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1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;5 0 31 32 IN THE MATTER OF PAVING ~:' ~ ~ ' ~' ~~A~ G~ ~' Vii, ~ rE Yt,~- i ~ 8 iE ROADWAY OF WEST BROADWAY STREET IN THE CTY OF ANAHEIM. RESOZUT ON OF AWARD OF COY~TRKCT RESOI,Vkm, that the oard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, having in open session n the 28th day of August, 1916, opened, e$amined and publicly d Glared all sealed proposals or bids offer- ed for the following st eet work, to-wit:` .~ ~~a~ the roadway of West $ _ •, way. ~trBet in ,sa%d +City from, ~ tki tYeaferly property! line of youth L Ari~el' S Street, .produced Npriher .acro$ s~.id Weet Broadw~.yy,Street ' ttte, :, est City 3~imits of the Cite .. f e~~ceP'ti,~g t~exe£ir~~.:.t_ _ bi the i~stByPay of '~' .va~x tract lviii~ between a ime pr " duce9~ South~rl'y from, the.. ,~ 3~r~p~ty line of said West St,r ~o the center link d~ way ; ssid~~9est Srbadrva ttring~ dist$rit Westerly 3' ' rircxit .~n~1es frotu the . m~ 8. ytit~$rl = One hurnlred :-i~t iitie. our hu~tdYeElths XBb ~~4:~. ~•~~an~'l~s' f bna t~xe s~r~u =gyp line of ~uth Lti3 , Asti 8trr and exCePtitig t~i e~fr~ki~ ptti~ n o€ the roadway ai West B~ w#Y ~treet lying laetwe~n the 7!.`~s x~' ~~r~'- p~pei-ty ti~,er, of ,~ `Lemy4n Street, • :produced Souti aero8s the - `roadway of , `said -~'~iway Stxeet~, and excepting ~~ ~ro~! that portion of the roadws 'R~str .Broadway.. Street lying ; be# the:_~+ast~rly and j'Vesterly pxn'. ^es- of South -Clementine Street ~luc~ed=Southerly to the center li. "tlte~'TOadway 9f said est Bri-s~ ~t~~'t; e.nd ex±eepting~here,~rnrt ~,~ p ol`, the zoaclvray of West B treet i}ting Between the'Ea~ a~ estexly~praperty lines 4f-~ (.~a~ ine 'street produced 7+~ci~ ljt ~~ .'ceriLer line of the raat~v "ss5~ '4V est Bro~.dway .Street • ie?i 1ng ~ee~n the Easterly and ~! tsfg~ o ee er y ~ tr cif t ~ roadway of`said ~4'est Ek v~,ay' street; &hd exceptirig thea~efr zhat' pcirtinn of_the roaGtcvay of W ' gmadway Street 3ying.' betweelr, • ~~er'kY snd Westerly property 1 o#'wa~h Helena Streets prude l~or~%hsrly to .the center - Ixne of t~oat~~V~t,~' of said West" Bxotasi. Str eta' end excepting therefru~x "~ pc~tt'iori~if'the-roadway of West $r, .~gy.~t~eet lid;between'-tAe Ea a;~d Wis•1y property .lines of r %Tr,alro Stre~.~prl~duced SouthexlyA' " the roadn=e~-y ~ tt~ ,said West ~ txeetl ,and ~?xdepting Crefrsf+' l' •~csi`tian~cai<tlzergslaay, ~Wes+t• ' ~t, ~~ ~erwd~• thg :° est~rt~ p'r,rty l4aes~ - 1 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 of Wirt Bx®$iW~,~ 'Strut ly. j een the te~~€ ~d~ WBSter ~ ,- ,~~ ~~ tr „ J r' e roadway ~ ~ ~ - txeet; and -rseP , ortsnx~ ~f ~ r ;, 6 ~ ,: ay Street -lying B t , ~ -. ly .and s#e~ [v prgl~zGy, t l ' 3 S ~ try inaig tx a~ ~rpdr~i~eC3 ont } e tenter 13a~?ic~E~' raadwl3x' est BroaA)+ Str• and t~; i ~ there. ro ' 'lYa~"pd z n ~ f e - x S~' ~~ • ,' twee' ~~~terly gerty O~ 54;~ d ~u ~h d' l uce ,1 , it er y ac r ~ of +~a .West E q gPay r- , a~ exceptYM~ theref ~ than o the roadwit~ : of ~ t -. Bro . reet ],yixx-g bet`vreen a line ~ ;' S th I ~ f b h i i u er 3 r m t e po nt of n tit~n of the t property' fine o~ i ~ - y n t Street a the D7ort>tF;rly