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'~' } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1'8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 %%' .Q ~, T- ?rTTr ~~~ ~tLst certain tw8 bigot xllep ih, the >~lortherly H~rtk "A' ; Caster Ttsct, a~ ~oa~n~ s era~p t+ee+fif~ed in # ~, .- , #Aeb wk ~~ °.~ ~~ ~~ ,~+'A?t,C. f~~ i' r'' 'te'a-~'~' / ~ ~ / 9 /'7 (34.7@ ~e8t big9LB dkf; rift 1-S$$i ~, _ sites" _l~ `: ;.1.:.~..~.' ~ 1e 4% ~ i ll:T L 111J.....::1 iY t.T a L1. ~.~-~ ~.:~~..~~':.:~ ~~- ,1;~ae ~~3o~,:cd a.~ ru,:si;ees o~`~ %h~~ ~~i~;U o~' _~~~vAeim.; 'lit r~' 1, ' ^ .d_`] ~J,. ) '1 -'~Tl .u ] F] ~,~., _U~ 1. ~~~.~ `cite e~~_s~lie in.~~,~e~~ w~~c~. c~aa_Y ~.-~..~,1:ic., "s~ec4~a_~~e ~,12G 4~ Wit: _~v_:.."~'~~ 0~' .~~ L~.;~~ie@S 0:i `i;Ile v1li~ O ,,~,11,a.~i~:'7_T:i: ~ ,~ c.~7. c F%U _v ;30 ~f;ia~~ 0~4 I~~;;ni ion TIo. 138 0l she ~3o~?:rcl o~' ~~~.;s~t;e~ o.~ ~~~e ~.-~U;~° ,_ 4 , r ,~ O F ~luc.•"lvli; .%:1_G't1 ~~.ld L®SO~.U.fi'10~1 OT Zi.l.trv-"a'i'G 10~"~ ..G • _ ~.," 1 ~i C~.1.i~.u:' ~-,o,s~e;J. ~:,1 ~~ ~_otec b~ ~€~itl ~o~~d of ~'.~a~~~`uee~. ot~~ Ui;e ~'~:i; cl:,a;~r of ~a~au~;, 19'1 ~ , he:~ea~~" orders "c tie is"ollo~vir~~ ~~ree~; ~.a:~l~ to be doY~e ' That that cerL~ia ~~enty+-loot edley h1 Lila uea~the>c•£Y ens of slmc~ ,•~"> t~t~!'''~'~#, .aAI;~7t t'n- as 3hA~ re» +or-rded i>t. Hciof~~~, ~0~2, ~4ace#ia~ ~#~ ;fattest tlsre~: aundred twea'tq-nine a>ad e£ghtY~ei,~,4t,.h~nnd>;ei3th>3 ;(329.88) feet ~re~terlp to u line parallel to »d thirt~<?~ur and seventy-flue hun- ditb;~ {34.76), ;felt-aisBter#y at rig~~ ;asxgl!!e from the meaanme'nted center 'lists of h 1~ Ana6lea street; ,be to Ll~e oi~icial grade and Fs~ tro-itls hytiratt£iC' Cemel>it.' eoncrete byeae `and xit7t' fM~altic evncrete wearing ~~vfFork sti,;till ~ ~4afae in word- enee rvittt ttee .'DiB.;te prohleri , and apeci~aLiuas th1~r, te>alab ia>~1¢, giaap ei~d, ~-'`.i~arb >s~te&„ Shp Sdaeit "r3:", Center. grad, Anahaitn; Ca'liiorttia; ' and are 031 file #~~ the ~- ~ of t1~e --C++it,~~ ~gissear ot- se,#$ clt~ in the G~Ly ~>;~lk ~ ~' eftp, ~ siliie eatd a~pec#8cai3ona.were adopted by* Liza ~bsrd of Trustees; Ot the City of Ana#ie#m~ by : re#olutl,oti on the 10tJk a4p 4t ~~ ~xs, ~ +~ ~peclli~tlans >~re marked sand deaig- I3utted "~Ipec#floaf#ona 3+Tu. 10, for the ..dili8tri~'~ipII ~ >3t3+e0t Da~ ~hy~raai#C cembni and`bra eta ~u' sareQa~aezl. ~gravei sad :ihett cot-crdte w8erii~~sur~t, i>,t f~he ckty, a# Atlas A ._ ,o,. - ~' - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1'8 19 20 21 ~2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 lxr~p2'ovemea~t aad , a1I proceedia~m ~- eit #a: =regard t~reto pha#1 bs in pnr= c at~an,ee.:oi ~d i1n `accgrdance with an<" oT' _the T,,egia~~tiyr®~ ttke' .~tt~a ~~ ~~~~, eatit~id, •~~84~n ~I,et "_~~ ~aa; t!!de !qr work , !t# #~ud ~~ ~re+eta, ;. s4tc! . aisiaw~llppt•' artth#a mtt3gic ;~ ~ ~.~md ri,~~~y'' o~~ ~9 a~a~T~;it7#ide~~,A~d x~ar si ~~h ~a3~1s: tba ~aa~, ~~~~t.N _ , C9u sr~`p~'ac~ _ and sicleveal$a, 1 ~~~° ~~~ ~1eh bgnd~:` + •; ~ ,*r fit. ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ -., _7i ~ rt_ '~ 'Q liii 1 S' iiC; r 8~~~r .:tl ~':;C'UU... 'LO ~7Q~U C:J .. _C'1~.Qi:~.r-.~.~' :i:Cy ..~1?r: ;~ct~~"u, C:. 0]:' ii~'u,Y' "tiiiG' ('~az~'ri'.- i~er ,lour o:~'' ~ he ..a ".r~{ o.~ ... ~~~~,. ~ee~; c w ~~~a_;? CiifE;- ~_ _.ai~~.~"~~i.r., ... ~lo- v ., u. ~ r. .7. ~,z, ~- +-, ~ ~ ~3'.:'o C~.`'~,1,`~ Gr ')1 t;-~::'.a~rt .•. G'G_?v' .` :L C' J _ :;. ~ C~ ~ v 0 .~. s ~ .~.. ~ r 1 U __ 11~ { cal v ~= ~ . Q~ ," `~C 1 ', r :;~101.;~ L, C3. ~~ C.CiO. ~, 3Ci ter v.!:1C .~Oi~Ct C>_- ~LL:. i.tle~~ C:~ ,,i"C; a{.:.L{~ iiir V _r^ :~ ~~-, 1 L-. ! l,]U~_ {i ~ .i: ...~~ ..,_~ 14'1.~~; ::.1E'. Lc' ~u~uo '~` '_ z -_ ~ ,...., ~ l ii: p 1 is C7 '' : L ~.... 'v ~ ~ Q ~.'• %~i) ` `. J -i, -`- 'r.. ~, }.} } r`+~ i G C~ „ 1..... 1 v e C r G v U fJ_ ~a~ ~ p 0'€~ °" G' :i` ~ ~.1 Cit10 -w• i C @ V Q w~ ., _ ..- 1. ~ . _„ ,~ ~~ ,lc- ~~ ,, ,;o~:~b~r a'esi~n~xu~i~ ~'or f;h~.t ~,-~,, .';a. ~~",~ + cj ~ i.c e s1~.:;~.1 nvi ~ e ~e Wled n ro +,a :_ ~. ~~ ~~ . 'v~ : -«, :~`o s:~ c:~ o , ~; v. .~., ,-, ....'... -~ - ~_ ~ ;~ {-, i a. -~'t_+.~. n ~i. ) r y~ _~ ~, '~l ('. -~.. ~ i '~ ~-. ~. jO ~ (~ ti{- G..C1CC t,t,c3 ,:Cl.:.- ~-.c:,-L..C'~~,. c.:f:1f~ .~~:~.~1 re.i:~l -~Z5 ~ilE, ~LL ., ,, L__-~ - _)i oa~~ :'ilc;, .. :_c~i ~~•:.,ic1 no~ieehall reclriz°c. ~.~~ ,~~ro ~o;,~:~.:L" pi {~a-~i~ o:~-_ F+:,~r ' + ,~o ~'~~ ;~,uc o. _~~~.r~~.ec day ~, check -~~~ ~~ab1e -up _~ ' ~_~ ~~ o:c __ Ut, ~,Y.rl, v {._ ,~ rt:.~~,~©~1sible b~n-~. ~o r ~1 ~r~~~0 ~,.__ ~:.._ ~;`::~_1 1_p ~ 1:;+1 cor~,i __a-u., ~. _-~ . ~p, ,~ <> ~, to „~, - ~-. ~~;~~ ,ur cent os she a~;~rega~e o~ ~ ~e _ ~s~.