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~,, "..:.n~g. ;fr:. l~R'~° ~ l T l ~ t '7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3U :71 :32 x1.~.-~(3I+~Yi1.U.~'a 1J1" .L.~.1,.-i =:i~~u: 'ti ~ us'1 i't~r {~ ~ jr t'p r .J V:. i l~ .i.:f.;~,;? 131 a._.a ..l.t. „ .. k!?1:..1ti.i:: '~i1@ '-3Uei,"L'd U?' ::'115~c~E3 __ ~~ ~}1~% "r ~~;.v;~ O:~ i ` ,,;;,~?181~:1 a].Ci, d,~i ~. x'c~~al~.r <~~..~ourz~iad r~~:u~ixi~;, io~~ axi vha ulst ~,,~~ off' ,ocombc;~, 1917, ~~~"r :~°~;~olatia~~i, dsterm.%na -ti~i<~.~, tie ~~liblic intarest ;nc1 car- vanl.ance aem:~.~7~e;1 the ~woclsi~i~; of ~l~~at carts-:i~n lt~ ~~ ~:~.~_x1€~ owed ~.nd used b<~ s~.ici c~.ty as ~ c~;~- h<~11, "~~:rid ~.acctsd kw,a~i ths~,t c;Qrta.in tot z~.d `~~~rco1 of i~ic~ ~o~,c~°i ~~aa ~,:7 ~r'a ~ lo~~, ta-~°~i°~ ; -~'x€,a '~~c~.s~,a.~ly t~~an~~~' r~~} foa-~ a.~ La`t `,~}lZ'438 (~), ~3`1oc1, :~~Y~ ~~' ~t1E: (i£321~sE3]C° si7(',u ~.Yi v#IE9 v~ ~L~ {l~_ l? 'ci'f1E3??Tl~ CO';d72ty a (,~:i'~Lx2~Q, ~tat~ of ~ it"Qr~zi€~, ~.s nar r~1<~p c~~' s«i~. ~r€sc~; s r~carded in hook r~" :~~a '~ I.ti. seol~t_t3n~sa tz> ~er,a 7'c~ ~; o~' '~,o s ~ix1~:~ls ~ C:s l,n~:;~~, C~i- :U ri1 i~., £~Y1ii. wi~:~.a ,i2E3 ~awtarl~;T ~~-x.1.1 ©~ .~a:~cl b€~ildir~~; is ~. ~wrt;r ~r~ll li~% v~rtJ ~.~.e ~, .L 1~.~ I~T~o v~. ii.^Y. ~.Q~.~~ ~~.° €~. ~{~Q~ a~ f'ion~r frri %.xy~i~, ~±~~~-'i ta.1~+~~ i,~y ~7asa~~n'e? Tit;e2'i tU ~f'.1C~. G?2;~T U1 rs.'~',~:~E3121, :;'tad C~€=.`~~3CZ obi ~}1~ .l.rJi:~l G7 a~' Jar~~a.~.x~y, 1892, ~~d ~hic~z v+fi~~.s rocardea in Hook 57 a~' Jaads, ~~u x~o 1~~:, ~acord.s off" f~r~n~a t<~,t;~~t~r, u«J..3.i`ax~_r~i-a, axe tha fiU~w day o s: :~~ i~ L'o ary , 1892 , x I~ ~?-~ ~';.~'0 i~.?~, ]3:a :C'.' ~~..+:rU ~._:~,',;:~ `f; iZv; 4 i, rig }~ u.~31 iC; i n~; a ~'t3 w ~; :;.1~,:~. L:~1 r1,- ~.r~ ax~rlar vartiance da~:~~uzc3. ihat i.t is ~3acass~:c~to ~r.~k sv~i.ci b;zil~.i~, that' ~rea.~iani, ~~a en`~area ~.nto ~~i.t;1~ ,~~aah.im `~r~:ck ~_:~. '~-.~~~~;spar Gam- ~rany, a car;:~oraviorl, ta~a ~~resent o~l~ner o~ tXi~.t cert~ixi lot a~ land lyi t~.~G 4:f. ruaa -' ~ cep -t ~~o ~~~ to r~o ai~~ba~o~:a ~.a;c~ibad, «~~- . _ _ ~ .tS:. I`.i .~'t~rir~.~ii i~.~~ULV,.~ ~,h~:~, -i;i29 ;ara.i?~~t c;~ ~iZa ±30arc1 Of' lacU:ato€~s a1 tha (itLT o~' .~s.al~.aiz~ ba, acrd ie is :'']:6""°°~9by ~~~_thori~~d d dix'actQd to anta~~ rota ~.r~ r~aa~;1etit c~~ith saM ~. .,~al~.~~c~_.~,~ '~'ruuk €;11d i €a21 z`~,:1. E'l'1' i ©~ ~:1`i,~T, t3, c; U t:t U ~:'~.~; i a tl, ~1 d !; ~1~ C', i ,r t.:1-6 I'~?' a a_ t ~i8 C i~- o~ ~n}aim is hs.caay ~,::t.i:3ox~.~a~i ~o ;~tto~;t t~~~ Myrna, t<~c;h w_~.id €;~;re,e,.ma~.t ~~h~Va~/(WJoxo ut~iosi c, 3' c°r~xici{~ i~; horaby a~.~t2~ori~~cl, shall bey BLt~?~3t ~ t 1~~~!'xdrdld L.L~~'~i~°~a~ ~o~~Q~'4.~I ~° ~~~~~~~ u~ ~, ~. ~., ~' :L .. < _~,.