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,~. t ~ i ~,qq ~//~`~~x ..~ t ~ ,~A i~'~ . ~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ' ~:~: ~ 'li ~,; '-} i ';1 .a.-~ ._~.~.,..i~ t~l.~ :~'.:"il rr^.-.~....~N i 1 ~~tt !.~1T ~r t~.~~ i.~.. .. ~T:...~1..p, I ~.~ ...._ 1 ....... V TJ I; _. ~ t.`... ~/.` ~ 1 1 . _ t., ~ -.. ,. ~ if 1 t T'~ t... .ti. ,' ~ -, , ~,~'7''i~ m ~ - ;u a .-;r ~.Vy.i t%.~~ k^~.J_. .1 i1:: ~ T Tv~~.. .a~-~~ '_~Ti,._. 1T..i T,~ 14 -~- 1 ,J ~_~.~Zs ? . ' 1 T i...J l~ 1 ~-_,. ..i L;.T'r C` ...1 ~~.. ~.:: '..T .i: , ~ J _l. C.7 . ' ~ .~ ,-~ ~ .::.t~~..~~~:. 1t.~.r`~ila.ciYly i0 1 ,_ k' :L_iC?. t1 .71 `~:'_~;tf: ~ i.~Q ,.; Y'7 l Y'`-?.:!]C' :: y,~ ~ ~,;' f 0_t lilt; >O~i~C~1 .r '.~'''U~~eeS (~~ ~-~1 ~i"r?' 0~ _.t_ .~.:.'.1T??, "~:_l,7-'~.~~t;;", i~yJ ...~~. ..A. ~~ ~~='C?rI~.~~_ (> 1' .: T'~.TyT,Tr~ _ ~` ;_,li_.~ i ~ [I''`I'~ T ,,- ;`~",T r- '~ t sly. ~ _ Trt ,,.,;a . ~... f'tr r,'1'S. •,i 1 , ~._} r~~tr ~ C^. 1 -~ _, t ,t ~ ~`1 .1 ~iY ', a~ T 1 _1 ,, 8 -, , tr ~ ~.J..:- TIi ~1~1 {~~ ~ S7 rs ~~I~. 1 ~`1L-, ~ w y,~ red , _ .~_ ~ ~ T _ _~i ~do~ , ~. ,~ ~ t;n~ _ ~~o~,s•cx. r c~ . ,4° ~ n'lv 1~~: ' 1 v ~ ~ A r' !: 1 V ,i~li~~ ,~'t- v liiJ ' l ' _ _. ,. v ~ v _y .. ,.. . .. __; ... :., ....V . ~L ~ ~ .i. _ _._ .r. : , .. _ _ i. ,: .. ., _.s L - S • :' ~.~ ~ ._ ~ ~. ~ .. i - ~ - ~ ~ li ' ~ Ci . T .< <;,.~- f~ 1 v ~ ~ 1. :~ ~ ._ .. .~ k.'. n~ ~., n- . 1 i. .. ~ 1 ;r ~ - a ener~,1 r~iunicl <~..! e? ect for y~-~, he7..d r_ ~~.id cite- o~ p~ ~` ~ rl l ,4<~' O:E~ ~jn Y'i i. , Z ~ Z ~ , ~:: ~ J t , - . 11~ ;l.?G~ } .) isy :: ° (l-f' f ":'!', ii1 ~ 1 ~a 1... ^_ ?, 1. `.1 f: ~_'_' ~;} ~ ~:Cl a `?.~ ~ ~r,'~r~ .. 1 L-.r.. t~.i - ~ _ r . _ -A ~~ . r. ter. ~ _v w_. o.~_ ,,_._~ ,~ucnel c~~: _~_1~ a_ ~ i,.~G ~.~~s~:. ,~-~ ~;A:a, „ice ~~ler.:~ O ~' :i i? c 1 `~ ; "` ~` and : . , ,,,.. .. ~,..~~,.,:,~ i ~ ~. °°}} C~y) 1L ~yi.l• _ _ ~. ~ ~~ , 1. 1... ~ u E~s.4: ~ .., ~ 11 L ~;; .i ~ ~ iii .:11.L a ~ a c t i o ra ;;: ~e _, _ _ ,. ~7^ ~ ~y ~~Y ~ :, ..~lner .~:~ o?°r^ -rte :, .. . ~ _ ~=~r~F ~,~ ~ , ~ _ ~v t,;~'.; r~o~~; . . .. _ . __ - _ ._ _ .. . „ _ , .~ _ _ . ~ n~Q Y'~ T~ n~ c:.~ J:V Irv .{ ~ tJ Qy t.l'_ y i,i ~~. __Yi~ y^~^ v iti '[" r;,~~ }`~ ill.-t, r;i ~ '~~~ ~'1 ~T .~ : - y ~ ;.F~ _.:.~. ~. t ._~.. y d _, 8 " I]k? ~r _ r i' ~ nc „ _ ._ - ~1C; F3 ~ Cti , -- ''J ;; - ~ ~rQ h's l 'F'a:'S ~ ~ 1 1 _ :: ; ; _ ::. s.U li.. , !;,; . L . c. t, i . `;,u, : 1 :~ j"n _'2 C' _ 1V8- `_^,7'1C~ C,`;;.'f.i'2~~~'S`~'~ , .1irj ~]~.' ~i'~~,i1~'nS ti'_8?"'OC' '' ,:~C' rt`?:in.8d_, 7 ~ ; rr,l r~~ _ ': ( {a, r~rl ,. 1"1 ' ~ :.