~, or ~,~r 4~ ,.~ 1..' J . 1 ~ '' - ' r7 ;;,r:lo '.~11 ~ ~ 0 ~ ,~,;~T ~b 1 e t S i ~, -rie r~ ;; ~- +; , .., 'ti) `i ~. C r' .,wt_ _`. i ~'; J p r., , a. ~0 4~~r-.~.n- c ~r~,~ 1_E~~~ ~,:-ti_o ;~~~..::11 usii~~+T before o~fa- _ _ _ , ~, ,. 1:~''G ~ ~^ `1;Y1 d•;. ~ it ~ :1~'s:! ClQ la't?1 ~ ~i Y1P. iS` c11.(~ ~l':10'U:21~ c::].f~ C~ b7 v r' J.i i r ~ _ :'t~ (}t7 e •.'~ ~. ~n:_r ;, d ~,`.- , '~ ~ e 1_~ ~-~ h _ ~~~~- o ~ t~ c ~ o b E r , 1.,.~ F , J -~ ~' ri ~,.. `_' d_ ~? ",.~ .~ '-`n' G ~ ~'.,~. "v 11P i o ~... ,. is C; ti, -, .~•v? w ~,,.. 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 l; r ~ J J« Ci~V : ~_ ~-C~ .4 ~.: L:J ~.~. i .<.3 ~.: :LLL Ci ~ _ , .J V 1. :_~~ L :.?~~,. .. s.. ;~wy ,_ . . ~ . ~ w ~` t L J ._ _. . u _ .. T- ,T, S nr ..~^ __ I r' i ~,'.y i. iV ...~ ~,i, ` ~ ~i 1. V 1 _ ` .. a.~._, ii 4 ...v ~!i ... ~ l ` ~ ._ _. ... ... .: l,l ~ . _ J .~ ~~ 1 -. . , :. J ._ .~,. i.~ ... ~ .. .. ~ .~_ vJ ...~ .._ v~i.yCrl ~,.iV GIJ .a_. ~~.L ~U li C ~ . L~' L ~ i '. = ,ice iV ~. ~ iVVeA.1 . . ,. .e ~ .- . .._ . . J 1 t~.aT.-' ~ _~. ..~__ _. .., .; _. . - ~ n .-. - -. ~ l .~; -' u 1 . v . V v...x., .. ~, t .cam • . Oy u:1.e '.J .i.'vj vl yyi;,,,i~~.l.:a ,~.,y4.. ,,, !.t . . .. .~ y?/~ Ju ' z - - ` ~ %= ~C i 1 ~ w. U 4 ~+ Lal ~~ L ~ 3 ~ f 1/Y1 f • ~~ / ~~r~N1.3~~~'Yut `- 4~,[.cn/Vc - s . s.a _...i . . .- T !':'~ ~ M. 7 -~ -1"V Lw V ~..{ ll 11 ?Y~~ U y +~ 4 ~: 1 V ~ ~ L. -- - - ~ . , . !,J I,J .. _.-.~_..._.,..-~.. ~ ~ ,~ __.i 1 .. ..z lL vi c:~ Cu'i i,l_LJ" ~ii..iJ G.~v ,4 _ .i~., i.'-iU- t' '~1-- „~_'c: __,vu,i ~t aU waii .y --~ -- .~ ~ . .,~_.°; .~:,~~: ;)1 . La tJ v~`~ J... ...,.-iCi,Li;".1~':i ; 1 _~=iG ~' :: ,N_. ~ 'V~ -.1 "'~~.`C: I:. ~.. .,. .._ _. ... 13 ~ . . _. _w. ._ .. _ ~:~ -, ~ .~-r ~ ,. - ,:> :- .z ~' li"~•~` .?C1'::'l;~iLO ~.>.~,. -.., - ..-.iiC;: ~~tlC't .;,1?:.4.:i-- ..CL~~,-~-~,`-- ..,~~...=~e im. >> , . ~-~ ~;~ , ~; 1 i 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I 29 30 31 32 i,= .. rV ~~~ ~ ~~~ ITS `s". ~: mi`l' F~.' .;1~. t?F' I' ~.V I ~v G i .E .~~ G .~:li`. a.~, i~ ~' -~ 'flC ~' .ta~I.S~ :ate I T3 ~ 13.c:+ Ci'J'''Y C3~ ~:~.~~Tl1 tfie nertheri~ ems, _~ ~.A.~ -Center Tract, a tls~'~°rde~l i~t Balk ~, ~ Uaueeas ~s~ ~d ~' C,ta'• G~re~~ Lty ' #rdn- .~ ' _ .~..