09/28/1916-012 ~ / ' '~ (y ~'-`~ '.~ C... d i. 1 , IN TSE MATTER OF PAVi G THAT CERTAIN EIGHTEEN-FOOT AI,~. +~ ' IN THE '; CITY OF ANAHEIM, LYIN BET~itEEN NEST CENT ~~' STREET AND ~IES~' CHAR- ' 2 '''~ TRES STREET AND '~ dDING FRO~~I THE TERLY PROPERTY LINE O1' ~ NORT33 LOS AN~ELE:S ST T TO THE :EASTERLY PROPERTY LIN.,' OF NORTH k S' l L ~ N S TREET . F , ~ RESOLUTIO 4 OF A~gRD OF CONTRACT. I aoooo 5 ~;~ BESOL~'~D, that t e Board of Trustees of the City of ,~naheim a ;having in open sessio on the 28th day of September,1916, opened 7 examined and publicly declared all, sealed pro,Fosals or bids cf, 8 fared for the followi street work, to-wit; :-r- 9 ~ Th$t -t Iey i~ 'the - t certain Steen-.feat :al- " ~` ~f ~.h~heim, lying b~- tween "~'e t 'Center ~~eet and Vi'est 10 j Chartres tract and ,extending. from -the Wes Ang~ • L~aa l~r prvpe~tY line of No~~th es Street to ",the Easterly , 11 ~ property l ne 4f -North Lemon :street, and ms~e partiet~larly described as _ fullowss 12 Beginn' , at- tdae" mouth-westerly ~ coiner, of ,~iginAl C~it~ Lot 2$ a~ 13 ~ shown on h~ink reed niaF~ of tine '~'own.af Qn~.- dad-in 1?oc~ ~ 6f i7ee~ds,at • ( pages: 6' ~ Angeles Los -aril 6$G; Retards of ur~Y.r ~~tifor-nia;" thence~- ` 14 E ~#zfh~, ~o~}]~y,~-tlre, Westerly:]ln$ of HStE~ ~~ ' '~ 49t({'~Qf;; ~. . 16iLCE Lit~-~_ 1 ).~:, 15 ) ~ - ••s3&t~l I.e~ ta'~d-Sgq~hetly line d$~ vii v. ~~n~ ~if_ ~~-/~~~}}~~d t ue ` `I lt1t'to~~ Yeti. y-s n t}~;~~8•~3 ~y .~ ~ fY 16 ~( ~ (263 atid' j! OR '~ha`F.-' `- ,'t'wen~~'~h~f~ (`~') ~ ~s~.n ` dIC~.a~~~r-~{4P ~'~,llIiL~~'~YF-"•. ' i y to o a ~ t'tVenty-fire ' hundredths ' 17 (; 1,558.`35) trt}'- eat to a point distant t~ four and I~+e tenths ~ ("34.5.) ..fit Y4e,4t_ = .-~rly. ~t;z rilentg~ _ 18 ~ ght ~~~r~las from the .morns nteY_~Ye trf;:North I.as,An- . , gales qtr et; thEriae Southerly,paxallei to the '1~' sterly property line of North 19 "L.os .tag` let; the es Stxeet .eighteen (18) ee `W~ste~ly, parallel to the iti`orther ii~ae` of Original Lots Twen- 2 ~ i ty-nine` • (31J, an n afore ~ 29), ~'hirtY, -(2fl); Thirty-one '~hrky-two {32), ~as shown.; aid fps -Five hundred 4ifty-? % o 21 '.i t~vo a (552,2rv) :i twenty-five .hundredths-: .feet to the 'Westerly -line aft` ~„ ~ said I.o 22 Not'ther Thirty-two (32 ),; < thence`; along ssad Westerly lore's ~;~~ nine (~ ~egt, to .dace of begmmng,~~~ d ' ` be an { d to .the official grade 2 3 ~ i; paved iv tli •hy~raitlic Dement eonrre ' ` bage ` an enncre . ~ ith asphaltic 2 4 !, ~yrearit~ ~ ~Sri~: surface. ork ~3~a11 iPrf=?dfane~ i~ ac;wt~' ~, ;~ arnee wi the plans, profiYes and sp~eel- { 25 ~,nn a~ ' Ehl~--~~.~ ~.esaid A1~ns' ~ 1aq the Eb px ~ of.4`t'us o~ flYe "o~ty of A~rsahe3 . 26 ' try ras ution nn the:.. 10th da~ _ o bere~l ~`2.' n ~{ -gng~~'v rpa ~ are uin _,1@7.8; are ked and deli nated~ "Plan • 2 7 ~ prspos ! alley ianprove3ne$~ oit that cex~tai Lots Twenty-t~,ve (253 _. Thirty- wo `(32), inelaslve, (Jrig~ 28 ~ Town file in An~heirn; f;alif." and az~e he office of the City ~ngin . of said ~ city cityr` i tha City Hall in sa" c~ said specification d wh~ ;. 