04/24/1919-017r ,~ ~ ~,• j ;^ tz.,r,~adr e :% 1~~;is x,14;,• c~. "?', ~ `~ 1'~ +'S©ZUT ION OF TH.~ :BO.~N.D Or TRUST ' 'S 0.r' THE CITY 0.~ A~1AH~:Z PSI. 1 2 3 i ~~~R Assembly Bi 11 Number 256 has passed bath Douse s 4 ~ of the Zegi slatt~re of the State of California and has been, or i s 5 II about to be transmitted to the overnor for his a meal and ~ ~ PP g ~, ~~I~~~.aAS, the passage and approval of said bill will place 7 within the power of the dit~zens of the City of Anaheim, to ac- g ~'j quire a beautiful tract of ground for the purpose of rr~intaining 9 !! and. establishing thereon, a public park, practically without 10 co st to the City of Anaheim and ~~ 11 ~ ~tHER +AS ~ had it not been for the passage of said Assemb- i' 12 ~! ly Bill Plumber 256, this splendid opportunity would not have bean 13 ~ available to the citizens of the City of Anaheim and 14 i! .~:RS ~ the passage and enactment of Assembly Bill 15 ~ Number ~b"~~ is due to the efforts and ability of Hon. Falter Widen, 18 vur representative in the assembly of California and III 17 -"~ ~'R-"~ we realize that had it not been far the un- li lg ~ tiring efforts of said dal to r.~detn , sai a bi 11 wo uld not have been j I~ I 19 Passed. ' 20 'I i~0~'d TH:R`~:FOR~, be it resolved by' the. Board of Trustees 21 ~I i 22 ~I 23 II 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~I .~, ,,- j of the City of Anaheim, that -the thanks of this municipality and the citizens thereof, is due to the Aon. Walter :den for his un- tiring efforts in behalf of our city and that we do hereby formal) ly and officially eBpress to Hon. falter Aden, our sincere and j lasting gratitude for the services which he has rendered our city. AIdU B~ IT i~SOI,VL that this resolution be spread ire full upon the minutes of this Beard as aperrr~anent and enduring -xecord~~~ of the: gratitude of this municipality t;o said t~altsr ~f..~den and that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be and he i hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of ;t,?:us resolution - I - ~, ~T 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 ' 12 13 14 15 f 16 17 ~ 18 19 20 ii' 21 i,~ 22 '~,I 23 ~I ~( 24 II i4 25 I 28 27 j 28 29 30 I! 31 ii 32 ~. ."., the said ~~;.t~er ..den. d'~th t h ~ui2t'o The foregoing resolution is signed, a}aproved and attested by me this 24th day of April, 1919. r®8i nt~ f~"t hey Bo and o ru st S"e s o t City of 8nah , fittest ity lark of he ity of Anaheim. BTAT: OF CAZIF4RNIA, ) COUNTY OF O~~TG::, ) S8 CITY OF ANAHEIPJ. a I, Edward B. P~arritt, ,City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, i do hereby certify that the; foregoing resolution was pas sad and. adopted at a regular meeting of the: hoard of Trustees of the. City of Anaheim, held on the 24th day of April, A. fir. 1919, b;;~ the following vote: .rlY~+:5; TrU.Sta@5 oQ ~~, ~~~C_ ~3~c.~C_p ~Yc~~aaLaL,.,.~ ,`4' c~~G.G•,'~ I N08: Trustees_ .~,~,~~, , AB 8 ~:TJT .h,TJV TSO T YO T I TS G, T ru s t e w s .~-~,-z~ , i ,aND I further certify that the Bresidant of the Board of~ Tr~:stees of the City of Anaheim signed and apprave,d said resole- i tion this 24th day of April, ~. D. 1919. j City Clerk of the City of rlxiahaim.'~, - 2 -