~ ~ ~~) ~~ ~' ~~ F"~ `, ~~ ~rn~~tb~i ~ 4 ~' ,. ~~,..; ~ ~ "~ ~ ~g .'tee ~~~e ~8 ~~ ~ ~ unp et ~""~~ L6a. As~~ i"~.:`.a~.l~~aU'1~1.~s.~v ~.`o.~tl~~la~'e~x .i1~.` li,i ,~~.~.~ ~~° ~.~i~~+.~.°..iia ~.~ ~,i.~/~v~~.i1~' ~Y'a ~ ~~ '~ ~I JIT~IS~IC;iI~3:'y iQ 0~_.~R a x~.. ~'~()TI~~ pt ./~ . r .(.. ~~t -~+~,A~ ~iis ~Q ~x~ Q~ ~ ~. i~b ~. ~+:r ~.L ~~. V ~ it~ ~}~ q~ q 1ia+.~.1~,Q ~f (~.~. ~n the ~?~h cl~.~ e~ t;z~r~-~.:~: 1~7.~, ~a~~ ~.rzc1 a~_~~a'~ i~~ ~~~olution i3g off' In-~ention ~tQ. ~- ~~ or~.er ~h~ ~o]alowa_n~ ~tx~e~ ~or]i ~u b~ ~V/11~ .Ln 313,.1(1 E3 ~, ~u ~Ti ~JV ~'~~~~ That that certain twentg~~not Alta 3!i the north®Tig e33d ~ :Binek ~~A, Center. ~fiaat..;"aa e"hown on a map ~ in B~odk 3; Vie,, 52, .7§~ts~4e11. seot3ti ~a~pae,-iiec©rda of 4rani rom t ipy Cniifarnia, and i Soitth _ line a~ ~rerteriy D~-Pe~Y , iIIa street t'hres huAiiied twenty-ni etghtg-e18,ht hundredths (329,8 and , f~e{.~~tt~rig to a ii3-.e ~a~ra~iiei to ' t'hirtg.2o~r and aeventy-n9e hnrt ,, dredtha (34.76} Yeah e8sterig at C siigtes ~Y't>m .~'~iA?entied e9~-, line of ~awth Los' Angei~b "i~tt'b;. d a p P g~sded to the ofiieial grade an ~~itlt hy'd~ti~in c¢~ent ~an~ixeta, , -i~.~'~ a1~,p$~#t;4,a~-1~fi~t+b wsarl " s~hail 'be done ~in~ actor work r ~. ~~~,.' . w~as~ , re adapted ' ' ~ . we sad ' pr~iied the $c>ar~ vi Trm6£eeg o3' tlas Citg Azeahetm, ~9 i'e8+]itifilpa ntt tote 9G~t ~~ Wit, 1'&17; ~e t~xnbe'recl~3e„ +x3, -lhf~t: t rierth end 1 s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1'8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 dock , "A", Cea#ar .Tz~crt, Aris~heim Cya,ili~rxt~m; ''8rt~ i-~e ou Sl~e iR th.~ o~~ ttt ${~' of ~1e Gft~F ~8~-~' ; ~ 881d ~+elt; anc4 df E0:' tam n~ gurra~6~ ~ the ~~~~` ~ ~' ~~T'~ioT~i~-~~r 1~}~iC~i ,~e,id et !- ~3D, j'~~.°~, said resolution of intsx3tion did contain a na-, tics of the day, b.aur aid p3€~ce ~ahere ar,~y' and all persons hamming ab ~ectiarxs to s~.id pmi~asad mark or inpravement mt~y appe$r before said Board of ~r~astiees of Jhe City of ~,naheim, arxd shoe 3ause ~}~- said impmvsment should not be c€~.rried out in a.ecQrdanee with said /3S resalu:~ian of intention ~Ta.~~9-, anal ~~`~' ~ ~i~.rsd.