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!I ~ ,~ nn ^ ~v `~ J i~ ~~~.x: »~~. _ ~~ ' ~.q ,. . '°` 1 ITS i';~:;i I:'..`r'i'.:ii~ 0.~ .~~i1VIT~~,Cx I'.'~' i30.f`~,1~w.KY G.e~ ,`~1~~T B~O~s;.)l"r'~Y ~l'z?.;.i~"1 T.~. 'lI C 1 `..'Y 0 ~' ~i Aia~i I P;~, OiI: IFE? ii~ti~ I A • 2 . r'~:80T<LT"i'IOlb 0.~~?:RI:~aG i~~OR~. 3 ~801V''~~ by the Boe,rd of 'Trustee, of the City of ~~.~,heim; 4 B~CTIaIi!' 1. mhat the ,;public interest ~ convenience require ~. :- 5 ..the Loard of Trustees o~ the. City of ,~~,heim, ;pursuant to ~?esolu-~ 6 tion of Intention Tro. 128 of the Board of Trustees of the City 7 of ~~a~leim ~rllich said resolution of Intention Tv'o. 128 ~'~as duly 8 passed and adopted by said Board of "trustees an the 11th ~ `~Y of 9 r~~,y, 116, hereby orders the folloti~rin~ street tift~or~~ to be done in 10 Shcd C1t~'', t0-QYlt; 11 `~'}t~t `tie xoad~vsg of 'Gt~e~ ~ waq Stxeet~ ~n ~~ pity f~ot~ 12 r Westorly p~Crperty tine a~ Sop. Atag~[e~ Stxt, ~+ro~ic~cec? N ac~ass sAit}. West:. Broul~ag `fit 13 xha West ~it3 I;iri~izs of thf. , I! i#eiltt ~~ ~ ~ t~r~f~orl~'~~r 14 ~' bet~vve~ a* 1~ - - '° 15 tpe "tlie ~e~titer } of the ,i ~~. Ay ~E ~tiil~e~t,~ruadrvES,g ~tree4;: ng di8~t '4fterly ~`i 75 ~~ 16 ht ang~pa ~rbm ~ the xi~a ,~enter..Iit~e bf South Los A~n , Street, ar~d ~ -g. ~nxluoecl Sou 17 ~ron~ the Nort ~'~}y pY~o~~erta '1' ~sid West ~roRd~vay Street. to tltie ' fier=life, of the roadtivag Qf sa3d 18 I~xvadw~ty ~,~,reet and _being das Westerly ate hundred sixty-five tweed our hundredths (16521} 19 at ri ~t' angles f,roxn th Monuine„ center line of South ~os An 20 'Street; and;e~cepting there~rotn itoition of the roadway of West B `- 'way Street lying between tote ~a~t 21 =end. Weaterl'y property lines of S' o~.en4n Stx~et, ~~xoduced Souf#~' „~v~ the roadway of said l ` 22 ^.. .~~ Sheet; and excepti tlt ` ~, "that ~iortiors of the roa~v $ w~yr~traet.l~aai~~. 23 ~~~ and Wes#erly z~~` th Cleruentine :titre~~;' ' ~~. 24 ~ ~d V4'e ~ ~r~~ ,.. aria ~~~~~~. off 25 ~ ~. ~ y ~ ~~r~-: . ray ~z°~4~xty links ~~i»tk~irie treat"produced N'. ?6 to the center line o,i; the road ~` id Went B~eosd~ay S'tre'et a eptin~ thexef~om-that portion ., 27 '~adway of Wsst ~lroadway S~_ Ong , ~+een, the ~a'sterly and W D~'4'P~ lirx~s of South .Helena ~' 28 :vraduced Southerly to the Centex; of the roadway of said QJest B ,x°ax. Street; and 'excep'ting theref 29 that portiozt of the roaa«ay of "v Broadway Street lying between Easterly'.and VCesterly property,l 30 ,af South Helena `Street,. prod ' Northerly the tenter Iine o€:_ raadvday ~~ sa~c~ West' Bro 31 ~tree~; ands excepting therefrom ~_ . ~ortiQr! crf the rva~ly~~ay of West Rz ~ ~~va rt3~raet•~~lyi~tg tweea the - ,~treatgl~`e~.#~e~l ~utfiei l3 ,`.~ :. 1 -. .~ ~. , 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~~ . r! 8 i 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the roadway. of said,. West Br: y Street;_and excepting therefx© t Portio7r of the Toadway of West tl ~Y ~~eef"3ying ~tet~vAffa the ~ . and ~le ~e l r gg - s ~ . r property lines e~ h rnn street, produ4~cl ~o moss the r'aac~way, of ~d ~ '~q ay Street; " att~l etc ;~ t portion of the rd West r*~iwa + `st t I ~y' r 3 ree . y the ~stc,rl;~ and ~7esta't $ y Hxxes of 5onth OhiA Strge fail ~[iuthexl to the c~ntet~ ~~~~" = F~, ~t~'eeff' a'.