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1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~^ r ~~~,.~ ,l~~ ~RIk' -{'~; r ,* ;. ~n r;'. ... ~ ' _-yy , y ,. u ~, ~ ~ '~ :~v t11 ii ~ .__1: ~.~.L...lit 11:1 ~...:+,.~1 ,i l~ /i~.>.T,t r+. Tf:~S7 r, _:.~ ,. ,_.._,eTT.i ~~..iw. V,1.iU y ll~i'i V'. tl/J~}1. !,7 ..`,i .~~.t'i• ,.,~T '~ ,.~ 'S ,x'd Q=~, ~.?:~-~iG~ O? ~h.e ~"i~J' 0~ ~i.~..a~:~.ffi; w v ~, a~ T ~ ~ ~~ c~ ~ -~ „~~ -~ ~^', -" Lti,e ~-;Ltb1_o interest and c~r_. el~w .,~~ .. r. ...._ e .~ z x• c+ i ~.i 1 ~''r o :v pub an e lli} ,~ t% ~ `~ i7_ i ~! i~i ~'+ t~ t~f' ~`.'- (? ~. U- ~xB Y30c:..rd ~ + '''ur'Li>~u8a 0i_ ~.+'_"l~ d -: Lion o~ Ii1'te~~tiob~ ~:;o. l~l o~ ~s:e Board of ~'riz;~t~:es o~" t'r~e Ci~t~r oz ~i:~rla~:ea.r~? ,~r«ic~~ ~~=.i_d ~~esol;a.tiar_ of Intentio~:~~ ~~o. 1~~'1 vras d~z~y passed and :adopted bur said Bowrd ofi ~rus.tees ors U~;ee 1.~,th da~r of nu~~~Nt, 7..J7~~, nereb~ orders the ia~..lo4~in~• street l~or.~: to be done ~ ai d C i U vT , ~ o -~~rit ; _ T~Sat the ro~dy~y of South -fl~Tphia ~treeL iIt( s&id Cf~Yr fr'~i~ .. _- erel'resm `t~'$E' South he~tiver~ii the afiroglt th " aehvsty of laid St>ut7 ade~phia "~eet j be g~cled to ~~ ciai 'grade and ~ved with_ h} ~ cement concre~e~b~se 8~d wit: i*~lti~ iveaiing surface, laid wyxlt shall be ;done in x a witl~'tbie plans, profiles, ane ^(34~,tmns therefor; which said;: and gro8les were' adopted ' bj :3oard'of Trustees' of the City of ;helm, by xesolution an the 1$th'~ February,', 1914, are numbered un~k•.$re marked and designated, o€: drop -~mpxovement o~ ~'hilaet Street, Anaheim, G rua," BiR~ ati file in the oiFic+e=' t:aty Ivng~aQer of =said ssity, in ~~ Ha l ~s ~".city, which laid ;1icataon~'iite~'C ~T~fed. ~b~ Trustees'al the ~it~~A,nalr resolutib~, on the 2~~d clay of 1~i5,: i-~'~id spaeit~c :and aspixal.t ~w~asring sai~fa~c.-ib' + City of ~+ir~alieimx Corius," -, crud s a~ioz~ +~ file' iaa: efhce q~ Git'rQ' 4# #3ie E Anaheim; in the ~tY F~aht is ss#c~ . _.. _ ' ~~'++~~ 'C~ mTn ,' ~ ~~~;~,t i~t is ~arebT~ d~tcrr~ined abed decl~~.red in ~~ur- s•uwrice az C~id ~~;vNol~ztion o:~ In-te_tion Teo. 1~TZ that serial bends 11 ' be issued to repz'esentA' ~~- - - , sES~ments of $~~-t?O or nveTr Title: _ { ~xT>exfse. 6~,' 9&Y{1 SFc7P L'tl3t $nd Yt#~ , impra~er~t; ~ t~t~ mid ~exiu , da a1~X2cx. l o ~.