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~~..,~. ~ ~~~ 1~~.~ 1 2 8 4 5 fi 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~ R~:SOZUTIOZ~1 0~' T BO.~,RI) 0~' TRUST~.u~;S OF T~T~ C1TY OF ~]S~~I~~IIp~I. y~i~B%rAS on the 11th day of B~iay, 1916, the '~o€~rd of Trustees of the Oity of 8nah~im passed and adopted its ~eaoll~tion of Inten- tion TT@. 128, deelarix~ its intention to order the foll.ov~ing street work to be done in sad~'city, to-grit; "`''r' That the roadway of West Broad- . way Street. in said City ' from the Vesterly property lino,,nf_-South Los ~Angele's Street, produced Northerly aero5s said West Broadway Street to the. West City. Limits. of the City of t~naheim (excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Broad- way Street lyir4g between a line .pro- duced Southerly from the Northerly property line of said West Broadway Street to theceizter line of the iosd- -way o>• said. West Broadway Street and 1~eing. distant Westerly 33.75 feet at '~ right angles from the monumented center line of ~ South Los An eTes atreet, and a line produced Sozzterly frown the Northerly 'prvpar-ky line of sa,icl West Broadway Street to t~ta.cen- -~~ life . f tie ro~}way of said West 13roadW~° Street and being distant Westerly_ One hundred sixty-fire and ' •£~teizty-four hunds•edths (165.~~) feet ~z~gi~ 1 _:~ro the l~d~.. me~p~d,;~ . center ] to of - Soh -Los nge~es • " Street; aztd eti[cepting- therefrcm.that ~ilirtion of the roadway of VRe~# B~za,d-'` .way Street lying between tls£ Easterly ahd Westerly pr`aPerty lies xif mouth ~.srnon Street, produced Scrttherla across the roadway of, -said 'West . Broadway Street;:and excepting there- from that portion. of -the roadway ©f , '6Vest Broadway Street l_ving''b~tweeiz tLe Easterly and Westerly property Tines of South Clementine Street pro. tluced Soiuther)y to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway e€-West B~•oad- way Street lying aetween the .Easterly and Westerly property lines of South Clementine Street produced Norther- , Iy to the center Iine of ~ the rvadwap, of said. West Broadway. Street and ex- ceptiiig erefrom that portion- oi± the roadwayf WeBt Bxoadxvay Street Tyy- ing between the Ea~~r#y-and i11'estexly property ~lines..af Saut~i Heleria Street, produced Southerly to -.the center' Iizze `of the x way of said West $>•oad- way"st t; and excepting thete~rbm that po on of the roadway of West Broadwa Sti eet 1'g~ing #aet+ex the ~~t~p~} ztd Wei~erly> prgpertg lines ttfr'~out~ Helesza Street, pro~ee~'d' ""' ~fVortherl to the center line of the roadway of said West -Broads*ay Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway oil West Broad- wa .Street lying betweeiz the Easterly and Westerly property-tines of South ~ -~alm~ Stt~et pr©dueed Southerly across -the t~a~ ay of said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that ,.. poz•tion of the roadway of West Broad= airy Street lying oetween the Easterly' and Westerly property lines of Satith Citron Street, grtdueed So~iCherly across the roadway of said West Broadway Street; and -- excepting therefrom that pot•tion of; the roadway of West Broadway ..Street lying. be- t~veen th Easterly and Westerly prop- iert~ 'linof South Qhia Stz'eet pro-__ yam, -- _~_ ~ ' - ~. - ~~ ~..s' 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r. dticed ~z`uutheriy: t6 the renter dine of°`~° the roadway of :said 'PTest- Broadway Bti`~t; :and excepting therefrom: t}zat ~i~fln Qf the roadway of Vt'est $road= ~-r$et lyingg between the :East- erl~° and' Westerly property lines of ,[~lrnol'~ street produeed~~nntharly to : the: center lure af_the Toet~tYSy #~_-gam , west Broadway -Street.; atui except- it~:therefrom that.liortza~°tritl~`i~sa'd'= . v,*ay of West Broadwway -street leg` property lines of South , bloat; ;: Vie, produced Southerly across ohs rti "' -way of said West $roadway qtr ' ,and excepting therefrom that: p~ of the roadway of West $roadv¢ Street lying between- a line produce Southerly fro2n the point of intense tion of the East property line of Wa . nut Street and the Northerly prapert line o~ West Broadway Street, tQ th ' center tine of the roadway . of sair~,; 'vVest Broadway Street a~.=.~€'t~" ai~lgs to said center line±_ a iin~~; 1>rodueed Southerly from t1C~ Point of intersection of the West property line-'~ of Walnut Street and the Northerl ' property line of SYest Broadway stre to the center .line of the roadway e„, said West Broaadway Street and a_,r, right ang'.es to said center line; a excepting .therefrom that . ptrrEon the roadway.of Wesf'::Broadway Stree: lying between a line produced-~;orth'' ' cl~iy from the .paint pf intersectlon {ti.~ East pra~serty `-Line of Gla}rti street and the_Southet•Fy pinpE~rty li ~.~f West $zroadSVay.,S#re~t, try the e~ ±~ ,aid center 1 nQ, Said ~, =fiInrtherlyy frorh'"~~~~ . lei section of the West pt~p'' e# Walnut Street .and 1;}Ye $4Ct~~ie property -line of We~t'~ $rtrVVa ." Street,: to the center lirre_ of~i:heroad,`'` way of said West Broadway' Stree . and at right angles to 8~id .cent -. 'line; and excepting ,therefrom 'the. poriibr. of the roadway of West $rnad~ ~.~ way Street lying between the Easterl ~ -- and Westerly property lines of Cher :itreet. produced Southerly t-o the cEn~~: ter C_,~e of the. roadway of said Wes Broadway Street; and excepting then ,' .~~ from .that portion of the roadway o~ \Jes± Broadway Street lying betwee2i'". the iasterly and Westerly.: prdpert: lines of South Thalia Street, produc" Southerly to the cuter line of. the`° roadway of said West Broadwa Street; and. excepting therefrom ::tl portion of file roadway of VPesE ~d'' way Street desccribed as follows.: :.$e ginning ` t a point on the extehded~~ 1?;asterlproperty line of South Thalia Stre„~t twenty-eight and six hun-~ dredt3~.g_ ~ ~ ~'-.> utherly~~~r4 ' ~lh~ poi' of f4i~,rsecCi`~' o~~~Lhe ~ast~_ erly property line of said Soath Thalia.:. .Street and the Northerly property line: of West; Broadway Streeti; encc Southerly fffty-five and seventy t ~} hundredths ~b6.73)) feet to a paint ozx~:, tho Southerly eurkr litze of said V~eat~'~ Broadway Street, -said point being szx °~: ty-one and tl-see hundredths (6103j'~ feet Easterly from the t,oint (rf utter section of the .Southerly curb ling of=': said West $roadway Street and the.' extended center line of South Thalia: Street; -thence Westerly alo -the' Southerly. curb line of West .broad-.~' rosy Street 1:16 feet;,t•Ytence Notthet•- ly 4{t.0$ feet to a point in the een~~ ~„ .line of the roadv~ray of said ~ea - Broadway Sheet, seal- point '-'ttv~nty-three ai3d Early=one hundredths l X3_41) - fe~#;, Ea tQrly "f~.m $lie pui~Y ol? i~xGersectlon;of #,he eXterzded ae lirz2 of:-Sagtb '~ltalia Street and 2 ,..~` C i ~I 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ` e.^ni;~r.:-.line of saiu 'west Eroadway 5tt`AQt, t once }rab`terl~? aCora~_the een- ter,I,iA~ of sa1d, We~t,-SEi•oad~*83* Street _4~- au:~ . qty-nitz~ ~z~d~ ~~,~ } f~~f; t e ~+1ar~7aerIy aloes:. E~ ex- re~cl~el E~sterly Pri~perty line off'-South TI>alis S~rPet,=et~a and n~e~y-foer hur~lkedt?)s ! 1~.J4~ £~et to ~ta~ee of be- ginnir~ 32i(~ exeeg'tin~ therefranY tli&t pat'tzcn] of the road~sy of West $road- vta~ .Street ly2sa~..;tween a line be- gi~2ng . at a P9~'~ ott -the Soia~#~riy e~~ kl~i of said tiPsst 13rgway Street. 