~ ex~et t,n~ tltcr ~~b "fit, i~iiardwaz- .~ ~ ~~~t W`ay ~ttei3t 1, ing between t~'{8_` ~'. anc~ West~r]F property •df . Yrui~ $tre 't ;p ~ dt d e ru }cQ . tvt~+e "tl~e aefiter link of the roadw$ , West ~ro~iwe ~ Street,i, a ~ th~~fraxn tat i ti P ie , -~; po r tl~z a . ~aY of West Broadway 5txeet Betwee~x~the Eastexly and 'l~Ve tnez~y l~ne$ of: S¢ath .13'~est gxoduced Southerly across tha way of stud West. Tiroadvca~~ ti and exee~~ting therefrom tli~t ~ a!' tl~e roadway of West $rna Street dying between a find i~r Sautl;erl from £he oi t of p n int ticn of t~,e fast property line of ntrt Street $nd the I~fortherly tiro li}?e bf Weat Braadwa~ street, cetit~ar Ilz~e of tl2d road~aST of ?.Gtpst BrUadway Street And. ttt angled to ~ "d centkr. line. until 3#radEtaed~ . the~Iy from the ~ .ri; ,tt~e. 3?i~e,~_~px~ of ~'~f ` Rtld ~ tti~ E ~ ; 3~xaZt~r~ - ~ ` w ~ 4- ~ ~t ~ g1' aa"" ' the io :lying 1~~E ~~~ ~ .. ~ ., erly frxxm;~e poi o~ ihtceo~3o tl~e ~BSC xxo Street id t~,ie " ut~ie r ~ly t ac z p oper y. a~ -West Brc#adway Street, to t~Ze ter line of the roadway of said . Broadw~ay:.Btreet and at right s' ' to !said . ce~ltex> line, and <a 19ne dined Nartlzerl from .the pdfn~ o r i te sect an o{ the West roperty of '° W'al t St e t d t . nu .: r e _ an ~pnt pro~rty line' of West t31'o Stre~;t, to t$e center Line -f the" R uy " of 9$~l WESt BYOadway .~ ~+ end at f'lgll~,anglea t0 B&9t~ lY '~., , a~ .a~ceeP€ing th,ese~frotn tsioti of the roadway of~~t ~ way Straat lying between khe Ear and Westexly propertyy lines ~~ .C Street d Snuthe~l t y to~tl't ;.~ Fg ~ 0 C.~x~:')ine ;tr~r t}se xoadvy~q'of said ~!pdw Street; and excepts t ~~ ~. ~ ~~ ~~~, 'terly anti =? er1" pto,. 1 hat r~C;'~h~i t ~~ ~ e~ y ; , d W '.. ' ~:rA 3&T ~~ B~ ~ Str i~t' &nt1 excepting t$erefre~sn_ lior~ion of .the ro~aclvvay of "Wes$ Br tvap Street de~crii~d~ ~ #olloava: ~i'nnzn~ ~t a port on the et~t ~aiiter yproperty line of Sou~~1' S£xeet twent. -ei $t and- six Y S dx dtha , 8.06- _ feet - outlier( (~ ) Y t;he,~pvint ttf inteisaction of the rrl~arty line of said South Street and. the Northerlyy pxopext . of West Bre-adway. Street; I So~therly:fifty-fx~e a'nd ~seven~t I hundredths ,(~6.'f3) feet l,o a ., ~ the'Sout~erly cuxb king o~ s d ~ 13xoadway ~tra~t, said paihit ~y-pne and {-l,,zee hundredths Peet>~~~'~Y .fxo~ - e pdiJrrt q , ~~~ ~i S d ` st roa t~t, a v~iiy a center liAe ~,~__ , - 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a. Street; , theriee Westerly alai 'Southerly euxb line of; Wei ww~ty Street 12.16 feet; theziee Al 1~::9U.tf8 feet tQ a point in the 'ire- of the: ~oad'~c~ ~f -+s$iit "~sv~I Str»et.'':a~fd pp}nt. theme and fort~r-ane'hun~ {iK'3:~1) Peet• ~t~ly fr~na th, n£ .;~ers~efiQU ~i<, the .e~#e~ lice of SouF~i Thalia Skree~ eenfer Izfle° v~ staid West $tv ~~'8°~•., ~'~:••••••, FI.fCAfpnJv olnn .