra~ui.r4 `~,nd' 6 It'riat it is file intor~tion oi- tie .board of yr~a.staa. of t.~a lit- of ~ I~I.r~n.a:hei: to order tl~e fo.llovrillf°°, dascribac~ street vrork t:;; ba done in 8 j,,sai.d Cit~r, to-tivit: 's'hat y+est Ce~:t er 8tra-:~~t i.: said. Cit,,~ frog-i trse 9 ~a~esterl~~ ~nronart~T ling; of Iiort'~~ la~~or~ Stre•at produced 8outilc;rl4- a- 10 ~c_oss swirl 'Nast ~ertar ::treat tv t.e ~a.starl~~ pronartz,- line a*° ~~~orth~ 11 I~alr: Street ~lrodaced :out ~Larl~ aeF°oss said. ~'~est Ca~~tar ::tract be ~ i 12 ~tvidarled. 13 ~ Faction 2. ghat t~~e land damned neces~ar;y to be ~tar::en for ~~.id 'I 14 work and. irnprovems~st is Situate' vrit'r_in ss.id city- of ~.saheir_~, sr~d is ~~ 15 i described as follov~s, to-~~Jit: ~I 16 Ba~inninr at the x~oint cf intersection o' t_~a %~ort~arls,~ propart,,~ lr ~ line oi' ..vest Center Street ~~cz f~~a,~ast~rl~ L~~`o~~:,art~~~ ?_ir!e of -.ort~: .~~m~~ 18 ' m~~? of on `~`tr°vat ~~s t':la s~:~xa is ~hovtT:i or~a x~ati~,. s«.bdivision of V~_rsofrard zot ~ 19 ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ , D~ racorda~ is t~oolz 1. , n~.`G '~~ I`'.iscal.l~zlaouti yecards of 1~os ~r~ale~ 20 ~'~ Co~~~tG-, California.; t'r~ence .est`arl~' ~.lor1;~ tr;.e ~ortharl~ x~ro_c~art~T lie 21 iII. of Vest Ca~~t:r =treat One tr~ausaz~d ore cundrad atad trJawve ~~d four 22 ter~tr~a (1112.~~7 feet to Li".a l~rase~:~, -~astarl4; px°oT?ez°t;~ lira of i~arth 23 i r"alT~: `.:tract; thence '~orti,a~.lu_ ~,l~n~, sa:Lr~ .~asterl~ prof~axt~= l.iria of 24 ~ o~~~'_ :~~.li :tract _:i.~_ ,;:~~ s~av=~r,.a_v-a'iva ~~zn~~~.ec,,.as {w'.7~>l :~aet; tner~c 25 ~, ~astar•1~. p~:,x°alle~ to tYae ':~ort'_erl, y~ra~art~ li.e of ,past Center `:'treat 26 ~ ~ n ±,.- .-, - -t, r (111.2 4) fret to the O~~a u~lQlliS.r~d one c~ur:.ara~ ~~~~:?_v"~ r.;.~ci a'o~.~ tel~ .~i.~ 27 ~xese'v '!r'a~-~ ,rlv~ ~ro_,er4`, l~jza o, --ort :.::anion. ~tsaat; 4r_aJica ~:autr.~~x`1~' 28 _ y a10ri~" Sr37.C ~~eatCrl._: ~ra~P`?:~•rt~; .',.;L.ic.' 0~ <orti .~:aILOr7 %tYat~t+ _ 1.YIt: t`1..I1d i 29 I i sevant~r-five ~.ur,arr~dt~~s ~ ~F. rv) fart t~ tFZa ~~oi~u of be~i::'inin~. j 30 ~~.1 a; :~a~ln~izn~ sit t~~a po~i~~:t o% int ~rsactio ~: of t r.