06/26/1919-009i ._ , .1.1.` 1'...~~ 1~~..~.1 L[1 Ul' 1 yl_. L1JV SITS ~ ~~.1"' t~~ t'~1.~iZ lj v~j ~~ i, sa . GLT'1'~Ifd ~, ~ ,,, n-,e Z 8- r'00 .l, AZL~ ~ 1 ~ .~L 0 ~..~ ~ u.~~ ~`1~Llx,.aiv _~~ ~TdD 8 c3 y._..~_~ S ~1~ ' S III ~r _,,.. ,. _ _ ADD.L:.'i'.,`t~ ~~~ :1:~JJ t.l.'l T. ~~' ~v.l~sl.:i.i.. , a.~~i s,i~tJY`ae ~.~ aJ. iltti~ :..j.,:U.i.~.:ali l.' 1 jI vox 3 ~T pA~~ 144,~.~~c.~LA~~~ou~ x~G~r~~: ~;~ s0~ .~~,~~~.~~~, ~o~i:dl°x, ~ALI~~U~uI~,. 2 ~~ 3 ~'Hu~,:~ the hoard of Trustees of th® City of Anaheim did on 4 ~' I, the 8th day of'1t~s~t, 1919, pass arui aElvpt its resolution of lntantio 5 No. 143 to order the following describ®d efts®t work to be done in 6 ~ said city, to-wit: 7 l'hat a certain 18-foot alley in .dlock "~'" c~fh.eir~ann and Svrre~- $ II ~ sen s addition to the pity of Anahei~r:, as shown on a neap raeorded I, 9 Ii in tsook 3 at Page 144, ~.iscellaneous records of Los Angeles county, ~ 10 C:aliforni~, be closed up in pay°t. I 11 ~ ~~ti.u ~H~~J,:tl.~ the Street Superintendent of said i:it~ of Anaheim ', 12 ~i i did thereafter cause to be published and posted in the r~annar and I 13 ; 14 II foz•m required by law, natices of the passage of said ~asolution of I Intention, and 15 ~tx.:.'~8a, 3'1o written ob jections to said work yr improvement h~.va' 16 been made or filed with the Cit;= Clark of the said City and the time 1? 'lll far filing said objections h~.ving e$pired, 18 ''~ i~0~`g`. f~.~ ~'F'U~: be it resolved by the ~3oard of rustaes of the 19 ',~ Cite of Ana'r~ein~: 20 rI~~ST: That the said r~oard of `~ru.stees does find and, determine 21 '~ that no written objection has beers made or filed with the Cit~r 22 Clerk of said pity of Anaheim and that said Bos.rd of z'rastees Yeas 23 ~ acquired 7u~isdiction to order said ~•~ork. 24 ~,~ 8:sC0:3L: 'hat tna foli.oE~irlg stz`eat woz>k be done in said 8ity, 25 ~ to-wit: 'lY~t a :cj~r~$ `-18=foot u~lE~+ in 26 'i k `~F"f, o~ .fi~it~&nn anc3 ,~;c~7~re7t- ~~ ,QCA"S ~i1~~2$f021 ~'.(3 ~~~ f13t~.'~. ~.:"8 _ q;;;. ry fTEr4~'.~Ia~Y~ t12i-. a?YY16,~1.-:.Y6GG' ~ .::...~ ~i _ ~~citrds ~f Lai Angeles Co~nzy, (;ali-_ 28 I tozui~, t~ c~oae~ ~~ ~~ ~,~t. 29 i and that the land deemed necessary to be taken and which is hereby 30 ~I,' taken for• that purpose is d„~scr~ibed as iollo~+s, ' ~ to-wit: 31 32 -~, ~ ~ ~.. - l- ,-» i '~... I I ~, ~ i ~ ,: 1 ~"!:~: .:4~-: 2 I i ~. 3 i~ 4 5 I~ 6 ii 7 i I~ 8 ~ 9 10 ~, 11 12 13 14 jl 15 16 17 18 19 20 I~ 21 ~II $~ ~'; the ~nts2~zri~r c~ nar o,f ~dlt i; I31oe~t ° _~,~ ~~~=i~t#aYAl~1~ rrtap ti,er~ of; r~~ir.3et} ,~ SeaGc Wage ld-~ o~ k?i~ellann6~ itE~~ Las Ange}r~ f,'vunty, ~t~~r~i'st. -may:;., _ ~iea7 ('N .~i <<3'~h`1~1 ~' ?y~r_~-X6~i' ~~1`i~ s~3ll `i.~Y ;x I}~Yt-O~ ~Rti} ~~&1'k2I "&~O~'~jIF? X981 ~'~ srlq Iine ~~ Lp~~• ~ .and <i ~ ~ -~dd~Cio~ X~ ~~~xacef ~~ i$ feet to ter-Iii _ e~*~~r~ ",` _;.~~:in ~Ca~ 1 ,' ~7ur r ~` ~ or~Icr l~ liue ~ft&ply eat~ner- ~sf ffi'tnnin~; ~ and that• said portion of a1.Iey in said city, be a.nd the same is hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned, THTRTu: That said .hoard of °1`rustees do as determine and decla that no dam~,~;a will res~slt from said. v~or•:~a or it:!:j'?Z'ov~I~c`i8I1t and f~°om the closing, of said a11ey and that no a~,sess~:ent is nac}~;ssaY~y ther for and ths.t no cow :ission~:~r-s sl.r~ll be ~.p~,ointed to assesw any 'ben fit or damages or to h~.ve taneral supervision or ~~n~yT suparvisior~ o said work or improvement or of the closing of said street in part o ot~lerv~~ise. t'ha faregoirg resolution is signe8., approved and at•cested by me; this 2F~t~ d~~.y of June , 1919. - ___.- Pr of h~: ~ d of `i~rusteas, f the City an~:.heim. Att ®st ', i~ty Clerk of tree City; of .isnahair~. 22 I ST.~.1.`L+' OF CaZtI~'U.~Ta,) COUNTY 0~' ~~a~~TGi:, } SS. 23 III CITY Ot .e1~~aHLT~:I. ) 24 ,~'I I, ~+dward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the pity of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopte 25 ~~ at a regular meeting of .the Board of :trustees of the City of Aria- . 26 l heim, held on the 26th day of dune, 1919, by the follo~~~ing vote: 2 7 eye s; .i rust e e s a0 ,Q ~,,/ ~ a~ ~ ~ a ~ ~° ~" ~, tae 2 8 idoe s ; rus ., .mot,-a,,, ~. 29 absent and not voting; i:rustaes ~~-,,,~ and T further certify that the ~'resid:nt of the Board of Tress 30 tees of -the said Cit~r of ~lric:Y~4~,m signed, and approved said resolution ~' on the 26th day of June , 1919. 31 IN I~ITl~~~'~ ti~~~K~i!' T have hereunto set my hand and ~.ffi~ed th I'~, official seal of the said City of ana'neim t~~.is 26th day of June, 1 I9. 32 Ali City Clerk of the Oity f anaheir%` _ 2_