~{!~. fi ~'.il~Iza ~~~~4~~~~n ~' 7iu~clred~-(x`#~~~'t tii:blae~s,- gisining uia excepting the~it~ ., t+ortion of the road of Wit, 'may St 1yin~.~ ~, t,innin~ at 'a~,pofat on tie S~b# cur'r lme of said , West Breatx+ Street, said po#nt }-eing .Fifty and thjrty-three hundrgdths ,#6$i feet Westerly from the point p£; tersectipn of the extended center of South Thalia Street and .the ~Soi erly eurb liz~e,of said Weat'$ adr Street, and exuding 2+?ot~tlYe~13• e ar:d s}xteen litindre~ths ~8D.i~k to'~ i>vint at1'the ~t~rtherly curb ~ ~f saza West Bro~~ray scr+eet; point bein~ t~i~~atg=six a~4d` era ' R7S h~i~sdredth$ ('~'~6~ feet `~' fro;n the poiz+t of i'n~rsec~n ~. ~Xkended Westerly pZ^o ei~~ , S~vu~h `E'halia Street Rr~l ate ~'~ ~ °~f~t'b line.:.. of ,sg,'s~ West. ,~~d- enter ,3i~~ .~ ~butli , ~+5treet ahd tlld<'~`3~itttberly curb aid meat Brt~Adway Street and;; tar>~;ing Northea~r , e~;ynine _;~; '~ thit~t~~-eight hunaredths (89.8) f~ a t}pint, pn Cite ~orth~erly curb 1it1~ fiai~.West Brdsdway:Street; sank pi berg" one huttci~ed ~`tirty-tirve and >9 ent~-tsvo hundredth (l~fi.'7~'} ~ .~ ZV®stUi~ly of the point aP intersect ':; of the extended Westerly property 3 oi` S,AUth Thalis .Street and the Nix erly curb line of sand. bleat Broad ~trteet;'and excepting therefrom p4rtian of the roadway c-~ West Broi -'" way Street lying between a, line bey iiipg at a~oint ~ 'tlse South curb of said est ~xoadway Street s+ i DD'klat being Esst .fifty-sik and `g ;: te~sn hnnaredthA ~ 68.X6? #eetra;m i ,~o~.#dra£ ~ x :off the ~ t~3t C Liiz~it9 af" the°~ty of Anaheim and'1 ' ~~wuut#1 ettatb. line _of said West i3:ndi ~i-~.--os~ tirdnbter irach thu- 1~#Yilt06 I3rsrach Of tlt0 ~~7U F 8rn see Gp~apany- aresl t9vb (2j f °~' 1as~exiy at rl¢~t~``a" les #rom~' s Ea&terly rail; to a gofnt on the 3J~ ~nrb line of eaid -.Vest Brnadw Suet, said point being East nine three and eighty-two hundred (9:3.>S2) feet frpm the point of int ae~t~on of the'West City Limits of ' pity Rf ..Anaheim and the North .c ' line `pf said: bleat Broadway Str< anti a line, be~inrting at a point on Sou~i curb- line of said West Brp; way Street, -said point .> being F FoYty-fide ~hc~ sµrtety-ninE! hu#~dx'ed` (499) "ixtYet t'rorn the F,o3ni or `int ' se~ti6n oP tlte' West E:It~- Li~uzts o>` .: City of iia~aheirtt: and £ne ~utttl~ Cs line pf_,ssid~ West~-Braadaiay ;Strq _, ssrtd xunningr ~' t3%`;}' 4n a rUr, " tam ~~~s: ~:~ ~eex;~~e'~="'to the W 'u,, 3 ~~ of ti7e ,, .Acl . LC~ieti~of the Southern`. ~n~' pant' and tt~o (~), feGt ~ erl~~a~.right_.axa~*les from sai$ ;, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 said point 'ie;n ~1'S~"~ighty`~tW twenty hundredths (82:20) feet the point of intersection of the .City Limits of the City of An aced the North curb line of said roadway Street; and excelitng 'from that portion of the. road ' West Broadway Street lyng be ~a line produced South, from a cin the North curb line of said $xoadway Street, ..said point fpxk~r~ight and thirty-nine hupch (~t,3~) feet East of the'Xioint tenon of theme West City ~i - anci to .line :produced;, south f ._' 1p~ii~st on . t}~e Alorth crb ..lino off' ~@St Broadway Street, said point ten apd forty hundredths (1 Meet Eaat ofi <the point. of intersec, of the West City Limits of the ;; At-aheim :and the. North curb said West Broadway Street - to; center line of the roadway of West Broadway Street; and excep therefrom that portion of the roa$ of West Broadway Street lying. , ' tween the West City limits of the', of Anaheim and a line prod' ' South, across the roadway of ;" West Broadway Street,, parallel ; ~sd dfstant East ten and<, ~ort~~~ dredtb;a (10.'30) feet frori~ the City Elmira ;of the City of Anah'" 1 be graded to the ofCicia,l grade. ~ p4ved ~~: h~ydr&nlic cement con, ba~$e and with asphaltic-R*eariryg.; ~ SSA, id :wgrk "shall, be done in a4' ` "t~it1Y"f.)-e pianq, .profiles. And a~. _x' eea .~~~ "fi~• r~ ~"'~°"fttC~"~tel~~•r3~t camber's. 2915; are numbered :` `'' daze ~narked.'az~d designated "`• ' "~ruposed ixnp~i°ven~nts on ' Broadway Street} , A~heuYi, Cal " . relit,;' anal are on file in the office Cftp Engineer o3''ttaid° City, in the Hail in said City; and which said ciflcations were adopted by the B of -Trustees of the City of Anah by resolution on the 23rd day of camber, 1915, and which said sff flcations are marked and design "Speci$cations No. 9, for the cons Lion of street paving with hydr cement and broken stone ar see gravel and asphalt wearing ~i ,• irt' the City of Anaheim, Califon ~vh~eh said specifications axe on ft{` tlsa:o8'ice of the City Clerk of the of ~An~heim, in .the City Hall in ' City. ~01I0~~ 2. Thai i~ i ~ he reb~ date relined and d~;c lase d in 1aur- saance o~ ~~,id ~Le~olution ~~ Intention rT 128 that , trial bostds '(~~`~'~ a a u ~ d to represent •sessn~ents of $25.00 or over, fore' test' an~'~~ep~se at...~a#cr ~ ark .°. p ..ov~rne~t;~`tTiat said" aerial '$~Pf extend over a period o~ i+t~ers ~rr~rn .,~he 2nd day of Jan , iw~i~~~u~ their date and an al proportion of the prino -'xea~"", shall be payable, ~y , pdn; on the 2nd. day of January year after their date, until the w is paid; and the interest shall be ~abte'semi-annually, by coupon, one end day of January and July eea kvely of each year at the rate 4f s , ¢-ssr cent Per `annum on all sums: laid- until.. the iehole of skid ~xitt.,. d`intere5t -are paid. '~ ~;S~ad bonds shall be issued`~tt ny~; virtue _of the- provisions of an:- ~` ~ die Legislature of the State of , ~° . a; entixled "An act to :Provide in ats`~ upon ~reeta, ~r-e ," 1 ,a,, G4'~1~~~lfue,5 and .~ late; ~d~~ , ~~ «-a<< o~zi ,. ~, 4 - }{„ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2s 27 28 29 30 31 32 r'~Eirt?j~iest;:uu~ ;,£or.~;e~tat>7i; end ~1~aztging the grae~f~ of ~m~ Rtreets, &vetiues, r~~@s, a~t~ysy ec jt~&c~~ ar,C~ sidea~s~•ks,; anti ~rov ,,$o>•-tote i~~~iat~e a~n~~;pa~'raent.