~ ~rn i". fa ..,l,r '_ .f'• J._.n .n ~t.. c- t~ _. n .Y:c: da =1 ~,:r~; in YCCO ,..: c t . t,.... ~.~ ~ o. +, e ..~ to of° ;wi i~ _~rri~., wnc? t~~% Orui~:xlcati o-`` ~:_,:> .=id !~.~~. cif ~r ~~.~loila, ~~d .. I:I„~,.t:.+p,;. `.. ~ i ~ :S O u,Y` U. 0 ~~ 11, _: ~.-r- 0 :.'. c 0 `~ _ ~ ~_ .. v l ?; ~' 0 ~.. ~,t :..~ ~'_ t? 1 ;, ;'. ~t ~. C? Yi t ?1u' ~. Y . _ ~_ ^: vT ...; .,_ ~ v '! ~L ~ (?. ,. ~ ~; : ~ 1 , :; - , . 1 t , ~~ .. t, '' F ; v i1 ~ ~ J Y +l:,-'-2, ~ .;~~, rnr;@'~ li`I _'.'v~il].c~7' ,;,u~C)t7.Y'n~~'C~. ,"e~SlO'_'t .-'? '.:f~JC'Or. .('. d o i .,..Y_!.` _.,,a ;. ~~:; Y'C+~I~Y`?l;= :7 i ` ~.;,1 ~rv1,E:Y"%w~ ~.,.i).n1.ClL c`a.,.~ va.,1C~ ~)i'i `~' :3:'~•_i:l:L7'F.:C~ ~ej' ~N'u,r, ~,.'i,ra tilt: rJ~t?]_t~ o.~ ^=i?-~f (? }':V'u.r_ .~e?.Vlrl,r° ~?,~.:~ T.O~anC~ %~._ _`1Vi~- 11 1,:, u.11-.i1t~L ~:.+1, ..~Nl. ... f~.L, :1..11.i_1~...1.i:...~1% r~,;li !~ti.:..,:.:.~.: ~~;: ~: ~':; ~.1 v _'"w '~; 0 G ~ ~) ~ "i;'YlE `~ ~ ~ ~ Of ~iY ~:ii''.is 1Ll ~.S f0 1. Z.07 S (1) "~1tYat the T :,o1e ~z~,r~beY• oi' ~;otas c:~st at ~~.r~ ~~ercrwl Yr~.~niei p~.l electior_ in .lection i~reci:r:t o. 1 ~:r~~s ~ 0 ., ~ w lic:.ti v11E: ~~,'L"~ (. Iv' n?.%1~)~ 1:' 0.1' V0t E; ,.. C aSti ~.C c~,7. ,. t:_i..rci~. TliizrliC ~,, ..-~ ~ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ` 31 32 l~al election in _l~action rrr:cinct iyo. ' vr~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ (~~ '~'i1~,t the vrlole nu:~zber o'f' votes c".t ~~t s~vic? ~aner~l rnunici- „~~l ~~. election in .election i~-recinct TYo. 3 vras l ~f o (4) ~l~:.t the ~°•~hole r~.~amber of vote^ c~_st ~,t s ~,id general r_.unici- put election in :.lectior~ i~r~cinct ~o. 4 ~°,~~,s / L ~7 ~o (a~ y''lictt the ,:dole nt.'~.rtl~•i;T' 0~' v;?1%flti C'_'~~t ~~t ~'°k1_ft ter.ar€:.~ Ili.lYiiCi- p al el e c h o r_ i n l e c t i o n F r e c~ nc• t TTo . ~ 4T N s ___1___sG_ (n j `;'i~.t the :`.i~iole n,zr~iber of votes c;~a,st;t ~~. c~ ~°aneral rr:r~.nici- pal elact.~ on in ~lactioa~ ~:}rcci net ia. G 54~~is __s__.~ ( ;') "''~r~4t ~~he ~,>i~ole ,:~urn'aer o-f ~Tote~ ~i general c•st 4~t s~ y i r;~~~.nici- 1 alectil _1 ice. ~1~~~ior_ .~~_~,;; ~ _ c. (( ~~ `` 7 as (8} "_'iwt the ti°,'~.o1e r~~zmbar o~~' votes c~~.st ~~t Swi_c~ `,enaral A,~anici- pal electiarL ixi _:1•~'ctio~l lrtci ~:~ct '~`o. ~ ti'ras ~ 3 S (~) ''?i~~,t the !-,~hnl° nur.~ber of Notes cyst at :.,~~ic! general r~u:nici- p~,l election in ~l.ecti on l-_'cci nct ~;o. ~ v+as~~ (1Q) "~'~aat the v:~i~ole Yl~.u~?ber of ,Tot.~~;~ c~~st ~t ~ric~ ~er.ar~,l ~nt?:nici- pwl election in election ;~rec_ nct T?o. 10 ~ras~~ (11) Ti~at the ~,•~hole number of votes c~.st~,t said ~enera,l m~a:r~ici- pal election in the s~.id Qt~T of :laha ir.