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1 2 3 4 ~ ~I 5 6 7 '' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 R ~~ a~...~, a <r :~ # <5' r'. i.;;rn r+~,~ 1 !'iT. ..~f.r-'' e ~~~ r r ~n -.i~ r~p+t e~i t'1 TT f'1 "~ r'1 'r ltl'CT I~? ~T~ .~~~.~R U?~ P~VIT_?G ~11.a z~O.J):,i~ Q~ i:~~0:~:~~_~ ~~Z..~l L. _r; l~ -:.t 7'i ^lL _ry ~ r"-,- -,i r )+) ,'e"?mtr r.. f~ ~-~ ~ ~ /'t ~~ Tf`l '~'+' Qm ;~'~~*!1 OF i,%i.i~.r.. ~.I?:~, FRQ.. ~ ,lam .Q ~..~~~ ::~~:~Y I ,Or ~1,~. _ IIII~~, ~,.. .~.~.,.~. C~T.~.~~~ ~.,.~,...~:...: PROPUC~3 T~;;~,3TLRTY r'~.C1.0 3 .~:~I~ ;~iQ ~G~'~~ ~iR~:~!il ~Q ~?i:;:: T`OiZ~~f?,~:I~' ~'~:',OF• ~RTY T 3_~~ O~i' ~.'~~~' .??t0.t~;;'iiY ,~~.~ 1~~~~, "~'i~O1~UCi1~ .i:i'"~?TY :~.C}~OM~" ~.':I?~ i~RQY:~r.v~ ~r~'.5.'.`~'iT. ',."OT.~ ICT} G , ,~:t'tl:.:':'J QF ;~C'T1T ?;~'~ 1. T?~yQI,Gr,1D, t}a.~~.t the Bo~~rci of Trustees of the City of ~.raa}zei.m, }~avi:ri~; i~a open session on t e 11th ~a~ of 4ctotor, 191'7, opened, axa~:ix~ed a+Zd publicly decl<zrecl x.11 se;~led T~rog~os~.ls or bids offer_ ed for t}io folla~~in~ street ~rrork, to-~vit; ~' That '€ may o! Kroeg~• ~trel~ d-iced`' l~a~xl, stress said= ti ~t'ree~ tav ~ Frelpi tQ ~h~e ,trffic~? g ' _ .. 'i~h'-ktic e~nEe wee ET}:.i ch said ~~ork shall be done 1?ereby rejects a1.1 of said bids except t},~~.t l~.ext herein rA~en- a -, ,'; ~ ha G~,~,-° ~,~, arils t}.e cantract fox ;~e~ ~z~; .~ c? ,r°~ ... t.a ~?;e ~c..~- .., _.. lavrest res~~~onsible bidder to-v~it : ~~/~ _ !~~ _~ ~~t the prices spa ~='f.ad ~.n its xara na ^~:1 an file for said work, to-pit ; ~~ ~~~ %~- ~.. ..,~.: - 1_ - 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 1'0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 y.~.a Cit;T C~.erh of the Cit~T of ,~naheiTri i~ i}eterT directed to post a notice oi' t~~is .ward conspicuously for five d~-~~rs oxi or near the ~~'r.~,~'~er door o_~ the ?~o~,rc~ s?-" ~''~^7.?.~tees of si~,id Git4r of .:-~''-~3,h£~iT'~ and ~,? :~o ~l~hlis~, ~=~. ~~ t~ctice ~.~~' twa -°.rsert~_or_~~ ~.. t~1e '*~~.~'~,e~, ' ~ TT f] r~ ~ ~ y- ,~ a ' ~ ~ :. ~'..} ~.~ ~ .i,~ - ,~ .,., - i' a- ,~ ~ ~. :'< _ ..., :..' ~._ i {'.~T1.1. C:~ t Chi ~. ~~iIT ~..rU.~ct, -. 