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i v ~f zc„~ X4''1 ~ ~~ / `~ 1i...iN`~y.v~'~O~T ~~~"' Tr,m.i~:7`~'~C~~J T~iti~ ~.~'~3. 1 2 I 3 4 5 6 I~ ~i 7 j 8 9 10 III 11 12 I~ II I 13 ~ 14 ~' 15 ~ 16 17 ~ 18 ~I it 19 I 20 21I 22 ~~I I 23 '~ 24 ~ i 25 i 26 27 28 ~ 29 30 31 32 II tr~(~ +PT( tt,° (1,t r r, ~t~ ,.,. ~y.3t ~n `,c+ rt , ,,~a ~~-;~ r~.~, r'tT'V. ((''~~_ t LL ..:~ti(,ZU 1i1 .. J ~l.lai 1+V lY.~.~ G L .. ..~ 1 _rraj l" _.. ,. ~ Vi' 1f~Tal1~ Ti. :~.T , Y.~v-L ij ~~": (` I^1 C~' T rl l;:irrt ~^, - r~tn ii ..-~~ I~t ? ~~ TAT ( ,;4 T I~~y'r '~~ ?''11 ra ;~ ~.,-)nl lii. .:.~ „L: _, 1 u' ~ .. L U i:.;J-..Ia. ..--:1 /~. 4%,.. 1 S .. + 1 .G~... '~ /~1 ~~~ ~. r ~ ~ ~~ j T.; ~ o {~l 1'~ + f}'! ~.. 'r' T T ~ i i.~ -} r"t !{ ~ .{ tt ...~~ ~-T ~ f 1 T i i ,; ~ 1 ~ ".l H~7 Q ':~ ".! 1 ~~ \f .'w{.~l 'T.rl Jl. a.y.l ... ~ ~J (~~J: ~/G ... l~ Si ..~~. ... .+..~ ~: :A~F.. i .. ~ .. a. U.... .. ..a ...._ _ ,~..~~J ~ /~~.n. .. .r.'.~1:'~ M ~,.. .... .iYU i% t ry, 1 L' ~'~ , .1'.. t.~i. L : ~~ TT ~~ ,I, ra ~...-. S.L :,~ J J ~ wi..Ll +~.~.7 ~."•'. r?QG.i_. ~ :i~ .i}«'1'.w .I ~ `:r't V iii ~'. 77 w /~ .~.!_ T T\T i~(1 i T C ~~ .t re (r' ~~'~ : ~ ,:1 T /~';± ~ 1T ~~ (~ (('~`~1 l7 , .y T ~~ln 'r .._,1 . L..:y,,..,..,.a1.... ..ili l.' :.. a~.....V l~l.y,. ~- .. ...iV ~. -a. , l..r.~....e _;1 .. r4'va, .i 1 , ~~ab.ll _. ~ V ..... J~. . m~~;`;C?T.V~- ?aS~ the Hoard of r~'ri:_staos o:~ the CitTr of <LnaheS_r~: °~' ,T~T'~ ~:~:€~t t±~.a ,public: ir.ta~°ast ~.n%~, con~rani.enee ra- ..~ ~ .._ ~ a. 1. y a~zire s:~d t~~~.z~t i.t is t~~a it~i:arltic~~: t~~f t}:a ~:o~xx°c~. o_f '~r!~.staas of t~ze City of. ';rwhai.m to ordar #: a :folloti~,in~ ascribed 5traat; Y.Tor_~, to be done i~ s~.id ~it~r, to-~djit . lh~t a cart~,i.r~. ~.~-foot al.lca~, ~ti f3loc~r "~~'" or k~eir~anr~ and ~ orranse~a's nddita,ar~ vo the Oit ~~ of ~~rl~~~:<3i.rr., as s'r~o~vn on ~ rr~an racordac~ ire 300 3 ~t rd~e ~.~=:^, `.=iscall~.rreo4as ~~®co,r-?s of I,os ~,r~al.es C;oa_zntY-, Cs,i.iiornia., be closed use a_n ~c~rt. `~.::~`i~:~0:u 2. l?