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. -- 1~ 2 ,,' II ~ '. 4i ~~s~ ~' IN THE M6TT:~R OF P~.VING TH.~ R4A:Di~~Y OF SpUTH PHIZA- DELPHIg STR~.ET IN THE CITY OF AIYAHEZ~. x~sozuTlo~ o~ ~~ o~ eo~T~cT. 0oooooaa Resolved that the Board of trustees of the City of ,Anaheim, ~ having in open session on the 28th day of September,1916, :open- 5 easa~nined and publicly dealaxad all . ed sealed proposals or bide 6 ~ , 7 ~~ offered for the following street work, to-wit; mha~ ~tkae~"roa~l~vay ' of ~ ` ~ ` 8 deiphia Street in said city, f E ~ rter '+. Svutherty p~zopert linp o Street; i,rodueetl Easterly affr , `raid' 9 . ~;~~ ~ S3txth 1'idladelphia street £o line produced h;arterly across the . ~m.y; 10 o i Stsuth FhlaxlelplziA Street; t+b and thirt3~-t ~Ilel i ~ ~;txie alrt~i:. , n~g pa t,~ ~ thirty-five one hundredths (33 fast j Northerly at right angles f ~~ 11 of East ;Santa ~ ~~ center link t~'eet , ~' (exceptin,~',there#rom that Ii n 'of ' 12 R If the roadway of south Phil .$treet, lying betty@en ttie phis 8~'Iy , 3out~erly proPert~ linc+s fast' !i Qae,d-e. fitrmnr.. er~idticed ly 13 14 15 16 ' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ar~„~,~ ,...~ ,.,,......,., .. adelp!#fa'eet) bE g;~ ~inl ¢rad~- and -pg'~'€i iCse~~ians ~erefpr, and Profiles: `were s`~a~~eii ,'_~ig $} of T'ruste~s o~ :~ : heim, by re9olt~tion +axt tie I . Eeb~aary, 1914; a~'e Au~ziie ~ ~ ;~ are marked and ~Ieslgnst and- Plxu~ . of proposed improv~emept o Philadelphia Street; Anabein crukA, ifsr-':' nia," and-.are on file-4ir the o of said crt~*, i . Engneer C,ty ~'t.he ~`~tF , , all #n sa~d-'~ity, and which ~~~. ~' ' . iications were ad9Ated b the ~' rd b ' :~~ arustees of the c~ty.~-> c reaoluti0n, on the 23t'cl Sl$y e em- bar, 1'915, -and which said spa are marked and deaignate~l ` &~ cificu' 'bons Na. 9, fox the const street paving with hvdraul QYf ~f emedt - and broken stone, or scree and asphalt wearing surf - v'el n ~ t'lze . Vitt' of ,'Anaheim,.: ~~al~fo ' .•.kh -.:. `~'~ ot7 said spe~rfioatzt~ns arc' 6~~~C~ o~ty Ci~T~ H~-~. '~OP13t~ ?~ .~ n . e;,.i,Pim_.sn the Gtt~r Hall`i7 . Hereby reheats all of said bids i~.tcept that nett herein 2 5 !! mentioned, and hereby awards the contr+act for doing said work 2 6 ' to the lowest responsible bidder, to-wit ; aC , ~ L ~ _ ,' - 2 7 .~ '' ~ __at the prices specified in 28 I; ~`. ro osal on file for said work, o- 2 9 '~,' p P wit : ~ - l _ ~' 3 0 !• ~ti~ ~" ~~ i ~ ~' q~ 31 G2~~' ~ /// L/ ~1/~- 3 • o- :' .. ~'% -1- ,~ I ~I 1 l 2 3 ~II 4 i~ 5 ~ i 6 { ,: 7 i 8 III 9 !~ ri ~4 10 '' 11 12 13 ~i 14 ~ 15 , 16 I7 ~i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ~~~ l ,. 25 26 27 28 29 ~~ 31 32 The City Clark of the City of Anaheim is hereby directed to post a notice of this award conspicuously for five days on or near the chamber door of the Beard of Trustees of said City of Ax1ahaim, and also publish said notice by two insertions in ~' the ",dnaheim Daily Herald" a daily newspaper, printed, publisr ed and circulated in said city and hereby designated for that purpose by said Bo and of .Trust acs. The Dity Clerk of said City is further instructed to post conspicuously