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1 ' 2~ 3 ~ 4 ~, { 5 8 i 7 8 9 10 ~, 11 ~ 12 13 14 15--- { 16 {IIj 17 I 18 .~ 18 2 0 I 21 22 2 3 il~i 24 ~! 2 5 ~_I~~~ 2 6 !' ~! 2 7 ;~~~ ~!~ 2 8 ''i 2 9 ill ~o ~~ 31 3 !I L IN THL+` BATTER OF PAV CITY OF ATdAHEIM, IN ~~+'8 RESOI,V.~, that t having in open sessi ed, e~emined and pub offered for the foil ~. ~_~~ z THAT CERTAIN THIRTY-FONT AZI~Y IN THE CS °H'~ OF VINLYARI? LOT "~}3.'~ ION OF AWARD OF CONTFZACT. Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim an the 28th day of September, 1916, open ely declared all sealed proposals or bids ink street. work, to-wit; Hereby rejects 11 of said bids except that neat herein mentioned, and here y awards the contract for doing said work. ~/ to the low st respo Bible bidder, to-wit; pC ~~, at the prices specifi ifi propvsal~ o fil for said work, to-wit;, " q The y Clerk f the City of Anaheim is hereby directed. to post a natiee of this award conspicuously for five-days on or near the chamber door of the Board of Trustees of d City 1 - 6 r~ 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 , 10 11 ~ l 12 j 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 of 9naheim, and also ublish said notice by two insertions in the "Anaheim llaily He ald^ S daily newspaper, printed, publish- i ed and circulated in aid city and hereby designated. for that purpose by said Board of Trustees. The City Clerk of aid City is further instructed to post ~I conspicuously for fiv days on or near the Chamber door of the Board of Trustees of aid City a copy of the Specifications for said work, wh~:ch said specifications are marked and designated "Specifications No, 1 -for the construction of street paving wi~ Y~ydraulie Qement and rakers stone, or screened gravel and as- phalt concrete weari g surface in the City of gnaheim, Californ which said specifies ions were adopted by said Board of Trustee by resolution on the 1©th day of August, 1916, which said speci fications are on ~'il in the office of the City Clerk of the city of Anaheim in t e City Ball in said City.. The foregoing re lotion is signed, approved and attested by me this `~~~~ d of September, 1916. ~'GC~/L p en o e oar o r tees of the City of Anaheim. Attest; y er ~ o~'~" 0 a," 1 ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) ) 2 COUN'1'Y OF ORANGE, ~ SS, 3.' CITY OF ANbH,LI~. ) 4 ~' I, Edward B. Merr tt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do 5 ', '~ hereby certify that t e foregoing resolution was passed and a.- 8 dopted at a regular m sting of the Board of Trustees of the 7 '~ City of Anaheim on th ~__S~(iay of September, 2926, by the fol- ,_ 8 ii. . 9 ~', lowing vote: ~ . Byes, Trustees ~ «~1C C ~ `00 10 ~' 11 ~ Noes, Trustees ~ . ;~ Absent and not vo ing, Trustees ~u~ 12 jj And I further cer ify that the President of the Board of 13 ~~ Trustees signed said esolutian on the ~ day of S®ptember, 14 ,; 15 i 1916. IN ~'~ITNESS ~'~H.RLO' i have hereunto set my hand and affi.B- 16 fi ~~/ ed the official seal f said City this~_:~"-day of September, 17 ~I 18 ~! 1916. 19 !' ~ ~ ~ c~ 'i ~ x y er o e i y o Anahej 2 0 ~, 21 "' 22 ~, 23 2 4 '; 25 u 26 ~~ 2 7 ';~ 2 8 2 9 , 3 0 j!. 'I F, 31 it 32 ~ I lir - 3 -