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1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12°;' ~.: 1 '; 14 15t~ 16 17 ~: 18 19 20 21 ~ 22 23 24 25 ~. ~~~- ., .. %~... Y ~ {.: ~. y ~T 1 Ir :. ~.».a U I I ~} lti ~1 ~ l.~Lu ~ O.i.r -, .. -~- ~....'? -~ ~ Tn^t .n."1 tl . _- .i.~ r.2 \..i -: ~ l J ~ 1! • .;:J U ,'ti+. ~.1.~ r~1 1z 4 ~ I 1 ~ 1=7 r ~ .il i- ~^., R ~.~^ . ,4..1.. ~ I~ '. ~ L ~ ~ ~4iJ. 1 .:'9.~ ! ~ ~ : ~~ TT ~~aa~~ I l4 4T .,( 1J ~ t ~ ti-'T J-/ tJ.a~: ~ li f( ~~ (~ r rt I ~" I ~. ,~,'l I U %* ~ lJ ~ ..~,jJ I ii lA' t M ^~l ~, p 7 T V1:ls` 1.L it t'e ~ y ~ ( 1 ( 1 ~ 1 G ~ .i` V .._ T li i`i U V ~ Y'Y.L ~ l :3Ri7a~.J=~3~~Y tia.~i~T II~; .1.~~~.~ CIw~ t~~ .~~.~.~Ii:::~ITa, ~,~L y~.:~: I~. +~enlV-'T~• BY the ~o~wrrt of `~~'r~zstees of the vit~T of y~xa,;~.eir~~, tha ~;...~..~ a . those certain. sy~ecific~~~tions u~re~ared by 0. :~. Stetirard, City ~~n- ~ineer of the°~ittr c~," ~~.Wr.ei~~, marled ~:;nc1"` 8es~~r:ated T'S;~ocfica- tions %ro. 9 •fer tie construction of Strreet Pa~vin~ t°rith h~rdraulie cement ~~~ ~~raken stone or scroenec? ~raveT arlr. as~'n~1.t ~:~ea,rin~; Face, i.n trie Cit;yT of ,~;.lailei~u, C~.1i fo-r11i~.," whic'_~1 u~~ere adopted b~T 'I the Board of Trustees of said. C;it~r on the 23rd i~a;r of December, ~ 1J1~, be, ~~~. t~~ev, axe x~e-~.°e'o~ ~,c~:ated as the s~aecific~,tions for 44zvin,~ those certa,ixl j7o-rtions of tie road~ray of ;Test :r3ro;.,~d~~ I ~' Street in the Cite of ,~iai~eir~°., c~hich ~~ e hereinafter clescribecl,~:a~.d'~, teat tho se cert a,i.n ~ lwxis a,rEc~ ;h rofile s i~dumbered'Tl ~;" d~: si~nated as "~~lans for 3~avin~, Street Intersections ~~' ~~est :~road~~~ra,;; Street", be, a,x3d the; ere hereby adopted as the plans and profiles for the tirorlT of laying asp bolt l~aven~ent on the hereina,f'ter desix~ated por- tions of the roa,d~ra,y of 'Jest :Sroa,dtiv~ Street in the City of .~.n~~.e s ~.~hose certsa.n -~~ortions of t ~~e roadv~~wJ ~f said ~„'eat Br~ad~~r~,= Street herein referred tc;r,t~d for ttie -~na,Ping of ~~rhic~i sa.icl plans and. ,necifications u,x~e hereb~T adopted, are de scribed as f411o~rs, to-.~irit; -- - t , ..t~ f th d 2g! 27 28 29 I 30 31 "- 3 ~ _.d: ... ~....:.. tha p~. .on ~ e roa - way of West Broadway- u:rect lying be- ', tween a line produced Southerly from the Northerly property line of said West Broadway Street to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street and being distant Westerly 33.75 feet at '> right angles from the monumented cen- ter line of South Los Angeles Street, and a line produced Southerly from the Northerly property line of said «'est Broadway Street to the center lice of o -- -+cwer. the roadtVay . , _ .,F. Street and being distant Westerly One ' hundred sixty-five and twent~~-_four hundredths (165.24) feet at right angles from the Monumented center line __52~. s Angeles Street; and south L o _ _ that portion of the road-' ~ ~ ~ - _.. of West Broadway Street lying i,e- ~, way tween the Easterly and Westerly prop-' Street i ne erty lines of South Clement ~vA~, produced Southerly to tha ~•.N??'