~ast t'r~a land dear,~ad .necessax°~T tc ba t~.ker_ t~iarefor ~,nd that ~oriVion of said allc~u', he re i.rl nxoAnoMed to be closed ur is si.ttaate ire said cite of .~::~hai~:. ~:~.r.~~~ is dascr~_bad s,s follo~vs, to-~~it : .-38f,`, ~.~~.1. Y~~ ~t t~. ".~ ~"•s 7y ,'1 `r'~~e ~ta r~. ~~ rfC,~rY.~.~' {~}_~ mot ~p d-~.Lli'~i~ ? ~ryi f ,rT$].IT!~.T!sl .:zKIC n 7.7:'aC1S6~,'1 r 3 ~d~i± . ;.? C3. =1~ ~9;~4i'<;! Qtr A 1';E?.Yi r r~;~.", .~`~~ i:~ corded ir; ~oG4 4 ~~.t ~~M~e 1^~~ of ? `scel ,~a,~~as "acc~r~~ of ~la~: ~n~e~~.~s Oa~.~.x+t~-, ~s31i.~'c`7'~°i.3.~.; t~,anc:e '~asterl~y~ ,a1.on~ the aota.tharl~;r l:r~a of s=.i~~ Tot 1 €;r!d. €~1_or~s~ tra ~o~tY~ar~i.~7 l~ na of Lots 2 ~n.d 1. :1 ~loc~r ~~a- of ,~rrt•1:~ ;:el.rrlci,~fl ~?X?~ ~~~'raflSe.?1~S ~C1d' ~i?~~, ?.7J fait, t-nar~ce ~a=~tl~:.er1~ lf~ ;~"aat tc~ t~,u ]:orthe~;~t:ar1T~ corr?sr of ~..ot 12 in i,'i ~ C1 C;'~ rr ~t tr a T :~a ciZ e .:N !:. `_i,7iY~ ^ Y~ Ca 'w ~ r Y`!-' '`?. S e t ~ ~, r7 r~ i -!w i .~ ~z ~ t- -., Ea , ~ (< t; ~ a S~ ty :~. .... .. ay.,•. , ., a ?.u ~1.o,i~ t;:a ~ort:~~ax~_~r l.,~e o~:' s:,=~ 1~>t 12, 15~ fa+at to t~'.~~ ~ortA.~vastarl~~ coar:ar of ss.a lc~t; i;'~~~a_aca Io°t:ar1Y~ IR feet to tha ~~ls.ce of be;~i.nni.n~. .C'~ZO: 3. .~~~~°~t t%~.a sxtaxior boand~,ries o.f t~nle district of ~.~:~ds tc ba e-~-~acta~s arc?. benefited i,-r said. v~r~x°'~' a,r:Gd a~sl4nroVa- mer.:t and to ba ~,ssesser~ fro Y~~~e tea daxn~z~~s, cosi:~s ~:~r~d e~~enses _ ~. _ ~, r r r I i 1 thereof, v~hic~w~ district is ~°ait:in t`~a said cit~;~ o-f .~t~~,hait~., rzra 2 oartic~larl; described as follows, to-grit ; 3 `JeLinnit~ ~t t.~e ~orth~~vestarl- corner of t'r'ee T.~cOartex~ 4 ~~ Subdi.vision as shov~ra on a m~;n tacordad i:~t Boos 6 ~,t .y=a~a 7, ''i.s- 5 ~ r <- -~ ~, ~. _ n ~ ...~ ca?laraoas ._aps,Rec~rd~ o~ ~?r~~ 3 so ~~z: u~la 'orr,~a; tzie:~;ca _ 6 ~ past ar7.4.- a1o n~ tike ''ort ~s rl ~ li.r?e o f s8i d S~Zbdivi si o n 337.66 fe at it 'I 7 to t?~e "'orthe'astarlar corner of said ~~~rdi.visian; t~:an~;e~o~ttharly 8 i alan~ tie .~e,starl~T line of said etah..divis9_ori 360.61 feat to the 9 I' c r ' ' =~a st a x`1TT €~ o nm ~, o~~.t;:a~starl~T cor~~::r of s€~~d s~?