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~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i n # ~.~' .~ ~'~ r G IN ~ ~~ I~R~.3 ~~;~ o.~ ~.~vl~~ ~ ~~: ~`~o~~~~~Y ox ~~~ ~~r ~~~o~~~~~ a ~:r~.: r I~~a ~ c IIY a.~ ~~ ~, TIi1T F~~ ~ULUL IOTJ ll~T~1~i~.TIIT~I~TC/~ B0~':,~~ 0:~' '.rT?rJST ~LS ~~y,S a~~ :~UI~:D JU.~I~?~I Tlo~a ~'~ o:~~~ l~ vol~a~ o ~ ~~~ oyo~. ddrTi+~~I`AS: .The Board Q~ frru~tse~ oi~ t City of ,,~n~,heim, did on the 11th d~,y of T.~ay, 1916, pa~~ and adog~ its ~~esolution o~ Inten t1~I1 T`a0. 1.25 ~iQ fefllowin$; street a#$rk td he ' ~~ ~ ~~ in $aid cityF to-w€t: ~ . ~"h~t .the roadway of Vest ~ why Street ~n said,- City ~# ~~t@rly, pragert~ hne of So ns A`~~~:~~~e~,''' ~~oduced ~ i~ ly across ~. West ~~oadvvay S •to the WeAt G'itq, I.~mits of tlae of ,, A~ala~#ii- (excepting the~v®fro ~t p~~xtiifh-ttf the rosdway oi"G~es .. 3~ Stz~eet lying beta~e a ~ ducal ~0uthgrl~ fronin tl#~ s ~ p~o~erty li`i#~- v~ skid Wean' ~y ~t~et "~ ~~he ~ pter li?i~e~`t~~ ', _ ,'6t' ,U~ B&1,E~. jV ~ B1Yl8C~R'Ay t d9 N ~te l ' d ~ a~ s e r g ~.3. ~ 5 ~~ , ~B~eSf from the Y~,~,~pn ~r .::'~extiliErlb~ pry. ~~i+~ls fr th~k~I -~ 1#~; off ~3t3~~ ~ has .ancl excepg therr.~x ;n of the road~pip.3- of Wcs 'kl~i~g between the ~ ~?~sterly property lineC o x' -street,- Ax'ndt~ced ~ 5~ , ~~; ~ ~~~ tl~ roacht*ay ' of saidk~ t ~W~ #r4atl~ay"~'trest,~kyi~g ` ~ thy E~teaely azld ' ~e8terly , u Y 3~s o.~ ~auth CleinenCfrae Str - .laced ~authexl : td the center Q ~ the xoadvvay_ o said Weat Br ~+ iStre~t; snd exce~ting therefro" ` t ~~rCion O~~the I'aad~Tay U~ «YHSt treet lying aetween the ref" ~terly P24Perty iipes~ o ~ i enaetkt%ne Street prtscltj,Ee~i : N `fly ~k9~the:c~extter ling o€_the rt~a s•paicl hest $~aawxy ~tte~t a ~ #~ tl3erefrom that part3ori' ' . ~~~' ~4f ,1~ est- $r~.dwa~_ S ~ ~BtY-ef'n t~1E 3''85Z~13r 97t(1.~4' ~ ,}? Piop~rt~,limes of Soubh Z,al~~na t~ £e ~ ,:; e ros `"W esfi ag Sttreet; and excepting the ~ at argon ,of the roam~*ay of ~ t $~8{~v&y Street fycipg betwa` &`st~t`ly axed Vy'esterly graP~~C cia'- .mouth Helena $tree~, px i fo ~ j < r eriy to the center ine;. roQ$'~vgX of said West '' F3trset; .and excepting thei~e~r@ ` t lrcrrtlop o~ the,roadRray af't'.~eat ~tvay Street lying between the F and- i~eskerly propert l~x-ee n~`" y 1'sim Street produced Southerly„` the rvadxay of aa~. ~e5t ~tI'e~9ti &1'!it 6YC@~' ~ . ~~.. ~ortxrn D~ t~e roadway d ~~3'~t~t lyrx~g[Y~t9,¢C3~ithr~-hr _ 1 !I ~ll _ 1 ~aud, Westerly ,rope-rty iines of SouY]z;; Citron Street, ~ produ~~'d Sout:tterly; ;the- .roadway of said ~ ~Y'eat` 2 Sta'~et; -sRd~, escegting~ ' t.'l~t'~vrf;ion Dfthe maclway.; .eat ~'roa ~v~y ~trQet lying he- 3 e ~5~~~f gnrid '~'~#ateriS ~~rap-: •erk~p` ~n : ~outlr +,~~llb ~~E ~ i)ro_ , er to tag center }sn0 ".p f 4 ay ~e -t- Brtl~ada~ ,; ' ncl exc~i'~1ig ~kexefro~ri• Asti: 5 ~e raaclway a~• West~i`t^~cl-: ~, ~~,~t,.,,~axoduced Southr~r}~'~ 6 center ifne• ~ tPie rioarY't:~a~ of said', ~~ , Sroad~s~av Strae~: And ~sce~~t, tcfrot~ ~ortio~l.