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1 .:~~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,,, `~w~? r ~ r~ ~: r~ .+7 ^ n $ESf}ZV$Q BY TA+ BOARI} OF TAUSTE~S OF THS CITY OF ANAHEIM: 3'AgT SAID BOARD OF TAU STELS DOES HEREBY FTND AND DETERMII I. That the City of Anaheim is now and has bean for several years last past, the owner of and in possession of certain person-', I al propertyr which is hereinafter more particularly described. That said personal property was purchased by the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of eciuipping and maintaining a plant for the generation and distribution of electricity for the purpose of pumping and distributing water for the. us® of said municipality, and the inhabitants thereof, and --~~7s ay o , , a i ,~ ~Q'~+ ~' VVi1JViaY.L~ii'~""iVi Yuw tlv~ivaawliv vi j/v•... r.~ryr d Southern: California Edison Company,,}for the pu ass of e1ea~ trioit d power from said Southern California icon Company, for the opera . on of the pumping and water stribution system of said city, and for a purpose of pr ding eleetria lights for the use of said city, an the sidents thereof, which said contra provides for the furni ,g of d electricity and power for the period of ten y®a , from the first d of April, 1917, and that since the a ution of said contract, the ea City of Anaheim has had n~-use for said personal property, machinery, and equipment 8v Q v V , q,a,i~s ra...i.v :a-i IiI. ~~, f • ~ th pri a thht can now b~ obtained in the open market , for su h ma hive d e quipment , i s better than it has been for max~y ears, an the same could ba advantageously sold. ~- 1 ,~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 IY. eessary to' that the s said mac said city, ~ r~e b e sold, Y'y and a gti~ipme nt i s no that it ~.s for the ben r useful r ne- t o f s aid sty, TFO B$ IT OLVPi~? by the oard of Trust s of the City of 6nahein that said aehinery and equipment Whic ~e h®rsi sfter described, a sold t the high®st b rider fox cash. B~ IT RESaLV~} that the. City Clerk of the City of 6naheim bs, }and. he is hereby authorized and instructed to publish a notice of 1~~'nsertions in the Anaheim Gezetta, a Weekly news_ paper, published in the City of Anaheim, calling fob sealed pro_ posals or bids, for the sale of the saidmaQhinery and equipment, and stating the terms and conditions of said sale, and he is also directed to publish similar notices ir.~ or more meWeg~cp_ ere or trade journals published in the City of Los Angeles. Said bids shall be opened by the Board of Trustees on Thursday the ~ 2 day of Dscemb®r, g. L. 191'x, at the hour of ~~o'eloek P. ~„ and said notices ghali so state. Bids Will be received on said machinery and ec~.ipmextt as a Whole or upon sny part thereof. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bide, ar a~ part of any bid, and may sell as much ~ or part of said machinery and equipment to one bidder or as many bidders as it may deem advisabl®. The terms of sale of said machinery and equipment shall be cash upon delivery of same, All bids or proposals to purchase said machinery and equip- meet or any part thereof, shall be accompanied by a check in an ~aaount equal to ten per cent of the sum bid., certified by a res.. ponsibla bank Within the State of California, payable to the press, dent of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, said check _ ~ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to be refunded in ease such bid shall be red®cted, and shall be credited upon the purchase price of sx~y maehineryr purchased, in the event that such bid, or any' part thereof shall be accepted. Said machinery and equipment sold shall be delivered at the municipal light and power plant, in said City of Anaheim, at Ho. ~/~ South los Angeles Street, in said City of ,g~taheim, ~ thirty days after the aucceptance of any bids for the sam®. The dismantling of said machinery and equipment shall be done by the purchas®r or ~urchasera, at his or their own expense, and under the direetioa of the Superintendent of the municipal light and power plant in said city. $aid machinery and equipment is situate at said municipal light and power pleat at No. ~ South Los .A,ng®les Street in said City of Anaheim, and is described as follows, to-wit: ~' --- Horizoffita1 return tubular boilers, 72"' z 16' ~ , _- with gaugea, check valve, blow-off valve, ~~~~ stop valve, water column, and other boil®r fittings ................................. 1 -Horizontal return tubu'iar boiler, 72* B 16~ with fittings as above, with defective plate due to overheating, same can be patched and r®p si red. 1 - Hopges boiler feed water heater, with 8" nip le and one flat~g®. _. ,~, t nay i ~nr ~~r~e'i~S~~~ 'f~a.a?r--.o~'1 + ltni=~'~'~3', -Qj.-mgt ~t,uta uwavvs. 1 -Triple= 4 x 4 mo or driven ~'orthington boiler feud pump, including 1~~ relief va'l.vs, angle valve, suction valve, " tee, tight artd loose pull®y'8. 1 - Dupl~ta 5 $ z 5 Smith-fail boiler feed pump, brass fitted, with ~ang® and nipple, sU.ation ell, 2" discharg®, eah~-u~at nipple. s;, <k _ , , 1 s~eee~--lib ran n r ne A ~ ~ r,~., _ ~* 1 - DAples Worthington steam fire- Pump, brass fitted, 1Q $ 6 a 10, ~" throttle, one quick 8cting throttle, ell and union, and one small oil cup, tee. - 3 - 1 2 - Chuse tandem compound enginets, 12 x18 z 13, 2&5 r.p.m. , direct connected to SD K.W. 2 200 volt, ~ phase, 6D cycle ~festinghouse generators, with 7~ K.W. eaai'~er, Westing- 3 ho~t$1~ four-poi.®, I240 r.p.m., - 80 K.W. 2244 volt .generators attached to 4 same, including spit ehbo and generating psa~el and instruments, 5 ~, 6 • 7 8 g 2 - 4aa gal. eclipse vertical 4w centrifugal brass fitted water pumps, built by IInicn 10 Iron Works, 220 volt motors with auto starters, with 4" suction and discharge it equipped with 2D feet of 4" pipe, 4~ foot valve, 4" check valve, same direct connected 12 to 30 H.P. Westinghouse C.C.S,. vertiQal induction motors. 122© r.p.m. , 6D eycS.e. 13 mid all pipe, fittings and valves. 14 15 The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested 16 by m® this 22nd day of Hovembe r, A. D. I91?. .~. D. 17 18 19 en o e oar o rns ees the City of ,8,naheim. 20 21 22 Attest; 23 ~~.~~r ',~ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. 4 -. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE {~F CALIFORNIA, } eov~TY ©~ oRA~~~, } ss. } CITY OF ANAHET.11~. } I, .~.dward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of 9naheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Bvard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, held on the 22nd day of November, A. D. 1917, by the following vote~~(; / ,( A~TB. 8 , ~ rift a ®FJ ,~J C~7 21 ~%-~~~~ R` ~c~.~,_T~ ~~~ ~~cv, uu ~~' ~~- ]PTO 6 S, T ru St e A 8 ° $~..~-..~--A Absent and not voting, Trustees ~-~a~v Axid I further certify that the President of the Board of Tra~ttees of the City of Anaheim signed said resolution on the 22~ dig'' ~~ ~©~remb~r, A. ~. 1917. IN' ~PITN~~S V~~RBOF i have hereunto set my hax~ and affi$ed ~.a the se al of said city this ~ ~ ~~ of Nove~ab~r. ~A. p. 1917. y er o e o e m. 5