09/14/1916-018'~ 1 ~. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~~-~. ;~~ r; t_ , T Iil rte.., lf~ '"'f F~ 'TTT;.rat f'1 '1-17^' T~,T ~''l X-r ~ P1 7 f~l ':7~j' T 1' ~~ T~nT~T IT`+ i-J I..~~1. .. .yi? Oi a. t'J 1_'J lit '1.:1.1. iit.i :.i i~ 1~ti i~l Y^.N OQi i'u .~i1:J ~. ~T't .(. Ilu .f .i. J. .: (~ ~... 7-, i.l T,s T "ITT ~1 TT4~ J~ TT^T.~....l,~T . ~T 'r ~~ {j ~ ~f ~.~:~: ~C ~~ ~ _T.G~ G~:~:.~A: ~TrO i`tORK. R.~:CIV~~J b~.r file %oa:~ of 'S'ri;>:tees o:~ the CitJ o~y' ~~~W':~eilr<; ... _ ~.`)~~i'1 ICil ~. ihi~.v t tle '_ ii.~(~1i..1~i l.Jlt c; SL u ~ ~i,i1L1 C:v~ ~''31~ ~ .;~i'~'r 1 t3 t~l~l'~ l: ,:1 the 3o~.x~~ o~ ~rizs tees of the Cit~j o~~ ~,n~.?zeim, ~iaxs~i~,;.~t to Resclz?.- t1_Qil Jf ~:"1~8-~^.tlOx? !:i0• ~'r'~% 4f file ~Cc~"l't'~ o~ T~''i'tivP,~:;~ Of t'(le Cluj 0 ~~'..ilu°~-n: 1"TY:1C!1 sc~1'~ .'.~sol7t~_C1?1 l~°L .LA=t k:l'it10?1 ZTG~• 1`:9 j"`:l,S C~LI~~T ~~,ti'c,~''~ ~,nd~ac~~ayten cJ s_;.~.~ ~o;~,_~ ca-~ ~~'~~-_~tae^ on the 1Gtn ~~"~; o-~ ~~a~~~,st• 191, hexeb;j ard.ers t rse zoll~j`f ~_~-~ ~ txaet v,ioxiti t;~ be done in ~~i~. C l t ~ , t 0 ~'~T It ; -,. ., ... ~ ~..... .. .,.~ aa~. vim„ - _ es-~a - ~~F~ by $o ~t 'Tz~ts~teasaf the City eef Ai hr. b~c re~olutfer~ on the 10th day' ~~d are , r~,ar~e~~ 1~" eles~ai#,t <~I'1$n 'of ~ro~osed rc~prov~+ttit~n'G -LhstC Certa~ al~,ey in-Biock "H," "Vii ara on file in the o~ ~e G'lty F gineier of; said eity in the City FIall said city, and vVhic~ sad sgeciRcati< ~Y~nd' dpaigx~at~ed "8p~ci~eatione for the c~ns~'uc~pp]i of stree[ l~pzlraul~c ~r~eat and S~:C~~ IGI~ 2. All of the her~itt ~iroposed inxpioyeme~t and all proce< key ~n regesd thereto lgthall~ ] c-rz~e. e~rlEitietl, "An pct' to " ~~: worr~c ~ ~~ ~ . fez,, ~ -~. sidebvatl~s. thin ~i L ~` _ 1 _ 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .°a~d upon Aro~~ ~~ ~ `~ ~a r oa~~ ~sy m~f7d~a~1 ~~~ ester tt~X std ~Gh g~ adaa ~~ ang_ au~ s~xe,~dr -s~ .. 1ai:~ea, $i9eys, coyirts, 3}~ ~% «~... w~~s, acrid Pr6sidlu~ fAr tote $~ A~F~ePt; 4f 8tree~ ~m~xu~ ~~~~1s k~-t~~re~nt eQrtaia n r3~e `co~6 ~~~~~ ~` , ;h~ ~' _a ~ ~~ r:~ '~ ~~C':~IGTv 3. zhe City ~;i~~-rT~ of the amity of :~~~:1em is hereb~T dir eCt~~C~ t0 ")Q~~ ci11iS?? ~ C`,~.c?at`~~.y' f01' fi.-ve d.:i~TS, on Or near the ch~~rYlber door of the Board of ~r• stees o~` s~:,~.d 7ity of z~!,~.'~.eim, a notice of said ~,-o ~•~: invit_r.y se~7ler y?rot~os~,ls ox~ b~..ds ),nr~~, oo~)y of sbecifi- C~.tiOns a0. 1G,,~,dO~A'?tc:d ~!~' t',^..e Lio~,rc~ 0`F '~rLiatf:eS Q`w t'!