08/14/1919-004„ .. ~ ~ M~ I ,~~ °-~ `, a. ~ px ~ ~,~€T~.a i' cr IN TH;'~: BOARD 0~' Ti~UST~:S Ur' TAB CITY Or' i~NAH.`~IM. __._ it RESOLUTION OF T~ BO,~RD 0:~' TkUST~LS D'~T;r'?p~INING R+~SUZT OF I SPLCIAL 1".IC,ECTION H~ZD Iid THi~: CITY 0:1+' ANAH:~Il~ ON THE 30th DAY 1 ~~ OF w'~PT:~iB~R, ~. D. 1919. 2 I~ ~ ~ ~~H:~,RLAS, the Board of Trustees of the City o~ Anaheim did by ~ 3 I~ ordinance No. 356 of said City of Anaheim, entitled, " An Ordinancek '' calling and providing for and giving notice of a special election 5 to be held in the City oaf' Anaheim, State of California, on 6 I' Tuesday, the 30th day of September, 1919, the object being to 7 submit to the qualified electors of said city a proposition to g incur a bonded debt by the said city for the purpose of the 9 ~! acquisition of land fo r a public park for the City of ,Anaheim, and la a site for a building for municipal uses, to-wit: ~'or use. as a 11 12 City Hall for said city,"passed and adopted on the 28th day of August, 1919, call, and order to be held in the said City of 13 'i Anaheim, a special election on the 30th day o~ wept ember, ~,. D. 14 I i 1919, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters 15 ~ thereof, the following proposition, to-wit: .A proposition to 16 incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Anaheiu~ to the amount 17 18 of Seventy-five Thousand 075,000.00) Dollars for t}~ purpose of the acquisition of land for a public park for the City of Anaheim,) 19 ~ and a site for a building for municipal uses, to-wit: for use as 20 a City Hall for said city. ~ 21 22 '~~, A~~D ~lH.~'it~:AS, said Ordinance calling and ordering said spacial' 23 Vii', election was duly published as required by law, and as appears 24 ~ from the affidavit of .~. J. Horsley on Pilo ire the office of the 25 ail, City Clerk of the City of P.naheim, and '~ ~H.~&~AS, it appears that said spacial election was duly held 2 ~i ' in accordance with law and said call, on the said 30th day of 2'7 I~ 28 September, A. D. 1919, as aforesaid, and that the polls at said ~i 29~II special election were kept open during ,the time required by law, ~j ', 30 , .and that the same was held and conducted, and that the votes cast ~ 31 it -1- 32 ii s~~ _~ I ~, 1 ,thereat, were received and canvassed and the. returns thereof 2 '~ sacs rt sins d, det a rmined and declared as the rein provided, and 3 according to the laws of the. State. of California, and the ordinance'is 4 I of said. city, and j ii i ~ ~' ~~+i~i~AS, the: said Board of ~rusteas of the City o f Anaheim g I,' did, upon the first h~onday after said election, to-wit, an the 7 ', 6th day of October, A. B. 1919, meat in adjourned regular session ~ g ~' and proceeded to canvass the returns of said special election as j g ~! required by law and the result of said canvass shows the facts as j 10 ' herein st~tad and sat forth; 11 ', IT Iw TII~ ~~'FOR.`~ ~'SOZVEV, 37.~T:~~INj:;B ANV IiLCLAR~'D AS ~'aZZO~f S: 12 I fl) That there were two Spacdal .election Precincts within 13 said city for the pdrpose of holding said Spacial ~:lection, ~iieh ~~ 14 j' were designated "Spacial ~'lection Precinct No. l;" "Special J j 15 j' ~la:ction Precinct No. 2;"` the boundaries of which ware raspectivel~y 16 ',, as follows, to-wit: 17 j The .boundaries of Special election Precinct No. 1, at said 18 ' special election ware as follows: 19 ' Beginning at a point where the canter line of ~~est Center 20 ~I, street in said city, intersects the westerly boundary line of said 21 ~ city, running thence northerly along said wresterly boundary line 22 I~~,~, to a point where said westerly boundary line meets the northerly ~, 23 boundary line of said city at the northwesterly corner thereof; 2~ '~,! the nee easterly along said northerly boundary line to a point 25 ',' where said northerly boundary line touches the easterly boundary 26 I~ line of said city at the northeasterly corner thereof; thence ~'I 27 ;', southerly along the easterly boundary line of said city to a point 2 8 ~ ~''~ I~, where said easterly boundary line intersects the canter line of 29 30 31 32 '~, uast Canter street; thence westerly along the center line of .4.'ast ' Center street and along the center line of `rJest Canter street in _~ '1 i i r --r. r i ,,.~ i I 1 '" said city to point of beginning. ~i~he boundaxies of spacial .~laction Precinct Nc. 2 at said 2 i, Special election wars as follows; 3 Beginning at a point on the south line of Section Sixteen t16}~, 4 ~'. ''~ Township Four t4} South, Range ien t10) ~fest, San Bernardi Bass 5 il', and Iz~~aridian, at the. point of intersection of said south line with 6 ,, ,~ III the. north and south center line of said Section Sixteen E16} to itsj $ intersection with the eBtended east line of Walnut street in said 9 ~ city; thence north along said. east line to its intersection with 10 the southerly line of Lot. Thirty-one f 31 } Anaheim :xtension, as 11 '~ shown on a map made by Gilliam Hamel and filed for record in the 12 13 14 15 office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, Cel.ifornia; thence .easterly a1on~ the south line of said Lot Thirty-one (31} to the center line of South Wiest street, thence northerly along said canter line to its intersection with the extended northerly 16 line of Wiest Broad street in said city, thence easterly along the 17 ~'~ northerly line of said Mast Broad street to its intersection with lg ', the easterly boundary line of said city a.t the southeasterly 19 corner thereof; thence northerly along said easterly boundary 20 ', line to the center line of ;past Center street; thence westerly 21 ~', along the center Tina of .mast Center street and along- the canter 22 ' ~ line of ~dsst Center street in said city to a point where it touches 23 ~! the westerly boundary line of said ~ city; thence southerl y along 24 ~ , said westerly boundary line to the point of beginning. i j 25 ~ j , (~) That the whole number of votes ~ ~' east in .,pseial 4 i L'leetion 26 '~~, PreEOinct ]~o. 1, was ~~ (> 27 ' (3} That the whole number of votes oast in Special ;leetion ~~ ~ 28 ~; '~ Precinct No. 2, was I 29 30 31 32 t4} That the number of votes cast at said Special ~.ection in said Special election Precinct Ito. 1 in favor of said proposition, w a~ ~ I' _ 3_