01/09/1919-026,i ~i ~~~- ~ I, (~, r ~'"~ i j~7'7~ ( i ( rl ' iti-~ V1,yi Vii ~'uv,cktl .WI.hF~ 1 1~i~.u V1JV :. il~9 l~.h., _~SJ ~V;1.1.~ U.ii~ tt :..i~.~L J.J4 Vii I 2 f~l~..:l~. t;. .L'. 13o~rd a:r~d ~. ~. rant, co-r artners, trans- i 3 1f ...y ~ ~ zll~ acting business under the r~aJ..e and stela of ~:~iEaaJ `?'rans~ortation~ 4 II Co~~~an~, h_4vin~ filed ;~lith ar~d ~~rasantad to the. hoard of `~rus- , i 6 tees of the cit; cf ~nahei~,:, its a1~nlication for a iaarrlit to ol-~ar-~i, i 8 ate are .~~xtor~obila I~,ina on certain streets Ord hialiv~a~s irz t%~e Cit~;r~ 7 ~ of ~nahair7, for the trars~ortation of freti~'nt for hire ~~a ~~ood 8 ~ I cause a~ ne ~,rin~ t;:larefo r: ~ 9 It is resolved b;~ the hoard of ~r~zstees of tza Citu of i 10 ~r~aheir~, that the s;~~lication of the said ~. '1'. 3o~;d and ~:. S. I 11 I'.ent, co-nwrtners, trax'ls~:cti.~i~ busir~ass under tl~a firms nan.e and. '', 12 st;~le of lii~hw~.~ `.ransf,ortation Com~nan~, ba ~,nd tie sal:~e is :~areb~~ ' I 13 set :for hearing bat'ore said :hoard at the Eha~:.ber of the 3oard of 14 ` ~r;rl~.Nt~:es i~z ~oom~,in the ?'.~asonic ~amrle ~3uildin~, on the 16 the st corner of =ast Center `:treat aria ~?:iil~r treat, o~~l `~_~~zrs-I~ lr 0 r S 18 ~ da~r thee. d~.~y of Js,rluarT, ~'~.. i. 1919, at tl,a dour of ~' o'cloe';~ 17 ~ .T ~~ ~ _... I8 !Ella fore~oin~; resolution, is signed, an~rove~d ~,r~d ~.ttastad I i 19 ~' b;~ r;:a triS 9th d~.~ of Janrxar~r, ~~. -lJ. 1919. i 20 I 21 ~ eras' en of tl'ie hoard `trustees 22 i the Git~Y of ~ . a.heir~. ,ri.,. i .J~a i , 24 2b its; Cler"aL of the C:itG% of :~n~:neir~. 26 27 ~ 28 29 30 31 -1- ~ ~; '-.` `4 .~ ~ ~1.,..~M ... 1 2 3 4 s 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 iJ~.l3y.i::s l1i lis.li..11~~Vs ~.i, L I f' ~.' t`}.ti' .~:~ ~c::I lax . ~ I , ::dward ~. T._~rritt, C%itJ ~%ler~ of the Uit~ of ~.n~,hei~~, do ?~?erab~ eertif~ that tha foregoirl~ resol~ztiorl v~a,s ~>a,ss4d and adopted at t'na re~ul~zr ~:eetin~ oi` tha 3oard of .~ri{staes oz the Ci.t;~r of ~r~aheim, held on t'ne Gth daT7 of J'anuar~,T ~. ~). 191 ~~r thr~ follo~wrin~ emote: ,~.Y~ '~rusteas: ~- ~ ~G anti ~` `~ Sao( iy ~'.: 'rust e e S : ~-~-a.-.-...a.-~ :absent arld not Votil:l~, s'rustees: c~1,~G~-o end I farther cartii' thr..t the 'resident of the sa.ic~ ~oa,rd of ''rusteas signed and a..~?rroVe,d said resolution on the said 9th dad 0~ e;~tlE.lt~,r~ , ~. ~. l~'l ~'. ~~ .Li~iti~l~w ril.~.i1~,'=.s"~, I ~1~.zVe lltr@'±~nt0 ~~aet i'_'`,;r fian~. wfiCl af- fixed the seal of said ~%it~ of :~r~a,hei~n, tn.is Jth da,;;T of ~tanuar~, ~,.. ~. 191 ~-, Vit;; ~ler~ o -~- ~, _ e ~:i.t~c of ~;na,heim.