++>~ll extend 6Ver e, I2~ - i-""'~ ; : `\ i h ~,; 1 2 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 years Pram the 2nd day of nest a~~ce~d}?rg,their date sad a~sn;~iad .~trop~~~rn of ~ .~i~`. _~ ... ...... lei. ns•dnfi ~ch•r~~}]P 'h3LtFAi11A dean .after::~neir Abe, us~u ~~-w ttl •i~gid, and ~e ilteres~€ ~irall ~e ab~@ semi-'a~tnu~lly, }~y,co~,Pon,'ob ~nd;da of- 3an~?~~'Y. duly r~$ iirety v~ each gem' '~i fi~~ r~~ of Per cent p~~.un~ d~} a~l'sux~~s ¢aitl -p's"~ • ~h+~1~, elf ,s~~d ",F7~#~3 ~a,rri~$~tst.~,~~~ d - ~~ _ - s issued ~' .. , of, the Legislature of Ilse ~tste of tfurtYxa; :entitled "~.rt act, tt~ yr~vid~ - wvr~ ~n anti 11~F1 streets, eve; 1, ~lle~s, ca~i~s. placrss and- ~xlisd tazthin tnL-i~aik~~s and,. iir~Pertg anel r~ght9_of wag iov~r,~ ~~7u-tei~raliti~s;~~and ~' ' ea ~chanBY~ t3~e -grates a~ any- s ~, ;A~i,~ugg, ~en`es, altegs, e~ ~Siaees ~: -sit~ewalka,. and prov f~ar~be iesatix And ~~.ymenC at iniprovetnent ~ioxtcls to re~2esetTt taia asaessmerits #or the_eo$t . anti Prow'rdan~. .taetku~' fc~x. tie ~-esnt of sur-h''b~1~~" . ~pprovec~°`, 7, X911. - ", - _ --- n ~ 5 rY .-~' ~r r7. end ~~i to 3~9'r ~~ sltpys, &our-w, }Jiw~ _ ~idrr,~lk~ Pt~in rnttgifii~+,'z~kf~eei:~ ~A~n Pr4peT~~ IInd Ti~it9 4~ ~ `arlne.~ hg m~rF~a~ties, and f M ,~'_:iriti~~ srt~3~han~i~g the ~; tiny such st.rea`~ avenues, la~nes~ 'irys, rotz~tB, ~f~€ces and siclewatk ~ prn~Yiding Eor t$re issuance ~nt~ .`: a-¢ tr:.zt~., of stl`ec~G imPt'4vem nt .bo tT re~rksant cerl sin assessmeBts f i cc~ t}iere4f .rnd Providing a,_ m :£a~ ~P lac;,~~rtt of s~zah 6~trid8;;" 'pxt~ved _~ ~sril ~, 1911: _ _ ~C~~IOT~ ~. '~'iie ~i.u~ -::3~;~~J.. c'~' ~.~_e ~z~y Q:`' iu~~.tle3.ril z;_ he~~'ab~; cla. BctBCt ta -~?a~Ft Ca:'"St?1~•"1~ai:lS1~~ ~a:t' :l-Ve G~~rS, an ar n8cb7.' t~1.8 C~1aI~bE-'r door of t~1e ~o;_;..~c~ o~' 'i'ru~:LF:.es o:~' ~.~,a.~ city o_ ~~2~,heiz_1, ~ notice of 8 ,a,i. ~ `r ~~a ?"~~ ~.11TJ 1. ~: ~_ 1. ~" ^ ~ i.~ c. ~ f? r0 ~' a S u.~. S a Y° b 1 C~. S `.Xc1 ~. u. C Q ~1 J' (? ~ S1~ t' ~..' ~. ~' i - c~ti.ons ~?o. 9 a~o~:tec? bGT t~~e ~>o~,rd c?~y .. ::ustees a~ the s~~id City of h1-:~,~~eirn o~~ ti~.e ~3rc~ dam- o:i= :uec~:.;rsba~ , 1.91; .~e i~ al~~a clix°ecte~. to c€~u~,e ~. co~+~~>~~ o~ ,~:.3.~. rio~~ic~e tc~ be -~-.<b~~.Mhsc3 ~iT~.c~ in the "~.~a~ioir~ ~t.s:t.~ C __ ~, -,w,af~' ,; ~A.;.;:;1,~~,°,ur a~' ~;~:zse~~.~ czrcul.~tion, -~,:~:~x:~tec3, r~lzb- ~ ~~ ~iSY?L'C~ «.1C~. L<1:CCi?~.~.t8C3 in a~i~_~ G~ t~" T<'7~'I.Gh Su.lC7_ nea7`~~?cZ?