04/24/1919-018.. a, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION N0. 141. ~`_Q ~.~-, ~`'~l 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 A R SOI~UTIO~d OF TH BO.~ OF TRUST "~~:5 OF TH CITY Ole ANAHEIM, DECLARITdG ITS INTyNTION TO WID. THE SOUTH SIDE OF WEST CENTiS,R STR~E'T FROPI THE ~vi+:STERLY PROP `~i' TY LI2d~ Oi+' SOUTH LOS BNGELES STR<:EI', TO THE .~:aST~,, Y LIZv.. OF SOiTTH LEltiON STR:T IIV SAID CITY.. RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the City of .~naheim: SECTION 1. That the pub lie interest and convenie:nea re- quire and that it is the: intantian of the: Board of Trustees of I~ the City of Anaheim to order the. following described street work j I to be done in se:3d City, to-wit; That the South side of Wast ~ Center Street in said City from the `westerly property line of South Los Angeles :treat to the Easterly property line of South Le~mo n Street , be wi den ed. SECTION 2. 'That the land deemed necessary to be taken for said work and improvement is described as follows, to-wit Beginni rig at a point on the +~esterly line of Building Lot Thirty-six (36) as shown on a map of the Town of Anaheim, records in Book 4 of Duds, at pages 62.9 and 630 B~cords of Los Angeles County, California, said point of beginning being Meventeen and 50100 117.50) feet Southerly from the i~torthwesterly corner of said lot; thence rdortherl.y along the ~~esterly line: of said lot, Seven and 25100 (7.25) .feat; thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly line of said lot and parallel to the idorthexly line of Building Lots Thirty-five (35), Thirty-four (34) and Thirty-three (33) , as the same are shown o n said map , Five Hundred fi fty-three and. 23100 (553.2:3) feat to tho present ~t`esterly line of South Los Angeles Street; thence Southerly along said Westerly line Seven and 25~1DO (7. E5) feet; thence 'v~esterly parallel to the: i Northerly line of Building Lots Thirty-three (33) , Thirty-four (34 Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-six (36), as the sam® era shown on said map, Five Hundred fifty-three end 23100 (553.,'3) feat to the place of beginning. SECTION 3. Thet the. exterior boundaries of the, district of lsnd~ to be effeot®d and benefited by said worx. and improve- ment and. to be assessed to pay the damsg®s, costs and expenses - 1 - Y ~-i 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 thereof, which district is within the City of Anahain:, County of Orange , Mate of Cal ifornia, and the: exterior bo undr~.z°ie s of which said district ~,ra particularly described as follows, to-wit: ~' Beginning at a point on the westerly liras of Building Lot i Thirty-aix (36} as shown on a map of the Town of 8.naheim, recordad~ in Book 4 of SJesds at pages 629 and 630, Records of Zoe .8xageles County, California, said point of beginning be~.rlg T~ir:a {9) f®et Northerly from the: Southwesterly corner of said Lot ; thence North- erly along the Masterly lira o f said lot , one hundred sixty-two and 48100 (162.48 } feast to a point which is Tan and 25100 { 10.2 fe~rt Southerly Eton. the Northwesterly corner of said Zot ; thence easterly parallel to the Northerly line of said lot and parallel to the Nortr~erly liras of Lots Thirty-five (35) Thirty-four (34) and Thirty-three (33) , as shown on said map- of the town of ~-raahain Five Hundred fifty-three and. 23f100 (553.23) feet to the present ~~iasterly line of South Los ~rgal es wt re et; thence southerly along said Westerly line One Hundred. Sixty-two and. 40100 (162.40} feet to point. which is Nina { 9) feet Northerly franc the Southerly line of said Building T,ot Thirty-three (33) ; ther_ce Westerly parallel to the Southerly line of said Lot Thirty-three {33) and parallel to the Southerly line of Lots Thirty- four (34 } Thirty-five (35 ) :i, ~+ and Thirty-six {3fi) according to sai.ii map- of-the town of _;anaherim, ~ F~, Five Hundred fifty-three and 13100 (553.13} feet to the place of baginni ng. SECTION 4. gll of the herein described street work shah. i be done pursuant to the provisions of an act of the legislature of the State of California, entitled `~~n act to provide for layin~ out, opening, extending, widenir.~g, straightening, or closing up in whole or in part any street, square, lane., alley, court or ~I place within municipalit ies, and to condemn and acquire any and ~ i all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose^, I approved 1~axcYa 6th, 1889 and the several acts amendatory tha-reof and supplementary thereto. - 2 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 ~ i ~~ 32 II SECTION 5. The "Anaheim Daily die raid" , a daily news- paper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in eiid City of Anaheim, is hereby designated as th.s newspaper in which the Street Superintendent's notice of the passage of this resolution sherll ba publi shed. i The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attest=~ ed by me this 24th day of April, A. I}. 1919. ~ Pres % oard rue es the City o f eim. Attest : it y ls]rk of the City o f Anaheim. ST6,T~: OF CAI,ID+ORNIB„ CQUi~IY Q~ OR~,11GE ~ SS CITY Oi' ANA.T3~IIu. ) I, idward B. Tr~erritt, City Clerk of the City of .~xiaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing i3eaolution of Intention No. 141 was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the: City of Anaheim, held on the 24th dayy of April, 1919, by the ~~ following vot a: ~' A~~C : T ru st e s s ~0 ~ ~, ~~~C .`~~ ~,/Co . ?~'1 `~`,a,a(°1~.~. ~° NO.~S: Trustees ~-(,~,,~~ ~ !, .A.BSE~NT AND NO.T VO TIT~TG : Trustees v~-~-~-•~ ,- IN FITNESS '~HE~OF I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the official seal. of the City o f Anaheim this 24th day of j April. 1919. ~~Ltc~...-.-,`"~, cal Lr-,-t~~.. ity Clerk of the Ci y of Anaheim. - 3 -