^i~~ I - o` the roadway of said West ' that Street; and portion of the roadway of blast Broad-,: , way Street lying between the FuaSterlvr youth' f , rind Westerly property lines o Street produced Northerly to. Clementine line of the roadway of said tl:e center Nest Broadway Street and ortion of the roadway t th p a f Nest Broadway Street lying between , c . *he Easterly and Westerly property th Helena Street, produced' f S ou lines o to the center line of the road- l y Souther s o B t proPg' e ly and Wes the Easter between ~~„~~ e t erty Imes of South Helena P f ' li , ne o doted Northerly to the center the roadway of_ said _ We_ st_ Broadway Street; and ' 1 ~ t: ,j ~._. .rt j~ portion oY the roadway of tiVest Broadt tj'aY Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of South Palm Street produced Southerly across the roadway of said tiVest Broadway Street; and that 1 portion of the roadway of tiVest Broad- way Street lying between the Easterly. and Westerly property lines of South Citron Street, produced Southerly across 2 the roadway of said tiVest _ Broadway Street; and ' 'that portion of the roadway of Nest Broad- K'ay Street Iving between the Easterly 3 and Westerly property lines of South Ohio Street produced Southerly to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street; and -- 4 'that portion of the roadway of `Vest 'l~roadway Street lying between the East- erly and Westerly property lines of Il- linois Street produced Southerly to the 5 center line of the roadway of said West r Broadway Street; and - _ _ _ " that portion of the roadway of SVest Broadway Street lying between the 8 Easterly and Westerly- property lines of South Nest Street produced Southerly across the roadway of said West Broad- . way Street; and ,' -- 7 that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street lying between a line ' produced Southerly from the point of intersection of the East property line 8 of bVaInut Street and the Northerly prop- erty line of West Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street and at right ang- 9 les to said center line, and a hne pro- duced Southerly from the point of in- tersection of the West property line of IO Walnut Street and the Northerly prop- erty line of tiVest Broadway Street to the / center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street a,nd at right angles to, said center line; and, - ----- II BroadwayxoStreett lyingabetween aline produced Northerly from the point of intersection of the East property line of I2; ti5'alnut Street and the Southerly prop- erty line of