~:C 1S 't?8:[@b~: de~~.4natec~ for t'ri~,t nura:~e. ;~~i~. notice ._.i:~?, :ir,iT.i.te .~~e.~led {3raY7oS~~s or Maids for do:~r~; the r~or~>- orc~erea ~~:nu shrill re;~er to t~~,.e S~~v~:t-F'ic:atiol~s pastee~ ax~~ - u - 1 ' 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 on fil.c, ti,~~~y~:h s~-a.id r~rot~ice ~~h~~31.. rec~~;.ire alp n-r.o~~osu:? s or bids ooze e d t o ,a e ac c crap art. i e c~ b v; ~:, c e c It: ,~~ 4~ J, ~.b 1. e t o t r'~~. (; i ~: `- o ~ -;,rrohe ire, Cei'i:~,~:i.eG 13 `,' a r8~:~Qi'islb~e b~~:~1i'Or ~!.i7. ~I11o1"e.''i"~ Z?11iCt? Sllc41.2 not be 7.ess gran ter per cexit o° t'r~e a~^~;re~ate owF t,e 'y~ro-rosa2 or b~T a bona for tine said ~io~urlt so ~?r~~T~~bl°, s:~.~`r~ed 'a~ t~,.e ~-.~.ddex~ acid tt~~o S'ti~"Q uie.. 'i J?.O ~~lcw~ ... ~t:t,~.tJ.1~; 17c;C)" L ~.,,.~1~; r~:t.Ge~C C'.4..IiB ~i:~_t 0 u.f~.rr:a1l.- ister :~,z~. owth, :irl dot?b~.e t:~rc nw~.f~,~,~:oiAr~t and. Q~~er ~~~.d ~~bove a~ 1. sto.tLrtorv? e~enptiorls. '~~~ursdar, tha ~r~th d<r~ oT ~:~=pterrber, x.916, is here~:s, desi~:nated ar~d ~a.xed as tho do.v- on ~~'r~ich, t+.p to the hor~.r o-r f3 o'clock z'. Iu. the said i7rorosals or i~~.~c~s ah~;li be received ana t~.e s~.id noti~.ses s~1.a11 SC! ~i?eClfvr. "'he iore:~oin~; xeso!.ut:~.oxa ~~as aimed, attested ~sid approved by ire this 14th dati= o~ ;~ pte~:ber, l9? f. r ~c' lC~iexi 0"~ t1e .~0wrd 0% iY`iti~ue@s ." the ~ its o ~~` 'ur ,..~ il:.. Littest. ~ ~ ~ L 1 e rr;. o ~ 'r_e ~, ' ~; o ~u~ w °.e i.~;.. _ ~;, _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ 04 ~ ~~I1'0 ..:~T 1 Co~zrt~,r of Orange, ~ a~`•. City of ~nax_ei?~.. ) 1, ~d~ ~;~rd .11. .,j°:i'~°l.t ~ , i>~~'. ~~' ~?.~'1"';~, Qf ty~?e ~.].t~ Of ,i~;~id~1e1.1!2, Ci0 il~~'G~~' (;eAtl?'~ t3.vt ~i.c :%O1'~'o t.t~; ~'C;~c~1at:~.Gr? tk'.i rs;;111~~r1y [~ci::;e4~.. alid <~.dcpted at a re~~ul:.s.r meeting ox' tree Bo :rd of Trustees of the City- of ~.xlar~ei~:~ I;.e"' c~~ oll the 1`tl c~av% o" ~e~teiiiber, 1916, b~- file follcti?ing vote: / ,{ ~~'. i S , '!'rt7 t e e ~ ~C/~ i,-+~t c~.c~c..t.~_ ~Cl~~~ ~~t.t,.~, u.yrr~ `~" .,`Q . `--~- -"--~'- V Tc {,J ~i ~ , rLi s t e £' ~ ~-a~..i__ ~T~'':l.' ~l';T~ .:~~`..' ~Tlii~u~r, Tr~~~~teBS /~C-.o-~~ li; 'i~1'~ti~~b: ~t~r~ ;:0~' I hati~"e rlexet7.r~to set ~r.;,r ~l~nd and affirmed the seal of tine said CitJ- of z'~:~:aneim this lath da~T of Nepteclbcr, 1916. w"T~'YV / U ~ ~ ~r 1.e2s~ s~_ ~ t@ 1 ~ 0"- ~ rill