09/14/1916-0091 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 a7 0 31 32 • °%' ~ ~ / ~, ~9/ I~ 1~r~:i i,..csi~~,:t Gig y.v.~._-r ~~.w .~v~. ~a~ 1..._i ,vG1J~~ i~~~I~li~.i~.~L'1.L''. ~~`.m.:~.'i.i.i1 ~i:i `.L H:J C I'~ Y v ' ~~ ~ ~~ ~TI:~. ?~SOI:I"T'IG~ _~.~`~':~.~:~..~±1':IiTG :~il_:~:• ?~r : U .- -~ _ -~ ~i, ,,,~ ~ ; ,~~ :, ` n .,L~ r?_~.~ ~?T y.::. ...:j .,~ •.1-{ L~..j-~ .l•U'y -l~iN ..1,_. itJ ~ I~ V I ~.Ti~~v~, ?. G~~ '.iG G-i`~.t~.::~ai t1~ .i~l,'T_:~~vF ~yt t i..J ~a ~.'::~r. ,. _. '~_....G.~~ ..''1E-' _~v~'~' l~".'. _~~..._':tEt::~ Qf t1.LP Vltd` (?~_ ~i.._`?i',E'~.?~`~, d1d C?11 t:ne l.t'r: d~k~ of ~;~a~;~a.st, lal6, pass and adopt i.-~r ~o:~o~' :,_ta.or_ of Irl- ter~tior_ I:'o. l3l to order tie lollovrin~; streat ~~ork to be dor_e in said c:~t~ , to-vii ~ . ~~t~ the~rasilwa~~ai? ~wzth ~'~ d,:lphia Stz~et i'n said c~tQ, from ; ~he~3r~pXO~r+~-t~,line cif Fast C:ei ~3ea,°~rr~t~ced Ir~sterlp &~ross ; :~i~tth ~'h1Ix.ie}piut~ Sheet Co ~ _ a ~~ :~I~ili Acxass the r~r~ ~~a tree#, r~aitt~ "s Via: i~rar4i11~-ta=ai~ 'ti+irtr~~a~e~; n~uke~ ~ deAig~afiedt' ~3Yl~xro*reraent on ~ 3: Street; Anaheim, C~ I; 8re Qn #~le in ihA 0~'i4e c Si21tBr of d ~ 1.13e aid city, att~ ~srhie}i said ~ 'eke aclo~ted by the dug of the C:' at ,tlttaheix n, en ~~i-~ oi': fl~ ~, 8~x3'~~aid s~~ ~12~ L3~~I~h{~1 ~.~. ~,~ ~~i?d , .,,.~I_:;~~.~:;1;5• ,l~l~r.~;"fter, purs,.z~~.nt to l~!~ oxld ~~o s~.id ~;csole=tio:ci o: Irter,~ion _.o. l3l s~.a.d _osol<,.~;ion of .~zte.:~two~~ ~o. 131 -cr~,s -~~ublis~~- ed twice in the ":.u3.,_ye~r_~ ~w`l~' T~or~=~lc?" ~, d<;~.1'r r~eti°.~sl~;.par of ~ener- u1 C,'i1Cll.la,t~Gn, p..'i3i~!~d, ~~Z1.(}~ i,~C~.~'G ~;,1:~('1 C'lrl','~! tE;d In ~~._:Zd(~`i].tv', uS ~.ri3l more f~ll;T ~:~-;aeG:r frog:; t:~~e ~1 ~"~.a.~:v~.t o~: ~t. J. %i. Jo~~nstor?, an f in the office of t~ze Git~~ ~,'ler-~. ci' t'rle CitJ of ~a:7~.'.oi^~,~ anal - l - 1 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .~,%.::i~i~s~~., after t:f±u ~;:,C~.Ok)t7..oi1 0-~' sJ;,iC~_ re SO~'.u'~10Y1. O ~iltenti012 t~1E ~tr~~et uyerinten~aez:~t d.:~c? ca.~se to be corsi~~i..czzc~.zsl;r ~°}osted along the 1~_ne o~~ :aid cor~te.rrJ1<~.te~~~ r=o::•'; c~ ^ impro~~~ez:e~-,.t, ~v. she tiria~ad ~n the ~"aa~. ~zr1d :~1«.ruz~:r t,-~.escrlh~:~d 'o~% 1<~1~, z~ota.ces oz tihe -~~a~;s~,~;e of said ;esolzztion o.