± ~Tas ~~~~ (12) ~~hat the ~~a~es of the -~er.sons vo~~ed for. anc~ the office to fill ~_~~;~~.ich each person eras voted. for, tNre res~octivel~ as fol- lotirs, to-~~'it; r'~alter Z. ~iristtztz for the office of r.~zembe r of the 3oar~ of "~r~~staes; +'re d.:. ~°;~c~~s, Jr., fo~• t'ria a~f'fa_c~e of ~re~ber of the `'o~ru of "'taste©.s; Geo rye ~. Sutton for t'r_e office of mam- bar O~ t11B ~o;:~,rd of `~':L"1.~..te8.`-,; i~'a.Yi~~ lU. Glbbs, fOr ti`_E', Office of r;lernber of the Saari of ~rustaas; ~alp'r~ `T. TZc;±~~,dden for the office of r_Zer;;ber o-f the i~owrc~. of ~'ri~_staas; ~d~r~wrd h. T;°erritt for t:ae of- five of Cit~;r ;;lark, Gnd ~il~..rlc:s '~. Boe~e, for. the o~F'fice of Git ~reo,s:~.rer. (1~) `~1rat the n;ur_ber of votes liven ~~,nd canTT°a`ssed in~,iecti on :(; rec;_nct I`~o. 1 for eacl~z of s~.id rersons, for. tt~e office to fi7.1 v;hich the~~% tivere voted for, ire respectively as fallo~r~~ s, to-err it; - ~ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 'il ~;~.ltar Z. ~stutz for the office of mer.:ber of the ~3oaxd of yrustees, 9f votes; ire d., y.. Bacl>s, Jx'., for theoffice of r_:ember of the :3o~,rd of 'trustees, / ~~r/ _votes; G~'or~e ~~ Datton, for the af:~'ice of r~ernber ofi the ~3o~,rd of rustees, ~ 2 votes; ~'r~.n.k 1. Gibbs, for t'na of~~ice of. r~ernber of the ~o~.rci of '?'rustees ~ q voter. 9 / ~~alnh J. ?:'c.~'adden, for the. office of mer:her of the gourd of '~!r~{stew, /D D votes; •r-~C;~;,+terll~~, ~0r the afflc~' O=T- I'1emb~~r Of t1'?e '~a~.':~:'~ Of ~i`lwsteBS~i d~~ vot e ~ ; ~;ci~awrd ~• l;rerritt, for the Office of Cite '„'ierlr ~2 9votes; ti ~,,;, , U it li - V -l. 1.. 1 v v V .L 'J J.. ~/ V V 1 v + +> "' ^-' ~ ;;~:~rl~as .;,. Boe~;e for the office o:i ~itr '~~reas~~-rer ~2 q vote,; „~~ (1.~--) lilwt ~he nt~.~nb3r of voteq divan arld c~3vassed in ::;lectio Trecinct ?o. 2 for e uch of s ~~i-d ~,e rsons, for the o f~'ice to -~i11 't":'r11C?1 ti'_F.+'Tr ~:Jere voted. for, ;ire res~ectivel~ ~.s foll_o~: , to-~~rit; ~`wlter i.. ~~stutz for the o-~-'fice of n,embar of t:~e ~3aurd ~f Trustees (~ S~ votes; ~~~red.;. ~a~c~~s, Jr. , far the a f'fice of riambar of ~i;he hoard of ~rusteas /~ votes; Goorne :~. l;;.atta=', far the office of Tnembar of the 3azrd of '.''rustees ~^~ votes; +~r~r?lt- :y. Gpi~bbs, far tha ofifice of r.iember oi' t?~e .nerd of ~r~~stees ~_( votes; ?:, „h J, l;ic~-~'add~an, for the o=E'_`°ice of member of the Bcwrd of rusteeu ~~ _votes; -~; _~ 3 ., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 'r 29 C 30 31 32 ij I~ _,~ d:=r~,rc?