~hCiTrzson, t:?~a=~,cQ 10 ; the Co,t~~er~_~- 1~_n4 of wiry s~.;bd~_T~isio~~ 337.66 feat to tha ~oztY±- 11 ~~ vaasterlr cort~~©r of said s~~bdivision; t'~-,ence ~}:ortharl~- a1.or~~ thte ~~ ~~ 12 ''asfiarl~r l~.n~v of sai~1 subd~visi-~~~:, 36~?.4~ feet tt~ t~za pls.ca of ba- 13 ~i nr:i. r~~, i i ~a i 14 ii :,i.~(~ 07?t' ,~, ~ i.. aw a ~F~r~3 ~:1 cl:!'1~,T ~ s;nd Vii i i.; }? i n S€zi :~ bE? a}l~'id c: ~' S ~ 15 I t ~....i.°te ~ rar'?'-11;' ~ .' ~ ~::()S'4 c; '!~?~.~"t t?~ ~ ~'<'?b~.' ~' ~t ra.. ~t QT' J.~.~.eTT, ~1.Y1C~_ 8~- I 16 cerrti-<° that port-i.o:~ of said ~lie`T ~.areird ~ro~osad to ba closa~: 17 ~z~r~ and ~:*Y~ich is more naxt~_c ~?~ axle- describac~ it ~ecti.ori. 2 'hereof. 18 ~ u~:~TIC~~'. n_. mra ~ra.hF~im ?:t~.l~, Herald, a c~ai7_~ .naws- 19 -~;~~er of ~~ ~anaral circal.ation, nrintad, r~zba.isbed ~+~~~ cir~;~ls.tad 20 iYi said cit;;~ is hereby dasi~*nated as t~:e ds,i.l=- rtatrysn~,r~ex ~~.zb- 21 it fished. and. circulated in said cit; ire ~°,''ciic~~ t'_~.e :treat:;u:narin- 22 i tandant's notice of t'ie ~assa~a of tr~..is re sol~t~.on shall bn nub- 23 'i lisped. 24 ~ '1~'~•:e 8tre•st unarintar.:~dant of sai!i ct~r s'ra~]. cause to ~ 25 ~~ be co~ns-~icaously x~ostad along the line of said. contenr~latad wor•7~ 26 ' anal. i^<~nrove~:~an.t, r~~ot~.cas of the ~~.ss;~~a of this ~~esol.~tiot~! of y ~~ 27 if It:tant:i.oe? i.?~. the ms.nnar an c? farms: :required bt; 1s:~~. %~e s'rt~+,11. also 28 cause ~, t~atics sa.?:~i~.~.r :;.rA si~bstanca to ba 'n?.ablise?ed for ~, ~reri.od 29 of te:Y~ da~,U s i.i said nc~ttrs.~:~c~~' x°, nL~'oI i.;~f:.a,~ an,~ ~:irculatad i~:~ sai.d 30 c it ~-~ 31 - 2 - i 32 i'; ill ~~ ~ I i II I~ I 1 'l' u.'.il,1~.. ~. r='?":~ heron Yl YJrO-~(~S@~ ~':p7`'~? :~~,;'..r~ 1. <~T'OYBr;~f3t1t i w 2 ~ shah. ba do.,:. in Y~?~rs~aan,,c a an act cif t:~ ~ ~ 3 ~t~,te of C~:?iforni~, e!~ti.tlad "A.ra act to nro~r~de for 1.a~~:x_n~ o{~t: I I 4 j o~nea~3n^, extending, vdiden:~^.~, stra~igYitan~x!~ o.r closin.