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1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t,` ti ~ Q~,t~ may, l~,~E RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD F TRUSTEES DIRECTING THE CITY CTaERK TO AD- VERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE WORK OF PAVING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE ROA: WAY OF NEST BROADWAY ST 'TIN THI: CITY OF ANAHr.IM, CALIFORNI$. RESOLVED BY THE BOA OF TRUSTEEES OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM: THAT the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be, and he is here_ by instructed to adverti~e for bids for the paving of those certain) portions of the roadway }~f ~~test Broadway Street in the City of Ana- helm, which are described as follows, to-wit; 'l hat porcioh Of' the oatiway of West Broaaway Street" ly.n between a line produced Soutnerly from the Northerly property line of said; ~Ves Broaaway Street to the center line ` of t' e roadway of said West Broadway Stre t and being distant Westerly 33. (6 feet t right angles from the monumented cent r line of South Los Angeles Street,' and line produced Southerly Trom the Nort erly property line of said West:' Bros way Street to the center line of the oadway of said West Broadway Stree and being distant Wester~y Une hund -ed sixty-rive and twenty-four ` hung edths (165.24) feet at right ang9es' from the Monumentea center lme of Sout Los Angeles Street; .and that por- tion f the roadway oc West Broaaway Stree lying between the Easterly and West rly property lines of Sodtn Clem- satin Street produced Southerly to the ~. cent line of the roadway of said Weat Bros way Street; and that portion of the' roan ' ay of West Broaaway Street lying.'', betty en the Easterly and Westerly prop erty -nes of South Clementine Street pro- duce Northerly to the center line oY the. , roe•a ay of said West Broadway Street and at portion of the roadway of W eat Broa way Street lying between the East- erly • nd Westerly property lines of South Iiele a Street, produced Southerly to the cents line of the roadway of said West Broa way Street; and that portion of the oadway of West Broadway Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly; prope ty lines of South Helena Street, pros ced Northerly to the center line of the oadway of saiu West troaaway Stree and that portion of the roadway of lV st Broadway Street lying between the asterly and Westerly property tines of So th Palm Street produced Southerly acros the roadway of sa:a West lsroaa- way treet; and that portion of the road- way f Weat Broadway Street lying oe- twee the Easterly and Westerly prop- - erty lass of South Citron Street, pro- duce .Southerly across the roadway of said eat Broadway Street, and that ports n of the roadway of West Broaa- way treet lying between the Easterly and esterly property lines of South. Ohio Street produced Southerly to the cents line of the roadway-of-said Weat_. Bros way Street; and that portion of the adway of West Broadway Street lying ; between the Easterly and West- . erly roperty lines of Illinois Street pro- duce Southerly to the center line of the road ay of said West Broadway Street; and hat portion of the roadway of West i Broadway Street lying between the Easte iy and Westerly property ).nes of South West Street produced Southerly acros the roadway of said West Broad- way treet; and that portion of the road- way f Nest Broadway Street lying be- twee aline produced Southerly from the point of intersection of the East property line f Walnut Street and the Northerly prope ty line of West Broadway Street, to th center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street and at right ang- les t said center line, and a line pro- duced Southerly from the point of in- terne tion of the West property line of Wain t Street and the Northerly prop- erty I ne of Vest Broadway Street to the cents line of the roadway of said West Bros way Street and at right angles to ' said enter line; and that portion of the road ay of West Broadway Street lying betty. en a line produced Northerly from the p int of intersection of the East prop- erty 1 ne of Walnut Street and the South- erly roperty line of West Broadway '• Stree , to the center line of the roadway !. of d West Broadway Street and at right nglea to said center line, and a line prod ed Northerly from the point of in- ~l - 1 - 1' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tersection of the West property line of Walnut Street and the Southerly prop- erty llrne of West Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street and at right an- gles to said center line; and that por- tion of the roadway of West Broad- way Sheet lying between the Easterly and `S'~sterly property lines of Cherry Street, produced Southerly to the center line of he roadway oY said Weat Broad- . way S~reet; and that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street, lying , between the Easterly property line of South '.Thalia Street, produced South- erly to a point two feet Easterly at right angles from the Easterly rail of the aid- ~„.,~ ing of ,j the Southern Pacific Company, crossing said West Broadway Street at' South "1`halia Street, and a line parullgl to and 'two feet Easterly at right angles from said Easterly rail and extending Prom the Northerly line of West Broad- way Street to the Easterly line of South Thalia 'Street, and that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street, ly- ing between a line parallel to and two feet Westerly at right