_ {. T"arritt. for ~,~~ off'~ce of ~itTr Clerk ~U ~votPS: ,, ~ ~' I •.. ..r ~ - - ~ - ~ z~ :.~il~~rle^ n. _oe~e for t~,.;: office of C;it~r '~'re~ surer T6 votes; ._ o „1~~r y.r ~.s~.~rcr v . (lea il~at tha n?xmber of votes liven ~:r~d c~,.narassec~ 9_n :;lectio~ ~recirlct ~;,'o. 3 for e;~Cii of s,~,ir? rersons, for t1~r.e office to :fill e~~hich the;T :;sere voted for, are re~ectivaly ~s t'ollo;rVs, to-tiit; '~~.lter Z. <~,`~rstutz for the o-ff3_ce of member of the ~3ourd of ~'r:7staas ~ g votes; +'r3d. i. $~,C~'8, •7"l., for tre Off~'•_C38 0:~ Il18TTl.Ti:r Of the ~C)~;,rE~ Of ~~'rl~StOeS /3 VOteSi ~'i0r!r~°B ~ .jj~~~;tOTi, fOr tlc? Ofia~ C'.L C7 .T: 1;1v'r"'_~Jt:Z' Oi' i;l1-L' .30~,tCi Of ~~'rustees votes; ~~ A'x'a~?T ~. Gibbs, {'ar the of?"ice of member of the i?oar.d of "V'r~astaes ~~_votesi _ _ - , ~_., ' -s F ,, r, r K °, rC_ UI ~~~,;,~..l;t~ ~. I:'.~~'t.:icier~, :toY~ ~x~e o~ 1.1c~ c:.' r~.er.~~~e _• o : ~~,~e :~`o~ ~rustaes ~ votes; ~~ :u~~,~::,rd ~. ,;°~err~_tt, for the of{'ice of City- Cler?~ ~_~vo-tes; J , C,:A(~Y"les as. Jc:,~,e TOr trle 0_~~ZCe o-i l.l1~,~r fit-~•~':,~~..~urG'r $ `*0Ue' i cutterin~, for. the oTj`ice of City-• ~re~~surer ~~~ vOte~i (1~) '"hat the numbar o:!' votes. given ~:~~~~ c=~nv~~.ssed in ~;lecti ~: .,T'j,"C',C7..iiG~ _''C. ~ f0Y' E;~i.C:' 0f St„iC'k E'"r"~'0?'t`-~`, fC??" ~~"':~. off1C@ tC? fi~.~ ~,:~h~ch tha`r ti-'rare vote.:;. for, ~.~"e res^ectivelur gas :fo11o'J~s, to-;it; s,;:... _ter ?,. .,.`~,~?~?t~ ~Or 'Lt_c% 0 f ~..-,e 0:._ ri'E._,?~. ~~f' uiit. ~0 T.,1: C t~C~ • ~. ~:. ~'' ,`Y, T:i:. , f0~' .. ~, n f'~?i rA C-f-° ::ie:":~`er C)_~ i~~-1;: '?v~,r" it Cr. `, .. ... -.;tC?.}, ~ ,~~U<i~"!~. `C- _ n _ ~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :;1 ^n .. _ -x +: ~ ~ -' -f' i n cs. -r r, ~ e '1^ _ ? i t: ~.~, l" y a a i ~~1~~qh ~xl~~", o t' ~~~__~~. o_.~ _,1 ,, o : _~ r'''~~i3 0:~ ~~ ~sa`~ Cti J~ t ~ . ,..., ~ ,1;-. `ry ~ ~_ P 1~ i~ C ~ ~ ~~ ..• ~.."~. ~ f. r;,, eTt,'i"l n ,* ~ -i' ~' r, c, -~, ~ -Ny~.7 a i ,., , ~u ..:~':~- 's~,. T_~~Y'7„1 ~};~ ~ -'-°0_ e ,.,. ?~S'`? G'v f~~ 'il~ ~_`~_ar•~''~ ~/ S>a-I~b~N f Jn -~•~es ~:,~~:~ ~'ar i~~~a o~-~i.ce off' ~i~,~r n; .~,,,rer ~2 Y,~,~ei v -r..w 1 »~• -- :.. u. ~ .< r_ a r t~ vita a ,_ _ ..~ ~ ~. , . ~ „ ~. ~ ~ w ; _::.~ ~. v i --~- :.-~ .. ~. , E ? ~~ ~ ~1;ic`'.~t •f;]l:° !?i7rn~}"1t; 1„ (} F' T70'i;r3c! f j t*.~rL :~Y':~ :.' : ~'. :_ _ !';~ L'' ...LvG- -~ ~ o r 1' Y ~ ~~: ~_ r c * SSG . ~ ~°o r e .ac's o _f . - _, y ; z • ^o n ~t -~°~ ~. ~~ a a ~'~ i r e + Q ~T i~f"r ; - - _a a- ~ •,., ~- ~ ~ ~r ~ "" i ~.1 .~ ~ ~~r; ,.~~ ( :1 `~` ~ !' '~ r, ~1,.'~ r t}'{' ,_ ~1ti T'~ ~ ~.