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1 2 3 4~ ~ '. 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 r.. ~~~-~.. ~: A.~.~..~ 9 ~ ~~?r. vT --±T?~"~.t T w .w~.a:(it r ;'.t ., :.~ .~ 4 e 1J~I1JS ~~'~1 ,~ it 7,:~fe .~{ ~ '1 /~ -r.-<,.',r ('~~~ ...: l~~~ ~1 ~.. _ I~. _~' \. .Y...i-~ .I.....i i~i1 i! .I. ~. IX ~.._ _ .`.lV ~. iii 1..~.~ T (l r ~~ ...ire ,; ((}}~~''pp ~r r.ttrl ~` ` .~ -,-"" rl -tT1zT ++i~ p ~~, . ---~,,: ~ i rn . -~_.~ t 'r~ _,~ ~.~~'q~r -T ~. _,....~ /1 ?-5 ~w~LV .+:l ..i'...J ~, +.il.L1iJ.Jl .iii .ti,;11~ ~/~11 , 11i.~.i,k-.. ... ~..~-/ ~?%-l:..iJ.~l ji'.'~.~ :J...:.1 .LJ l+:.,,J L: l` -~ -. ~ .,,. ~.it~'yjj n-'1-~ _3 .,.,~,~ ~// ~.r/'t ~~i'~'~ : rt n~ -, r- ~.. ~ T~..~ ,.~h ..y e c7 R~ d , 1-f'3 -Jr:i.,. ,.. •Ji. ... J.L'. . .~~..~J_3 i. , ...1~j.i iJ ~J 1:I~.L .:J FL:.. .i .J ~.LL ~l~~ii .. ._ <'.~.~iJ ._. 1.~~v +JU•~•c'l +~l ~~..Lt.ikl ~~~ , -: -_.'.l ~Ty ,".-;TV ~--, y .,_.?f'V '~ T't.T ~ r,-n ~ti n 7'1 _. . ,Tr ~-,f^t1. ~;~-,m ~ r(Y~.,'9''~ ,1. V -, l.l::i ;.~, 3ii_.J_..{il .~. 14L1~.Jlll _. ... ..-J ~,~1: ...:11.'l'n~'..~ Li.t. .li.t 111 .i ..-...1._. ..Jl , ~r-~`d .LT~J'V i:iy ..J 1~---+i..T.i~~ t1V .G:\.-.: e'~i tii1~L ._li~.tX.Jil ~.1.:.'s..,~_• .+t. ' Y ~.:L~ , ~' uT i l.' ,,.~ ~ C' 1. .~ ar ~ 1.1 .'~"' i; `,` e v .y v U- ~ I' :.ii7-ar.r? ~ ~.i~l ~ `;LC v ~.On ~• i~ltt`.-1.t U C:° y7U.~ ~. ~ ~; ATit:rBSt ~~d C;dfl?T9t11e21Ge '.re(.! i.1.7_re ctl:~C~ t11-=.t It 1 ~~ " 'le 1';TBi~t 1 ;n 0:`_' t'_E; B08.r~ Of '~'2"':tSt'tie ~ Of t'i ~:~t 0~ _,.llci'ielm t0 :";r!~er t'_r1e fO~Zoin,=1I1~' StrBE't ~+0 rt:~ t0 '`.)i: ;~C)Yie 1:ii .~.u.'xCi c:_tJ , ~o-i-rit: '.~l~.t the ~•a~.,?_vraJ of ITroe~er street in ~,4~.d ~it~~, 7=rom tae ~,0~.`i,.~erl;_' pr _ „~ line of .~~,..~; .,.,x~ter ti~rGe(,, ya~°oL~.<.c.e;~ ~~~;~„ rl L r'0 .: .^ sz:,id roa`er street t0 the I"Or~~.Qr?TT ~,rn,A,ertvr line of :~w~t 3roti.dv~a~- ;treat,, ~aroduced master; acros;~ ~~.id ~<roeger ,} Ctr;et ~e graced to .the oi'ficial grac~~t °~n~~ ~::~T~ec ;.:~'~'.~ 'r.4rdr~,~lie ,: lY _. ~;-.F~ ~~~,ncr~te 'e~.se and ~-~~zt~t.wsBhal.t~c co~~~;~ete ~:e.:.~.~_:~~,~, N~~r~~~~'e wid ti~'ory ~,1~.1.1 be done in aceordce z-~ith t~.u ~~lans, ~~ra- file; alsd speci:~'ic~,tions therefor, vrh~..~h s ~i:?. ~~l~,r(~ ~.ncl profiles ~, ~-erewdoy~ted ~~,- t:lF~ Board of mrizstees of t~7_e ~yt~r o: nr~~,hei:_, b~T n:~ ~~olttit ~.on on -c~ ~~e ~~;. dater of gu~.ts't.,,,~~.~• 191x1, ;:ire i,LL;zrLbered '-yr, ~1d :ire rarkAc?. ~1..'~: designated "r'lan off: pro r:~e i~r-~,ra :Te?dent on _~roa~;er street, y;,~laheim, ~,`"~' ~OrTli" ~~jr'" ,..~ C' __. 1Li ."~' .° • [N.i.. A 1, :,N, '- G4+^..A. F,a ; ~ µ (! ~ 4'y'~ .~~ce o.~ ~ e Cail;;~ ~n~lneer'o s~.d Cl y, ~rl t~~e vi~~~ w11 ir, s~~..d :;iu~, ~;,i2d v~hic.