~. .~rasent ~ 31 '' i ~, .~-.+~.,-: r ~-~.j~i~;~a:[~: ~.~18 ~~-f' `~Pi`~°~„ ver~.tc3r ::trar.'t :.T;w t''11E1 ?')rE3~8:1t '~E~:Stv'1"1~ ~:O ~. L . c.1 y 32 ',i _ ~, nropyrt;~~ 'rye of '~o~atfi var,a~~ :tract said poir_-~ o' 1~..~nin~ bein; ors II~ ---- _ '~' ~ I ~, • I ~'o~fherl I i<~ce ?-f~ -~r°a~art~~ lwr_e of` ~~es~ ~eritar =~~~r°aat sr.~ 8ix ar1~ fiftUT 1 I =• ~. _ .fT.u:~ura~ths ('~.5C) favt .',`eti:turl„ from the T~ort~a~~stc:x~ cor.~~i~x of ~o~ 2 Ci;10 (~. } 1:1 .~l a c k L u G.s t iir: S c3!"ii G~ 1 S s h Ot"v T~ 0 1 ci 'l, ca: t1 O f t t1 ~ ~., ~,. t .r~~', r;1lb c: x ~ ~3 r 3 yx~,ct ~ecax°d~:ci :ir :i3oa~~ 1, x.~~,c;~ tivl, .•i.~c;~ll~~~.Y°au ~=~ca .-::~.s of I.o~:, 4 ~ ' a.i~?',(:IOS {+Oihl.t-, ~i~,li~:'?x`1_'14?~ t'f`$Y'.G$ .;$~.f.;c;r1.~' c;.,~~o1cT tr:.`; ~{~??t'::.t,Zl;," i'}x'a - 4 1 5 arty ~.ina oi` Fast E.:a_at=dx street ='ift~_sevan (57) faat; ~~~enca ;:a~ztli~- ~! ~ ar1~ -=~~,rallel to ~`~-°~ ;a~terl~; ~~~ro?~e?~t°,- line of :;ousts L~:r?or, tr°~e~; ,~ ~ .i-'z?S"$.~. ~.3~ ft8v~ f'~~:ii.E'E3 .raz3~vY`1~' ~~J.zci~.,.~E.',1. t0 t(_t~ ~allti..ar~."' ~w7ra~7ax't,y ~ ~-1li-~ a~~ 'r;`aSt uat2tGx' tX"~at ci.S S("Tay'f?1 are `~~.1~ :l;~i;~), 6V`~r i'1t1.'ux`E:'C~I. ~.rlt~. I 9 ~. a- t1;~0ril~~'-'tL~x`vr'. ~r?.~ 014 ~'.3rit_~ ( frut.l•~-~ ..-vE.v, IIlo.l''". •..,~ y.E'i~..•~.f t+'3 ~.t1a s,JB.s~V-~ 1G j aC?~ y!'~i.'~"pia;:a ~~~} .u~aCr, :JtJ of S3,1C~ i:;~:C1~~3Y1~1$~'~ ' 8r'lVr t7~0j7$rt~y lira ~?.~" 1 $r . 11 U y ~ a. x"C::.c tr ~ r'.~i ~. v f.* v Ya 1 . i s G u ,-~ _ ~ -' ,. ~ .y.,.{. C 1.'<a ~t 1. s.i..:~~ CN~o rl.., t :.a :.J~i.-4 r.L ~, J-ljl• a"~" sty-.~i.~.~ ~.!a~ _,.A ~. ti e ~'~ 12 ~~ ~ _~, , ilu}, ~~~rue f ~~ fast- ~,,~ v;~~e =axt _er1_~- ~~.~~.a of sv.~1:~ rat, ~-;~e~ce .<as 13 ~ :- er•1~1ar .~ _ ~,~,rr ~r~=:. _ox~. Terl., lira a~.~' Tot d rsort-~~:x1;, ,,~,., ~, _ .. ~ .lu ~ ~ sPZ ~ . ~ ~ r . .._ ..-., ._ ~, . . .. .. - 14 ' I~ ~~:i~"8$`;. (l~ ~ } .~~~ ~:~:i_. ..i,OG_,. _~~, '~~T.'~.' 1~..tizt?~~;~ r.l.~?t~r-,Sl:X ~.,,YtC~ .i:La~tE36Y1 -1 15 ~ ~~ ~::i'~1 ~,.iV ~~ti;~ _ ~.