tiVest Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said t* tiVest Broadway Street and at right an- I3 g9es to said center line, and a line pro- duced Northerly from the point of in- tex•section of the West property line of 14 ~l'ainut Street and the Southerly prop- erty line of West Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said Nest Broadway Street and at right an- 15 gies to said center line; and ..... ~. .. ...........: e --- ---- that .. of Weat BroadwayrtStreetf lying` b t~.een u the Easterly and Westerly- property 1 6 lines of Cherry Street, produced South- erly to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street; --- I7 and that ~lcrtien of the r©ad~r~r of ~"hest Bx©ad~1~ Street, Zyin~ be- 18 tt~een the Lasterl~ ~~rc~rlertJ line o~ S©uth mhalii3. Street, produced 19 S:~ut'.f2erl~T to a ~~oint two feet ::asterl~r at right ankles from the 20 ~asterl~ rail off' t'ze sic~in~ a~ the southern I.~,cific Sompun~r, crosu 2I ins said. ~~~ect vrc~,dt-:.~a~~ Street at a©uth ~~'halia street, a~~c? a ling 22 y~arallel to and. tUl© t"eet ~asterl;~ at right W~~'7_es frog: said L~,st- 23 erlvr r~.il azld extenc~in~ fr©r~ the TTortl~erY~r line ©:~ ~~ie,~t road~~ray 24 Street to the ~asterl~ dine of Sauth ~'halia Street, ~.nd that ~©r- 25 flan oz t he reacl~-raT of '',rest I3roadtrr~~~r street, l~in~ ~et~een ~, line 26 parallel t o and. tWO ~e et ire ste rl~r at right a;l~'le n from t'rze ~xfe ;ter- 27 1sT T~I:iI © f the sidir~ of the Southern ~r~,eific C©r_zl a.n~;, crmsNin~; 28 salt': ~~r'est :~roac~.a~,J t re et at Sout~1 iiialia Street,~7c' the Westerl~r 29 property line of ;oath Th~1ia Street, ~lroduced Sol_atherlJ to the li 30 center line of swigJest Broad~ra~' Streat, and that portion of the road- ¢ way of West Broadway Street lying be- alI tween a line produced South, from a point on the North curb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being forty- eight and thirty-nine hundredths (48.39) '3 Q• ~ feet East of the point of intersection of the West City Limits of the City of Ana- , helm and the North curb line of said West ,n Broadway _ Street, to the center line of - ~ - -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 the roadway of said West Broadway Street, and a line produced South from a point on the North curb line of said West Broadway Street, said Point being ten and forty hundredths (10.40) feet East of the point of interscetion of the \~'est City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the North curb line of said West Broadway Street, to the center line of the road~~ay of _ said West _ Broa,~dw_ ay eet; :~~ I~ ~ U~TF~:~:t ~:~:~G~V-'V:~D, "h~tt sa:i.d plans and ~arofil©s be file ~ i2~. t'ne office of the Git~T ~z~~ineer of said. cit~T in tiZe ~it~ II~1.l in ~;wid ~~it~r, and. t~~~.t the~T maUr he res,•~ter be re Ferree? to b~ th.e descrit~tiQ:~ herein cont4~ined. Bi: II L'Ui~~H~"~ ~~~~ZV.