8atd point lteing ~!''~}*-BYt_ , snd t three huatdret3tivs._4(5$. ~ to }jvu ul acu M ~/+'.~ i+.,a• ~ETI~y G~,iT~1~~1T1e D~;.!~-J~i}t $'DJSy: btrect, a~td e~t8n,~-~tirtherlyeigl]ty amd sixteen hundredths {$0.16) fey to a point on the I~lortherly curb lir of said West $roldway Street, say point being ,eighty-six and aevent; six hundredt7js: `~86.7fi) feet Wester] from the point of° iistersection of tt exxended .Wes ~^I~ property- ..line i South Thalia'leet n'nd the-:Norther] .curb line of said; Rest ~•~iadw~ Street, and.. a lice beginning at 1 poia on the Southerly curb line: of W Broadway Street, said ~oiatt-being oz hundred four ,and twant ;.yen I dredtlis (304:7) feat g~Iy ,#r'c~' the point of intersectft;;~sf ~~• ei tended-center line of 'S'outh Thal ~~'eet' and: -the. Sout3ty curb; sine; , 1^Iest~rly of the point of intersect of the extend W . }~ e 1 ~~~~~ ~:~~~eo "erT3r ~ar`b l£ne of said 1~ealr`~osily atrest, and excepting thE.~from t _ portion, of t~~~w~ ~1,f,~~"L'Bra ~ wa3~ "Street'ly"- l~ex~ a " ning at s paint "on the South curb 1 of said West' Broadway. street,, point be3r-g: -East fifty~s ~ee~afr~om `'teen hundredths (~0,~6)~ ;: point of intersection of -the; West < '' Limits of :the, City.of Anaheix3t and South curb` IitYe of-std bleat Br< way. Street, and running Nortnerl3 a curve of sixteen degrees (38 _d~ to the ri~ght seventy-ono and fours hundredths ('t3 14) feet' paraliel~tct EastBrly raii.~ t~e,~'ansfer trac3 the T;-os AiariutQS $~an~}1 4f 1~hF So; ern ~'acific Co3npagy an+d~s ~ F~asterly at right, ~.n~.~' "'='£~ has rIy rail to a ~pQYnt on' :, line of s~s3.. ~~~ Str t, -.Said pd~ixtt ~- tltr aiid eiR~ty'tW~' lin of said W and a hne b> " via _ Str; °.' ' For .-five -f 4~s'99) s~ r~if -i r, ,~ - _._. -. erly at rigl~t~~ii~le#.froln said" West- eriY radr.tfl ~ point oil; the North curb "lose of.said ~` 'Broadway Street said point ~beln '`'east eighty-two and n~ -hundi'ed#h -~&`2 24j # et fro 1 y s e . m the poirtt`pf ,inters3gction of the 'West City I.inits of the City; of Anakseirri " 2 and t3~ Ndrtlt czi~h Iine of said West $road~+sy Street; sod excepting tisere- from that~'p~ar~t~- o~ the roadway of 3 Weet- B'road~*ay Street: tying be#arveen a line px~luced ~5e'Irth; .from a .;boint on th~~ i~o~h cork line of Raid= West 4 ~ 13xoad~usy ~titeat, laid ~oiflt being- 4nYty-ei;pfi# a Md th~ }~ ~is~ ~ t z~'e~ths . , , ? ~4)_ feefi 'fast=a ~ ~+~°'tioixit df in- s , `e z n ~ rrx an ~ 'IN+irtTi . curb lime°"~~~ said "west " Broadway 6 .Street, to the eeTt~T liae_ of the road- qua of said .Wtes~t f3to&dway. Street, and a Ii~le ~ti~ed Sfluth fratz s 7 ~s~~int "o~n -tote .North curly ..sine of said ~ ; !~st Brrsad~e¢py .Street; said Point- be- Ersg:~ten and forty hundredths (1fl.40) $ ft~t. East of the point of intersection ' °af the West City Lfrzuts of the-City of Anaheim and the -North curb line 9 ,of said West Braadiv~y Streef'~ to the center line of the roadway. of said. West Broadway Street; and excepting 10 ~ therefrom that portion of tlse roadway of West Broadway Street-Iying. be- 11 ~ 12 tween the V4`est City limits of the City - of Anaheim and -, a; tine produced South, across the "roadw>i.y of said 13 'West Braad~v~ty SLii~et;' ~'~ to, and distatrt Ea5'~` ~n a7i$ ford? hit-, ~a'edtlt~n~U~ feet fT'aY[~ the . ~t City ~La°' bf "pit =a# "A ~ 14 y n 'j ba. gradEd tp the official 'glad'e and eyed with h ~ lic $rnent e~ncrete c~: Said veark shall be done in ,a~cord- 16 arise wltb;~~he plena, gro~les and sped- ficatiot]s: tTtekefor, which said plans 17 aitci rofRles were ~d~~ by the $oard of ses-~sf "-[;ity of Anaheim, by resotutio~i on the 23rd day of De- ce~nber, 191b; are numbed "1-0-2" 18 and ,ate tnari~ed arui designated "Plan of pr4gosed .improvements on West 19 Broadway Street, Anaheim, Califor- e~" " l and ar , on .fi e-1n the o#iice of the - C'~y Engizreer of said City, in the City "Hall in -said City, and which said ape- 2 o cifications were adopted by the Board of" Trustees of the City of Anaheim, by resolution on the 23rd day of De- 21 cember, 191b, and which sari- sped- . fications are marked and designated 2 2 "Specifications No. 9, for the canstruc tion of street paving with h~=drauiie cement and broken-stone dr screr~n~d 2 3 gravel and- ~psphait wearing surface" ' in the City of Anaheim, Califor~~+a." which said s~*eciiltest~us a~,nr~ file in 24 the office of t21e City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, in the City. Ha11 in said: City - --- --- - --- 25 2 6 - - ___ _- _ __ . 27 ~~~. ~3ai3 r~~~~1~~~;i4.~ ~~ ~r~1;~;x~Ulo:~ ~~, ~ta~rs~'ter p'~liel~ed 28 -~tirica i thw ~,n~,~~ir^ ~:F~ il~r b_'~r$1~., f~ ~t..il~, n~~°w~~a~~r Q~ ~~r~. 29 ~ix~u3.a~i~~, f:~.~..~~:;~, ~~~°~~~~.~~;~::~~ .a~.;- ai~~,~1a,a~ ~..~. ~~id ci~~. ~~. 30 y=~~iC~~ ~~~~. ~{~n~l?~.~C~ t ~. c.~ i~~-~.~.tf.~~' ~;~ ~~~.il c~~.1~cil in eaf.8 rem- 31 Iutiant ,~~ intan~iaxt for that ~n.r~r~ae, all d~ ~hi+~}z w'~.3~. mare ~a~.3.~t I 32 ~ppea.T f'rszm the o,.ffidavit of ~. ~'. H. ~Tohn~to~t, on fil1~ to ~ t~f- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Tice of the City Clerk of the City of ~zaheim, and -said "~vT,~tiT'TAS after the adoption of th~resalution of intention as aforesaid, the titre et Superintendent of said City of ~inaheim, did ~~ cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplat- ed. work and improvement, at not more than three hundred feet in distance apart, and not less than three in all, notices of the passage of said resolution, in the manner and form prescribed by law, all of which gill more fully appear from the affidavit of J. ~`J. 8ackett, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City I o f Anahe im, and T~tT~::T~bSno protest ar objections in ~rriting having been delivere to the City Clerk of said city, up to the hour s+6t for hearing pxo-~ tests as provided by law, and by said resolution of intention, the said City Council having acquired jurisdiction to order said pro- rosed improvements, did, on the 8t& day of June, 1916, pas and adopt a resolution, determining and declaring that the public interest at1d convenience required that said tivork be done and did, in said resolution, order the said ~rork to be done in accordance with said esolution of Intention T1o. 128, and therein directed the City Clerk of the City of ~1a.aheim to post conspicuously for i five days, on or near the chamber door of Board of '1`'rustees of y, a notice of said work, inviting seed proposals ar said cit I bids, and a copy of Specifications Teo. 9,~nd also directing the City Clerk of said city to cause a notice to be published twice I in the said ~.naheim Daily 'rIerald; that thereafter the said City ~ Clerk of the said City of Anaheim did post conspicuously for five days on or near the chamber door of the Board of `trustees of the City of ~ra,heim, a notice in the manner and form required by law a,nd by said resolution, all of vrhich will more fully appear from the affidavit of Edward B. tierritt, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of 4naheim, and the said City Clerk did - 5 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 cause a copy of such notice to be published in the ~'~xlaheim Daily P;erald, vrhich said notice eras so printed d published in said e ° i e r d n t he d ~'~~~~ 9 6 d t he /~~ ,~xlah im D a ly H al a 13Y~ ay o ~~y , 1 1 an day of~ 1916, all of which will more fully appear from the affi~d.avit of R.