06/13/1919-0131 ~ 2 3 I I 4 ~ Hearing . 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 E `~ ~`~~ ~.~, ~~ M~ 1iY l,l,..LL• ~'1}~~~.i i1C1 Vi srl~.'r`.'~~~171.ti ~x ~ti'.i s~~V U~.L~ ~1. ~.3.::j Q.{: ~~ ~ G11'd 3?~%~ '~ ~svv~~~~:w:~~~T~~s lx:~ ~z~Y o,~ ~~d~_~a .,~ ~yL-~q~~ ~~,~^~^-ys~/~3~~.~~ ~~r~0~~9~~~ ~~t ~~rr {r}~~: ~.~~ :. 13V V~.~1~ iJV i.7 iiLii tX1J~+~J ~.7~,i~,..:a~1 ~V 1.ii+t ~~~.ti ~i iiJ.W1 ~~llL,i. +:f~ll ~l~$.L~J V.L I.iV ~~. Tfz ~x~~fl~j +~~~ f ~~'~ . 23dsolution setting Pretest for ~~`H~.I~;S, the Board of Trustees of the. City of .r~na:i~.eim did on the 8th day of Irv, 1919, pass and adopt its resolution of lntantion Y~to. 1~2 to order tk~ fvTlo~ring described str8et worl~~ to be done in said city, to-wit : That the. South side of 'lest Center Strout in said city from th$ esterly~ pro~rert~~ line of South los ~.n~eles utreet to the .~astarl;~ prapart~- line of South Lemon Streat,be ~id~ned; and 4~1I~~:~S the street Superintendent of said city did than cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemp- lated work or improvement, notices of the passage of said reso- lution in the manner €~.n.d for?~ and at the time preetcri.bad by law, all of which will appear from the affidavit of 0. ~, Ste~~rard, Street Superintendent, on file in the office of the City Clerk off' said c it~T anal ; '~~~ said Street auparintendent also caused a notice similar in substance, to be published for a period of tan days in then,anaheim Daily Herald," a daily newspaper printed, pczbli~cl~ and circulated in said citVT in tFie form and. manner prescribed bvr lam, all of which will mere fully appear from the affidavit of ~. J, Horsely, Qn file- ir~ the office of the amity Clem of said city €~.d; E'~~i'z.s.;t~S, within ten days after the expir€~tion of the tir-~e of the publication of said I3otice, a~.on to-~vit the. 28th day of ~iay-~, 1919, ::mil B. 3~reyfus and ~~~lalter .i.., Breyfus, pe-rsons interested, objecting to said. ~Y or'~: or i~rlp:~ove~r~era.t and to the e~- tent of tie district of lands to be affected or benefited by said ~rork or improvement and to be assessed to p the cost and --. 1 ~_~ i. 1 j e~~snsvs tha reof , did naE~e written ob j vet io ns to the same , which 2 said written objvct:ior?~~~`,v.~'~ delivered to the City; Clerk of said 3 I!I City and thv same ~.z~v nor on file irz his office; 4 j~ P~O~~ H ~'`. ~'~~D:~i~, ~3 TL' :~E80~Vrf' ~y t:~e ~3o€~rd of `trustees ~~ 5 '~~ of said cit;~~ of t~~aheit~i, t'~at said objections o~ said ~.~riil i. t 6 ~ 3Jreyfu,~ and. ~iCsltar ~. .~reyfus be and the same a~:~=hereby set for 7 ~ hearir~ on tha y of Jur.®, 1919 et t.ie hour of ',, 6l ~ 6 daY 8 8 0 `cloak l'. ~~. be acid the same is harvby fixe;~ as the time for ;; 9 ~ hearing ab j vctions ~d said. ob je et io ns a,re he ruby set for he arin~ 10 ~~ at said tire. 11 I~~ ~~ I~' ~~'t7r~'y~L~:~ w(~~V1 that said City t~lerk shs..11 forth-'~ 12 ~!~ with notify slid persons mal~ing suer objections o~ the tune of I I 13 said hearing b~; der~ositin~., a ~~otice thereof in the postoffice of 14 i~ said city, poste ~~rap€~id, ad.drasse3 to such objectors. i 15 ~'~ ~n.a foregoir~~ resol::~tior? is signed, ~.;n~rpved. and attests l i 16 I by ~~e this 3rd ~~_ of Ju~~e, 1919. 17 `-- I i 18 ); nt o s o re.s a es :attest : a.e Cit;~ of €~irfi. ~ 19 I~ s ~ ity Clerx of the Cit~r of 21 it ~lnahe im. 22 i 23 i 2 4 ~' 25 ~ i 28 'I 27 28 i 29 30 - 2 - i 31 i 32 ~_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 l 29 30 31 32 I A~i l,i~l ~ 171' ~!l'~i1.L i~Q a~; l.Ri., 1 COUId'iY 0~ ~~CE, ~ SS. CITY (}~' ~:a~I l I, .~d~ar~~ ~. ~Esrritt, Cit~r C1erI~~ of tha City of .Axiaheirn, do hereb~r oerti~~ that the foregoing roso]:ation was passed ara.d ~~ e,dopted at a regal€3r meeting; of the Board of Trastees of the City of Anshei~r~, held on the 3rd day of Jtu~a, 1919 by the following I~~ vote: .~~ , ~ ra St 8 @ 8 ; oC/~ {~ • ~~a,,,7~ /~ct c~~n ~N i~~~_,~•-~- ~" e%..G~Cr., -` ~-' T ~~ ~ end I farther eertifr that the president of they Baard of Trustees o f the City o f ,Anaheir:, s i,gne u and approved se.id tesa- II'I lation or. ,the 3rd day of June, 1919. ITS ~'r'IT1`~~ 8 s~'rI~~~~`" Y 128,ve he r4ti21t 0 Set IIJ.y hsn.d and af- fi~:ed the official seal o f the Ci ttlf o f ~naha im, this 3rd day of June, 1919. it~yT lerx~ of t _€~ ity o ~a e iM. - 3 -