7 ~ C:°~ r~ nS "Ft,* ~.'l hp,"A~ZT ~.~',^-,~ ~" ~<`t<'~c~.. .~.c`.i' ±}'1~'~ ~ .ae'"r ;,!":, ~,~ :_''~la v,.~< of i r,; ~tc~e s. 'a'le ,~)a~,T v~_'%"1''_ ^~ .:~J..C~ u:!.t~,' ~. ~ ~i.?~Y't~18Y" 1`:~~:ri;~•t~ '~%f? ;)Oct BQnsp1.U"R.Oi~`-_"~_v* f(5 ?., ~']~T~: ~+. '~ `:J?`'n O`~ :~~;^,::l° tCle C'r ;:~r:~t'~" C~4'}C3r 4~ t'I5@ ..., odr i~ Q L ~!' y"'.~i ru` t F°. P :'i Q ~ ~ ,`"~ ~ C~. ~ ~_ l ~ % ~'. C' :}~?';' o f t!,• t? `„ Ly ~ ; 1 'r 1~ :b '?. 4 ?'1 c -fir'} ',•, raid ~."oa^~', v. A ~` ~~~~? ~ *':.:i :; ~ t r~ ' ~w~ ? '~ r' ~~ >< r, ~ T'11C'F ~l 'l~. 0 ! i."~"C' Tit<;._. 'B . 11 ~~:i.;, ~"eC. ~ e ~p e C ~ ~ ~. ;, .;-'~ '!. o ri s _~U . ~ ^ , "F' 0 ~.' ~..: ~?. ;: ^r ; A ~ 'a' .i' i:. (~ t l o ? : Lr .c >.'~. ~ „ ~. ~- .. - ,r a' "' ~ Iy'r;; ?r~ rt.t' -~ 'r n cY .l? ;•~• v LY'E,TS "I i„` ~ c! ~,<ith t t~'ia.c U. .e ,: ~..~ i~rr.:,e ~ ~. or rec_a __t ed ..i:~ ;;.~.:_ concrete '``~"l c a.~ ~i'E: rj,.L' 1. t..~ ~`.~.•7~ 1'~~~i.':~' ~ ?.z. ~:'.': ~.' .` ' ~v~~ C1 ~ ~'.f! `;,~.Pf ~ . y (a '~~ -! ~'~ 3"2"1" , ~f '';'11Cy~ v,.~.a.d sr,eca-~i'c.ta.~.A^ ?i'..''E: .~,~:1~`~~~~~`.',.'`,. ~~ ~ ._ v~v3"f~. ~f ~,^-;4°~k~ ?~~ rw;~1ut?on o~~ t~ 10th ~~v.~- c•~' ~u~T.tst ~ IJ~:6, _aa~%~ .._~ ~~ ..,.~ z f ~~+~t ~.~~uc'.e WrA !y-. '~?.:~~~ is - ;. 5_,^-G'' .. ~° 9" .max ~~~ .,. .a. .~,.. .. ~ a..` rti. ~, K-al` ~l ~,i;~ei.r+ in t'., ;ity li~:~~ ..~ r~~.~ ~'.t~y. r ,^~ (': ~. 1~..V .! _ ~t, ~'^rd SY 'i rr .. .,. U4.: u _:.ri ~.t: ,;,,.4i w;~_tJio«1 Jam- y1.iu 4i... 1. .~.. Ll A ilJ. 1vV ,. - m d ~~wCi .Ca ~. tr _:.!..,~. `~o i. ~, V :A ;.r ti' ~ ,. }_~ "',-J, l.i s.:~a' ~ ... .L .:.:.'UvP,. ',~~... ,, ... :~. ~.L '~.~ :.ili,~r ~~ a rye S~~. ~t f .._ t~'~!4 Qt Y_ .X i.:'.,~.. ~.~ t~. i,L~-"r~~..-a,.y '~..~~w,y ~~ rr~:l .:.r lJ c1.. F~.1 `, .~ 'fl... '~~V~.: v .~ `.~oe ~ Serisi bands shall bie, issued"to re SeIIt-'A~8f3@S~IriEAtgO# $~.~:1 0~' OV~Y', .. _ d expense raf~s2~tt vQ~rk; 3 t; that said.: eerial; °~x~en~ ovex_ sc pertoci of ~eair~roa3~~b' ~~1y~ ~~~ ~. ~,nnrF. allprPPl~lrii~' !11922^ QY~~: amd &A ~.. peat, on the day of J~aset#~i' yam' aftxr tl~Y date, u2t'~il the vc 2s paid, and 'F.~}?Merest ~Rall b,e' able senfi-nnntt ~+; by. eanpo2~, °`d.