01/23/1919-0251 2 3 4 6 e 7 8 9 III to 1 1 II 12 13 14 15 18 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b 26 27 28 29 a 30 31 32 F R~~ULUTIfl~' Q.~ ~~'~ ~"3(3AR1J 0~' TRU:~T"S CF TII~ CITE Q~` A~A~i~I3~; i~H~~:~, C. ~. B~ayd and C, ~. giant, ~~-partners: trans- ~~, aetin~ businee~t txndar they nmme and style o~ ~ii~hway Transportation! Cpmpany- ha'vir~g Filed ~i$h end preeerrted to th+~ Board of True- teas of the Ci~r off' Anaheim, its ap~plie~ation for a per~tit to Qper.. eta an Atxtomo~aile line on aart'ain streets and highwt~ys in the City of Anahsi~.. for the transportation of fr~i~ht for hire and $ood cause apps e,rin~ therefor: It is resolved by the Board oi' Trnetees of the City a~' Anaheim, that the applie at~.Qn Qf the said C» ~» Boyd and C, ~. Sant, Qo~partxtar~, transacting husinass tinder the firm Hama and s~tyla ~~ ~i,~httey Transportation Cvmpa~q'• ~e .d the same is hereby eat for haar~g be~Qxa said ~3oard at the ~hatnbar of the Beard of Tauat4~t~ in m,,,,,,~,,,,,~•n the ~[~ranie Tlet Bt~ildi~-g, on the ~4rthfl~a~tt Qfl~` d~ ~ C+~ater ~tX'eet d wily' Str~-et ~ Qn TYure-~ ~ ,... ~ ~. day thee, ~~#~a~r m~ • ~.. i-. 1919 ~ at the ho u.r ~tf ~ c+' a~:ri~ak ~. ~. <, The fv re~;o ink resolution i s si~n~td, approd. ~.d ette~ted ~~~ by this ~## dad' of ~'antzary, ~,, 7J 1939 °`"~ •~ ~.~.•. ~, i 0~ e O a ~E` ~'tl~'t a ~~ t, .. ~ th+~ City to s2~oim. .,~ ; ~ $ r~ ~~ ~~v cw0 / ti . `~ " Lam'`' ar Q he ity o ahaim. -1~ 1 2 3 4 6 e 7 s ~ e ~ 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 a2 ~'~~~ tJ~` C~I~Gt~t'~T~, J c~ov~~~ o.~ ate, ~ ~. ~ y .~d~rrd ~. Merritt, City Clem. ~~ the City off' ,~,nahaim, da hsre~'bg ~ar~~;~ that the ~~re$c~in~ ras~-lutian was passed and adapted a~ the. rr~gu.lar meeti of the Bn~r't~ ~~' Trustees o~ the ,c~/L~ city of Auah+~.~, held can they day o~ ~'anuary ~. ~. 1919 by the ~t~llewi~ vote -~ I~a~~ f Trustee : ~--~-o,.~ ~-- e~rnt end not voting, Trustees; ~~~L ~° yi~c~~4~~.-~___. ~xid i =~rther aertii'y that the 'resident m~' t~ said Board o~ Trustees e3,~xt~d ar~d approved said resmlutiQn ors the said i-~3^ day of Janttax~r, .~« D. 1919. I~ rI'T~:~~ ~'~.%'~' -.~. S .have hereunto set my hand nxld af-- z ~~L. fi$ed the eee,l of said City of Anahei~rt, this day bi' January, ~,. .~. 1.919 .,_,,,,,, ~ , c~ 6 r~'~'ci 2.. r y 0 ~' ~ris.h@~.~i.