angles from the Westerly rail of the siding of the South- ern Pacific Company, crossing said Nest Broadway Street at South Thalia Street, ' and the Westerly property line of South Thalia Street, produced Southerly to the center line of said Nest Broadway Street, and that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street lying between a line produc@d South, from a point on the North curb line of said West Broadway :Street, 'said point being forty-eight and thirty-nine hundredths (48.39) feet East, of the point of intersection of the Weat City limits of the City of Anaheim and'. the North curb line of said West Broad- Way Sttreet, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street, and a !line produced South from a point on the North curb line of said West Broadv~ay Street, said point being ten and forty hundredths (10.40) feet East of the point of intersection of the West . City limits of the City of Anaheim and the North curb line of said West Broad- '. way Street, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street. Said clerk shall advertise for said bids by causing to be pub- lished in the ,Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper of general, eircu- lotion, published in said city, by two successive insertions, a no- tice inviting sealed proposals or bids far doing the said work, in accordance with the plans and specifications which were adopted therefor by a resolution of the said Board of Trustees on the 18th day of June, 1916, which said notice shall refer to said plans and specifications on file, and shall require all proposals or bids of- fered to be accompanied by a check payable to the City of gnaheim, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall be not less than ten per cent of the aggregate amount of the proposal, or by a bond for the said amount so payable, signed by the bidder and at least two sureties, who shall qualify before any officer compe- tent to administer an oath, in double the amount specified in said bond, and over and above all statutory exemptions; said check or band to be forfeited to the said City of Anaheim, if, within ten r days ttfter the award off' the contract for the doing of said work, - $ - 1 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31 ~' 32 the successful bidder shall fail to enter into a contract for the doing of said work, and furnish the bonds required. The successful bidder shall be required tv furnish a bond, e- qual to one-half the amount of the contract price, executed by two sureties, who shall qualify before any officer authorized to admin- ister an oath, in unencumbered property, equal in value to double the amount of said bond, which said bold shall ba conditioned upon the faithful performance of said contract, and shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees of the City of .Anaheim. Said successful bidder shall be required to file with the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, another and additional bond, in an amount equal to one-half of the contract price, which said bond shall provide that if the contractor fails to pay for any materials provisions, provender, or other supplies, or teams, used in, upon, for, or about the work, contracted to be done, or for work or labor done thereon, of any kind, the surety or sureties will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in the band, provided that such claim shall be filed in the maxiner and form required by an act of the Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "AN ACT TO SECURE T~ PAY&~ENT OF CLAIMS OF MATERIAI-MEN, I~~ECHANICS, OR LABORERS, EMPLOYED BY CONTRACTORS UPON STATE, Mt3NICIPAL, OR OTH.~R PUBLIC PORK." Approved March 27, 1897. Said bond shall be eBe- cuted by the contractor and at least two sureties, or by a corpor- ate purety, as provided by law, who shall qualify in the manner pr vided by law and shall be subject to the approval of the Board. of Trustees of said City. Sealed proposals or bids are to be delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, at his office in the- City Hall in said Cit , on or before eight o'clock P. M. of Thursday the 14th day of September, 1916. The Board of Trustees of said City reserves the right to re- jeet any and all bids. - 3 - 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 B~ IT FURTH~:R R~SOZVED that the time of service of any laborer, workman or mechanic upon said work shall be limited and restricted to eight hours during any one calendar day, as provided by Section 653 C of the Penal Code of the State of California. The foregoing Resolution is signed, approved and attested by Z L~ me this^~5th day of August, fi. D. 1916. . ~ ! iden o e Boar o run- s of the City of Anaheim. fittest. ~3~y~le rk o ~~he C ~ -y o Ana~e~iz~. STfiTE OF CALIFORNIA,} COUNTY OF ©RANGE, } S~. } CITY OF ANAHEIM. ) I, dward B. Merritt, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and ad©pte at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ana- - 2 L~ heim, held on the ~th day of August, fi. D. 1916, by the fallowing vote; Ayes, Trustee s /e ~,~,~ ~..~ ~C'~, ,~,,~=~1~, 73.~_.~,~ ~° ~Q,~~,c Noes , Trustees ~.-~-,o.,~ i Absent and not voting, Trustees ~~~, find I further certify that the Fresident of the Board of T tees of said City of Anaheim, signed and approved said resolution z Sc on the~~th day of August, fi. D. 1916. IN FITNESS FHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed z.Sc- the official seal of said city this ~th day of August, fi. D. 1916 i y ler o e Ci y of Anaheim. - 4 -