~~Cie ~~f fG:l. Li w__t:; ~rr'ti c,~~L:. j~ .i_~,~a ~~ t~f!{~. ,~$.;~~~ ~„j:1k~i °-ta;`ilA ~ 16 i ~y:`-} ~i= S<3,J C~ a .~i.at ..'1~i~"L.:3$_._ 1 ~ ~ j 9 ~~~~4[ir~'$ ~n ,.c..`'<<.',x'.~,.~; .~..~.'JTi' Nt1U. jast:~r„1,' ~ .. I 1'7 .y _l~. .. 18 i ,~~. ! ,~ ~~, ~~G-tilldxa~.tr~N f~~• dxi:.x;, -~•\«.Y i~; Uy--~' ) ::'~ ~='~i~ac:~~i (1 _ ~s....,. . ~ _,.~ ..~ _ ~ V ' 19 I reJii} .i.~:~:~ .tL~ 1.!:~~ fi~:j~S~i,. lin a.L °~i~~:1. ~'a4~ lri:Ci~.~;~ .::ax~t:~.,,..~.E_~ ~::.1a_~.F~ I 20 s i.~l ~ .! G *~ ~ G ~~? •~_ .L i :"~. .- /l~ri v l'j w e "~'y ju ., ..~ .. _.. .. ~. .. .... .T. <y' !~ ~ •'~y • ~' liiL 2l I~ J • Y a.~. ~- t~ .~ / U~, .~ ` is ~~.:~..t ~-i1 N v +('~ G] ~ ~'~ Y l % ~ ° ~..y ~' 4 y V C.~. ~.J 1.~4 . Y• «,. ,.J ,`.i.~ '~ .f.~ T_niw~ ~ ._ ~ ~ ~v -_4i ~~~..~ ,7 _ r 5 ..n n~.~ ~i ~~ L l,~ ~ .~.il.~?' ~ ~~ 22 ~ ~`'."v.'i: . ,.. ,.. ~ {. J^C~l -., to y,.'1 .. . .....+ .J .{~ . ,.4.~~,~"}Ci ,~`L ~ r. ..Ll l.•,_. U .:i ~. vQ:.:.4 .: i' ,.. .. ~.~~ .. V,.... ,.: .i ......t.. ._.~.~.~ t~iar~.. ~~ ~' 23 _ ~. ~ .., '7 a a t- -, ~ s~ n °` ° r { ~. 1, t y. ,. r ii T ~'v~ ~L~ 4r .. ~ '~ ~ ~ . .. _ ~i ~'C C ~ C7 x ~ '~~" ~ cam. `: L.., ~ 1 ~.7~ .2~ ii, liY~$ a No ll~ i1. ici,~ t x`.: <;t ~ ;, ;! ~: _.G' B ,,a .,. i, iiVl'.f. ~ 2~,,.1 ~ t`i~_' S ~',]-:.. .;: u,a., ~ ,: t"..ci ,'l1'.~~- 25 ~., q ,,,- ~. x't ~ . -, - ~ _a -,-_ . , ~ ;.:.. { _ +1- , ~ t- . .1. ~. ~ tr ~ ~. 'w L7 n.v .J. i.. ~,~,.•,,.lw u ~ .~ ~..~ , ._. , .. ,,,. l Li . ''~' w .. ~a _ v w. "... -~ ~7~~: .. f, _ .. ,, .t.. ;' . ~,7',.I .. i.:i:~? ~r~ ~ ... ,. ~3 ( Li? ~ . + 26 i 2 7 I' 28 29 30 ~ 31 j II 32 III facet ; .. _,~, ~~~t"~ l~ 1 .~x f~,l.lel ~;:~ u ale ~:au.tY~erly ~.~~. .~~ra~~~.;rt;- ? i~:~e ' a-'' SSt ;uent~Y ~;'~Y~E't i.''.:.' t~10'.tiS~,i",~~. 0~ E; .~,;ltiC~x'e~ ~1~ t~`~'8~'v`a ~»~.Cl .~:~~-~ i tari';,hs (lll.2. ~} f<aF~:t ~o t="~a .:.,r,~;a.::~~ .~.su.~r~_t Y^„}3rt, li~i.e n_fi ~o!ti .L@if:v 71 ~- . :"C x't. 9 ~ , ~-- ~ , n t .." 1^ C, t,, ~ ~ '1 ~ o ~ i ~ , r• ~ ~ c? rT ~;; -..t~ S ~' ...9~'... _, t U: , '3 ` -! .: ~".L _ ~r .: _ 0 r' C~ r~ ~ ~. '::.i:~'a ., J' 0~a'.,... %.:r:--al_. tY`ct3'~:~ ~.,~. `;ia::~ S$~ar~?rlf'J7-~:i.