09/14/1916-0191 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,~, 0~~ ~..i. -1'1.~I:"."i ~ld B1JV ~I,L'i 1l lyff ~~ ~i:..i~1 ~4` J.~,~(, a. ~ .... .1..LI ~i. i~i~~V~.a i:l..i.,i ~'..J .i.. .+. i~ti ~~f-J 4~~~.L .L ^~ '~ 3 ;mr ~ ,'"~i"~ 7F'(t T ,-n m m ~r7.~ ~rl ~l ~-;~ ^~T-~ ~r°i ~"~C }' ., ~ r,r ~. ,~..., TrrT~ :l.-i .., t, ~1 l.; ~ ~1! , ...~ _J.L .:/~._,._ ~v 1 L~ Jf 1 -i._. .e. 1.. .`:o _.? L _.:-L l ~~._. 1 li l.) ~ : i.:.J _~~... . 1 ;,. .i,r , i.i 1 _, :~.J ..1 ~J i s Try !; ~ s .~ ~ ~ -~j~ •., -'~w 7 rY "l f'1 T7 i '. Y 1 "' T" T~ ~,-Y.~,, ~, ;~~~i ~^' v~r~ n ~ rr~'~^"~ 4.-4-~~~^,rc ~ a- -,. ~ n~4-~ ^...r' -.~'^~ r~ ~ A.A . 1. ii i ~' :... ...rlt, • ,l.., u / v ~ :, ~ €gllor~j$g atree~t w oaf ~ to ~"~ ~ 4 FAIN Cl~jr, tO-VF!tt, ~` '~hs~ that, Cartal~} ., . Y^ < , ire Ehe City a~;~ ~ 3~ _, cif' ~irie~~'il '~L~~" ,~ _ =~''' wile +$~ 2 ~~~~~~ ;;;. ~;:_. +..~: - _, f ~~ gs~~i , 1v¢ a.Qe ~, the C~i fln t}se ~~ ~ ~ f~,~iF , v.-ith hpd `atoY~e or - co~¢exEt ni Ariah< ~~ ~^ ~' ~`~ ~t _ a $'~~ ~ 3}~~b,,,S,^~''~~ ~@ ~~y~nCAt~6I~ ~~ ~'~ Ad11~ ~ ; ii ~ gravel az~d: ". ~^ 6RT~A~ 3A I~1~OLik~B~p ~{ ~ ~~ ~ r/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .R a~~t.:s~u11~: ~ r'ileru,:.~"te7°, ;'li.'1"S:E;`.:T1t tl? ~_ .~.c'.3'~id t() _....!~ ~v w'117.t,~Q?', ~-P .I:.1;4__`~_.?~.;. :`=Ci• 1~~~, ,.a~.d if3;~~t1'...v:LQ'i O1. .~~it@nu:.C. L'i~. l~~ vlu..7 ~Z`b_. ~5 ~.. ti lv'irxl .~`i~lc:3,i1.?. -?, l st a z~ "'g;" --,,,er of ..Li::'.~ZC ~. UV1'i G'e In tl:e tL G,L ?":ia. is u. d f`-.i. c~~.il,; C. +`;::-`l,'" ~~~. ~,F~.rex~~l c.:;_rclzlata.cn, nri ~ltad, y,~z'o1 ~_;~1~~:~ •~,nd c _; x .~.ry~ a,ted .n Naici ,, ~_,. (:~i"_ `"-` v; .k~-1. IliOx.'P. Tt'.llu~ u~i?"v.a" L'~'T'i 4:~G e~,ff?-v_~V~'_ O:r ..• e)• • ~v'_1~~~c,ton, on file in the Qaa.e.s c~' the l.ity Ul~.;'xl~~ o-i' the City of ,~ ..; i mil L ~~::, ~?,tl ~~~iuyi,~. s after the €:.dC?a tiQl? 0~' ~a,l.,L Y'~?50a.llt:I.UYI Ca~E: .~~:t,3Y1~"ilOn t~E.' vtrsc;t ~v_~srint~.:ndsnt did. c°z;.~~-e to be corlspic~tzoizsl.v; _rp~ted along t~rie line of sGrid conternl~latect ~f~ror:t~ ax irrrnroVSrlert, ,a,t th@ tiro°:e aY:~d in t'18 OxL~] c::,11C~ ?';!~.;lY!Or pre; C:1:ibcd }JNr ld'4d, nOt~ ='f3ry (3M t'i:t?w l~c`~,SSc~°e of ,~~,:i.c?: i~;:~olutioYi of I t~nt:zox~ ?'