< nrl,:,day of 3'aau~rY ~nd.3dl~*;res velg of each year at the rat® ~f _ae lent per ~nnun2 on all st~n~s paid-until the whole of said pr. andfnterest Are paid. Sa-d bands shall be issued under ~I by virtTxe of the provisions of an' of the Legislature of the-State of forrnia, entitled "An,Act to-provi$ , work in and upon 9treeta, a~~e 1~nes, a11eYe, courts, }daces aa~ waihs within xn2~tueipaHti~~ EtAd ,. a~enu~s,~ ~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 yla¢e~ stnd <sideia~iks, anti fl ~4S ~ ~~. ~4~]neAt qi' St evem~nt"fi~tui~ tx~ regneser~t ta~lt wrae~c~menta for tke post the l~d.P? ~; method fvr ;~; mein."tti " A~~r4vc~' 7,_1912. _ - il., ~"~ ' ~ ~ P, ~' 1.. ~" :~ ~.r~:., • ~~? ,~, l I.'~ '1 l .~.' cw i'.'~. Ci ;A "+' l :~ j^n yt .-+ rl s~; , r ' ,: ~ }. £. v a!~'~ v ~~ /' to ' `,r _ i ~. li v ~ t. ~ y ~. a y • ~.. i • .. i,G^ Qf a. `,i ;? v.l. ~v, n~ Alii.i '. x'2..'1. ~~~:,.rr.~, ~~-y--~ ~m i ~.~- ~ ~m1i 1.-i~ ~.1.i ~.e :.~Tii.-,-:.??. of ((,'~ j wV `~:-."_'T '+^.'.ii' ly'y,j' fir'...': ` ..'i~~. t ~+ CI'ii C~ a' ~~T~ -.-rTr ~ i : _li.+j... ar.• 'yip T, .,ru`y; c1,Y'C~ ~~j.1T~T'.1{v-1: /I'~l u(~yi ry,1 []:>{l~~'.;~ ~i 1/.~,v a."/~'~~~11df tf1E3 li .t.'v v% t'1f r~11 i.i~$~1 ?..;~y :~<1{_~1 1i~i L~U, ~j i,rd ~~.L ~rY ~.":~.1'~G V.~.:. 4e .LV J. 4. ~1.1 ~:i~ .1. Y.i 1. `\/1. ~~~ ~. J1 ~. .... ~.1 C.v ''~~i~~ `~~Fs fi ~~~~y}V. z; d ~t a x$ ~Lt d.1' rn u s, f . ~ -i' ~ '~ 0 a:..L :` :~ '~ l 1.~ ..J J ~a C ~ ~.F .~ a u' t? ... ~. ~ 11'.1- ~ 1 v L`r ;? . "!1e ~u~s,has.x~l on the ll~h d~Qctober, ~ ~8~7, Nor .~;.,uY ~~~~~.~;~~~a:in~ ;r:~, ~~': r ~ / li (. ~.. , i Y'-v .~ a ~. r ~ ~4- ~' ~. sab :" $ T1~.+ ~.'; u. ~.'.t? t ?' f~tt i %1y~ y 1" la.:" t e $ ~ ~-Z L --- T it 7"C '~'~ '"_~ (y "~-r~;l TTI~ !;lTj .. r7 i., T7^++ i ~ ~ l-~ a .`l.J ,. i1.,.~iri::,. V..JaL...L.11' 11y.i.1.L 1.1$ ,i..P..57.1.$It„ GS .L .°r1,f~, g. CJar 0 ~irustaes si ~ne~~ s~_icl resoll?ti.on on the / ~~ k~yv Qf C~etobe:r, ~.;. 1917. :~%~ ~ T ids:,:. ": ai~.:t~+0~ 1 h~~,~Te hereunto sat my ha.r?d and affixed t'CI$ 0~f7. :7.."~ `..,•3~~~ 0f ~;'.1(~. ~':ity tr1_~ ~I~~~,'~.' ~.^.`~ ~~.1:''~::vI:1Sr, ii. ~. 193". y C3er1~ e~" the City of ~lYlaila a ~,