02/27/1919-024 ,~', 1. ~ a? ec .. ~.. ~ ~RSOZUTION Oi+ THE BO.~RIa OF TRUSTa,ES 0~~' `~'R:u CITY ' flF BI~T.~H.t+.I~a". 1 2 "~ 3 I'I 4 5 6 7 ', ~i ~~ 8 '~ 9 ;! to !'; 11 12 13 ! 14 ~~~ 15 ~~ la 17 ~I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 ---0--- The Board of Trustees of the. Oity of Anaheim, do resolve as follows: S :OTIO~`d 1. That the public interest and convenience require that the following street work be done in said Oity, to-wit That cement sidewalks and cement curbs be constructed along 1 the Southerly side. of Wiest Cypress Street in said Oity, from the ~ ~iesterly property line of north Palm wtreet to a point 95.23 faet~ easterly from the ~ssterly property line of Rash Street, includ- ing corner block on the Southwesterly corner of the intersection of VPa~st Cypress Street and North Palm Street and along the South- erly side oC~~ _t Oyprass Street from the ~astarly property line !~ i of Narth~ Street to the Westerly property line of the allay in Black one fl) of Rash's Subdivision ss per Paiap recorded in Book 4 at Page 92~ of I~:~iscellaneous Raps, Records of Orange County;, California, including earner black at the Southaa.stsrly corner of! Forth Citron Street sstld Fast Cypress at re at ar~d the curb along ~esfer~ I the Northerly side of Mast Cypress Street from the ~~ property line .of North Palm Street to a point 95.23 feat master- ly from the .easterly property line of Re~h Street. X11 of said work shall be done in accordance with the sped- fieations contained in Ordinance 1Vumber 162 of the City of Ana- he im, ent it lad, ~~ Ordinance adopt ing speeifi cat ions for the ~~; construction of cement sidewalks and cement curbs in the City of Anaheim`r, which was pas sad and adopted on the 10th day of ~iay, ' 1904, as the same. as amended by Ordinance Number 218 of said ~ i City, entitled, ".fin Ordinance amending Section 4 of ~rdinanea Number 162., entitled, 'An Ordinance adopting specifications far ~~ the construction of sidewalks and cement curbs ire the- City of I Anaheim' , '~ which was passed and adopted by the Board of Tres- . - 4 -1- ,``..... 1 ~ i 2 , 3 ~' 4 ~~ ~~ 5 ~, ~ 6 ;~ 7 ~I I 8 9 , 10 ~ ~' ,, ~' 11 ~~; 12 ~' 13 ~, 14 '~ 15 ~, 16 17 ,I 18 '' 19 ~',' I, 20 I` 21 I I' 22 '~ I 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 i t®es of said Oit~r, on the 26th day of .Ido~ember, 1909; the specific cations contained in said Ordinance bd~ing hereby adopted as the ~'~ specifications for the doing of said work. SECTION 2. Said work must be completed within sixty days I,I after the execution of the coritraet by the contractor and the City of ~.ttaheim, and payments for said work shall be as follows: Iii One-ht~.f thereof when the work is eornpleted ~~ and the remaining onehalf the re:of thirty-five (35 } days after final completion and acceptance of said work. I~I S~'CTIOII 3. The City Clerl~ of t'r~e f~ity v f ~rtaheim be and he is hereby instructed to publish a notice. calling for bids for thel doing of said work. in the ~rtaheim gazette, a newspaper printed, ~~ published and circulated in said City, which said notice shall be pufi~lished at the time and in the form and mangier prescribed I by law. Said bids shall be received at the office of the City Clerk. of saa.d City, up to 8 o'clock ~. ~L. of the 2'7th day' of larch, 1919, and the Board of Trustees of said City reserves the right to re ject any and all bids or any p-art of arty bid. holding such bid. good for the part thereof which may be accepted by said Board of Trustees. BCTIOI~ ~. h bid must be ac'cvmpanied by a certified check drawn on some bank within the Scats of California, or by a goad and sufficient bond, equal to one-tert~h (110} of the. i amount of said bid, executed by two good and sufficient sureties who must justify befora~ an officer authorized to administer oaths, in double the amount of said bond in unsncumbereci property ~rithin the State of California, or by a cvrpora;tion authorized to e$ecute bonds under axtd by virtue of the laws of the 8tata of California, which said bond shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of said City; and shall be conditioned i I that the bidder will enter into a contract and furnish the bonds ..2- 1 I~ raauired within ten days after the contract is warded to him. 2 il' end if said bidder fails to enter into said contract and furnish 3 said bond's, then said bond shall be declared fo rfaited or said 4 ii certified check shall become the property of the City of ~Lnahaim, 5 as liquidated damages. '~ l' 5:~'CTIOi~ b, The successful bidder shall. be required within ~~I 6 ' ~ i', ten days: after the contract is awarded to him, to enter into