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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1'8 19 20 I 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ,;`~1 32 ~- ..7 ~, _ ,-r---,~ ~'~ cartels' -took ally ~~ ~~ k~ Lett, ' . gkfAet auA Cb~eetaak street, a Sout~t, k~ wAnt~ei~ r st ~~: ~~ f~ ~~~~~ . ~ r~' reuk>t~' lies ~ Tua~ts-~, s~, dj9;AII"Ytt' ~ArBBalli ~ tebt to a geti~t di8~$k $4 tresi~s'17 at ~tgt<k anplea ~ked cenkez a +od - l aiennme B g ~C II ~ ~ ~ ~Ot ~' telaki thence Reskerty Paratiei= ,>~7 ftee of ~ntidta8 ~ a feet 'a' ~ ~ , ,~,~, , r~ -~ .:j :I'mo` .4.111.+VZli Li,, is •- ~ .::.• .. . a._~~~.~.r~~ 1~~ ,'.ie ~a~.rd of f~'rust~es of the __ _ _ -- C~_t~=,; o-f' ;!~1~,~eil~; ,;~~;.~~,;~! 1. ~"fiat 'the ~~u.b~.ic i~1~;orert ~,:r~d c; ,r :,r ~.ce re ;_iwe - ; ~~CCa ~~o~~rc?~ of "~'rustees of the G~t~. of ~,nah c~ ~.~, ~: a~:1~~;<~~~.t i o ,, .:5 lt.-Uic~~a o-~ I..,1.`ention ~o. 133 0~ ~~ie ward of _~ ;-c~e~ n`: ~~ie j~,~~d . -. of :._.~w:ae~?i ti :..~c~~ say d ~?e~olut~an o~ I~Zten~lol~ ~.,~. ~~,.~ ., . ~~ c~~~.lv ~~~,:~~;ed .,_~_~ ~~c~:~c~ted ~;~ said :~o~rd of Ir:~teas o:r~ Ui~~ ~;~~~ ~~~`- of ~Sl~', hei°e;; orders file fo11.Q~vin~;' StreE~.; 5..01 ~ ~;o ~r~e ~~~_e ~ ~ r,l~.;t , ; , Ttsat that certain t~£iyip~'t { t$e„4ity oL Anaheim ]ytng _ ti4`~ t>n~t-' mit meet and eaten ~ ' . k ' .w~extet~ly ~ProPe~'t3' lEae of @bnth • Los A,'u~aif~ 8t~eet to {he.eaeterfy ~P;uperi~q t~ul1 +>f t<ioulif Lemon street, and 1nt~a; ~Tttesnlarly der<sribed " as 3bitorov~r'~ ;; ng;at the aoutharesterly tsnrner ~ i j uil~in8 i.ot 36, as shflwn oa a ~~ ; a n . al . Torn of Anaheim reaox$~ itt 1 '~ool~ 4 a!' ttbeiia at> des 839' and 8Si1, od Loa' A,ngelee county, halt thence : nort~erlp *long the': ~+-i~#e~9y iS~e oaf acid kit nk'ne (~3 teat; ''ld8e~ee easterly parallel tits eottth- ea~ly 9tne of said Lot 88 d k}ie, jlouf er1Y iine of I,b~ ~6; 84 and 3!t ~ ,awn on aforesata mau'~.gs sit tq (~1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1~8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~~~ 29 30 31 32 ce;fiter Iina~ Qf ~;~6outh.'_I~ s!~'eet: th+effbe At~ttherfT• paral astd center 1it1,e T8 feet: -~h~,aw erlr t~llel to the ~rtliarly "; $~g Lbts $7, '~ "stnd,40 ae an ~uforntaid map bb3.S+3 i~t SvetrterlY line txf said, I:vt 4p; ltortheriy along a~aid western feet to the -place of natl~~ Graded to the orPflciat~r seie s~i~d Witk- hydran~ic cer>aent- e ands. ~itA.; :~s~,halt` ao>herege tiv, s'arface. a5rald 'a^ork shah be annd s,, profiles were adopted. by tbt9 BQq„ Trwtteea rt! <>}ta Clap crt ',~ reiaot~tti~ bs the' 9th ~;~' d9S7, are nembeeed "S" aad are<t~ ed and daiuig,xAtBd "Piai>,s $! ~plr~p 1m~pl+oVerhent 9fi that Oertzti7q ells of Anaheim, ~~I1'~.t~~a d in the office at the Cityr ~n~ said city in the City' Hall #n sa~~ and which s$id specifl ~ adopted bye, the aL'~~" 'the City OI ~,II~ltn, 6~ re$li~titibl Ebe~ -20th .day of Aug~st,~I~1$,~ which said speciStcatianp , and designated "$pieciflaat;on Na far tha e4tt®ruction o! street p~aaay with ~ydrautic ~ cement acct blri stone qr sCm.®ged gravel c~ntreie . ;fig surls~ae~ iii. ~e ~ ead~an~ ~~ : oa; ~ ~ the.a t e'Cit ~Cx 4f t~~ ~. . ~r ~ ._ is ti G!~.~t_~~__~- n ~r fvn-TCT.~~, ,...JV.. y L • All of the herein p;oposed works~ i>app~rovernent t~l ~~ t ~;m . data "ehabl b¢ . e ~d i;n. aocsordm,aoa : s~ itli ~n . s~ tise. Legisiatux+t of thee. Mate of Ual~or~f&, entlt3~ed. "Au Act tar' i-ror- wide fqr woa'k in' and npda s~ av' naeB, lati8s, aliey8; oourta, places an ~tder+-allu witl}in II1uAir~lpalities, s~ riE~pn property and rights of ws~' oorl~e@ by mtincipalitiea, and ta>• e~-lA-'.; li~#ng and chapging the ~gradeg~ot any' ,~-eh streets, aventze>a, lanes, alleys, vourts, piacas and sidewalks, and prtr- vidiag for ti>«e 3saunuce and payment o! street improvement 'Honda to repre- SeAt Certain S86e881T1~nt8 tY' t}te ' CIIe~. thereon, and providing a ~ef;~ad far the Patent of such bonds,,, App~Y-; ed April 7, 191Y. ..~yJV~...~.l l.',:j e.is ~._~,.'~. ~v1VU `v .L41~,. Q~ ~~~_Ci 1~24~' ~'~{.~ ~x1.ii::~~..41.is `1 ~» _~C:i 1~'l 1J ~7 _ ~ ~. _ .~ 1.11. .l.''v}~uvi;. ~~~Q -.;v~l/ l.._11;_ '~.. : 1!~+~'`.._~', a~d._ _w l_, t!`...ej ~, ~.'. ~. ~~!~ _;.v ..'.1.' ~~~ti~. ~.._...'~}fir _ ~ ~_,, -. ~~ ~ n i door o_ :,r~e _eG~,rd o~. ~:.~.._.~ee,~ oy sou d ;;zc~; of ~,,-~~„~1E3?ax, ~~, ?o~.~.ce o-- SJ3,;1 ~:Qi'_, _a~rT' 4iz3,~ 1E'.~~.f(~ .:~~'C;~GS:_':_L;~ i~1' +_'i.Ca.~i.-tra;~:.C~ ,, fJp yc G'.c c~9"F;.Cy:1C.'~c:i.~ ~ci ax,.~ ~~ . 10 ~:.do ~~ ~, .: ; ~~~ -'~ ~~: .-~ e ~,:. ~_ G ' :~' i ,. ,~~; L 8.~ 0~. i~ _:'~ .,.:e_Ci. l:1 ~~~ ^,xl~~~ei.r~~ an Uie 30:1 dam; c~~ ~_._tiia~ l~.)l6; g8 is ~.1~o u~_rec,~ed ua ,~ A , ] 1, ~, ~.; ~ i . i 1. ~ ~ i, 1 le T; C3cl~L1~`E: .~ C:0"f}~,'. 0_c ° .C;, 1w ` ~ v ~~C? ~).' .t~`~? ,__xi:d 1 CF:~ ~? rt:~J iii 1 '1 L~i?~ _~~ ~~,lc, a d~.ii~r Yee-., _ ~ ~ v~ ~~~.~ c.,r~~. c .cc'.~.~~~,u7.o ~, _ i~~;, e~L, ~OLL~~~_'.;i%i'3C? l:till clr~.:~':=~C'•.~Cl .Lli u':~..LCL v `~L`; t.';.11f'..L1 ,ci7~~.1{. i~i.~6iw+y)_y~V3.' 11 ~ti~°~iU~T n a:: .. 1 2 3 4 5 ry6 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1'8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ... ul. ~ ~_0 `u 1. 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