~ s~.id s~ecifieations mere ~~a.(7~~-,teu 17d~• t;~e Bo~krCl of ~1•„ ,t,~,®~ of ~~,_ i:,ty of Anaheim, ~vT re soll;. _.~~~., oz~ ~ .~: °'.Ot'~ ~ ,~~ ., cf _ ~;k~t, l~J1G, ~~.nd ~rhic~i said s~aeci3.'~c•~~:.t1n_°:~~ ..~~•e ~ wr,,.ed.~}1 c?. c?e•~yl.wted ",~ '.~c_fic~.tions ;To. 10, For t'~ ~o. tr•~~c;ti r ;tree 0 _ ~ O :L y; ".viflay ~;;"1ti1 ~,_'."_,~-:'~1_1C Cer'i8'll.t 4;,:r~C~ ~?ro~?'f.11 ~~.rsJ1'_~, Or SC.7':.'eneC~ ,~,Y'rl,~'•- 01 `r..~': ~~„r~.~.~ -+- - L,n_'.C~'1".e~;.^. ~`.i;e~.Y':i.Yl~" 5121'f `~.G'@ i.l~ LhG ...1t',"' C:?f. ~ ., . ~~:,,~.-.~L.~b_:~;~.*: .^_"l.~l ~aa_C~. S17eC'7_f1Ct1071S ~;.]"_ OYl :~?.~e 7?1 t?'.(? 0r:~•ir,'e o ~' -~. ~-~e :;` it ~' .:1:; r: ~ o f the C it ~ o ~~ r rae,~.ra , ,,, ~; " -, ~ ,.. ,. T ; •. .µ6_ - 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 _15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '~;:: 3 3 `' i ~. I /~y,^~ ~ l:±y. ~/~i (.r• ~.V "~Z.vCi Z. %~ .':-~1`.~t~i Yi~ ~1. ~. Sri ri tj ~~ Q1S ~~~~l..L ~~F~z* t~Pi ~/YLiI~ ~ '"ei af. Septenber,l~'i "~', =t t-=e hoar of ~ o Tc1~~:~1 i. ~_. .:a.t t'~~~ chamber r. - -' i' '~ d~' ':~'i';~tBP,..~,• 0f ti1B ~Z~v 0~ ~ii;l,_ '~.`.1y ~;" a-P_f: ~.'.. v%' '.*< u i u !' _.. ~ .. ~. _ :. ~~ ti". tJ, :.~~~,. u::~c? ~,ll rep: so nu '~~,vin~" ob jovt ~o~l~` to ~'~c, Ord ~~ ~<.. y ;,'. ~.''" C' ~ IIFIl7~0 ~*;-> av~-i- r~~-,Vr .avi~Os~,Z' '11v~dY°E t,~1~:: :v.....,_ 0~: ~~'.~'1?S~iF'P4 C?~ _ - •" _ I +yOT~~r'.G ~~, ~hdUi' ~~~'' t~~ CNi ..~_n,a GL~'tf ~~.. c`1000~ ,F ,n.f'.u '~-'~.t'f1. ~ialS° r~:~:0_ ~_ i.7 t 101... Section 3. That s~id`~ Board`~f Trustees hereby further d ' ' mines that serial bonds- be issued to represent ' sessments of $25:00 or ewer, fox.' .cost and' sxpense •of said worm ; ' improvement; that said aerie! ' h '" shall extend over a- period of ' years from the 2nd day of J v t next succeeding..theirdate and a n. annual "proportion of the p ' al &um thereof shall be payable, u- pon, on the 2nd day of Janua ry .year .after their date, until th le is Paid, and the interest shall y- able semi-annually, by coupon; E 2nd day of January and..July,- `t« ively of each year a# th€~' r~tr~` n ~nnum ort 811 su per Cent peT n- , ,-_ ~:._ IYaid until tfte ri~ligl~i oi? "said ~ aI and interest are paid. n Said bonds shall be issued un ` d ' by virtue. of .the Provisions of;- et o£ the Legislature of .the State 1- `ifornia, entitled "A~ act to pre , or work in and upon- ~ streets, a' s; ' lanes, alleys, courts, Places a e- walks withint xnui[icipalities an on property and rights of `way. o Eby. rlunicipalities; and for estab ng 'and changing the grades of an{ eh • " streets, avenues; lanes, aheys, . ts, j~laces-and sidewalks, and pr ng .for the issuance and pay~ent