~:~; ti~.e lath day o~ ~a~t~r~bsr, 19.17, at this Maur of eight o clack r. ix. ~~ therein designated ae the day and time ~~rha~n and th3 ch~nber~ of the 13aard of 5'rustees of the City oi' ~,rab.eim in the City }:r;~11 ixa said city, was therein dasignated as t}ia i~laca where rxny anu all of s~}ch persons x~;.i,ht €~,ppear be- fora ~;uid .~soa.rd of ~:~~~us'~er~s ~~d s~=oval c~:u.se €~s €~.foresaid, ~.nd r'i:~.i~3; jB,are~fter, pursuant ~tia late a;i3d to said :~esalution /38 /38 ' of Ix~l;exatian i+tc~. ~9, said Resolution of Intentiara. Teo. wWs publ3s~lied "U~ioa in the ",~lnaheir.~ Baa.1~T I:er~.Ctrr a dt~.i.ly newspaper of ,~enera.3. circulation, Iarix~ad, ~aublished src~ c~.rculated iu said City, as gill more fully a~~pes,r fra~n t}ie e,~'fi~.r~.~Tit of `:3. t~. Ramon i 8n tilQ in the offiea of the City C2ork of the ~;ity of ,tlr.al:eim,and ~~p..~~'~, after the r~3.optioxx a:~ s~.id r~sala~ic~xz of Intention ~, the 3tx~ect Superinteuden°~ did crxxz.se ~:a ~a c;~ns~~:ic~.c~usl~ y.}t~sted clang the l:irie of said c~antc~xl~pl~,teci work a~ i~~~~ravement, gat the tiz~a and iu the form ~Zd raa~zr:sr prescr~.bec1 ~.x~~ 2a~v, notices of /.1~ the passage of said resolution of Ixjteutiox7 i~a. 33~ a.s vYill mcar® f~z31y appear from the affidavit of ~'. ~'~. 9'aakett on file ixx the .. 2 1 oi'~ioa of the C1_ty Clerl~. oi` t}~.e Ci~Yr of .~xaacieim, ~.nd F~7~..~~' there~.~ter no c~ners of p~oger~t~r liable to be aseass- 2 3 ed for said ~o~k, did make t~rittex~ prot~at against the p~oposad 4 work, ~rithi.n tha ,time preseribad by lsw, ar other rise. I~0~7 `~~''~;~~.~Qi~~ Bu I~! ~8€fLY~7 BY 'I'H.1- 1.iQ8RT} C7:t~' T'RU3~."i~+ ~1~' ~'$:i~ 5 6 7 B.~C'~'IVI~ 3.. ~h~zt ~a].1 sets at~.d this required by lt~w to be $ done to vest acid a~o~rd o~ f'r~.: tees with jurisdiction to order the 9 doi.n~ of ~a~ia work rza.vo ber~ri done eu~.d coffiplied ~ith. 10 B~CTI017 ~. ~'b.at Maid Board of Tirustees does hereby find a~ 11 d@t 4rli1iii6 'f;li~:i.t ~ G aita,~ t~C ~ii:i.1'rt~t U u.r,i ~tl.c ~+ 1.pYi ,~ C 3 ~"dex' tl'i~ do irz~ 12 ~~ ~a.id wflx~k in ~ic~ord~.nce v:~i1;Yi s<~itl. I~esol~ztion of Intention Ntt. 3 13 ~' i4 1he lora~oir.-~ Fie,solution #~ signed, alrpxovor:~ ~d attosted by 15 ne this 1~~t2~ did of Se~to~:ilaer, 191'7. 15 17 en o e o ~r t~ i ~"t1:~- 1,8 eS 4~' 't°,lB (~it~?' {?~ ~1nahQiII, 19 ~,tt~ ^t. 20 L~'L~.=a~.~.~~1 21 Oi~uy u7~erk o~ thc~ ~:ity o~ .~~€~,1a.e:%rt~. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -. 3 .~