~T~ ~: V 1 ~ _ .,.. ~.~ti~v0e~i ~ v"~,..,u, `, E C3 ~ {~ a'•~J : ~'l' ~ ~: : / 0-` '~'1i:r1~)GX' C1~ ~~J"1~' r'il7u,~~c1 _, . .•.,~ . • , . .. v i ' . . __ -. ~._ _ .. f ~0s" t~]-;u 0,..<:•; r?e ry-F L~' ~i,nT? ~'r~L7't ;i ~,~r,,~,f.'.,-• Cl{' ..n° a-`.^'vu;~~'~ 0i , , . __1.l'.tiLvG ~ ~6 VO~i Gtr.. Ti . r: ~ '~~ u .~ f ~~' 0 3" i ~ is G _~~ "i. C'• e ~ .n :. .,.._.._~ OI C? ,,~ r 0 :_ ~;'!1 @ ~ 0 ~i Y' Q 0 A / ~'~,dcla~:, ~:or i~~la~ ~~_'-C"~_c;e a ;l J l.c% l ; ~ ,r~ ~~~~~ o-~' t~~e ,,c~;~ ~' a , ~ ~,. ,~ i -.~~ rJ 4 V . ri ._- ... ~ C.v , ti . ~ _. li _.. ~. ~ _._ ~. _. .._ ._... ~ Y u .' :erri~t;T, ~'ar f;,i.a os-dice ~~ ;fc11_~ rd ~ ~ ~~i1;~;T ;ye~~~ ~v;{~e~• , , .. (7'.• i nr "~n.ar^~ -{-' ..a..~~,:a f'-{`• -f n -}-Tr 'n-,.v,Jn~.",A'F~.,y ~, vo#~es• /1~ 1 ;;1,. -c ',.':~P iillT'?~'OY' O-`' V01;r:u j^1V°i'1 _:i:1 ~! C~.Y?V~~,`=aAC~ ~ Y;. ..~~0'C-. t / ~ i1~,~.u y .' ~ 1 O 11 ' r 0 C l Y1C', ~ T 0 ~ i 0 ~" 4 `,'.0 1 G=~ `" ' ~ i „ a _r cp y~, c~. ~ -L n ~v'~ 1; }'] G O i':~? G e ~; 0 cj - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~`lil Z"IY'ilC'Z the~T v"83`° 'rOteL~.. ?~~OI°, ire rt;S-rrE;Ct1Va~.sT , 5. f0~~.0y~•'S, tC?- .;'i t , rY,..l±Or i• .ciiiiSt!'t° _~or rtint.' ~'7 f"?~_C',3 Of r~ambBr of t;he~OII"C Of "r, s~~ees votes; +.i~i'eu. .cy. .uaCkS, efi. , f0 r tl'e Off'LCa Of may::bex' Of fi~1a BOwrCI G~Uor`e .~. :uatton, for tkia office of r7ember of the .hoard. of '~rL~.stees ~!`~tioteu; ~~'Y~a~.~= 1~. ~ ibbs, for tha office of r~embar of t'~o Hoard of Tr.zs- t e e s __.L_.~ votes ; ~a?ph J. T~.c~~~,dc~~ar., for tha office of rr:~~rsber of tha .hoard of ~'rL?.stees ~,`~, votes; ., .. .~ , . _ .~ _ u. __. _ ., _ .~ _ .y _ ,~- ~~ A~ ; ~+~ p ~u:-;~,~:~~. r~arritt, for tle c~'j'ice of ;;its- G~arl~ D d vot;a;;, n ~ _ _ 1_ vy. ~, _. .._ v_:.uv .. , U'r~wrl ~-s ~~. Boe~e fo x° t ~-la o lfica of ~it;~ '~~re;~,sz~rer ~~ vote ; -~ ,~~ - v ~1.c~~ 'iii~,t that11Z7'_"'.~?er oL' V0t8S 41Vall aYld c`~Y1V~,SSad 7. :C1 ,,:~~~^.C:tyOYi fraci~~ct ~'o. 7 for eac~~ of s=;.id j:er,~or_s, for 'the of~-i.ca :~o fill i--~%~~1.Gh the ~ ~"Jt.l'e VOtaC~. f'Or,u'rB ra~`.v'~t3C'.t i_~rc'.~~ aS f0~ ~.0~riiS, t0-Gsi~.ty u~i~.ter ".. ~nstt~.t~ for the office of r,~ember of ti:.e Board of ~'lL?SteBS ~7 votes; y~rEd. 1. B~.cl°s, Jr. , for the office o-e membar of t1Fe Board of fj,rl::StC:e.~.. /(.l I To t;:ti~-• Geor4e :;. iUtton, for the offica of r~errbc~r of the Board of rlZNtaeS ~ ,~ tiOteS; frarik T~. uibbs, for the offica of rnernbar of the Board. of '?"UStaeS ~VOteS; ~lr~h J. _c~'~.c!.clen, for t:~:.a offi.ce of r.:ember o-f tie Board of '~'rL;.Ctiaau V ~ TJ'~te~~ ;icattaring, for t'ne of7'i.ce of r,~ar~bax• of th,, Bo~.rcl of ".'