07/24/1919- ~7 4 cj IT~1 Tn:.. l3C~x~~ O1+' TFtUST.u;~a~, L'z+' r1'H.:+. CITY Or AN~~.~Irv~. 1 '' I~f' lw ~i~~ `+'BY R~~SOZV=~D AT~aD T1 T~P~oFI~~T-~;D, That the public interest 2 and necessity demands the acquisition of land for a public park for; 3 'I tre City of Anaheim, and a bite for a building for municipal uses 4 'to-wit, for use as a city hall for said city, the cost of which is 5 ! ~' ,~ ', estimated at Seventy-five thousand (;75,000.00) .Dollars, and which 6 ,' cost will ba too great to be paid out of the ordinaxv annual income 7 i ~I '~ and revenue of said city. ~, 8 i, I,~dwa,rd B. 24ierritt, Citw; Clem: of the City of Anaheim, harab~ 9 I~ cortif~r that tna foregoing resolution eras introduced and passed at ~ 10 a regular meeting of the .doard of ''rustaes of said City of Anaheim, I~ ~1 A ~', I held on the 24th day of July, 1919, by the vote of dare than two- 12 ~,' thirds of all its members, to-wit: l~ ,Ayes: Trustees 19: Noes: `~rusteeq l:~ Absent. Trustees •~--o~,,.L - 16 ~ I I~~S ~~I`i'ld~~ ~rh~~0~, I have hereunto set m,~ hand and affixed the 1'7 ~ i ~I !I seal of the City of Anaheim this 24t~i day of Daly, 1919 !, 1 t3 ', ~, Cit~T C~.erk of the i ~ of Anaheim. 20 '~~ I, the undersigned, J, J. Dwyer the President of the Doard of 21 Trustees of the Cit,= of Anaheim and the ",..xseutiva of said I~~~unicipal- 22 ~;~, ~~ ''~ ity do hereby sign and approve the foregoing resolution this 24th ~ I' day of July, 1919. ~ 2 =.~ '~ 25 ~~, 2C '' s' edit of the ~ of y'ru~teas f ~a v"ity of A ' eiz~, and a~c~cut've 27 0l-' said ~~1~unicipality. ~g 29 '' . 30 II I 31 ~~