04/24/1919-020~t i ~. ~~ ~, .~~. RESOT~UTION ~UPTING SP:~CIFIG.~TIOiiS FOR 8 D ~P~ PU~p '~ ~.'OR ,~pn "T~3.~:CI1'Y`"'Q:r AN~1Fir~Ilv'. ~ 1 II 2 ~ RESOZfV~} BY THR B0~ 0~~' TRUSTS 0:~' TFi~ CITY 0~ d1~A~i~[~S: 3 ~~ j I. 4 i That the public interest sn.d Qonvenisncs req;uirs that the 5 ~~ Cit of &nahai~n y purchase and acquire s. certsin deep wall pump end 6 ~' ~~ motor which shall conform to the plans .and specifications herein- j 7 after adopted and contained. 8 TI. 9 I That the following specifications bey and the $aane ere 10 ij herby adopted as the specifications for said deep Drell pump; 11 i~ Said pomp sh81I be of the: best material and workmsnehip. 12 ~I Fump to be of the deep well turbine type, to be installed in a 13 j 16 inch bored well, 328 fast deep, in which the water will draw 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 down to about 80 feet . from the surface of the ground when pump- ing 1240 gallons of water per minute. Turbine pump to have bottom turbine 100 feet below sur- face of ground, and to have. at least 20 fast of action pips .below bottom of lowest turbine stage. Pump capacity to bs ap- proximately 1244 gallons of water per minute, evhen pumping against a total head of approximately 180 fast., Pump to rai se said aar~o unt of water to a height of 93 feet i above surface. of ground, into tank. Speed. of pump to be the same as speed of standard type of motor for this class of service. Pump to bs provided With motor base and flexible coupling+ Said dss~i we 11 pump must be delivered 7~'. 0. B. cars at I gnaheim, E:alifornia, ~vithi.r~ dsys after the ssecution of '~, the contract for delivery of same. III. .. Tkaat the following specifications be, end the same are hereby adopted. as the specifications for such motor: - ~. - .. a~ 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 Said motor must be of the best quality and workmanship. I rotors to be of the induction type, ~~pp volts, 3 phase, 5p cycle current , equiped with Start ing compan$at or with no-voltage relea.s® ~' rotor to be at least 15~ larger than actual horsepower required to raise;amount of water designated in bid for pump. The well, wir- ing, piping from pump to tank foundation material and labor on the, ground to be furnished by the City of ~iaheim. The successful bidder must furni sh supervising engineer, complete drawings and tempt ates, and must make a complete test after well is running, to show exact amount of water pump is handling, together with pump, motor and over. all efficiency. List of pumps of kind bid upon that are now in use in Haar vicinity. ~' Bidder will use manufacturer's efficiency guarantee, said! motor to have not less than 90 ~ efficiency guarantee. 'I IY. ;, That sealed proposals or bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of the City of lnaheim at the office of the City C1 erk o£ said City, for the furnishing of said deep .well p~mp~ .nd motor;., in conformity to said specifications, up to 8:Of? a`clock~ P. AEI. of Thurs~r the 2nd day of day, 1919. Y. That the City Clerk of said City be and ha is hereb~r authorised and directed to cause to be published in the gnaheim j ~s.zette, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, printed, pub- j lished and ci rculatad in said City, far two successive. weeks, a notice c in ~~~ sIl g for sealed porposals or bids for furnishin said 8 deep well pump and motor for said City, which said notice Shall designate said 22nd day of may, 1919, up to the hour of $ o'clock P. ~. as the time up to which said sealadgropos~.s or bids shall I be received at the office of said City Clerk. - 2 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ 13 ~~ i 14 I 15 16 17 18 i 19 ii ,~ 20 21 I~I 22 i(( 23 ~I 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I III ~4. YI. Each proposal or bid must be accompanied by et check cer- tified by a responsible bank or a bond caseated by two goad and sufficient sureties, who shall justify in double the aunt of said bond,. in unencumbered property within the State of Califor- nia, (other than property exempt from execution) or by a corpora' ation authorized to execute bonds and undQrtal~ings withim the State of California, which check or bond shall be made payable to said City of Anaheim, and the same shall be forfeited to said City as liquidated damages, if within ten days after the accept- ance of any such bid, the bidder fails to enter into a contract with the City of ~lnahaim for the; furnishing and delivery of saki. deep we 11 pump and motor. VII . The susceseful. bidder must, within ten days after the con--;' ~~ tract is awarded to him, enter into a contract with the City of Anaheim, providing for the sale and delivery of paid de®p well pump and motor in accordance with said specifications, toge~thar I with a good and sufficient bond a.zecuted by at least two suretie$; who shall quality in double the amount of said bond in un®neum- bared property within the State of California, or by a corpor- ation authorized to execute bonds and unde~ttakin$s within the said Mate of California, to be ap~raved by the Board of Trustae~ of the City of Anaheim, in an amount equal to one-half of the contract price of saki deep well pump and motor, which sai-d .band. ,' shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of said can- tract. VIiI. Hide will be received for the delivery of both ss;id deep wall pump and. motor or for said deep well pump stnd said motor separately, and bidders must state or furnish price for pump, 3 r ~~~ 1 !i motor and comg~aa~sator saparatel~. The Board ai Trustees of the 2 I! City of Anaheim reserves the right to re Sect any and all bids or m~,q i i , 3 may accept a bid as to either such deep Wall pump or as to suQh 4 ~ motor and re jaet the same as to ei her .~the~~of. 5 I The foregoing ~asolution is signed, approved and attested ~I 6 ,~ bg ma this 24th day of April, 1929. j 7 Vii' - 8 I~ '! Pre o he oar Tr ees o ~ 9 ~~ t City of Ana m. 11 ~ 10 II Attest: 11 ~ ~' o~ura~r rl.~- ~ y lark o f e it y o f Anahe m. 12 , i~ I I 13 ~ STATE OF CA~I:~'~ORNIA, } I~~I COUl~TY 0~ 08.~NGL, } SS j 14 i; CITY 0~€' ,9-N~EI~~. i 15 I , L~dward B. Merritt , City Clark o f the City o f Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was gassed and 16 II adopted by the Board of Tru:~taes of said City, at a regular me~t- ~, ins held on the 24th day of April, 1919, by the. following vote: 17 ~! AY~:~: Trustees 18 ~,~ NOES: trustees 19 ABSENT AND NOT v v'11 i~ ~ : ~ ru st e e s ~-~G~r~-~ ~._- 20 ~ I j Ancl I further certi~ that the President of the Board of 21 l'rustae~ signed a.nd approved said resolution on the 24th day of '~~ I' April, 1919. 22 IN I~ITi~ESS ~Hr:~OF I have hereunto set my hand and af- 23 fired the seal of said City this 24th day of April, 1919. 24 25 ~~: ~~-,-~, ~.C.Lu... t y leak of ha ity o 26 Anaheim. I' 27 28 I ~~ ~ i 29 ~~ 30 ~ 4 - I I 31 ~ ', 32 ~I