~T~ fl!~_'~~~aC~t'c (~r.,."r~~..~~1 '~c:8 ~ ~. ~„ {- ,,<' Y1 i, a a3 "fit 1:112] rt~r C;`' '~" ? ~: U?.Cl< ~ ~:1t ~ ' '1= ! €7aLlt?~._ _ __ ~ ` . ,. _ . . _.. c:. 1. E.. , G, ~' •_ P. ] S a . l c`? 21 u G' 0 1t c~1 Y18 (~ ti v ~ i i ~ ~ 1 S i a ~u . ~ ~' 1 ~ _ ~ _r N P. C t i Q n :~ . ,~ ~ i c1.t i1 ~ i d fs, ~ 'I, ~,:.. _+_ ~ ~' tl.'~ 0 '...~~'_ ~ d,r' ? ~3 t~ ~ ~~'~ E?. C~ l ~ ~ t' .1 C.' ..: i~ _:_ .i ~.: i.~.a~ `~' 2 I _ , ~~tor ~~: a_~'fectad ~..~~~. br:r~e-~3_te~? b-, said ~Y°>,~x~~. ~~r!d x;;_nrover:~.nt r~,~i.ft t~~ U ~, c ~.. 7 "` '^• ~c`i,.'8'8~0 00u~.`".~. ;;~i~ '~:~"'8 `.`~'..`'' t _@rao.r_•ro F,'''lilCs.` C~iC?-a]_~.~ c,.~ ,_ G _ v a •'.~ ~ .. .~.,j 1, 1 ~. t t': ~"` ' > " ~ ~ ?.:: ~ i ~; ~, 7.. Y -i i': ~ ~ i t:T i~ f :~Ci1~,Y18 iliti , `•% Q Ll?2"i, ~, Cif ~.: r~`-., nk; 8 t .:t ~3,~: t~ J ".~ V a..1,..7.:. fa 2~ 1. ~.~ 5 s.r~ x?s,r'tiC:?~.7~::,r~~. d~a:C::,i.~~+:'s'. 2.S i'0.1.1`fd~'AtQ-~il.t; II i ~, v_. a_rL, ~~, i._ `g ~I' ~:~e~ir.~.i~r ~a.L •" ,.. :art ~e~~st-~rl-- cnrw.tr o _ ;~.c: :;'~v .~ ~ ~) ~1~03~ 7 ~~ c~' ti~a :~avJ ~ab~~,visior~! c~`' r~r:;~~r~,;.`•~ Lot :~~ as ti.hoti~an ox~ ~, .";1c:;t,Tf recur .a~ p (~ :~ l ~,- T '` ~ l a r ~, c's ~ c~,,. c . i ti +;yt r ...{.....~ ~ t~ ~ ... ' 1.:': ., 0 4 ~: 17 , ~ ~. F' a '~ `~' , _,.1 ~ G C3 ~. ~ 2.Y'. a U u-~ -': C~ C, o ! .~ 0 'i' ~, G ..arl,t; 3 ~ L~ ._ 0 .z ~ : ~ ~; , •,. ~, I 9 ifb~'nia, sad ~oi.~~t of banixu~iY,~ bain.y ~~~'.. t c: present .'est4rl_ ;~r^i^ lO II arty: line of ~rort~ L ~~~oi: ;~trr~..t; t~_erce, :out Lierlly alon~° t~~.a said ~~ °a s- 11 I 8111 ~~'8,~..terl~j 'yt~,rOL?ar"~;~' ~ivAr' Q_i_ ~L?r't'."1 Larson t l"@et '.t.i~. aloY1Y said .,~c~ 12 ~' arl~t; ~r,r-onart~:~ ~.ir6a a~:ten~ad aric' s,lonr± t~+,~ y~~rasa;~Y .rast~:~lr ~ir-o,~ertyl i 13 I~ lure of ~.,Oa'; -. ~:@?':iL~rl `tr4et, ~A~r~:e L~~.drec? se~,Te,~t~--one E~~;'7I) fa et to 14 t'r~e :orthc~r~ ;- -~ro,f,art-. lira of 0~_:. ~treef;; tY-.anca 'kautc:r-1~ a~_or~w sw~.d 15 ~ y'-ort-i~erl~r ~ro~art~~ ~-:i!;a of Ga'~ araet, C~ne tho!zsand o~~a Hundred and~~ 16 t~„lv~a ~~nd f.:+Ltr t~:a~t'rls (11?`?,~'-; ~`'eeu to ~'.e ~astaxl.