pro ~? `line of West Broadway Street, e .center line of" the roadways of, #d West. $roadway street and ,at ` ~ angles to 'saidcenter,line, and' e produced, Southerly frorYt the ~a ~` "ir~ter9ection a the West ~iropex off! .Walnut Street and the Nv Y property line 6f West Broadway et to th Centex "..fine of •th~ rtiadw a ,n, s id West 1~ie+p$d'way SrreP.t, . a ri ht' a s` # s g. id nt I~ at d g e . ~p : a ce er n ne e~cePt~g •th~refrom that porn ~~f z ro~<lway a'P West $roaeiway et 1 n$ betwe~~ ll~'produced _ e Y fz'on} the paint of 3ntere~et ~ ~ ~ t ~.. J 2~57}~Y?~t'Y 1J.}l,$Y ~~ '4-. t li~Ze of t-~~ rvailw;3y,.af said Ia av'ay Sgt ~st1d i4L r4,gh+ i3 ~ d =~i ~£Lt~' t'i^ fi' #ii 4a r b a F' ~:,pat#s~ te'~settion Qf t.~ie Went prePezt e nf~, VGre~Inut ~t~et and tF4e ' o~ . ~ ~. property lice ~ of West $i~o v-, S~reet,'to the eetttei fine of thee- d~ • ~vizy of said West $roadway . L and at .right angles to said :e ~ r iit~e; and excepti ~ therefrom . xt' ptlrtion of the ,roadway of West ~ d-~ ~vay Street lying betweetl thej)~a fy*s acid VE'esterly property fines'of G Street. produced Southerly to tlt • ter li,~e of the xoadvFay of said st ~ Broaav(~ay 5t~eet; and e~.cepting t e- #•rnm that potation of tie roa~~' of ~~'est Br®ad~r&y ;Street lying ~ ii thje luasterly 'and Westerly. q - • lit;tes of South Thalia Street, >3 S~uthei•ly to the center line°~ ~ ' ~ e r why of k ~id W~~ - Bxa ~ :S ee'E; azul excepting ~theTefroi~a at; ,p tion,-uf the roadxvay of «'e; , y ~itxBEt CF117fd #X$- foilr0 nin at a poL t ci9' ~~he e _ r-. ~i ttvent six ; , ` d idths (28.06) feet Sout2teriy' m tho point o~'i,~t~rsectipn't~ the - enly grope , lXne Af said t~ '~a Street ande'Northerl,y'~#i~'operG' of! West . Rrq~dway SCrcat~ Ce S~utterly #fft~'-~v® a,'~id. seventy h~}ndi'edtlts f`r5. ; ~) feet to a pd3 n the S4utiherly curb Iihe ;bf said. ~t L'ioadway Stz~et, said point ~ z= ' ty-one and three hundredths { ) ' feet Easterl3~ from tlxe koint Qf; ti n f tl So the l b ~ f" sec o u o ae, r y cur sa=d ~3'est ~~oadway Street .ah~ e.' e~{tenaed cer lane of Sottth ; is StYOety t}T~1$8 Westerly ..StCk~l - S4uth~i~ly curb line vi r West w y.Sef ,i~~S f~et;t~. " ~ 4tt. DR; Pew ~o a p~ .~ .~~- l 2 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~ 0 ', 31 32 Bro~dw~ay Street,' said gairit ' t?+ twenty-three and forty-one hundred (?3,~1) feet Ea*terly fresil the g of i Cer&ectkon of k~e exfeitcTed eei line of 'youth ThaYia 8~xeet and eel; line o€ ~~au West.~road° S .. ." ~tence ~e~~ aiaxtu t7ie £~r e of said V}'css~" roadvs*ay-St; one. nd $fty-nir~~~uxldred~~ (1. fA-.t thence Ndo~herl~ is2srnp the ten d~ast~rlyT+x , line of 5v '"Ths ~`treet,'r~d''riuety-f -h~ _ edt'.1~ (11.J~} feet to: ~laa~ of gint~n~C Rt ~ p63tt nn ~ ~ Sv~thFa curb line of said 'West $read Street, said ,point. being. Figty-ei~ anal T:hirty-t}tree hundredths (58.~ feet Wr.,s~terly #~r~m" the point of , ferse~eti~n.of t~g,-el'#ieil center t; of Stiutlz Thalia Street arie t~t~2 Solz~ erly cu~kt lflze of said. West. Broadw Street, and. e~,te~dir~ Northerly ex~~ and sixteen hun~lrcdths (~Uaf>):,f~ to a point on tl~e, Northerly cuxb.,^' of said West Broadway Street;; s~ poin): being" eig}~t~*tisix and seven six hundr~tlths (8E1.'F6) feet '6V,a~te from the point- of intersectio~I of ;! ex nddd Westexly property line Stb Thalia fitreeh and the Northcia ~`linc~ ~-cif said West::. Broady ~tre ,and a' I1rse b In at. a~ pni on e Southerly c ~ h ~ ' of ` 1st ~tx•eeti saali point being d lStiu £o r twenty-sev~I hu Bred ~ ..