-rizs- - 6 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t e e ti (~Q,. v Ot e~(; :d~,~~.rd 3. T,`~erritt, for the offic oi' ~it~ ~l~=rla ~~ votes; ,_ 02~:~ vote~• ~~c~,tterir~, nor tY~e office of C'iUdT ~J~VrI~ , (;h;~rles .u. =~oege, for tYie of1'i.ce of ;,'it;~ '~.:.."o.~>ti},rer ~ vote;; ~c~Ntterir~, for. the office of ;;it-~- "_'re~,surer ~ _ voted. (;;) '~hct the ~ztar~b ex° of vctes giver,. and canvassed ix! election preci~~ct Tfc. ~ for e~,cn of said ,y~eraon,, .for t?ze of~~ice to fill e~~hich t'ne~~ ti~ere voted tor, ire resraee.tivel,~ <L~~ fo~..lov~-s, to-~.~it; ~~~.lter T,, y;~~stt~tz for the office of mer_-~ber of the ro-:~rd of 'y'rusteas ~vctes; bred. ~. Lwcks, Jr., for the of~`ice of member of the Board of ~'rL? steer ~~'votes; Geor4e ~;. :~~:tton, for the office of r:e.~ber of the 3oarcl of r.~r~zstees ~ votes; ?~''";~,~; ~. ~ . ('! i 1~b ~ , f0 r t t"' v' 0 ~ ~1 L' e Q f ?='.e?':1b a x' 0 {'. t'n_a ~0 u.r C~.. 0 f r''^11Sj;ee ~V"Ote~; ~<:1. j h ?. is"_c;~~,dderl, zo r thcs o_fi ce of member o~[' the o:~rd of r~'riztitee~; ~TOtBS; ., ~- , - ~-es-; .:d'~~r'~,rd R. ?~Orrltt, for file Off1.Ce Of vit`T vl~r~ ~Q_~_VO~;ec; r~ • t .~ , - - ~ C'tlJ.r1.0y ~a. 30e~e, for file office Ot :;it~T `_~leaSUrer G~ V^teS; . _ ~ `. (21) mh~~.t the n~tir::ber of. votes ~~_ven °~~d cox!-v~sued i.n lectior~ ir'ecinct Tto. 9 for e~.ch of sa.icl. parsons, for the of:.fice to fill ti"i'hiCh thee' VTere VoteCZ fOr, `c?.re Y°e~;y?ei..tltrelT,T <.S ~f01~.0~+'~, t0-"+~"it; `~r~lter ~~stutz for the office of r_~iembex° of tPe Hoard of r1'rusteec ~ o votes;. ~~'rec~. ~. ic.c~TC, Jl. ~ for tie o-~'ti.ce of n:er~ber of t'r?e ~o~rd of r~r~, ~taes ~ votes; C:reor~e ;~u.tton, for the o:~fice of member of the ~~o~:.rd of ~x„:tees S~ votes; 7 - i .~'rsnk P4 , Gibbs, for the o-Et'ice of member of theyo~.rd of ~ 1 2 ~'rusteas /D votes; 9 3 ~~y_,h 7. ~,;'c?~.dden, for the office of member of the ~o~.r~? of 4 ~'rustees ~Q ~vatas; 6 ~} 7 .dv:~~,rd ~, T,Territt, for the office of City Cler1~ (~ ~/ votes; 8 "" -- , ~ ~ _ y ~ 9 ;,~~~,.rles r. ~oe~e, for the office of Cit~J "lrez.~s~zrer ~~ votes 10 `~ ' ~ - ~ - - - V '-~' • 11 ~4=%`' j '~Alat tre n~?r.bar of votes ;~i.ver avid csrivassed iri '1ec- 12 tion ~;~recinct ~~o. 10 for es,ch of s~~,id nersor~s, for tha office to fit-1 t°;hich they ~Jera voted for, ~,re ras~ectiv.;l.c% ~,s folloY•;s, to- 13 14 ~-,~ a- t ; 1$ ~~ru,ltar t;T.lsttltz for file office of member of the ~ov.rd of 16 Trustees SL ~ vo~L'c:s; 17 urea. .. ~~,c~s, Jr., f_or the office of r~;amber of the ~~o~.rd lg of "'rustees ~lvotes; 19 r=eor~e e;;. D~zttor., far t'-na office of member of LY~e ~o=~:,rd_ of 20 '.Cruste©c ~~ ~ Vat e ,, 21 ~rGrs~~- '1~, Gibbs, for the office of ~ambar of the hoard of 22 ~r~?stees g~votes; 23 ~~"l~'h ?. I;Tc~;'adden, far the o:Cf'ice of me~~l~r:r of the BG~~rC'=- of _.