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t :~~~~ 1 2 3 4 5 g 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 e: .~~::':SCZLT'yIG°TT ~±,, IgF,IaT'm`10~.: N0. 142. ~ ,. p ~~ T i ~,i T fl '~' i~ t1t '.7 ~~ j'1 '_~ ~ al ('9 1'['r°,"'y., "(1 i -:~C'. f~~-'~I fn'rT-~~ Jti ~l jT - i Q .. :.i.11i V .L / y. 1 V ~.i 4 :. :......:e ~ 11 :.'~..~L ~ ~. • l1 :,+ i ~..J r tJ 1: 1 ...4..i d/ ~ .r 0.1 1 (-? F` ~r'~T : !~ ~ lr? ~r'1=~t ~It'1 ly i t - ~-r - ~ •~ ,~;~ ~I _._ , :~ ~v~.~~.iI b;iG 2 ~ ? T, ..~~.~ ~ IC7 ~'~"i ~:t~~ '~~~ 1.-~ rr? T~::~ ~:' i:r ~"~~ ~ ~..~ C~~ `~~.:.~ ~./ !p ~ _,r~i rn -t ~ , m ~.a i6j:1 `~' a~iT '.~(~~w~~~i``;1 T~'i, ii' ti (1 ~iri l'!. ~:~~ ~ .~17ti ~ .~T,::~._ ~~, ._. ~ ~t._.~ w r ~0_._ Y I,IIV 0 ~~~i~..i_"°~' , ~'"~ .~tw',:~i _'i.~~~'.: i:v i ~'~~.~'..i.:~~~'~1T.~TJ_~ ~~~ uIJT.~~i''!: T:,.~. ~;:r c~....~.~m T?'` c , ~ ~ ; n I ri,., r. a ~- , ~:;5~~'.;Td~;~ ~^~ the Boar_!~ of ~"rz~_staes of the i;;t~ of ~ne.heim: ~ .:z :.~ ~. `" "`""IU~T~ 1. ~~''.at the public interest ~.rd convc~xiienca ra- q~.xira and. that it i ,. t'~1e irtant~ orr of the ~~oard o_. `nr.zstaas of tho Cater of ~~.nnaheir~~ to order t?xe follov~t:in~ rieseribad street v~or~ to ba done ir_a said ~'i.t~,`y to-wit : mhat the ?out~± si.da of ~'~est Canter ~traat ir_ saiN C%it;;v from the i~Iaster].~= nrone~rttr ~.ina of oL1.t?"i ?:o~ .~n~elec treat to tr?e astari.,- pro~^art~~ line of ~o~_,th Ler,?ori txe~at, ba vair~er~ad. S~'~"~'IUT~T 2. `~'~~at tz.a land daa~ac~ necass~x~,= to kae tara!~! ~o Sc9..ld CJar~~=i.Z1f~ l.^iTYrova?T'Q~i u 19 sl~'?~,~tts W jt n l.Yi SfaJ !~ Cif: t.' 0~ L~ir].8.}191.Tr, ~r d i s d e sc; rj be d as fin 1~].c?va ~, f<o - .ri.t ~e~ir:rair~~ vrt a, x~oir~t an ~-~:e `':~aster7;,- ]_-are of ~?aildir.~ }got 'sti,irt~r_ ~i~= (36 } as sti.a~r,n on €~ Tn~,p of t}~e rT'o~n of :X1~hE:i.'Sa, rec orda is soak ~~- of i~aad.s, €~t panes 62~ end 630 ~acards of T~os z~ngales Ca aza~t`,?, t;~,l s. ~'orr.i ~., said roi r;t o ~ ba~'i nni n~' bai n~ :avant ac~n €~rad 5(?i100 (17.50) feet ~o~z.thar:iT= frorr~~ tree ~~cartr,.~4asterlT? cor~ar of. said let ; thanca ?:tort herl~T alonC the i~asterl~r li.r.~e of said lot, tiavar. ~~.nd 251100 (7.25) fe ~~t ; t?