08/14/1916-0251 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -.,. ~~ G~` ~ u ~~1 ~ , r~ '; ~ ~~ ~~ s;, ~ ~ ; ~ . -, , ,; .. , - ~ _~, 1.~i ._ ~ " .: ~.. v ~:.~.~ ..mac ,'.v _ -- ~a ,a i ~. :1 ~. J ter..`.-.~ +.~il iJ.+-.1J ~,... ..a ,.- i _ _ ~ "" , ,~) _ ~~ Q ~L C~ J ~ W ''~:« t~ ~ ~' ~ _, ~ :Pi r _ 9 ~ ' - _. ~ ~ ~ - .~ ~ ._ _ --~ _ ( mhat the roadway of West c1- ii way Street in said City fro e Westerly property line of Sout s• Angeles Street, produced +No ,, ly across said West Broadway Str to the West City Limits of the f I~naheim .(excepting therefrom.' t portion of a roadway of West - ve~ ri~it„ri~~ying between a li - dutl~d $e!' ' rly lfroxn the N p , `:!said West Br Y ire center r3ine of the ; - q est Broadway Stre d ~~ t Westerly 33.75 ,: ' "t . right a~ a from the morsu center 1'-" of Soul<h Los' !Street, s a line produced Sp.^ ~ the**~ortherly :property '12 ~~d We~t~~soadwa~v.Street t4 ` h ' o~ • " * ~ ~'~~ t n~ tl F~ 1 o icy of sai ~ ii4oadway •Street and .being Westerly One hundred .sixty-fi .twenty-foul Hundredths (Y6b.24 'at'right-angles from the Monu center line of Souh} Las `',A' i!: Street; and excepting therefro :portion of the roadway of West 13 way Street. lying between the Ea anld Westerly property lines of tt Limon Street; produced Sou across the roadway of said t "$roadway Street; and excepting - . _from that portion of the roadw f , West Eroadway Street lying be n the Easterly and 'Westerly pro y '`lines of SoutH C1eme~atine Stree duced Southerly to'the center li 1 the roadway of said West Bro y Street; and excepting t erefrom ~ t ,portion of the roadway o West B - wsy Street lying aetween the y .and Westerly property .lines of Clementine Street produced No ly to the center line of the road f s' s ' West Broadway Street an ce ting therefrom that f,ortion e iro dway`of West Broadway Str` in between the Easterly and We property lines of South Helena pr~rduced South~lii:.,~,~ke cent of the roadway of said. West B - '`way Street; and excepting ther' that portion of the roa4way'oi t Broadway Streets lying betwee ' Easterly .and Westerly property of South Helena Street pro rth l the- N t t l~ er y o o cen er ne ; of e =.roadway of said West Broa F Street; and excepting `therefrom t ` portion of the roadway of West $ way Street lying between the Ens, and Westerly property lines of Palm Street produced Southerly s the roadway of said West Bro Street; and .excepting therefronf portion of the roadway of West ~' , way Street lying oetween the anfl Westerl rt li ~ r y p ope ~xe$ d y ; Cii~ron -Street, prarluced So ~ ~ ;across ,the __ roiad~ray_ `_of ~. , ~ ~• ' ~~ Broadway Street; and exceptfr 1 therefrom that portion of the roadwF of West Broadway Street lying b~ #.ween the Easterly and Westerly prol 2 e~ty lines of South Ohio Street pry '"d~teed Southerly to the center lfne ;+ the roadway of said West Broadwa 3 treet; and excepting.therefrom th, w~` . ~~tion of the roadway of West Broa+ 4 ~. gay Street lying between 'the Eas arly and Westerly =property lines ~ ~il~'pq' ` 9tt7eet, pre~tli~d, oux~ez~~r 5 °~~ `~ ~,. ~~n* x~ ~~ , ~ _ _ g ion a roa ~ may West l~rt+a~` ~SGraet lyii ~~etweear tike ;)aas°terly and : W~este~ ;~rpperty lines of South bleat etre 7 ~ ;p,l'oduced Southerly, across the roa ivay of said West Broadway Sbree d exceptin the efr th t ti g g r om a por + the roadway of West Broailw~ Street lying between a. line ~raduc~ 9 Southerly from the point-of fnterse t~ion of the East property 1-ine of Wa ~ttut Street and the Northerly proper dine of West: Broasdway Street, to t] l O center line of the roadway of sa West Broadway Street and at rig; angles to said center- Iine, and a lf~ 11 produced Southerly from the point. ;intersection of the West property Ifi of .Walnut Street and the Norther: 12 !property line of West Broadway stre~ Ito the center line of the r~gadway i ;eaoid Weed Broadway Street. and, ~ 13 -~~ght angles to said center line; ar ~CePting there€rom that ~ortioz~ + e roadway of West Broadway 14 ling between •a line prdduoed ~l'0~7 l~ frlot>1 the Point of interaestf+~ri + East property iiu~ ~` :~alxti 15 reet'+a Snl~ Pr~eat'~ fir cif We~Yoa~wa Streei~ t ~ th y o e;e i ter line of tl~~~, roadway of ~d ~Pe, 16 $roadway Street ,and at righ+ at said eente~;. line, and "a line pr+ eci N th l f h ~ 17 or uc er rom t e. Point aP ii fersection of t e West ptoperty Ifr . ;g,~ V6alnut Street and the South®r1 ~t~operty line of West.