2 8 were . of . opted. by the $a~rd of Tru, the City of Anaheim; by res tees.. 3 8 ]titian 19I6 n the 10th. day of Al~g?i ztd ~vvhich laid sPecificatia , are"in ked and tlesi~nated "Speeii~ ~ ~j 81 '' tkori$ (! street. o. IOC far the conrs>;rurtictz~ . pa.~+i3ig with hydraulic Genre s and: b ~ 32 and open -stone on screened, gra . hilt concrete'=~ea~i~g Surf :_< ~ in the ' i. Cl of Aid(„ ~~3i~ortt~E iflE~tiaha arB oax - A ` .~ vcxhich j " In Cple~ pee ~ o~S~ of tlra-~ity.~ ~Cierk~ ~f ` 1' City o it5' An f Atsshelm> ~ the G ~~ 1, -.aid ~ ,itp. __ ,j ..• - y ~P.; ~: i 'il ~" i 1 li Hereby re j eats al o f said bids except that next herein 2 ~~ men-tinned, and hereby awards the contract for doing said work 3 I to tha lowest respeons ble bidder, to-wit; 4 ~ ~~ti~ at the prices specified ~ 5 proposal on ~a-~ in ; , ila fo said work, to-wit ~ /~ ~ / ~~~~c ~~~~ 7 ~ ~ D The ity Clerk of he City of gnahsim is hereby directed to 8 , post a notice of this award conspicuously for five days on or 9 ! ; ': near the chamber door f the Board of Trustees of said City of 10 i j,6naheim, and also pub ish said notice by two insertions in the 11 I ~ ~Axlaheim wily Herald" a daily newspaper, printed, published and 12 ~ , circulated in said cit y and hereby designated for that purpose 13 ' , by said Board of Tres ees. 14 ~ ~~ The City Clerk o said City is further instructed to post 15 ,I ~' conspicuously for fiv days on or near the Chamber door of the 16 i ~ Board of Trustees of said City a copy of the Specifications for 17 I said work, which said specifications are marked and designated 18 i i "Specifications No .10 for the construction of street paving with 19 ;~ ~~, hydraulic cement and Token stone, or screened gravel and asphal' 20 concrete wearing surf ee in the City of Anaheim, California,' 21 , ~,'Iwhieh said speeifieat one were adopted by said Boaa~d of Trustees 2 2 `~ i ~'by resolution on the - 0th day of August,1916, which said spec 23 ~' fications are on rile in the office of the .City Clerk of the Cit 24 i Cit vf Anaheim in the. Hall in said City. 25 . 26 29 28 29 3 0 31 ;I ai 3 2 ii _ 2_ rr i 1i 2i 3. ~~.. The foregoing res by me this 2 $ day o f 4 ~' 5 ~ Att®~t e~~ ~. ~~ y 8 9 STATE OF C®I,IFORNI~~ 10 11 ;COUNTY OF' ORdN~E '~ } 12 ' CITY OP 11YAHk:I&t } 13 Ij Iution is signed, approved anal attested September, 1916. , c , si en o e ar o steae o f the City o f ,~aheim 0 14 I, Edward B erritt, City Clerk of the City of gnaheim 15 l~ do hereby certify the the foregoing r®eolution was passed and ~~ 16 ' adapted at a regular meeting of the &~ard of Trustees of the 0 17 City of gxtaheim on th ~$ day of September, 191.6, by the fol- 18 ~ lowing vote: I~ ~ ~ 19 ! 8, Trust 96ss an./ C~ vr,-/ ~ ` ~ ~c i 20 '!~ NOES, Trustees '~ 21 '~ gl~sent and not v ting, Trustees ~-~-~~ 22 I~ ,arid I further ce tify that the President of the Board of 23 ~ Trustees signed said esolution on the day of September, 24 ii 1916. I; 25 ~ iN WITNESS WHEF 28 ed the official seal 27 ~ 28 ,~ 2 9 I~ 30 31 32 I _ __ EOF I have hereunto set my hand and affiz of said City this ~.8~day of September,l9 6 (~. vGL C y ler o -cne vitiy of a~.~lol~ -3-