06/12/1919-007~j; A..~1... ~~. ~ I `~k {^'~. y. ~ , -.erg ~('i...'4' X~i r 1 2 ~ 3 I 4 5 'I 6 i 7 8 ~~ 9 ~' I~ ~. 10 li 11 12 13 i 14 '' ~~ 15 ~: i 16 17 II ii u 18 ~, i 19 ill i 20 jl ~, 21 ~, 22 23 Iii' ii 24 I ~~ 25 Iii ii 26 ii 27 28 29 I~ 30 31 i 32 ~~aiJ1,V~,~ bN- the La€~,rd of Tr~xsteas of the City of nn&heim, that t}~z.3 :I?rasiderat of t}ie Board. of 'i'ru.st~:,as of s€~id Git~~, be end he is hereb~° sz.xt'r~orized 4nc~ di rectad to Ariter into ~. certain ~ contract t~it:~. the tTro~h ~ ur_n~ s.nd T.:~,chinar~- Ooz~~n~.n~-, ~, cor-ioratior, in the nst:~za of ~.rad for and on behz~lf of said cif ~ of .lri~.hei,,z, ror( tie furriis'nin~ to said. c it~r of certain materials; s;~ecifiGd axxd desi~ns,tad as follo~'~~s: 3- 8tr~ga s ~i t~ a 3-stage shz.:ft to turn the ~u.mn into a 3- st ~.~,e 15-inch t jzrb in© n urnR7 . - ~pidar bu~~nin~s, 1 - ~ land ec1 turbine 'oe , to fit the: to of the colurzzn r i.;~ a . 1 - ~neci ~.1 staff ink box east ink , to fit bntra an they gee ~.nd the i~srasent bottom of the turbine ~~ead. 10 - foot, d.:~~roxir,,.za,tvl~,-, cor~nlata ~atit}_ nsda t,~.he ~.nd spiders, flC~az~ed colur_.r~ ,-,i~,e. ~ 1 - ~neci~l r?otQr ~l~te, ti°y~~ic?~ s~~id r~l,~.t::ri~:l shG1.l be suitable far and shy?7. be usac~. for t;'ae ynurnose of chan~in~; a CertzlYi VIA=rtG'r ~7llm~ ~?B~On~''lri" tQ Si7 C~ 'liii;~T Of ..°:1`.~1t31.r[1 ~.Y1C1 ~:"t70C`a':'1 as t~v a ~.st ~~txzrz~> r2r~~~ loc ,s.ta r7 0 ~i d c o rt ~,in lot o:L T and ~~riokrn ds th,:.~ ~'o~~~er zousa ?ot, sit~xG,ta on So~rt:r~ i~os ~1n,~eles =at re et in said city; , to a fifteen inc~l ~vrn~n of tree sar~a cu,p~~;it;- of n~xmns sub- mined to t't_e: :so ~,rd of 'i're st~js of sG.id ci t~= by trze s€~id ~ro~li ~ .~uznp ~lc~ ;~acsir{ar~r Corrn~an~7, ~.t ~, r.~aetin~ of said Bo~,r-d of ~rusteas on the 22nd d4;,;° of T:~z~,~T, 1~~1~, n~,r~eld~ 1200 ~~ ~.11or~~+ of I t~~atar ,~kc~inst ~. 180 foot I~.a~,d for the fo2loti^ri~i~ cor~sidar~.tior, to-grit: I ghat said Cit;,~ of ~.na~ieir; s.~rees to tr-acisfar ~.r~d d©liver ', unto the ps.rtyT of the first mart, ~ certain 4-inch vertical iaurnt~, and to nab t}ie said ~~aY°t~° of t're first ~~r~rt t}ia s~.zzn of Five hundred ninot;~-six 0596.00} yoll~.r-s, said. sum to ba paid - 1 - a ~i I 1 ~ thirty (30) da~.rs ~.ftar the instz~llation and cor~x~latic~ri of s~.id 2 ware:. 3 i'f i.'~d:i B~ Ii'' w'v'~.~tiu~i tt.av'~~T~.:1i th~.t tha rrasidflnt of the ~o~.~rd 4 of ~xustees of said cit~,7 be ~.rld ha is Y~ere~ay autiorizad rind 5 ~~ i directed to enter int• a. c~rt.:;~irl contx°~.ct with said F=xo~ir ~~:'axrL~ I, $ anci ~~achiner~- Cor3nan.,v, ~;, cor-l o: ~~,tion, i n tha narle of and i 7 li for acid orL behs.lf of said City of tinaheir~ for tl~© furnishing to I 8 j saki. Cit.;T of ~n~heim, cert~a.in ~~:~~.teri°~ la, sx~eeified :arid desi~natedl, 9 s~ follovz~s . '' 10 3 - :fades v~it11 a 3 stake shaft to turn t:~e pump into a 11 3_sta~a 15 inch tuxbine p~~mi;. ~ l2 8 _ Spider busl~in~ s. 13 ,~'~ l - 'lan~,ec~ turbi~~a lee, to fit tr~e~ to?~ of tae column ii 14 I ~n ip 4 . I i 15 ~ 1 - 8peciz~l st uff'inr~ box cast iz~; , to fit betv~~aeri the l`'ee 16 ~'i ~ l j ~.nd the present bottom of t~ze tizrbina head. ~ 17 10 - foot , app roximatal~~, complete t~ith inside tube and ~~ I 18 i spiders, flf~.rl~ac,. column ~lip~:. i 19 ~ 1 - Special motor ~nl~,t~e, 20 vUhicY~ said m~~terial shall be s,a.3t ebld f"or grid sha11 be !used. for 21 I the purpose of chan~ina a certain water... ~ur~ bel;;r~~ir~~ to the 22 ~ said City of ~iriaheir.