~~'1feet Westerly fi~c ~$~ oil of intersection a£ tlaa e Ana'" said" est Broadway Street, and e tel~di ~~: I~Fni-~he~y:~-Yttn# - p t~-eft ~I~ath~ t~ : a gait on~-•~erlp~~url~~9iiie' aai~! kVest.B~cadwli~ :ltreBt, said pa ~ beg one hundred ~torty-five and e~ity-tlNa h~ndrotlths ' (35.72) fe Westerly of: the paint of inter~ae'~1+ Jf,the extended a'e3texly gpaperty:F~ Uf, ~outl~ ~'halia, fatreet_and the Nom sarl~ fur tine of said West Brpadtvt ~tree~,; and excepting. therefrom :th portion of the xoadvvay of West Brow' _~ xvay Street lying. between a line beg sung at a point on the Sout~I Curb li: " o~ said West. Broadway Street, sa oirtt' being East ..fifty-six and si ~cen hundredths (Fi6.I6) feet from t; ~aoin : of 'ntersee~zon of the Weat C Mini o~.t C"itYy of Anaheim and_ti SoU,t ' curb .line of `<said West Sro v~.8ty . txget, and running Northerly a a eu e' of aix#ee~ degrees 16 clef to tl rI t: ~et+eAty-otie atld fourts~ hunrl dY~ {;ri.I;4) feet lr~rall~l.to t 1/is 1~ ~• ef'tbe tr8nsfer tise~e`' ' the Alamitos Branch of the Saud erl~ ciflE L'ompany and x~~,~(.2) ~'e ast ly rafi to "a point on the I~gr cuxb ~ ine; of. said West $ro~,dw# Streetr s~itl poil#~,beln~ .East aim , thine' and . ::, 'ghty4-two a3t~azldrec~ l ~,~2) feet ~ t~~= `po#ii~ of into seetiiSn nf"t~ie ~1i rty Limits ef. t~ ('ty of Ana'hein3 "and the North .ctl. iine: n~ st)id West ""Broadway Strom and a Iine Beginning at a poiryt an t3 Bo~z~i cbrb line, of . sajd West Bros ~t*ey '~5treet, -said iioint being Ea 1~'orty-five and ninety-nine: huadredt: F~b.913) feet frou~ the poitTt of rote section of the .West: i;'ity Limits oY3t1 City of .AnalieizM and the 5`outh cti tx3e''of eai~ Wert F3z-oa~iway 5?-xef aid running Narl~Ierly on a ctx~•va s sheen ctegroes .~ dsg.).'~ t3~e ri ., zse ~ r~ 3 T J~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,ralam~tos;;t3rat~teEt of fhe,u~'+~t:berra cific Carsipany anal t~~p ~2) feet erl~ at ~#gi~t Fes,fxa~rt'eaid erl~ rail„ to a ~x:i,t opt -tie I~ort.~t Brie of saaicl-•~iet l~ro€~cltia~y 31 said point bung East e1~'gghty-tt~,a tWt~t~r: lkurzclrtirlths (&2.At4y feet ~ the' point of i3rterSectzon of the f'it Liztits o,~~~1te Cdt~, of Ana,# ancthe I!to~t~ euz~i line;af sa#cl n (45.5P feet ••. ~~~,.<,~c ter5ectian of'the~ est~~ ant ~~ '~Y ~i> •-tlie f'it • of Azz~iPim ,"'t}t¢ ki cx~b lie ^o;f ~ i'V ;~r4 }d . Street, to tl~€~ center 1~ne of t3tt~ r why of said West B~`oadtva~ St; and a line produced Svtith` frgi point on the Mvrt~! curb Jlne of ['Vest Broadwa~'~ Street, aaid• point i;g ten and #'orty: liuntlredths (lfl feet East of the 'point of;,inters~e of the ,West pity Lirnzt"s'~~of the t of .4nahei~r and -the NnrtFt aiu'h< of s~.id West Broaeltvay .$treet to center tins of thg roadaiav of ~VPrst B~oa~way' street;, and; excepi therefrom thatpt}rt%on oF.the-road' of~Weet ~3road~~y Stir~ek'btiin~ tweein the'~YV'eat CA~q•.lin~ts o€ the t of Ansheint -d s ~e prods South, &ci,°Sg' t. ~r4~,~yFY~4Y; 9f , ,~, .