~~, ~Yl1~,t the Cit;;T Clerti~ of the i;it~ of ,~.1s,~~ei~, be, and he J_s hereby i~:>strLZeted to c~,,zse •~o be ;published b~T tZ'JO a~LZCCe,~>S~Ve 1.Y3.St:~'ilt:?21S iI1 ~1ie x~i~?,heigl G°~,'Z.f'f;'~;e, ~~ ~,TeL:~~~.~7 iir'~7~_ pt;;~er fli ~isilGra~ ~:irC'111;;~,tl~Yi, y~11Ri3liS`le(~ 1T3 '~'.i~~. Llt~'', ~,;, ilotiCe il1- viting seslec~. pro.;~os~:~ls or bias For doing t?ze ~€~,id ~~ro-rl> ~sid s~lall refer to t'_~2e pl~,:~s~~~~d s~~eci l?.c~;tions on Pilo, ~:-?~ich s,~Wic? notice shall re;-yuire all pr~~os~.ls ox bids oFfcr~d to iJe ;:secor.~l~~~~ied by u c'nech ~~~r`ble to the Cit;; of :~.:;.Llein., certi"ied br ~, respo2zsibZ.e b~?.~ -~:or ~2 ,~~t ~J~~~ich shill jAot be Ie t~;~,' , ten ~ •+~' -,~. __~.~ ~ e.. cc,:o~" the w~~re~~,te of the pxoy:~os~,l or bvr a bond For the s~,icl ~:,o~~_nt so -,-~r .~ ~ - ~,,,le , si~y~ed bar t~ze bidder ~~^~~' t:~o Sureties ~rrho shW11 justice be_ fore ea~.,~ ofi'~~i cer coi°~~etent -co~rli~iister sn ou;~~l, i~~z ozable the s~~idar.~otz~1~ ;,,nd ovel° ~1d shove all st ~.ti7taryr e~_er~:~ t io~.~s, said the ar bo~7c1 to be for-"eitec~ to the ;~i~~~;~ o: ,~;E.~.,~,heir~, if 4;ri_thin ten dwvTs after the ~,r,;,txd o-F the contract, the stz.tlclsssful bie~.der s'i~;11 fail to e;rzter ~_~uto a contract for the doing of s~..ic~ ~~Torl~,;,rd furnish the bonds recl~zired. ~,id successful bidder sh~l ~~e 1•e;yuired to y~ur2.2ish ~, bela.d, 24 25 e'u~.1. to .rle-gal oi' t;i_a_e UmoL?nt of ,1r 1~,~, e~ec~:~~-ed 1a~, ~-;o l~:retie , 26 ~~ho sh;? l ~~zalif~; before any oa~.:icer ~;~zt~lorized to ~dzi:ini.ster an 2 7 ~ at h Lane' e r;,n d b~- ~r i rt t, e o f ~; le ~,~;;• -~ ~- ~- l sox she ~~a,,e -E. o~ (.GLliforx2ia, 28 in uz:~e c(zzL~bered j,roL~ert;~, e~~u~ $.n. v4,:,1.ue to cloi_ble t.he;~.ount of 29 s~,i~'t bond, r:~~ich boa2ct sh~l be eondl_~;ions upon the i'u._t2-"7al per- 30 f o -.,_ ~ . e ,.. L~~?~,,~c o_ s~~id collt.~~:~ct ,ua~zc~ shall be subject ,o the a:f,~t,raval of 31 ty"le 0~;.~'r'+_ 01 ~~ru~ee;~ >7F the lV7.t`''` 0i} ;~1"~@112.'. 38 ,.. ~j _ . i .- 1 5~.7.c~ cantr~,ctai shall be rec~_i~ed to -WiI_e i~rith the _r3oard at' 2 °Lrustees of said Cit:r, ~1at}ler ;:~::~~. ~~,~c? _tion~. bond, in ~~ ~r~alz~lt 3 e.u<,1 to arle_half a~ said eal~tract erica, ~r}zic'_~. baxlc:i s}call r?Y`o- a 4 V 1 de t Il ~,t l t lE1 a a . xt :(' ;_„~ C;'~ 0 :~" sue`. ~;; 7. ~. S t 0 ~~ ~z `~a r ~ ~,T Ti ~;,t e r 7. ~_ S' ~ i ~' a - e, t y cj Visia:'1a, r04ex1r~er, or at}7.er S~.?7';C)~„leS, flr teE~'r1S, 12~E3~ 7_x1, Ui~Q?'_, 8 =C'a1" C i u,)aCZt t?e ';ra~'~L, C01111;ru,CteG~ to be aaxle, 0r ar 1'daY'Z~ or lc~- 7 bor dal~.e t'raereon ai'~~; 1~ir~ct, that pile surety,- or Sureties ;-ill 8 i~~;.- t'rle s~rle ixz a~s,rza~a:~t xzot eT>cee:di~~; the sum s ~ci~ied in the g boxed, 1~rovi~.ed thWRt ;uch claim shu11 be fi]'.ed iz1 t':~e 1~~~1ner ~,i1C7. 