<:, 25 .., ~~,, , _- - ~ t ~_'- ._. .~_ - - ~ ~, roar.' a _r" ~. 26 27 ~:d'~~'ar~?_ 1z ~c~°r.itt fo:.~~ t;ie ot'fi~~e of C~{..tT rlt-r~. ~G vote ; . ~.~ ,e ~ 1„ .. 29 ~'~a,rles '~oe~a for t~:.a office. of City '1r~~,surar ~vates; .i. `;,~~ 30 ~ a ~, _ _ . _ ~ __,_ 31 (~~ j 'ryz~t the v~rhola nurlbcr of votes ~i~Ten in the s,-id ~;;it~T 32 of ~~~~zrieir~ for e~,:ih of s4id ~}ersor~s is resrective~;? as follau;~s, to-Tvit; _ g _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 br a'~u1.t~r I-. at;lst~ztz ~`'or ~;,:~e o~'~`ice of rne~,,ber of the o~ard of ~:~rustees ,~~ 3 Votes; 'or :Fred. ~. .~c~eks, Jr., -for tha offic..~ o-i' ~embar o~ tie jo~.rd o~ "~r~istees lz 63 z,-ores; ~~'cr Coorp~e :. ~z~.ttoY, f'or t;i~: o-~`fice oa' r~;en~ber off' t.~~.e ~3o~~rc~ df ~'Y't?.`yl ~eS ~ L'nt@~,. :..+'or ~'A`~.nk 1~. ~"i'nb^, 'or i;iio o~f'ico os' .~omber oi" the Bo~~.rd of ~i'1"Lt-;_tE'8~ 8 / 6~ V!%l=*1'sf ~1'or _.~~1x~h ~!. : c~s'Wc}.aEl1, ~'oY ,;~o of''~i,ce o- r-,en~ber of the moo;±rc~ ®~~ ~~~~~~~t~~~ 8 9 3 ~-at~~~; V ,.D ~ ~ .~+'or _:?~.vard r. T:Ierrit~, :nor cli-~ of"~iee oF' pit= C~,-~r%- ~J3Sf vo ~;t s; ~, ~~ ,. „ -- ~ -„ a ,.. , . ,~..,r .: l r ~ ~; :.. rOt:f?'°, fa .:. ,,i_~' ')~ -7.CG ~'1.. .`1 ~:'Y' ..:,St -1-''-;~' ~. ~ _ 8 99 votes; ._ .. _ - ~T - .-,ti _ ~ ~, t.J~..~''G~ :..-~i::~ ~ :~ ~~...i .:° ~. V~ t ~,.;`-l t ~., ;ye d. i• _j ,,, c. '..._;.-" , :~ i. ~ i'r~r!~~. ~. c~~:Lbb`,, ..~i'~. ~ .~ -i)1-V .~. ~. G_ ;.''.~.~f., ~r'~ ~=C'~, r~-~'' t.,~a : ~ !?ALT i_1"l_ „v'C387-V- V n ?- '~^,~ '., ~-.:,~ ~t `., ~'_,~~b~. I' ?Oi, c', w -'7.':'8}1 ~:~0 fit.' t ~~~`~ . ~ .':7..: <' C) ~ r~iBT''Q V ?" O ~;.~ 8 ;„~ r^ n~ .7Y.~,[,i;8:, '' ~it~'1 ~8~er`c~~ 7C,7-,~;.;,1 v1 ;.~~~;lClYl., ~?8 - y~/~ ~~ l :, '_ .`~N~E'ilil/`- , r~ e t ~~~ ~""~ i C ~_ ° ~' (j .'~_ ,, ~.~... ' (l :~'.;?; ~ I','a.~ _ ~ ~.'. `,: V v ") r ;.. ,}e -~iY-i'.'''F" b V C. ~' r C e G- O ~i;vj'}-^ ;~ `' .J:~; i~'." ZTe ..i-"_, ..i" !.'.~; .~. ._r~~ -'',, C'rrl ;'(, v jl ;Tr. ~`" 'eCE.i.Vfji`1 1;he -. . . ,. ~ ', F~ r. , ., . _ ...,- i,,. ~ -4- ,. .~~ -~ a __ ~ a. ~;~ .~. r.' ~ T-r .a _"rl .Y, 1...,.1 .~ ) }~-`1 ~' t."', i i ~ V i.'t ~. r~ , ; A,..'. '1"1V l~_: '_E'r'f~~1' '~ vf.~ t.rii`~ ~7 V'Gt':L~ _ j. 'T '/~_ f~.}, a j° ~ 1,r .~ 1 fT7 n,f" ivl ,~i(~.