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GrowYi Stake Go.
For H1P0 GSPS 503-515 NortL Main Street
Santa Ana, California,
PnoNESi PACIFIC 928. 828
,-~-~ ~
CCr~ ~Q. ~ ?A~
Whereas, A. B. Watson did on the _ / a`~ day of April, 1;~1) present to and
file with the governing and legislative body, to-wit; The Boaxd of Trustees
of the City of Anaheim, his written and verified application fora permit
from said City to operate an auto stage and stage line over, along and
upon certain public highways at and within the Gity of Anaheim, in which
application there was specified;
(1) The name and address of the applicant.
(2) The fixed termini, regular route and public
highways between and over which he intends to operate.
(3? The kind of transportation together with. a brief
description of each vehicle which he intends to use
and the seating capacity thereof.
(4) A proposed time schedule.
O A schedule of tariff showing the passenger fares
and express rates to be charged between the several
points and localities to be served.
~.ereas, the governing and legislative body of tree City of Anaheim, did
upon the filinf of said application, in the exercise of~/its discretion, fix
said application for hearing at the hour of -__________Q._..___o~clock P.M.
of the---c~ L~___ day of .April, 1~;1~: a.nd
Whereas, said A.B,Watson as applicant did, at least three days prior to the
time of said hearing, cause to be published, in a newspaper of general
circulation in the City of Anaheim a. notice reciting the fact of the
filing of said application, together with a statement of the time and place
of the hearing thereof; a,nd
Whereas, a public hearing at the•time so fixed and notice was had, a.nd at
said hearing it appeared in the judgement of the governing a.nd legislative
body, to-v~it; The Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim,
Grow-ri Stake Go.
For Hire Gars
508.515 North Mafa Strset
Santa Ana, California,
PrIONiSi PACIFIC 926, 926
that public necesity and convenience required the granting of the permit
asked for in said ap li at
Now therefore, it is^ordexed that a permit be and is hereby granted by
the governing and legislative body, to-wit: The Board of trustees of the
City of Anaheim, auto A.B.Watson to operate and auto stage and stage
line between the fixed termini defined as follows: No 11~ East Ocean
Boulevard, in the City of Z,ong }3each a.nd No 242 Garet' Street, City of
Pomona, and the public highways in the City of Anaheim over which A.B.
Watson is permitted to operate said auto stage and stage line is; to
and from said fixed termini, comrflencimg on West-Center street where said
Street is 'intersected by the Westerlgr boundary of th~,fit~ Anaheim;
thence East orb sai Center Street t No-~-~~ --- on slaVidr~Center Street;
thence Vest on~ Center Street to~I,emon Street; thence North on'I,emon
Street to the state highway; thence North and West on the State highway
to the North-westerly boundary of the City of Anaheim.
The kind of transportation in which A.B.Watson is permitted to engage
is the transportation of passengers and express packages by means of
gasoline driven auto stages, and the maximum number of of stages to be
used in the operation of said auto stage ~~.nd stage lines is ---~----
a.nd the~.~(maximum seating capacity of each stage iel hereby limited to
-----~~-~-- passengers, and maxi;~lum tonage for all express packages to
be tran~,sported at a,ny one ,time in a.ny one stage is hereby limited to
The term for which this ?permit is granted is- ~---3rears from and after
the date hereof.