{:: I~teYitiorz ~;o. 141. ~:s ~i1.1 rno?.~e z~.1.l~r a~,i~e:ar :iro7"? ti0 4.~~riC?_,~,Vlt o~ ~• ,.~. ,{„~ct,tJi%';t 0's?- fi.le °i.rl trie C;?'?"1_C'.E: p'' ts?E' (: l v ~ v ~ ?.'. ?:'.t~ O 1 t'!le ~i l t ~r 4 ..': .ii=i `~~.~. e :L.'l , cEt1 f~. clii~'ii.i.ci.:, t'rlexeafter ti0 G~T?'!E'rs 0?~ ~~rOp@r`~:j li~uble t(? ~:?e as~rie:;S- ed fo~^ s~ic?_ j-~ork, chid r~zo,?~e ~°rx:i e~ sera. ~_~rotest against t Sze proposed z~joxk, sd~lta~n the t~.TM!e preser.~.bec~ br 1av, or otr.~.:~^~,1,e, TTn ,r Pl-,. ,~ ~..~._~ -, _. __r .~. ,..~ .,.~,ti-~-•t -.ti-,~ t f-:.1 --~ .. ~'7-.~~-iry 7 1TfT'--e TT , . Li :. a_ Ia .~e.......~ fl 1{..:~ .;3..:.c i ~.. .~t~ i.: ~J 1. 1~~aJ .J .~ .. ~~.!e ..i Q ~1':J l r' .i r . l } :..~. ~:a ~.: Q~ ... !-~ .ii l.i 1'l~ l,`l 11T.`''~~; ;.:::~.Ti.1eL; yfl:'y0~~ 1. r"~1at x,11 acts rand tunas rec:~a.ired_ h~,- lrw~zr -!;o be done to vest said i3oarc~ of 't'rustees vTitll jurisdict~~o~:! to oxce the do- ing of said ;~~Toa,^I~ 'r..ave beer. dozie .x~d ca~z;~lied :Ti.th, i, i ~~ B~CTTflT 2. '.~'i1~.t srz.'~d gourd of" ~r!zutees does ~zereby find o.nd detexfi~ire that it has ac~_uired jurisdiction to order t:~~e doi rig of said rroxk i.n accordanc;e v.it'r,. said ~csolui;~i,or~. of Tzztention T~7o. 1 's'he fore~oin~ ~~e;sollztiorz is si~~rzed, o:;;proved ~o~d attested b~ me t'rzis l~-t r. da~~ o~ '~e~ptez'oex, 1JlE.. :~ re" zlt o . ,e ~3o arc o:~: irr~.s ees o e G it r o f ~inahe im. _ 2 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Cou.at`? of Grang@ , ) ~;,: • 1 .1 , :~i~ii ;.=~,1'C1.. B • _;_.t;.~ 1'Y'7. ~i v , 1 u~T' t,~... i"l~ 0 a. ~h@ l; ~~ a .~. _u1~.Cit~.:1.22:, a ~].@y'e~?JT C.-~.1'i:~f~' ~('v~~ ~}1~ ~r?:t~L?~'07_Y?L 1^`t,°,'-:t)~t7.°~J.ax1 fir:`-", 1?_~.~`:'G~~ `_,'.:tS(~. ~-~riG7~~;.. ed cat _. 'C'G' V'.',t~ t: Y' ?::3~@t 7.Y,~ ~~ t''.8 l~v~?,~"C~ ate'' '.~.i'L~:a~"iv@ ~' 0~ ~h@ ~ilt~T a~ ts.~lu,i~iv].r.! held an the 14th d~a~Y o~- er~tur:~bt: ~~, 116, ~,v, the fallai-.ir: ZTote: .~~.;;'~ e S , 1 3 2L ~" t 8 @ S /~ ~'ln~t c.c-~r/C, /'~~~~ ~~j~daa.~ °~ ~ °~~/~~ ?'~" :,b ~ ent~1d nat tr0 t 11'1' Y'll:~t 8 @ s /Cj~O~tr-~CJ `- ..__.._._...~~~.____ Ii ~ ~~~~>r T~ i.-.~:.i~~C' T ~1c'~Ve llE3rel.tn 0 SB~'i T?i~j !"?~Yl~ u.:[`1C~. ~,~ 11^:8 the ai~iclal s@~.1 e~ said City this 14th dar of ~e~ter~~aer, 191r~. Lzt~r Clem a~_ ~ ;@ C,i ~ a~ jk: ~,he lr.' .