~_j . _ ! .. ~ T ^ .. v e 3_ is ~~. ! i; r: ; :~ V 8 ~ ~, '"~ "~ 1. - ! v n ~ , ' ! ~r~b L )^ Q ~~' ~' C}-t e ~` ~. w el"1 " 0 =. _ ti18 o ~ ',~t~r ~''_~t"'.~~i11rP.'!" .'~C)''' ~~. c?.~'.~,~ ~~'_E~i ~' i)_`i#..irl~~}:4"~] .:, i)E "~ii.~ ~1~ 7.~ ~`li'?"e- 1~zT r~?~~~ ~',^~?r7 t?1eC;uE:'~ I-o u~f1G Q~l_~'e' o.n ,.t,~Z7 `;~~'F?. r!'_ _ ~iI-pia ,~i per -~-<, _ g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 !~ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I i i~ T 1 T'; iai+L lid y y}v ..~.~~aL . ~/ i+~ a.i1 i 'v '~V~ U~i V -_ ll iili 'J~V ~ - V~~+'~ i `Ji ~ ~L ~ . ~ ~~~ II l l , . .. .u U ~ ._ ~ l I i eT ry,~ ia=~v+:.L.~:ii 1J :.~ :~1Lt l:l l: .L"l~+-i.)~ ~ ~ ~, .,'. " ? 5 '.~P. ~fi ~(J 1 ~~t~1 ~~~`'1 ~ 7~ C: ~7 " ~~~~ :~:1 . .. . .. _ . _ . . ~. ~, . ..... . ~ ~ . a~ i ~r;,~ r, i o ~ .;.c h a f' ti ., ._ y G r.' ,~.,, _. ~ c t, l'- ~ ~'~ c ::~'r~ e n r a ~ ~., c ±- i o n ~ ~ , '_ is . , . .,. c 1_z~c ~,,~ ~cr~ ~ ~,. '~~~ ~ :~_1 c; ?~.c :~:re .;al ;c.~, >~~= -:~~, e?e,,±; _,~ _ _ _. _ , , , a ~z~hec ~. ,` ' . _ ,. ~.~~ _ _ ~~t;_~;_1e:~"i~.7_v,.-?-,:pry -,~ux t?!u sr; l 'v_~' ';t~~e _ :-.-~d ~ ; ,:~i;"- c ~ _ _ ~ 't iy ~.~ .... .. ~: Ci 1 __~.. Y _ y ~, • 0~ ~I U i1 l,~ C3- ,_ v _i!• . - . - 1~ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 _, ~ i,i ~. ,4'11 V l: .L'j v L1~. ~ i}4 +-~•-.. 1 .Z1 , °ynr , > 7 ~ nn. L-' .. L' is '. _, cis ir+:~ , a a7 • TT .,~, t v 1 y , L+ ,1-.jyal+.JITsI. ~ , I 'dsY,-~.rd B. :_3rritt -'-,..tr ,,l ,i , 1 ~~, ,, ~,rlT o the ~.. ~ _r,;,,_ , ~it'`T o~ ~,r,.~nei~:~ do ~.,~, ~,;~. . ., c:;r, < -~-;~ ; r~:~ t'-~e ore^~a~~~~° Resolu;,ion ~~Fw^~ ~.~^ ~a~ ~.n:~~. -r- 'ol~te~~ t ~~e~, ~,t a rsyzl;.r ~~.~'~l~`'„rncat°. , ~ ~ ~ 1J h~~ t'n o~_ t ~~c;~r~~ n~' ~~ru;~taas o_i ~,,a ;7i-;~T of ~.u,;.~le~_~. i~e~_:'., at ~~:~ e '.iiu~, ~~ ~~2~ 1 ~~ y-~ ci z, ~, 1 i_ 1 I^ ti. `~, y 0 ~. ~ 1~ 1r t_. c~ ov~ 1~. ~r,~ ,:~• o-~' ,~ ri ~;~~ '-'..e °~ :t7 118 l 't;e . , , _ , . v ., ,., ., ., nt e ~; ~ c.~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~``~ 00,.x, cz.. L~{,J w, ~~ lit ~Ll:~. .~ ~ I_' TTO t Z.C. , ._ ..~i. ,~ t~ V v C'j ~ /~ i ~'L..~rL~~ ~O ~ ~~~..~~ T -~' rthar cent fiii~ti tie e k '' j-' ~ _~~ -r ~~~, ~,.~TL I ~-~ y~~~r t 1 Br ~~ ent o~ c::~~ 3o~:rd o _~~as- ~''~~ t~~' '{; i1~' ~1t~' Cif .Lric:.'Yeln? Sl_r"i18(+ =:~it~ 2~;~~'?rOVeC~. S (~_ ..'.°c0~l~:~i~r. o~ the 15th da~r o~ ~~ ril, ~>. ~. 1913. Iw, :tZ~.'i,~,~.`i~.' .. i::.J:..:~~/~1:' ! l:'~~ve I1c%rE'.liflt0 Set 1v?' 'r12;Y1C1 ,.,_iiC! ~~`f`1XE:d the o~~icl.1 se U? o~ ~~.id '~it~= this 15~h dG;;; o-w' :;,aril: 191. .;l J ~lerr o~~ne ~~~r o~-~la- lie i ~2. .. i l -.