~ae nca '::ast er1,- r sr~.1_la 1 to the T?ortherlY lure of said. let €arxd r~:,.rallal to the aartherlu~ line of i3ui~.d i.ri~' :arat s Thi rt,T- five t 3 j , b'rain;;--~f'o~rr f .7~! } ~.r,d. m~~irt~--hare e t c?x) , ,i.3,8 t~'1~'. SaTi'.tr x;:3,]'.':3 .. !ta`* ti ~?F'a ~~Li:l.~ Ticzr) y L{~l'v'a rixrb'~ X`°t3 'a "~? ~'~`T-trY'+~t~ end 23100 ~ 553.23) fe~rt to t'~ac~ pxese~t r'sa¢ter1~- ~. i r3e of South I:os .~rjai.as :treat; thanca 8outh~rl?:- a]ora~' s~.~:~ ~`~es`~x°?-;,' 1ir.a af. ~ozt?~ '':o~ galas treat, Se=rn,:a a~:~ 2cP/x,00 (7.25} ~aat; thanca ~'assax•1~ para.llc~~_ to try °'T,rt~oxly line of Buildi~`~~ Trots '~hirt~T- t1^ree X33) ~ '~ixixtzr-faun {34 `~hi_rtr-five {~35) arad '~':^irtt~j-si:~ (36) ~,s t~_a same axe sho~Jn on said. map, :`'iva E.~zzndra~. f?.ft'~-trxee r3.nc1. 1 ~~~ ~w.~rv~j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~I I 13 ~I 14 i 15 ~I 16 17 18 1a 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 23!'lOC (553. ~~ feat to the place of be,~inni°z~. ~C~IO~ti 3. What ti~a exterior bound~z.r~.as of t~-~a district; of lands to be affected and be,~iafitad b~. sain work axed imprave- rnent anti to ba assessed. tc~ pair the darna~as, costs s,~d ex~~enses tharao~f, which district is within the City of ,~naheizr, County of Oran~a, tata of California, are p~rticulax.l.zT des~::ribad_ as fol?.~~z~~ to-~~i t t n a ~ n' .. '~; f l~ ? ... F .~a~i.ni.rl~ at a nv-rid` on the eswer~..T I~.r~a c~~ i3.ti.ld-r~~ ~;ofl `~r rt-J - si.x (36 } as s roj^~ n o.i~. a r~!ap of the Tcz-r~th a~' ~;na.i^a:~ ^~., ?^e- ~', c:ordad i.n s3ook ~~ of Needs at na,~as fi29 and ca30, records of i~os .~r:~eles ~:o~a.nty, ~~a,lifo~°~i~~, said. point of ba~i.nninry beir~a T~,~i~le (9 } feet ~' ortharl; frarn tl~a o~r.ti~~~astarl.;.% co user o:f sa~.d Tcat ; tha~io@ T~aortharl~T ala~~=~ t rye ~~'astF:; r1U~. li ra of said lc,t , o.rza h!.~z~dred i sixtT-t~r~o t;.nd 4E~~100 (16:?.4.E3} fact to a noiz~t v:hi_c}-: ~.s '"en a,nc~ 25100 (10,25) feet ~ou:t:arl~i from the i~orthwa;;tarl~T corner of sa~,id Lot ; t7zenca ~asterl4~ parall.e:lto tine Cori: ~erl~r li na of said. lot ann r,r~ra.llel to the TYort'~zerl~~ l~.ne of Tots `~'hir~=-five (35} '~irt~r-four (34} an.~~ `shirty-t~^~rae (t3~), as s~,ok4~. or_~ sa~,d man of the to~~n of .Anaraim, ~'i ~•a :!.