~?f tiie roaci~ '~ v`~. pf 'Wl,A~ 1~r~3aciws~ tree!'t lying, ~h ~~ ~~~ West ~t~,; ]F~'tY Imes"~ 8 'i~'odt~teed SoutlieFly across' tine road- p-aY ~'' said. West $roadway Street;', sand e7Cc~pting #~@refriana that igortivn' 9 of thg roadveay "qf ' .West Broadway Stre~#. lying between a line: produced Sout~tly Prom the point of integse~ 10 tiara 4t -the Task propet~y line. of Wal-'.; gut Wit- aad ;the Z<Tt~rtherty Prom , ~' 11 line o~ WBat Bro#$way Street, to ~e' entet -line t~1' tTfe roaci~ars~ of ~ ~esz Ernnda-ay street .and at ri~$t 12 -n$tee tc> said center }ins, and A i~ne ,~zv~uceil 9autherly ft•onz tlae point of ~~a ~ ~~ 14 j ~ } F to 15 `p'er a ne i+o ce ~ 't~goml~}i " 16 ~p~ }~rru~ ~ W 4 , ,, ~ ~ a tit: ~'tre d tJ~p,' ~e3ty. li'~» ,~ ~r6ad~'fa to .the ,~. 17 r Iine of,~ ~: y oi` sai<ii 'F'reak' ` x~adwaq°'~ rat and a.$.~}~t. o a~ 'e a ester ~~,te; a,nd a , tint ro, . 18 =~`;Noxt~hdripp `iFOm the point of in- tergncfiion` o~ .the West. property line ~ W lz~t~t " Street rand the So-rr}iesrly 19 ~PS":, life; ~f -West Brost} ~ `.1 Street, to the epnter line of ,thg road- ~' of -said` West. ,Broadtway~ $tr et~° 20 `' ax~ at right- angles to ssid nen~r line; :and excepting tberefro~ thAt pt>rtiom of the. roadway!-~ West Broad-~, 21 Street lying between! tie Westerly $n~t Westerly. piswperty tines of Cherry ~t3'eet, p-radu~ed Sb~athetxly to t?te tsrr- 22 °'.te~ Tine of the roac}~r*g~ of`-said West=~ ~,` ~}33v~y',Streetl• and euceP'tin .t~~'e= 23 ,fru~n `~~at tip of th,a roadway. ~~ ': t'~'e;si.4•$roay. Btree't.lyru-~ between ~aaterty end Westerly pro rtv 24 ~' ~'~Bouth '1''halia St'>~ei~t, prq~t • f ; ~4tt~ to er.; line of: C 25 ~+St;Pest;-. d ~xcePtmg ~e~~rt tl'tat P ~ W£str x (1- :. ~~~, ~~. 26 nrutig, at a~ point on ~ t e extentted :' i •~astexly; g~'operty time of Sauth Thetis aE Meaty-e#ght ad ~ six~;~ inn- . 27 $redttts ;`~~8~~6), ~.~eet ~~ ~the>,=1~- ~»anz the pt#int of intersection o! the 'i;ust- ~z'ly propert line of said South'Thrilis 28 Street and t~e N~irtBerl~r props ..}ins qtr West Breadivay street; ~~nce $w~t~rly fifty-five and ~e;vez-ty~-thfee 29 1?u~sdredths {56:75) feet to a ptr~nt on tl~~ Sou~hsrlj~ E~tr line of said Weft, Iisoa;~~vay Street;, saicl•>t beinngg stx- 30 ,ty-nne and' tl;rea hundredt~,_~8;.~$~ feet )~,astetly fgGp1 the ]9~oint ~trf inter- . ,~sectat~g of the Southerlyy curb liae~tf.';; " 31 ~'~ald West Bl-aat}wap 5tr~t sad 'th$ ca '.~3.~~e of„~qutF~ T ,. - ss j; 32 sp ~ ~• ~. _ 2 _ 1 2 3 4 5 W. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '~I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 I' 27 28 29 30 31 ~i 32 ~~ I III 1~ 40.08 feet fti a mint in tha Sine of the iroadwag oa paid : . ~roselevay street,. saic2 :f-lv~nt~~-tt-ree and fez .srze~h~~d__ " (13.41) fc~t Fa~tei•1`tranq tD~ `: of in~t,er:>ection of thti ext~n~id~ a ofi South '~halia t rater line of b&icl pst $r ':i~l-egt t~ta~e~e EavGtz~l y ~h ~~'~au~ 'fi~~n~in~#idty` few;; t.~en~e;:,~Tsis~ ,~rl~. ~Ia,, g~ rice , 'I> Cti4n ot.