- Broadwa 18 Street, to the center line of the roar vohy of said West Broadway Stre 19 d at right angles to, swid cents pipe; and excepting therefrom tha gprtion of the roadway of West Broac 20 }vay Street lying between. the Easterl ytr,d Westerly property lines of Cherr ~"treet. produced Southerly to the sex 21 for ]i~ie of the. roadway of said We: ~3roadway Street; and excepting there fttim that portion of the roadway c 22 West Broad'way'Street lying >'etwee :the Easterly and Westerly propert ,fines of South Thalia Street, produce 23 ~:~nut~erly to the center }ine of th ~•>rt~adway of said West Broadwa reef; and excepting therefrom tha 24 .rtio~uf the roadway of West 13roati ~ aq S eet described as fol}ows: $e ~npi'ng at a point on the extende ' 2 5 s~r~ y Property lin oi` South g haii Street tw~ld~y~+° , six Ymr rdredths (28.06) feet Southerly fxoi 26 ~~he Doint of intersection of the ~~s + Orly property line of said South Thsli 'Sheet and the Northerly propert~ lin 2 7 `. of West Broadway Street; tens " Southerly fifty-five and seventy-thr~ .hundredths (55.73) feet to a point d 28 the Southerly curb line of said Wet Broadway Street, said point being sip ty-one and three hundredths (61 03 2 g feet Easterly from the i ofnt of inter section of the Southerly cuxb line c said West Broadway Street and th J7 O extended center line of .South Thali ,Street;, thence. Westerly, along tB ' roai .Southerly curb :line of West B 31 ~: way street 7.2.16 feet, th~z~ce; 2+dort)e~ '1~ 4U.A$ feet to a post in~tlie"cente '} Lane of the roadway,°'+~ ~ said- kVt+ - 32 , _ ~ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Broadway St{~eet, said -point be: twenty-three and forty-one hundred (23.41) feet Easterly from the po of intersection of the"extended cen line of South Thalia Street 'and " centei'~ link of saiu West Broadv+ Street; thence Easterly. along the c• ter' line of said West Broadway stn ode arfd fifty-nine hundredths (1.! fe~..t; ~'he~ee Northerly alone tho - tended~Easterly property line' of Si3i `'I"~la Strut, eleven ands n~{nsty i5 ~ht€ndr~it~hs (~~.'?a4). met to glade d#`' ~jnnin" anrl.e~,ce~l.therefro~ t~ a cSf the xgaadway of West•Bro, wa treet 1 n between aline - ~g? g ~e ~,~ ~ at a pon t on the South curb line of .:said West BroadR Street, said point -being -•-Fifty-ei~ find thirty-three hundredths (58.. feet Westerly from the point of ter~ection of the extended center 1 of South -Thalia Street and the Sdu erly curb line of said West Broadv Street, and extending IvTartherly eig anGl sixteen hundredths (80.16) f to a point on the Northerly curb ] of said West Broadway. Street, .£ ` point ;berg eighty-six .and seven six hundredths (86.76) feet Westf from the point` pf ;intersection of extended WesteFl~y progeny linlea, South Thalia Streetai~, rFcer North curb tine of said ast">; Broael' Street, and a line beg~n~tf~,: at a 3~~ ~_ ~ hundr~•~~ouz~ ~nd;~ent int , 4 intersection of tha` teade~ center line of .South Th; '' ~tl~ee(i t~ :eu~b liai %i~ est ma may, Street, ara~,- ~; tendi ,Northerly ,eighty-inzne y thirty>eight ~iundrsdths ($9,38) fed a point on the Northerly curb 13 _; Said West Broadway Street, said 1x b®ing one hundred forty-five acrd .s enty-two. hundredths (14b.72j f 'Westerly of the point' of intersedf ` of the extended Westerly propert ] of South Thalia Street and the. i~o3 erly curb line of said