-~and.red -f'zft;~-trrAa and 2:_3`IOn (~~3.2:5 feat to the nra sent `:~:'esta r~_Vr I i na of :opt i7 7:o w ~ir.~~e ~,.es ~trc~ et thence ~o~,±her??T alora~ said -.7e:°~'arl~.T li.na Or.e H:zncired ~_xt~~-two and. 40/100 (162.40) fast to~tp~int whirr it ~':iria (~3} fa et T~~ort~?er l~r from the aotat?~Pr..1.~T :?,ire of said ~!~ildin~ T!~t '~''r~irtzr-tY:rea 1;3~ } 9 ±:t;e~ca ~~"dosterl~ ~naral.l.a1 to tYle coat ~~ aY~1~,- li~~a of saac~. l?t "'hirtj~-t~~.raa (3~) x~nd ~ .r.M].1.e~. to t~~e f~Fat~a.srl.~~~ Tina of To1;s i irt~; - i'o ur (34 Lrr i..rt . #'_va (3<. , a,nci ~hirt~-six (~6, aec.ordi.rz to sa.i~. Tian of the tovrn of ~1z~axzai>>i, r'iva a:tznara;~ ft;~-three I ar~d 15~I00 (553.13} fact to the plz~,ee of baCiz~~zin~; axcaptii2 therefrom the land ire section ? hara0i' dc~scribad as t'rza ls,nd to ba taken for wirienin~ say-d :out ~-z side of '~as.t Car~tc~~~ '~traat and. axceptin~ also ~rl;vT land ~irit?,sin said. boundaries co.ntainad which - 2 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 is Haw a part of ~, pza.b].ic strF.et or a1.1e~;r, ';;::~~':~TO~a 4. ire `".~raE;}~ai.:~; ~ail;~ Herald", a da,i.1.~ news- paper of rariara.l ci.rc~al~.tion, printed, x~~zblisr?a~d any ci~~ctzl~4tad in said ~.`.;tv~ of ;~nahei.rr, is her~ab6, desiana.tad ss the r~a~rsp€~,par ire ~t~:~c~h fil~1a ~treet ~,:~~ar~ntenc~ent rc noti.ca of tie X?d.sS~P'a of. tha.s rasallatian s'nall ba n~~blishad. a ha 8t revt Sizper9.ntandant of said city s'r~ll ca~~sa to be '~, cans~ni.c:~~?o~zs1,T Hosted along the lin? of said. contemp].atad work. and i.::nrovemer~t, notices of tl:e: passa~a of t'nis ~esoluti.on of Tnten- tion it the manner ane~ for~r required b~,~ 1.aw. ~a shal.:~ also cause a, notice similar i.r sr~zbstanca to b© -~izblshac~ fo~~ a period of ten ~~~ ds,~Ts in said ne~rsp~,per, pta,blis'nad anc~ circ!~~.atad in said citfr. ::~v`~I~+.'~ r;'ha r.arai.n -proposed ~ac~rri ~n~i ar~nrovement shad be done ir, ~?urs~ae.!~~ce tc d~~ €~ct of t:~s -a~islat7tra of the 8tatc~ of ~~ ', C~.1 ~ fore. ~, enti~'~ e d "~.~~ ,~iG~'" '0 P?QTtTir.:~ ~Y?~: T,~YI~~~' OUT, 0°:.~ziIT1~ , ... .a.,.eLl.~~t„r 11J .u,.l 1.~.r y f`~ T ~r L.1 .