o . ` 1 et improvement bonds to represe ?der- -fain ;assessments for the cost of an'tl providing a method" for tl;~ Y- ment of such bonds." < AnProve ril 7, 1911. - Section 4. The Anaheim Dai . _ • er- ~'Id is hereby designated as the: ''ws- • paper ~rint+ed, published and c' at- ' ed in said -city. in which this Re on of Intention-shall be published; ' The pity Clerk of the City o ' a- hai;ri is herebgdirected to publ' is •> r'~solution by two successive in ns in said newspaper, and tq I~ the ..._t::aar -;Fei• • two days. c.^.nsnicuo on ~ o~ n rr ti1e cliamber_dogi <;f th' rd ryf f1 nstees of the said ~.:Ly a-' helm. The Street Superintendent sh ~ im- r.:edia#elyy cauae to be conspi . ~rt th of said t~ l sIo line~ ~ly `m- t ~ r ng e . plated work or improvement in . front of all the property' Labl ,. ,: be! assessed, notice of the passage is' ~ resolution of intention in the er and form required bg law. All of the herein-prhposed w . ~ a~ , improvement and ah proceedi '~ ' ~ta- ' ken in regard thereto shall be ` r- suance of and in accordance. 2n act of the Legislature"of'the of California; entitled, "An act ` ` o- vide for work in and upon str v- enues, lanes,_alleys, courts, pl nd ;:, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1~., l 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 sidewalks within munici~aliti " d upon property and rights. of; ys owned by municip2lties,-"and• '~ s- tabiishing and clanging the g oP ~~ny such streets, avenues, lan' alp Irys, c©urts, pl"aces and sideway nd providing for the issuance ~n y= r~t~.n't of street irYlprovcm-nt b" " to re~arPSent certain assessmerifs he lest thereof and provdnb a od _ for the payment of'such bond p- proved ~` pril 7, `3911. ~,_ ,~ ~~~;ed _ 9th, ~.`~ ^-~' gu,.~t, 191'1., 544..(,1 ~~ ~ n ~ '> _. ,.. ~,~ ~~_' C~ J ~.. n' ~ .,_ ~;-. ._ _- -< ~~ w,-"~ .-. ... 1 y. T' _ _. .. . ~ ~~ 111r ..J a.w V~r. V+. ~.`..1-Lw~ i _ ~~ _ VL .. t. 1.' ... ... ~.il~:r.. i1, ~ i.i A.i _ _ t _ 3 1 _y.J~ ~ 1. t: W~~~. ~ t ~~..~t "iJ .J. `.' __ .~ ,..'3 ~. l.LU ~. .~,~ __ v .. ..t ... 11 ~. ~i aJ • _ .: V ~ _. ~ ... ~.. _. _C• .~_ r .~, _ • u t7 (l ~ "i L~ ~ ~~ ~~ -: -.: y;v sYf t1 .._ ...,..µ -"'-" r..__ ~ :":_~_ , ~~.. ,...._ .._ ~ ,. ... Al~Yr~t. x A~'JJ • d J. E j 1.L :.J ... • ~1 v ~ V ~'1n1 CA-N CX. /c/ ^r ~O•~7 C~ / ~7 -f..L.L+~'Y~Z~ ~vv U I _ , ~, _, a ~ - .. -j .. ...~ ~,:/'~~;.. ~'~ lr_ v ,. ~.. ~ v..f ..... _..-v ...1J. .,. _ _,i rl Cll. ~.~~. ~f'P I_ ... ._,~~ ~V+.:.U'~, V I i ,_ ~... , ~,' -~" gU.gl~.St , 191'7 • ~ `l.c_".' ~.::~ I~~u z -, ~-„ 9th , ~~ a _ _ -~ ~,1 ~ : ~1 ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ v ,~ __ _.,. ~~~~ ~ ~ . _ _ 9th ~- o .~ gugust ~ ~~ ,.:_.. 5~.,~, __.. _ ~:.