West. Broadv street; and excepting therefrom t portion of the roadway of West Bro way Street lying between a line bed - Wing at a paint on the South curb ] of said W~is~t Broadway' Street,; s poini being .East fifty-six and teen hundredths (66.16) feet from point of intersection of the West C Limits of the City of Anaheim and `':'South curb line of Said West Bro `voay Street, an ruiuung Northerly a curve of sixt~en degrees (1G de to the right seventy-one and"fount ":hundredths' (71.14) feet parallel to ~• issaterly`rail of the transfer`track ' 'the Alamitos Branch of the Bo>3 • ern P cifie Company .and two (2) ~ _,Ea~te 1~;,$t right angles from s masterly-y.,_a.,~ ~. _ r,~ ~ :a£he- Nc curb" line of said^ West 'Broadv Street, said point being East nine three and eighty-two hundred (93.82) feet from the point. of ins section of the West City Limits of City of Anaheim and the North c line of said Nest Broadway Str -and a line beginning at a point en- South curb lime of said West Brc :way Street, said point being E Ii',orty-five aild nifiety-nine hundrec (45.99) :feet from!-the~painE of in' section of the Weat City Lir~;aits of ,(yity of Anaheim,. and ;the South c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -'line of said West;'Broadwa and running Northerl ' Wit' ` y on a sixteen degrees (16 deg.) to e of ht seventy-one and fourteen hu (71;14) .feet parallel to the s . sail of the .transfer track of Alamitos Branch of th S , rIy ' `~~ e out gqific Company,. and two ~ e ;~~ Orly at right angles from s erly rail, to a point an the No l _ st sl;•_ rb ine of said West Broad said point bein may' g fast a hty ' ket end' ettty hundredths (81~.,;~ ' , ~l~aint of intersection=`pf t' tv Lim' ~ _ ~ . ~- . -;: &~ ~th~` o _curb line. of ~~3' 8txeei; and exeeptin from that Fortiori of the & re- ro West ~rgadway Street~ying gd; aline prJduced South, from ~ on the North- curb li ^ht,, ne of sai $roadways Street, .said point forty-eight and thi t st g r y-nine hun ' (48.39'] feet East of th s e tersection of the West Ci PoL~ y n- the "City of Anaheim and the '~ .curb line of said. West B h r Street, to the <center line of t.h a~ way of said West Broadway and a l} e 't. ' n produced South f point on the. Ngrth curb 1}ne a .d West Broadway Street, said po} ing ten and ..forty hundredths (' feet East of the po}nt of irate ) of the West City Limits of th of Anaheim and `th ~ e North cu ` of said West Broadway Str@ef - "e center line of the roadway of `West $raadway Street; snd '' Qxe therefrom that- portion of th e ," o~ . West Broadway Street lyi tween the West City liznit~"of th ,',of Anaheim and a line ~"4 , t ~~ ~sYant East ten ands fnrt dxedths . (~i'Q.4D)- #eet i"rQm the ~: Cxty .Lzruitg o~ the C}ty irf A t- n . 8~r$decl : to the official, 8rat~ )~: rra9ed~,wft)~ hydrs,nl~ "cenge~ ca' base and tnith' sSDhs~t~e~' 4ve i , ar Fee ,: . ; , ' " rani "work shad be don$ ~n ~ ante ~~'`~he p'laf~a, p" ~.4+[-=° `fications therefor, which said and profiles were adopted by the d of Trustees of the City of An by resolution on the 23rd day o - ' cember, 1916; are numbered " and are marked and designated n of proposed improvements on t Broadway Street, Anaheim, C nia," and are On file in the office e . City Engineer of said City, in the Hall in said City, and which sai , cifications were adopted by the of Trustees of the City of A ; by xesolution on the 23rd-day o cember,, 1916, and which said fica~ior~ :are marked and desi "Specifications No. 9, for the ca tion of street paving with hyd" cement ahd broken stone .rr-sc .gravel and asphalt wearing su in the City of Anaheim, Califo which said specifications are on 'the. fHce of the City Clerk of ,the i ~' of ~naheim in the Cit `.H ll i , y a n n >ct aL ~ Gave - i, ati~ ~' '~~'~.r~' -~-a"- .. _ :, -, _. _,. , i . -~~ ~ ~ ~~ ° °e ~ ~ ~ ~ 30 ~~ ~ ~ ~_i<; sE ~ _4 ~~ ~- ._ - .. ~ ~ . (/ _. , . _. S:.L l: ~J .:.L :.Y ~ ~,1 is _ V