~.. ~'Z .ta, ~:, tJ J.Al ~-~T~:.7 l~~S~ J. ~~.i ~S^,.V~.Si ~il ~. YY t .. ,` r L7 Tp T,m y, 1.'..?7 ~t~ `-~-ll rSi 'J:-T~ ~" T Tl~? .-^rT f 1il."L~4. i~:.. i~T.i:1V .s ~iJ. 'r111I I'x 1~.~. li,T.e i...i....L :; z. ~. L .. _.'I..Jl , y, ..:l. ~...J y _. :.:r,:.....• , :i.a.;...: 1T. , '~ -{ ` 7- (i ..r. ~'."i 1. ~ .1~ ~. aj .~ ..:t ',:. :'i.ir' ~ ~rl V ~.i l: T-t ...~...i ~~ ~'r .`1.T.: ~ J ,~,U <y l7 ~' ... ~.J '1+n,~ ST ia.....~.' 1'i ~.~T. ~ ..T i'3,L .R1ic.,..' .~~ x~..C~ 4" , - I 1! T " ~ ~:~ ~~ ~:a ~:; ~.=~ ~3Y 0 ~ti~s~T:T~I ~.. ? ,." a~.n ~{'C~~ s ?~.:~' ~~,'.,I G: ~: , an~r~o va d ~: arc F~, 1~89,,~nd all. acts r~nand~.tor~r t~:.era~~f sr;.d st??~r?,~rn<~rta,rT ttiora- to. T.~~e fo~~e?~oi,.n rasol.zton is signed, ar~provad and i~ttast- ad by ma this ~ ~h dad. o ~. r~~vv° , ~.. ;~, 1 ~1G. -__- I`res' e` of the; ~ oa, ~ f Tr~zstaas o:f '~-':a Gi.tT- of ~,.ra~~aim. .~z+'~ a st . .,_y~ c~,-,-d City Clerk of the `' ~-¢, _ t,nahaim. - ?, - 1 2 3 ~ (1 ,a _ .W ~' It r~J ~i ~ ~.~ ~..+a.L.1+-ti tt~i9f o i.i :. ,~ ~ ~~~~ ~.~ ,~ ~.... i TT.;J L i ~a. is ....1i.L..~ 1.. ~ i~ ;:i~LrBT~ :1. :!8'C'~1t~, ~]~ur :1'~~'.'r: {J~ ~11i:? '.:1f'`;' a~ .:iYl~,~"i9~?`, I ~ ~ s ~ r ~' + -' i da i~exel~,;, certi~~; th~.t t.,.e ~ c~r•a~o~ ra .:aaalu,, ask:, a~' ~:.nter:tiar- ~a. I ~.~-'.`~ ~'JdS a~c;,,SSE:~ €iC:aCk. t3.f.1,0~1t+~ c`l~ ~~. x'::u._~t-~T _-8@:;.t., 1. ~':~,~ .",E`e~1~_ ~.. 5 i _ ~ 9 ~~ g '! :.'rc~st~,as a-~ t~ria k;itt. a~~ :~na~air~.+, hale. o ~ t to 9t?~~ n~,~r o:~' T'~.;,T~ ~..91~ ,I ~. ~ 8 _- / r D r, ~ e L ~- 11 _ j', ~LC1C~ .;. ~'a1"t,'?~"r" ~8x't;.F ~-:,~ :~~!; 'F,"~.a .'~'~°~.ngrt~ ~f' ~ :~a ~:a0~r'~ ~; 12 ~x+~ ~ttiE9~ of t ~'8 ~.tV. a ~" ...t.;,~:•`?r'.•~, '.i a~ F' 1 ;.?~C7 ci:^•Y1~~`C_l`TQ~? ~"xl'~ Cia ^C~~- Ali 13 ~' , '' tat a r o t ~? a ~t ?~k ~. ~ ~~ o ~ ~ ' a`,. g , ~ 7 r~ ~ ; I , ~, . , V ~ ~- .. ' Iii .~ 1J.. i'1 .1 w^'i :.i ,~ -..~.,J~L--it.i r. .. ..iY ~I ..~~ -4. a - I 15 tI T ~ :k a ~~ f ]~ ~' o _~ ~ 1r. 7 ~ ~. 47 P. -1~. t~ f t ~2 a , '. ~; :r _.:'1~~i.,'". f3 .. I.i ~v _ _ '_ ~~ '' : . 1 ~d, .r ~ e.. A T:' .. ~ ~~ (~• -..~[,~ i 18 ~ ~'~~.G `,~ e,- _ as.' tr~a~ ~K~:t _~' ~~r ~ryY,,?f • I 19 ~'. ~~ ~I 20 j 21 I' 22 i 23 I I 24 25 ~ 26 27 ~, ~ I 2S ~ 29 ~~ I 30 II 31 ~ ' i 32 II - !_ _