10 ~'orn2 required b~ ~,n act a~ the Zed? sl~,tu.re of the ;Et ate off` C~,li- ~arY11r~.~ entitle;'. "'~T ~~;>'t ,'h~ t~,`.~n ,,,r,, n,.rr,~ ,+r:*r~ ~ t rt 11 ~. ~ ~...-tl~ ._4::, ~:::.;~ Pa:.~T':~:..+.ti.~ C'.L CkI:.~II~S 0 y 12 I,Tt~~=:'RI ~.LT.~i~, Tt~CyICS, ~~': T,;;,~:~~~ ~.~.:.:`,: ~ ~~?::PZCt~~F .may CCr``~'~~~Cl'0 ~S j}.rO.T.w 13 "~'i'-~: T.:U~TICIF:~I,, 0~ 0`~TT~~~ ~'JF~IC '",'C~',I;.." x~1~~{aravec~ r.:~:~c.iz 27, 1~~J'7. 14 ~~,id bond s~xel.l be e~yecz.~tec~ b~ the ca~~trgctor 11~ at lewst t~~ao u~zretyes o r ~~~ ca x~a~ate s~are~; r ~ z ~~ ~ , ~, 15 + :~?.~ µ r y , ~,~, q i,ri c3e ~. ate, :~.~~, , ti't ~A .~.~~xa~. l i 16 justi:c"y ix~ vhe r,_,a:~r~ur -y~rovic5~~~c1 ',~;r 1~4~~7 ~;,3.~d a}~;~1 be s~~bjeot to ttze 17 ~ <z~~l~rov~ o~ the 3o~.rd o~ '.~"ru,~tees off" s;.~,id ;".7.t;~. ~ IS 8c~lee ~ra~~asu1s ar b7_~ts a:r`e ~;o be delivered to t'ie Cit; 19 Clerl.~. o~ the Cit ai' ~~x~xahei~, ~t ~7.s o-.~~'ice in ~ie l+it''% ~-,~.1 in 20 s~~ic~ ~itur, dirt or be~ore ei gilt a ~clac~~ ~ . fit.. off' / . ~, the lath 21 cl. ~J o f Jtzl~' : l ~ ~. 6 . 22 ~ the :~o~,rd ai' ~'ruste es a~ ;u,i ~ ~3_t;r re se rve s the right t o re_ 2 3 j e s t ~z1ur ~;.~ c? ~.l l 'aids . ~~.~-~--e~=--~;iS. 24 ~:~ I~ ~iJR`.~~7~~a~; ~~B~Z~~F that the tirxe of service o:~ ~l~ laborer, ~~rorkm~n ar rlecha~lic izry~an ^~;d ~©r?~ n',, '~~ a , 25 ~ u ti .,~.1 _~. 1i~_~~te.~. ,~:c. 26 re stricted to e i~;'~t ixours c'~zrin ~,n axle ~ ~ r z, ,n ' ~ ~'' ~ cs,le- ,~~,r a~,,,Ts as ~ ro- 27 vir~ed by Section 653 C of tye Per~.~ Code o'~= the Cote o_~ C~,li~or- 28 ni a. 29 _ ~ i1e laregaiz~; 'Zesoli~tioxl is si °°i.ec~, ~,":~~ raved ~,rd W tested 30 b~ rye t'i s ~t h d ~~cr o ~ Jrar~-e , 1916. /J • . ~/ 31 1_ t r:' i e n a -.~ t'~1e ~~ o ~: "' ' r- rd cif `_.~~z„ ("• ~`' ~'~' es of the Cittr a~ ~:.~,hein. 3E ~-,-/ /J-c.~i~-.-x,~ Cit;~ Clerl~ of t}~e City o~f' ~~1;~,~.eir~:, - ~~ - 1 2 3 I, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 i 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 } it vT o ~ y~=she ir.1. ) I, ~c11~ ~,rd ~~. .erxit~;, Cit~Y Cle ~r:. off' the C:it~~ off' ~°~~.~~~~eir~~, Rio hexeb~T cexti~tr= that t~1e fore~oin~ xesoltztion ~;r~,s ~~s,ssed ana adopt e ~~ ~",,~~ ~. Y'e ` Z~.l ~.Y' ... G~'t "? :f1 ~; t~ r 1G ~ lei. .~i rJ ~ .:!" ~~ ~ ~ ~t y Tl. >"~ e f' S U :i t !1e ~ i ~", ~" (3 ~.' ~,naheir~ held on the .~3t~~ ~~~ ei° JU.i1e, T916, b4r the ~°ollocY,in~; vote• iv e ;~ , rL~ ~; u e e S /~ G./~S~! G~ 4cser~~~~t 7,,.~/zs~-,-sue, o-.~Y " i.~r' ''~~c.u`' ~"t.' 'o ~~ e s , ~' rc~. to e ;~ o-,~. ~ -~_ ~'e seat and ~'ot ~rotin~, `'xLa ste es ~o~-1C-~ T'~ '~~'I 8~ '"~!`l~ :~~C~.;_+~ I I~w3ve ~eLe~an~to set r.~~ h~,nc~i an.~ ;~.~~i~Aed the ©3f~.clg' s~;,~.1 i~~~ a;yl~~ Cit`r t.zls ~3th d,a,~r o_~' cTzzne, I.~JI6. x ~ Uler of ~ a~ e Ci ~ car ,~,~ ~~ .. 5