for five days on or near the chamber door of the Board of Trustees of said City a copy of the Specifications for said wo rk, which said specifications are marked and desig- Hated "Specifications No. 9 for the csonstruetion of street paving with hydraulic cement and broken stone, or screened gravel. and asphalt wearing surface in the City of 8.naheim, California," which said specifications were adopted by said Board of Trustees b;l resolution on the 23d day of December, 1915, which said specifications era on file in the office of the City Clark of the City of 9,n.aheim in the City Hall in said City. Th~.t in accordance with the resolution of Intention Zdo, 1.31 passed and adopted by the Board of Tr Aaaaheim, on the 10th day of ,August, 1916, tees does determine and declare __ that serial nds ~'s11 be issued ta. raesent a s~sam~nts a~ $26.E1II o~ ;over, :fox east and. exp~frse t~1 s~1q worK " a .improvements that said seriu~ ~bond~. shad: extend over ~ P~~'?Ad~ of r~i years fre~#' t~i2"''~ud S* of J~riit ~ newt succeeding.their d&te and an e" annual grc5portxon a# ~ the print -sum thereof shall be payable,. by pon, on the 2nd day. og,J'anuarY e _ -year after their date; until thew . is paid, and the interest shall _Ae ;~ able semi-annually, by coupon,' on_ e -2nd day of January and July resp@S~- ively of each year at the rate of selrc8n per cent per .annum an aI1 sums - paid until the whole ~f said print 1 and interest are paid. Ss.id bonds shall be issued under::' by virtue of the provisions of an ' ` t of the Le islature of the'-State of '1- ifornia; entitled "An act to provid r work in and upon streets, eve' ...lanes, alleys, ~GOUrtis, Places and vv'alls ^~ithin municipakties. and,; prt,perty ~d ~$hts ~f vvap oven . fY~,7,'fiici}9841~'~r $~,; #~1 e8t8111i #`$tl[~ Clraa~ln~!'~'~Se ~.~ a"~~ ._,. '' ix~i~irQve~nent, boAd$.x~a represent-cer- fain assessments far. td~e cost thereof , ' ' anti prt5viding ~ method for. the pay-- r en h b d " ~ ril f p ed A r~ t o suc on s. rov ip p , I ~~ '' 7; 1911.- - The foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested 2 ~! by me this Z day of September, 1916. .~..~ i ~ 3 4 !~ ~ , r den o e Ho ar o '~ Trustees of the City of Auahe m 5 1,~I ;' Attest. 6 '~ ~i S a 9 000000000000©0©00 10 ~I ~ STATE ©~' CALIFORNIA ~ 11 ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ~ SS 12 CITY OF ANAHEIM, 13 ~ f I- Edwaxd B, Merritt, City Clsrk of the City of Anaheim 14 ! , '~I do hereby certify that the foregoing rasvlut ion was passed and 15 I' I adopted at a regular meeting of the hoard of Trustees of the { 16 i' City of gnaheim on the 2 ~sy' of September, 1916, by the i 17 !~ I ~ following vote; 18 , ; ~~! ~ ~1 AyeB Trustees,~~~ ~~ 7,~otr~ ~h-~-~ ~°~ 19 ;~ '~ NOyS: Truste@s, ~~ 20 'I ~ ;~ Absent and not voting ; T rust e a s ~-~--~.- 21 ' I AND I FURTH.'~R CERTIFY that the President of the Bvard of 22 , , ~ Trustees signed said Resolution vn the~~.~day of September, 23 , 2 4 1916. IN WITNESS ~tHE??EOF I have hereunto set mY hand and af- 25 ~~ fined i~he official seal of said City this `~_~~ay of September 26 2 7 ~, 1916. ` , ~ , 2 S , i y er o e yo Anaei