°. nro-~ert~;% line ~f 17 i --• Y ;- ,.-, ;, ;~- ~-,: ~:, n .~ zd- -astay ~ ro~e:rt-.: ~oatn ~alrri ~treet; ..~~,...ca _.,art _w..c~. .~1_A.~_ sa' ai~ ~n ~ ~ li~~e 18 of "o w;;,i ralm ~traat aw~~ =~1.ari~ s~~d .~~.starl~° f>ro~-art~: li.le extended 19 `c1,n'i wlo~~€~ u a ~as~~erly~ ~!ronert~:~ lirda of ~ort~~ ~s.i;~ wtraat ',-,~_rae hunT 2 0 died seventy-one (3rt1) - feat to tl:e ~:oL~tr~~:r1~~ ~rtaperty~~ li"~~a '~ of trla 21 16-foot ~.llazJ, rur.~nin~ ~a~tGri~" utid ~Yeste:.l~- t: r:iLx~;h "31oc~<.s :=, I, an'id 22 'ti;~ of a Lie~r ~ubdivi~~ion of Vil3eyaru Lat L5 as sl:a~~~n on said ri!ar~; the nice -. 23 '.~asterlT;7 alone.. t~.a `::ou tr.erly ~ropartu, .lire: of saic°~ 16-foot alla4,~ One' 2~ i T r, ~ i'eaj:, tc tie "point ,;thousand or~a Hundred t4walva ~~,r~._ fear taatHs L1].1....4) _ 25 26 27 28- 29 30 oi, beeinnir~4°, a~cant:.nz t~~arefror:: tea ~_~v~d ij1 section 2 ~.areo~ des- !,, cribed as t ha land to be tan for ~ridanin~: said .'ost Canter :treat ani I ~', e~ceptine also ari~,~ land- s^~thir :~,~-d boundaria:; contained z,rrl.ick!. is n~~ a dart of a public street or allay. rnY18 "~i.i22~Ylaiil: 1x,11"; =-larald" a daily;' riavlspa~ar O:f xa :action 4. ~~ ~,, aral circulation, ~irintad, nu?.dished ~~d circL:.l~ztad in ~:a$d cit,~ of 31 1 ~.nai~eirri, is 'nereb~r dasien~,ted as tree riav,rspa~>ar in vahic~~ the ~titreet 32 L ~~ j ~~u~eriz~ter~cier!t `s notice oi' file ~::~sata of this rasol~atian s'r~sll ba ~pu~lishod. 1 I `w'ile 2traat ~ur~arintendarLt of said city- shall catzsa to lie corlspi~ .2 uov.sl~- posted al.arz~ t:r~a line of said corltamplµte~: wox~: .~r1d improve- '3 'm~a xt r~otica,~~ of urea ~~assa.ga of t'r~is _asalutior~ os Irltex~tion in th© .4 !Ir~lan~:er wnc~ fc r?:~~ recut. rec~ b=~ 1 rz~+:. ~Ie shall also cause ~x notice sip:?i. --I 5 i l€~,r i~~ substance to ba l~ub?.ishad for a -};ar~io~1 0:~` ten dais ir1 said ~~ ~ ~;newspaper, published ~n~ ci:r.cizl~,ted in said cite. 7 ~ ~actioL. 5. ~~_le i,ereirl pro°~osad v.rorr: and zr.~-nrovemer~t s'r!a.ll ba .8 I~' Bona ire puxs~7 anca to an act of t ~~e ZaK sl.ature o~ the tata of Cal- . i F- ~ tea:. ? ,.x_; i y c~rr i a , ~. 