- J. li. Johns~s~, on file i8 the office of the City Clerk of the City of l;~aheim. That at the time fixed in said resolution and specified in said notice for the opening of said bids or proposals, to-wit, on the 13th day of July, 1916, the said Board of Trustees, in open sess- ion, publicly opened, examined and declared all bids or proposals filed with the City Clerk of said city, for the doing of said work, end t~ontinued the awarding of-the contract for doing said 4~Tork to llonday the 24th day of July, 1916, at eight o'clock :P. ~1., and thereupon, upon l:ionday the 24th day of July, 1916, passed and adop i e d aresolut ioa~: in which it was found and determined by the said Board of Trustees that the bid of the y. ,~. Paving Company was the lowest regular proposal or bid from ax~y responsible bidder, and that said Z. A. Paving Company was the lowest responsible bidder, and awarded the contract for the doing of said work to said Z. A. Paving Company', at the. prices named in its bid, to-wit, Ten and '7410(} cents per square foot for the pavix~, including grading. an.~ ~II~R~AS thereafter, and pursuax~.t to law, notice of such award of contract was, on the 28th day of July, 1916, by the posted City Clerk of the City of ,~xi.aheim~ on the bulletin board of the Board of Trustees of said city, near the chzmber door of said Bo of Trustees, in the City Hall in said city, and that paid notice was there i;osted for more than five days in the manner and form provided by law and that said pity Clerk of the said city did ca to be published twice in the ~inaheim Daily Herald, a daily news_ paper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said city, a notice of such ativard of contract, in the manner and farm required by law, which said notice was so published in 6- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 said~.aheim Daily herald, on the 2'7th day of July, 1916, and on the 28th day of July, 1916, all of which tivill more fully appear from II the affidavit of R. J. ri. Johnston, on file in the office of the City Clerk o f the City o f :sr~.ahe im, and ~'~I~~AS the owners"of three-fourths off' the frontage of lots and lands liable to be assessed, or their agents, or ar.~ owners whatsoever, did not, within ten days after the first publication of said notice of award, elect to take- said work or enter into a written contract to do the whole work at the price at v~hich the same had been awarde d, and l~l `''.tu.~S said Z. ~,. Paving Company failed and refused, within fifteen days after the first publication of the said l~otice of Award to enter into. the contract so awarded to it, TTI~:~i~'O~,E B:~ IT '`'SOI~V;1D BY I~ BO ~~D 0.~' Tt2tiS`l'W~S Up l CITY OF 9~aAH~~ that' the ~i~y Clerk o~ .thy"City of Ax~.aheim is hereby di acted to most conspicuously for five days, on or near the chamber door of ~~A Board of Trustees of said City of ~aheim, a notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids and a copy of specific tions I,o. 9 adopted by the Board of Trustees of the said City of dxiaheim on the 23rd day of December, 1915; he is also directed to cause a copy of said notice to be published twice in the ",~,naheim Daily lIerald", a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said city which said newspaper is here by designated for that purpose . Said notice .shall invite sealed proposals or bids for doing; the work ordered by said Board of Trustees by re solution on the day of June, 1916, and shall refer to the specifications posted and on file, which said notice shall require all proposals or bids of- fered to be accompanied by a check payable to the City of ~inaheim, certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal or by a bond for the said amount so payable, signed by the bidder and two sureties who shall justify before any officer competent to admin- -'7- ,. _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2s 27 28 29 30 31 32 ister an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all statutory exemptions. Jyt ol~t~c~ the ~ da,y of siugust , 1916, i s hereby designate d and fixed as the day on vrhich, up to the hour of 8 o'clock P. ~~. , the said proposals or bids shall be received and the said notices shall so specii'~. That it is hereby deterrrlined and declared pursuant to resolution of Intention N'o. 128 that sei~iai bonds shah be "ueci fo rcvres~nt assessments 4 $25.t1t>,. ~, or ovez~ ":for ...the st and e~9~ttse of said work : and my~roveme#~t that said serial bonds ~aa1~ ~La~ ver -~i nerori' of nyne ara f:any a 2nd QaV pf 3aniza~>•y ~{ s~u~ceeding their date ~d ail even nr~ .pro onion of Mite princiyal ~ Shall be pavsbie, by cpn- 2ri t ~x, r3u tha ~~d dad of .~g~ta~* euerq: a#i;er tl~ikir da~~r it whole upon ~ciweats, i4vettC3eu, t~j al ~qs,+,.egt~rts, t~ie~oea send: ~it#e- ~l~rs. `otr~tzu thunieapatitzes apcl upon ~~i'erfi,~' lzigltt& df wsiy b intC3~t~rs, artd for estal~ii,5tr;fig a chan8'n,~ tiib gxacies of anq such ~c4ets, ak~ues,.aa~ees, `sii~;rs, caui~'s, ices anti. sidewalks, and _p~'vidflig Cbe issuazlie~ axd,kaytt?>?i~t of street irravesnexit#band+~ fa re~~eaent cer- n assessments tdr..e ;, thereof d providi~s~g a~mdthbd ~o~ the pay- ~nt of such`bonds:" Approved April gil. ~~ ~t - - - ~~~tne herein proposed work and- ro?,~~t ~,rad „a,~;~ror,~~iings tai in regard- the7eto shah lie in pur- ¢ce of ands; ~ ~accoxc}[ce tiaith. ah of tie L;e atai~e5a€ the;~~ate of .forma, e "tlec~, ``~Ln act to pro- for wc~xk n, ax-~: upon streets, av- 'fi, `;&Y1t`5, ~ @IY3~~'C8t7rtH. Dieceffi...and 3'n 1}mpertyanti xighti: of ways nod by xnu icip~lities, and fir ea- Ftis ban~-stg-ti~e grade e~- P.s1, Vie" , a'eenues; 1&nCgx ;~T- s, courts, p1 ceps and sidewalks, and rviding far the ~as~tanse ~ Pay- n# n#~ street t'mp'rtrv~rm=7qt,°barids to a•~eflt. cart in r~ssessmentte far +whe t thereo# a~d lrro.~dau ~ methoi •, ttaXt, pg~.y'rz t o~ such- nds." 'Ap- ive_d ?_ pr[i` ' 1917. - The foregoing resolution ~~as signed, attested and a~~proved by me this I4th day of august, 1916. Attest. i en" o e Hoard of Trus- ~G~~ J--~ s o f the ~ ity o f ,~xiahe im. City- Clerk of the Cit;~ of ruZ~,heim. - 8 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Si ~~~: O' C ~I.~'O~rTIA, } County of Orange., } 8w, City of Anaheim. ) I, ~.'dward B. ~Territt, City Clerk of the City of .~~naheim, do hereby certify that the' "fore~oirig r`~"soYutiori'~vas regularly passed and adopted at a special meeting of the ~3oard of '.~'rustees of the City of ~inaheirn held on the 14th day of 1-,ugust, 1916, by the fol- lovaing vote ; ~,ye s, `~rustees ~c,.G,„,, tc~i~c, ~~~C `~ o-s! ~~ e ~~ ~ ` I; o e s, 1'r ust e e s ~,.~,~. AB ~2b`x ~d1} ~uOI VO I I I:~G , `1' Y`tl st e e s ~,e.e~-ye.,~ ~. ,. ITd 'P=IITyr~B~: `dIi~~~OI+' I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the see,I. of t~~e said City oz Anaheim this 14th day of :'august, 1916. ~~- r..m.: City Clerk of t'ne City of An ahe im. I - 8 -