~. face: ~ ~ ~ ~- an~ Frith' ~ ficatons therefpr, whic3i aftid end profil~s~ vrere Ada test by the' .af Trustees o#~. t'tce ~.~ity • ~i~ ,; by: resoluts'oh~ on the lard 'day o~ cennb`er, 1915 fie: nbered. "1 and are msrked'~ind d+esignateii ` of proposed improvemen'Cs on Broadway Street, Ai~ah~iitz, Ca; nia," and are on file in the tr8ice b Cittyy Engineer of said City, in the Hari in said .City, and which said cifieations were adopted by the B ~f Trustees of the City of Atiat by, r~solutivn on-the 23rd d.ay o ¢ernber, .1935,, snd which said, s~ fications are marked and' dssi "Spe ifications No, 9, for consi tian f street eying with hy~' aetneut a~ bren stogy d~,,~ •~saw and }alt_ ~ear~rr~ bns~ n: t City.: of Atzmahezrn, ,.{",~alffari whie said BAecifieations are on. ~; ~ti e~ti~-wt Gam. ' ,~.c. ~it-ar.+~~L ~1'~i.~-a- ~cr~;~ ~J ?2~ , Hereby rejects all o said bids except that nest herein men- tioned, and hereby ewer s the contract for doing said work to the f lowest responsible bidd r to-wit: at the prices specified in pr osal on file for sad ork, to-wit: _ ~ ~ 4 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~~ 31 32 The City Clerk of th' City of Anaheim is hereby directed to pos~ a notice of this award ' onspicuously for five days on or near the chamber door of the Bo d o2' Trnstese of said City of 9xLaheim, and also publish said ri tice by two insertions in the "Anaheim Daily Herald" a daily n wsgaper, printed, published and circulated in said city and hereby designated for that purpose by said Board of Trustees. The City Clerk of s id City is further instructed to post con- spicuously for five da s on or near the Chamber door of the Board of Trustees of said Cit a copy of the specifications for said work, which said speci ieations are marked and designated "Speci- fications No. 9 for th construction of street paving with hydraul is cement and broken shone, or screened gravel and asphalt wear- ing surface in the Cit of Anaheim, California," which said speci- fications were adopted by said Board of Trustees by resolution on the 23rd day of Decemb r, 1915, which said specifications are on file in the office of he City Clerk of the City of Anaheim in the City Hall in said ity. That in accordance ith the Resolution of Intention No. 12Q pa; ed and adopted by the oard of Trustees of the City of Bnaheim, o~ the 11th day of day. 1 16, said Board of Trustees does determine and declare ~t#~at "serial`' --bonds shall issiie<t to r~preSent as9eS~'sYl of $26.00 br; 'over,' for ' cost and expense o~ said wox'k : ; impro~erh~nt; thax . aaid; seri~s~ b ' s; _ `s~ia11 ~ ~.~enc~ ~~r ~ Beriod~ of ~ ye2rs from #lie' end day of den next succe'e~If~g t~xeir date and au V'., annual prdportion of the prin 1` suns thereof shall be~psgable, by ;- - pon, on the 2nd day of January year after their date, .until the ~ e is' paid; and the interest shall be -able semi-annually, .by coupon, ©z~ e; 2nd da of January &nd; July xe~ , ~ ~ z~elyro~each:year at the'~Fate o~~ii ` n : per annuu~ on :~11 sums . Per cent - , maid unfit tine Wh'~3e~of said p1'fh and interest-are pat ~ - ~,aicl b~rnt~~ ~?e ias't~ed und~T ~ 4o vd b3'; ~~ - ~ , ~~-~ ~} - _~ _ _