(>f E ',~~nti~mti~TZEnt k+azldi; tt~ ;'erreent p~zr a:~e~8su3 ~vzs,tll~~Cf2b`~ L#.i S~CTICTT 3. ' AITof trie hereTri pr`d'posed work and im-'' provement and all proceedings taken in regard thereto shall be in pursuance of and in accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of California,' entitled, "An act to provide for work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks within mu- nicipalities and upon property and rights of way owned by municipalities, and for establishing and changing the grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys. courts, places and sidewalks, and pro- . viding for the issuance and payment of 'street improvement bonds to represent certain assessments for the cost there-' of and providing a method for the pay-, ment of such bonds." Approved April 7, 1911. _ B~GTI{~i~~ 4~ ~ .,. yhe City C1•e.rk of ~'ae City of ,,yi3aheim is hereby dir- edted to post conspicuously for five da;;rs, on or near tlae chamber door of the ;3oard of Trustees of said City of ,~~.aheim, a notice of said ~york inviting sealed proposals or bids ~,nd a cop~,r of specific, tion~: T~~o. 9 adopted by the hoard of mrustees of the said. Gi#~ of ~ .dxlaheim on tho 23rd day of Iyecember, 1915; he is also directed to cawed a copy of said notice to be published t~.rice in the F'~,naheim Daily ~Terald", a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said City ;~rhieh said nee°rspaperis hereby desi€~nated for thwt purpose. Said not~_ce shall invite sued proposslu or bids for doing the work ordered and shall refer to the specifications Hosted and on file, whic'rz said notice shall reciuire all proposals or bids of- fered to be accompanied by a check payable to the City of r-;p.alzeim, certified by aresllorisi_ble bank for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the ~~ ~regate of tyre pro~~os~1 or by a bond for the said mount so payable, signed by the bidder exa.d tyro sureties ~vho shall justi~T before an;T officer competent to admin- ister an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all st atutoicy exemptions. ~~'hursda~T, the _~ cj~ day of 1916, id hereby deg-', _ I i~nated and fixed as the day on ~v. ch, up to the hour of 8 o'clock -5- -. ~. . i 1 P. T,T., the ,aid pro~~osals or bids shall be received and the said notices sT1al1 so specify. 2 3 the fore~oin~ resolution ti~as signed, attested anal aFproved by 4 rye this 8th dater of June, 1916. I 5 G~ i 6 ~ ° Fr , : en', o~ e ~3oar o "~rus- 7 e s o f the City o f ., ~,he iffi. 8 fittest. 10 ~- ity Cle r o . e Ci 'y o f ~,n.aaeim. 11 12 ail ~.tTi..~ ~~ C~iI~~C3~~Ta I.~„ 13 ~ County of Orange, a SS. 14 ~ City of ,~,riaheim. ~ 15 16 ~, Ed~,~e,rd B. I~Territt, City Cler~~ of the City of ~rlaheim, do 17 hereby certify that the fore~oin~; resolution ~er$s regularly passed. 18 s,n.d adopted at a re~Lilar meeting of the Bo~Nrc~ of yrustees of the 19 City of ~-,s1aheim held on the 8th d~,y of June, 1916, by the follog~- 20 ink vote; 21 ~ ~~ S ~ T r xzs t e e s ~ ~,.,.~ ~.~ ~, ~ ____C ~ -~. ~ ° oO 22 23 k`+~ ,~~ w`~~ V~'.~~Zu~'r, 'trustee ~ ,/~ov"/~ - 24 ITT ~~II'~~'LaO ~`y~~`-TOP, I hw~ve he reuntcz set rnr hand and affirmed. 25 the seG~. oi' the said City of ~,naheim this 8th d~,y of June, 1916. 26 i 28 iy er o e iyo ~n.ahe im. 29 30 I ~ 31 ~ ~', 32 ~~,, - 6 - k'f