~~o. l~G as v~ill raoxs f~l.lly ~p~e.x iror.~: tY~.e a~f~id;~:Vit of J. '~~. ::acl~:~:tt on file in t%3~: ai'fic3e of the City Clerk of the City f x'r~al:-ei~, and ~,`l~~l..~:.~sS, thereafter o as~~~ner~ of Yjrorert~T l:i.ab1_F~ to be asee~~ed for ~:~,:~.d ~-~ox:~~, di^ m~e ~y~r~6.tten ~rote~t ~.gain~~t t]ae pxoy?o~ed v~~ork, ti°rithi.r~ the tine rxeec~ni ed lay 1<~T~r, ox otherva~.;e, T~~., .. V :..,-_ S 1 [ I'IS (~T~ i '?~ T-~ -,V r, 7 ~1 f_y .. ~ ~~?~,--:?C. O~ .Cl.Li ~,, (l 't.~ ~~,i T eC,,`V1 .r ~T', 17v ~.L1 ~.:J ~V~1ilL tv '_ I...vJa.a ~ y i:V YY 1.i.::1ii:1i i .1 1. 1. ~.--i :.. 1 .. I.l~ .. /V ~.. r ^1 ~ t 11 fs ~-' r~ ~ ,~ i . 1 R` c', (T 1 'y~ y~' 1~1 ~ "` y`; ~ o U Q. d. Q ne ~.rl~'1: ICJ `i ~• tl1 U. i::i. c`.".~. .+.: ~:~l. .X 1+11.i.~`_kj ,.r Z'e 1id. _~...G _ {., ~% ti- to v~:~.:'t S;i d Y~oarc3 of ~' ,_~.stuc;s :v':i.th llzx~-~d:i.ct~.Qn to cr.'der the do- in~ c,-~ s.~,._;_c ~1oxk h~~Ve ~ aen daa~.e and. cor:A,Y~lied _tl~. _,,,,,T ~ ,hwt ;~~a3 ~o~.rd o~. ~'r~ ~t:es dQe~ ~aexe~y find and d t~v>xmine tr1.:~,t i t h~ _ :~~a:ixad. jur:i~,dic~;ion ~:a oxd~a° lac: o~ng Of S'zi_ t'i(~S'1';. lYl ~.C:GO:Y'Ci.@,7CG' i°.r`s.t h Sc±i Ct tie SOl~Uti ~3f1 0"!" i1tE:?~ati0n l00 • 1 c:u J • n .. 6. ~. 1 2 a. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~'he :%ox•~:~;oi~.g ;;:;o1"tioY~ is siF°l~e ~ _ d, w~~;xovec~ a:nr~ attested by :rie th~.s pith d~:~r o.= Sept :Y~aer, 191E. a~:n~ O y r.~E: ~0 wY?~. O t l r1~S- Q~ file Cif;; o'f ,~~1'1~161II1. City of °~.}ii;,.eim. ) T, .~~.°~,r~1 ~. I,erriti., vYit;;- Cl~:r~;: o~= t'ne City of ~~~reim, do I"J.BY'e'C?~T CE'r'k;i f`r tlA~.t j:1E' 'oY•c:4Q.4n~ re C~ZA.t1Q1'l T,~,~{:-~ ~c3.SsE;d ~.YlC~ ad.o i~t- ed ~a.t ~, re~;~~T~vr me eti.n~ f the :hoard of Trustees of t.;ae City of ~iu?~eim Iie1c! on the 14ti, day of :e~,ter~bar, 1916, by the follovrirt~ ~7~~-rte. ~;re s , 1 ru st e e s ~ ~ ~~,~~~„~/ C `~° js3,~-~,, o-~~ -~-~-~- ~'ToeS, 'irvstees aC, .~bser~t and not votin . , i rustees .~~~C _._ I~~T ~~I1.'T;:~S~ i~~U~' T ii~.ve I~ervlanto set my hand and affixed tl~e official se~~l of s~~.i _ City this 1~}th d~.Y~r of e~teMber, 1916. ~y C;ler~: oA the Cit~r"of riYi~iel . 3 -