4 ~.t a c~" ' , r I ,' ; , ,, `._, K L .z:.~. ~.~.' r_ ~Vl:l~~, .c~U~. ~iYI,~ vu's , 0r:~_JI: . , .~r,y...wy~- r - ~ I ~~:r , 111 ..ri': 1 ~: , a.' 1~ attl .i. ~ . ~ a.:. i. 1..~ ~ ~,~.L l...TL: ~: ~ I _: ~' ~i 1:: ~ ~, -~-+_ ,gym 11 '}1'1T) „l' ~~~j T .i; ~ T .`~ t ;-Tl!~} -}_ (Y i _. T i ~ ~;'17 ,~Mt ni 1. l.l-J..:11 ~ '11~-:/ , ,,,...-a::! .:i , .C)J+.a.. ..~ J. , V ~,/ 1.~ ..11 , LJ _. ~ .:. ~ ~ ~.V iJ i Y ,L l :. i l .. ~ i. ' l.._ ..L 'J ~ .a.~.i'~ 1 L :.~i.i , l2 13 14 15 .ca:':.li 1 ~~ V V 1J 11 _d.L __. .L'~.-:I 11 _~~/ °4L 2~. J :.5.i. a ..1~.>.. .id 1+ .i+_.... L .Ca.: 1J .r~..:Ql ~A,+`i. L ...::i F., .~:i.`^. ,~.<L~':Y 0: ~J(~~~V~ YI:i`~-'i ~{'0 t 1~~~_ilrn `r'`~ ,i:;'=-,,' ar~prova~~ .':arch 6th, I08~, and a~.l acts aj.landatox~ tY~ereof' a~~d. sup-~-rle~:~antar~y.~ thereto. iha i~re~_oir.~f raso.l_utioz~ is si.kt~~:d, approved and att~:stad b~~ 15 ! this 14tYi da;~ of ~U.~::~.St, ri. 11. 1°19. 17 1~3 ~:- r 19 ~~ ,~t t a st : `' it;;~lar~:: of t;a OitT; o~ ~rlahein-~. 21 Mate of Califo rnia ) 22 Count~T~ of Orac~ge, ) ~~. City, of ~~,rlahairn.. ) 2 3 I' !' I , .'u~Jard ~' 24 ~, 'nereb~; cart ifs `as passed ax~d 25 ;! o f the ~%it~~ o z following vote 26 II ~,: 2 7 ~! ~~~ 28 lip 29 i 30 ~I 31 !, ',. 32 At t~18 City of :3. I~ear~itt, ~it~r C1ar~= of the t't:at the foregoinri rasol~.tion ado~~te~ ut a ragular~ r~aatirlg, nnaheixr_, hall. on tn.a 14t_ d~,;,r arci~t '~L ru st ea s m. Cite of ~nah©im,do of Irltantion Io. 143 ~f tree i3oarct of lrustaa,'s o f august , l J1 ~, b~- t'ry~ ~~~ e s , r Li S ~ 8 8 s ~,c,c.y yr ~~~C ~~~ 2YZ`'~a,aL~~.,., : ° cam. ~-~~ '; T' i l r o e s, "1' ru st a c s ~.~,.~, - _-_-~ absent. ar~d not voting, ri'x-ustaes ~~~ ~~d I x`ur-tner certif~7 that the rres~.dent of tna ~oarcl oi' `Irust~laes of the City; oz ~irlaieim sig<<ad and approved said resolution ors the 14th da~r or ~sugust, l91`~. I~~ ,'iI~''.~~;~: .._'~:~01~} I 1i~iv~ ~ar~:ui~to set m~,r .arid a'tld affixed th6p official seal o+ t"tea CitUT of ~rlai?eir{: t1Ais 14th daty of xug;zst, '! 91~r. Ca.t~,7 Clor-- of ~ ~: of ~naheirt~.