~ anc~ r<_noi•~n ~.s the vest x,umn wrid locafied on a ' j ~ 23 ~~ eertr~i_n lot of I€~nd k~novw,rn as tYie ~o~rer ~~ouse ~:ot, situate on 24 I~~I SoutY?. Zos ~;r~~eles street in ss,id eit;~, to a fifteen inch pump of jI i~ 25 o~the slime car~~it,~ of pur.~!-os sub~ittad to tha ~3oard of 'rustees 27 at a r_:,e ~:tin~ of said :Co~.rd of ~.'1"usteas on the 22nd d~,~T of ~;ay, it 28 1~1~, n~,.riel~r 1200 ,~z~l.lons oi' w€~ter~.~U,i.i"i~t a 1~0 foot head, for ~ 29 the follo~rina considex°u;;tio r~, to-grit 30 '~h~.t said Cit;~~ of ~.rizhr~ir.~ ~,~r~: to tr~.`~.sfar ar;d deliver 31 i unto said ?'ro~;h Fume end r:~.c~iner;~ Co.~~arry, a certain ~-inch I 32 _ 2 _ II ~I 1 2 3 4 5 g 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 '~ verb ca.l numb arld 3- sta.~e ll- incY? num~n , a,nd to pay t'rae said ~~a,rt;; j of the fi rst ~nar-t the slim of ix .ux~drard ~~ixt`Yr-four (~66~.40) l uollr~rs, said sup: to ba nG._i.~r t~~.irt~r_ (30) da.-s after tha install- '~ atior_ a.nd comj~letiorl of said vTOri:. i ~..~ .~.. i'~ ~~ ~ .~i~_: .~'~~'l1r`v..li ti=r~,t t~:a vita' u13r?~_ of said Iii city-, be a...d h3 is hereby au~tho~ized sryd directed to a.ttdst said , sevar~~,l a.~re~~r:~elzts under ilis hid arid tha official seal of said ' e it;;- ; .'3,'ld.li i3.j I~~' L'~ ~i'~'.:r ~r~.l?~'"~..:.J bJ tr76 ~o c.rd fJ f z l~.StdL ti Oi file City- of ,~n€~h.eim that said .8ar~rd of Lruste:c does horeb;;T determine anti declare th~.t the public irturest ar!d necessi_t; demand the immediate ex~anditare of i~}iblic Mor~o;;rs, sufficient to ',, c~rrb- o.~t consideration ra:r~d ~nur~o^.e:s o~ said t~.o t~ro~ryosed con- tracts arLc~ that the same is nacess~.r;,r to safe~u-~.rd li.~'e and .. ~ror,ertd- within s~~i_r~ cit,~, t`or tY~e r~ua.son t'at tritj:. ti-e aj„roaci-:_' ink sL~rYr.er se€~son, there grill be ~~. searcif;~r o-i' ti~a,t::r Y~ith tv~,_icYi ~! to fro ac tt~e lives }4r~c~. r~r~o;nertF;~ of_ citizens of said cit;~;^~~*- ~ c~..d _ ~'~-c~~ "Ire fore~oi.nc y~asol~ztion i C. siRn~ad, ap~~~roved arld a,ttestad~ by r?a e this 12th d €.~T o f ~ u?'i~ , l 9l S . c ~' 1 t o :~~ t vt _~ Cif ~, o ~' .~%tt9St . _. ~~:~-.~y~. ~.-~~..wi~ 0...,a t~it~ G1~:r7~ of tie Cif U- o ~.sfwheir.~. - ~ - ~c~ ot- ~~rus~ees eir?. i Ii _. ____..__.____._..___~.. I _..~.. 1 j 2 '~ 3 '' 4 i $ ~~ 8 ~ i I 7 ~'~ 8 9 10 11 12 '~ 13 ') 14 II 1 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 '~ ^ T i~l'!j`1 1 '.{l ~ ?'~ ~t TAT t ~ (.u Y Gam. J~.~:u ~.~ , S ~ . C I L Y 0:~' ~a ~ Lai.I~. ~ I, ~dv~ard ~. T. "erritt, Cit;;- ~lerlr of the c:ity~ of ~r~;.'neir~, ~.o r3erebr esrtifaT t'~?€~t tha fore~o~~:~~ resoliztiop~~ uvGs n~~Gsed and ~i ~,do~te~ at ~. me~3tin~^ of ty,,e uo~.rd of Tr~zst®es of the Cit;~ of Anaheim, bald an t:ne 12t~1 d~,VT of JEZne, 1~a13, by tine ollo~vinr, vota: .c1~r rti , 1 ~' it s t f J ~ S p~y~,(r/ ~Gc~t/1 ~ /I~c- ~' Z/' a~c~L -t.,,c ~ C/~`C~i~ ~ _, ~~~ '~~....,. , ~i'rE1Ut.". A ':~,..~'1 :u~L` ~; i:~' VU 'Ii', ~~ , `.~ r~.z st e a~ `~~~.~"~ .~zd I furt:er eortif;,- that the rasidant of the ~3o~,rd of '.L'rustee.s of tha City of ~',~.heir:, signed U.rid a~nroved sai~. reso- lut ior~ on the lath d~aT o f June , 1 ~1~1. , s I~:~+ `~+ILI~~;~ ~ lz~::-~v~i' I have hereunto set r.?~~r hand ~.nc~ af- fi:~ ed the off ici ~.l se a~. of s~.id cit ~° this: lutl-, da~~ o f June , 1 X19. 1.I~t~ L/~41.i.. ~f li~, VLt ~~~ .. V'~~ i1LA(.yh ~1L~.• _ ~