~ up it 5 wh71.e or i~ ns.rt ~~ street, s~zas~.re, 1~e, all.e~r, court or place _ - l 6 within munici~ali.ties end to condem.i~ and acq~.air,e axle; and a].1 1~zd 7 ~ axld ~nro~~ext~r necess~,rar or co rlveniexlt far that nra.rnose. '" t-.ppro,Tad ~ - 8 i :!~i~xrcr! 6, 1.889, and al.l acts amendatorzT therec~-~ anti sn;~r~lementar;~ I ~ ~~~1 thereto. 10 ~ r:'he fore~ona ~~esol~it ian ^f Tnte nt ion i s si~nt=. ~, ap- 11 j r~r. ctTed a~~~ attested b~% me this ~?th d a,- of ~:T~GT, 1 91S). ,, ~, l 12 .~ 'I I ~~ - - l' 13 ;'l _ Il :rr;~ _ o... tie .~r~ o. f!'r~a.st~~ es'~ I, 14 ~' Aftg;st : of '~!. City of .,air!. i T5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r u.,-~ - ~-~'-~~- - . __ 1 16 i~ Cler~~ o f tae . Ci.t 4f o f x~.na~?.a~.rn. ~ ~ t ~ I .. ~ ..~.:. i t~f l.'.iil~ I,?i i / r,. r: 18 -„-~ T-5 1 CITY 0~' ~?_~{~::I r ~ 19 I~ I, ~d~v~.rd :~l 1:~:rr~.tt, `,~t~,~ ts;l exk of t.e C-1 ~:- of ~~naheir~~, do cartif~ that tt:e for.eaoi~~~ ~:asol~ation off' ~Intentinr wTo. 143 vas 20 d~alx; pissed and. adontec~ °~t a ra~cal~r rneatin~ o-F' tE~e ~o~~.rd of ?'r'wsteas of saia ., d r t,,e t?±h ~. ~ _ i gI~3, ~i4~ tha ,~ tit t ,.~ z. o : ._. f.~:~r a~' 2~ , 21 III follo~v~i~n~ vote ~I '>17 i...'1. 1.i. A:.t~~.l ~ /{. ~1.4///~ /V QNVJ //•`V~~Si11~ ~...~. 22 ~ ..~ ~~.. __...___.,..~ _...___ i !, ~- l i T.C aS: Tx°~_:~stees 23 _,___~__. _._._ _. __~..._._a_____ _ .._~._._... ._.. _._._. I it __.____ _._.__ ___ _ .___._~._.~______.._.,..__..._._.. _. ___.a..~__ 25 '~ ~ T -t~ , t i ~ ~ a- , -~'~ .`''.~:+ ~'i:~ ~ Y";.-~ c l ~ ~;~,.~. ~ .f ~.~..~ T',;1 .,,r~ •~~1r ~~u .~ L~~.r~:~ar ,~r~~.~ '~ristees of the Ci.t~ of J'sx?~.h~i.rr, ~~_allec~ araci >annrr?ve~ say d r'.eso- 26 1uti.on o~~ the. F3th c~~,zT of ?'*?.v', 1G1.~'. i z ~ ,fr „ ., ,,. .. :, ., ., ;, T i'~ . ~,P; ~~ r4:kYlt C' ~e v T'1~; h ur;C~ d~'ld r~f~- 27 ~ ~_: ;r z ~ ~~ w .: ..:~~ fixed the officea~ se€~1 of said tit`, the 8~'': as~7 of ? _az~, ~-c,lr~, i 28 ~ , 2s ~ ~~C~.z„ dam, ~,L,L - __..~.. ._~____.._._._... ,_ ,~ -.~~, ~~, ~rw ~,®:i.~. ti,itz, C1.er-: of t~ e ~~. v - ~. 30 , I~ 3 31 I 32 ~', I I ,