@ sd,ld ~i`1t~T' of 1~naizeira on the 1Qth cT.;,~ o-f irz~;~~:t, 1916, he i-s also d.irectec~. to G~~ia.;",e a L:Ol~yj Of s'~,id I1Qti Ce t(,) be 1?i,1b1.1.`..~'led t`;'11C:e in file "~,,z~wheim Daily Herald°' a c~~il~r Yie~-1s~~~,~er o~" ~°ener.'al' circu°! ~~t-o_~, j~rinted, p~.~.bl.ished and circ~zlated in said city "t7':iCh s;~~,d nev~spaper is ~zereb designated for that p~ur~ ose, 8~:.id notice shall inv~:it° sealed proposals or bids for doing the ~vork ordered cnd sh~Hll ~}e-fer to the specific~:~tions posted and oxz file, ~~~hich said notice (shall redtzire all proposals or bids oLfer- ed to be accompanied by a check payable to the City of Anahe:a.r~, certified bu7 aresnonsi le bank for az1 ~~r?ou:~1t ~xrhich shall not be less thax! ten per cent f the aggre~r::,;te of the proposal or by a bard for the ,was.:? ~:~-,ioan o ~zz;~~able, siP-nad by trze bidder arid t~:To ~SU;f•etleS ~:7ho Shall e ~ ~ ~e`j` 01.:0 ^t'. ~?.i~l~~ G i'iCe:r C;QT'_17ete21t t0 c~.(~.Ti1?.n- j u. ~ ~, z b ister~:xi oath., i.n c,oubl ,iA4 ;~,~~id <~r~~o'~zr)t and over ~:~d above ~L11 statutorR,T eha~npt_ions. i'i'iLti ~u~~~.`7, the :~tFi ci.` ?° of Mey~,t~:.~.rber, 1916, s ::e.;•eb;~ desl~'n.~:,ted on and fixed as the d~_,~~'~v~. ch, lzp to the hour of f3 0 `clock P.T:. the said pY'ol?osals or bids hall be x•c~c.~'~-~re~~ and. tine said. notices shall so specify. `1'`he foregoing r,~~M,olu :i,on tivas s7_°ned, ~.ttested az~c~ ay){,,roved by i me this 1~"xth day o,~ ;:e4; er:?b„r, 1916, ~/f ~ o -~- - ~ 1~J, lives • ~~~~ - ~ __ GitS- Clerk of the City f ~~naheim. ~ , ~..~ den o f the Bo;~rd a-f 1 r~LZS- o i the C i t ~r o f Anahe i~1. ~, _ ~, 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 r~;o~znt`; o:~ Orange, } ~.' } I, ~d~;~;~,r:~. i~. ?:ors:°ifi~, :1e~'? a~~'^~!'~ "°Tt1'?:.± + ,c^~ "`' and adopted. at a r~;gul~:~r City; o~ ~~~iwi~eim ~.e1d on IO~io'+J:iI1~'; VJte; "~. v~.~:;~ Cl~~r~~ o~ ~,x~e City o.~ ;r.r~heir~~, cla , r ~~. ~~~~`~`t ±' r:::~ ?"~~, '1 `rltr rca~ me et:i.n` o~ ti?e; :~oa~d oT ly°~a.tees a~ the c~~~; 1~~tra d.~~~; o:i er~ter!~ber, 1~1F.~, ~~ tie . ~ _-~ 11 ~,,-m Tfl ~ =,T } i ^- r ~,.,~ teBS ~-Zp~~, ~ . :~'Ty.'~~.ti ~~"~'Ii~~wu~ 7 havc, lc,r..ia.nto s t ~z~ i~~,ht~d~ld a~'fi.. ed ~n 13 ,peal of the sz~,id Cite 01 xnaheim tLis 1~~-th davr o:i ~eptur~be~^, 1916. 14 15 ~~ ~ L ~ 16 .~.-z.-~- ~- _. ~ City C1er'-~ oi' ~Yie City; oa ~'l~,r~.ei ~ . 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32