ari 8 'i 9 10 ', 11 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i 19 ~I 20 'I i 21 I 22 23 24 25 II 26 27 2i 29 30 31 32 agreement in writing, with the City of Anahe.zm far the doing of said work and shall furnish a bond to said City of .B.rtaheim in a ~, sum equal to one-half ~~~ of the contract price which said bond shall be executed by two good and sufficient sureties, who shall I;~ justify before an of`f'icer authorized to administer oaths ur~.dc~r ~, the laws of the State of Oalifornia, or by eorpor~ation, a.uthorizec~ '~~ to execute bonds. and undertakings within the State of California, ~' which said bored shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of .the City o f ~n.aheim and shall be conditioned upon the faithful p:erformar~ca of said work in accordance with s-aid contr and with said specifications. The successful bidder shall ba required at the same. time , furnish another and a~flditional bond in a sum equal to one-half of the contract price, v~hich bond shall be executed by two good'.. and sufficient suratiers who sha,11 justify in the amount snd in the manner here.inbefore provided, or by a. corporation authorized to j execute bonds and undertakings within the. St ate of Califo rnia which said bond shall be subject to the $ppraval of the Board of Trrustee8 of the City of Anaheim and sha11 provide that if the ~~ Qontrsctor or his sub-contractor fails to pay for any materials, I~ provisions, provender or supplies used in, upon or about the I performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, that the sureties or surety will pay the sa~~e ire axi amount not exceeding the suFn s~,ecified in. ~, ~_ 1 l said bond, provided that such claims are filed as required by la~v. ~~ 2 '~ The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attest®d ~I by me , this ?th day o f February, .~.. ~J. 1919. 3 4 5 6 7 i 8 10 11 12 -__ e ent of e o of ~rusteas '~ Attest : f the City o aheim. ~ity~of th~e~~ of Anaheim. STA.T.~ aF CAZI~o~I~i, } C©U~1TY 4~ ©RA11~lG l ~~. CITY 0 ~ .ANAHEII4~. ~ I' I , :~dward B. ~~erritt , City Cle rk o f the City of Anaheim, 13 li ~~ da hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and 14 !~' ~~' adopted at a regular u~sting of the :board of Tru9tees of the 15 I City of Anaheim, held on the 27th day of February, 1919, by the 1~ ~ II following vote9: 17 ;' d.Y~, Trustee9 G~,~,~, a_'S~~L 73«~La ~° 'may >,~` 18 ~ ~~ ._.___._~._ ''._ I NOEB, Trustees ~-o~-~ - 19 e~Bw.h'~l .dI~L gdOT VOTIT~~, Trustee, )vt~- t~«~(~L~-z.., 2 0 ~'~ And I further certify tla~t the ~rasident of the Board of 21 Tra.9taes of the City of Anaheim, signed and approved said Heso- 22 ~I ludo n on the 2'1th day of .~ebru.ary, ~, Ia. 1519. 23 Ili 'rITl~ESB ~~ `~'OF' I have hereunto sat my hand and of- 24' ~ firmed the official seal of the said City of Anaheim, the 27tYi 25 I 26 27 28 1 29 ~ 30 31 32 day of .~ebruary, ~. B. 1919 ity Jerk of the i y of Anaheim. - 4- a .. A4 { „;~ Sir ~ ~~ ~~1~ 2.-~,., :c, "~, , ;~` Y :~x~Ahe im ,~ C~1, ~; J~3 . 1 CJ ~ 1 ~l . 2 4n at€~tic~n cif +~crr~tmi.tte~-m~.n Str~,tAr ~. txnet~e Q the ctfty 3 ~ 1+'ullertan, ~or~canded by ccsmmi.tt~e~an ~CAdd~YJ, ~. txu~-tee of the 4 ity oaf .~na~~, a~,d una~a~n~au~ly aa,~rie+di it ~vae xeevlved th~.t tlae 5 c~m~~ti~e~~r Q1"° Haeacd c~R' T~utat~~~ ~~' t~~- ~itee t~~` I~.I.e~taX~, e nahel~,, a'p~axtg~Mr end ~~,nta a xec~pend t~- their re~ecti~'e Baarde ~' ~' ~'ru~t~r~~ tit Clyde Bi~hc~p be e~plc~yed~ ~ take chax~e a~' 1 8 h'~ ~,~- iir~~~p#!, ~,~ytj,pn8 And ;~irE?E3e@dfZi~~ ~ec~eeee,ry ~.Ii C?~' t3nXl:- 9 ~ eC~G~ ~~'~.t.Cl the ~,#?1~2t Cor~etruatic~m ~f a e~~t ~y~tem by And b+~- 1~, e~rn~~he_ ~al~ ~:itie~, inalnd3~n~ the c3ra~~3.z~~ t~f ~.:L ~pro~er r: it end~en~~ to 'the lay neve+~~86ary f'car the ~®truvt~.nn mf er~~,d is ~r~r. and alb, ~r~rv~~e in c~nna4'~ic~n ~~.th tie psa,aa~e of paid 13 end~~nt,~i t ~~.d Clyde ~i$hc~p tc~ re~e~~+~ a ct~mpeh,a~~,tian ~f 14 ~ e~ th~n+~aud d~ll~.r~ d i~~e neceesaxy t~'~Tellax~; expeanees ~th~n 15 avelin~ on~6~e3t C~' the County taf Qra~. ~• laid acs l~J ~nbl&,t lgYl t0 1 ~A~,d in el~~~ quaxt~rly paytt~ente,~rcavl,~sdthe.t ~.l unpaid 17p rtion ~h~xeat +~ha].l b~ pa~.d whin the ,~~-~ e~~rer ~i~r~~~;~~ ie is ne.ll y ~dmpl ~-t~d,. And the ~~~ t~ be a+~ a ua1, ~, prca~,~rtic~ne 1 the aiti~~ +~m~re m~ntic~n~-d which shall partit~ipat+~ ix the 20~ int con~-truc~'~c-~ and nee oi' the ~+aid ee~vra~x ey±~t~m. Pre~vi~.ed, 2 Wever ~ that. ~1l legal ~e~vice a~-d assist ~ nece~-~,axy tv be 2?p rformsd within the . c~rr~arate. limits:. n ~,~ `the cities partic~i~ 2~y ting sha3.l hs t~ds~ the control o~ thou ~~spscti~rs caity s,ttor-- 2`~ ps ~d sha3.l bs performed ~y them, 25