~1z~ 1:0~~~ ,. at ~: postlt raft -t]?e ~`au ' r' t~rb -tore. of ~~~.`" ~e~t .,fix : ~ ;? Street, ~airl poitlt bang .y 1~'ift - j ar~cd t1 ~' ,y-tlirea~~ 'herh~~et~th~ ~~ f~C Westerly- frog 'the yoint I tnXsegtion af`tHa e7ctenc~# cehte~' of scq:ath Th~~iti Street and- tAe s ' ,. c3-~}~ curb Iine of said Wea~t Br6 ` ~txeet, anal e~tta~idi~g"1~Tarfher3y :ancl si~rteen hundedk6s~ (80.16);:... in`~a Dort-,ori the;''~nrthexly, v nf::$a{$ We~tr• Br4ad~y iSt~at, v,'being ~ightyr-six asst/ ~tx "ndredtlis ~$~.76 j £ert ~ from the' ~eftit ~f intersection-. ` ~cteTSt~d We#terty. property - s ~alia Street and} the ~. . _ t rrf~ pf ~ ss3d' West end' &;1£n~ b~glraning ~t ~., ;. Srnit~Iy ,~~irb; line of -: ;: ~. rx~a„se. ,~~7u .~ sa.rn_a. ~~ sit 8taat~; Sirect~ ta~ac! ' ~nradr ~1'-five -+~+ ~ ~ ~t~ fi~a W - t~'ay flf the goirit o! iu~ip~$e d#~ e~ttknded 1~Veaterly gro ;3ot1~: Thalia Stmt tt~d' , erly Eurb lane of sad, des street; esid .e~uceptl~g they e~r4n1'l hortionof ihe~ioadp~-y~of WeBt $}n w~,y Street ly=ing lse4~en;a lire bet ni~g At ~ iw7,xtt oz~~ the:f3ou~h eur~ a1R ;laid West ~~~-ds~s~y txe~,~,a ?3~~t 6ai1-g ~~t, ~x tt hd+ {5G.].ti) ~feeE t1ro~; ~ ~ int~aection o22~t the Wess E ,~nits~! tl~ Cityt'af' .~naliei~l ant+ Smfth~ curb- line of sad We,~t,$r ;Vts>sy, Street. abd rnnnittg Northe~rt ~ curve at eixteen,ttQes (X6 d ~o~~~~ ~ ~t ~~X~ , ~~ ~~ +~~ ~~ B>sT~ of tTie Su _~. ~,co~~an~ azul t«~ ~ s ~ ~`frc~a ,, n flail o iii the ~~ ~i e~ line ~ of .said West Broad ;; _ S#~et, ~' PAits~'bi~~ East rain ~~-~ imd . s~iglsty~-~'o hundre+ x,.62 j feat tram the i~olnt ~# ie t ~ion of ~e West Citg Limits of Ci3'~' of Ana}seim and the l')°~'+ i ~` ~n2 a~-aaid West $roadtcay 'S`tt and~a lisle be~inrfing at ~ point osrt ~~th cnrb line of sszri ~y~st , Bay' any greet, ' d Rnint "` 1xei~ ",;~~ Forty ~3ve Q~~e$y~nirie hus~drr~ ~it$~.~) feet tom the Point of u? t}pA of t&o•,'4'4'e§t + 33 L:u~t~t~ of -'<}~-~3 au~a 01' ea'iii. est" dway ;4~~ .. No'rt~+orl~ rats a rurve -- 3-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ei~cteexi degmeee ;R4t+"'deg,) fb ~ ht ,3sav'?ek~tS'-0~te S~tc~ 'fourte~t' h d }i9 (?Y,14 feet FraT~itel to th6 - rail ~th t f ' ~c-r iv o raYrsa e er track <o# ~ Alnxni#os Branelt of the ~~ c~iflc Com~an}~ att~ ~'~ $~ ~, 7CIgh~~ ~~} ~' ' erl #b a ~ nt nn t~~°` .t~ ~ ':.i4 V5r f3rolacik~y 8xrt~ ly' ~ ~ °< ~~} card ~ut~; ~rn '~4xt?t curb 7i~i~ pf ~ , ~~''. b~tr4~t, s1 fin. ~ fort eig}!t and thlrt• -one F E Ld ~ ~~ eet ) ast pf .tlie ptti tstsbctidn .of tl~e,~Vest ~`$~y in of t~C ~`itp; of Anabcint &~ :€ ort}t ~ litre. of ssi::ifi West Stre~'C, to ire center line hf t ~ ~Xtd. wa of '~aid West T~roadx~a ~ ,ti, a ~a. lime pr~duesd Month ~ e, °: Poi on ~e N~rCh curb li .,said V4Tee~ Broadway ~i<Z'ee~t said ~e-- fng~ . arxi fob huncfiredth .d~ ) tent EaBt;of tYie ~ioint ul f tom' of _the ~'i"est. qty T.irrtits of ; , " v~- Ai'ta}~er~1 'aid the h D th ~' f ~ t " i ~ +? Q w,aawap~ tre ~a ~ c ~ tez! Fftt of r & l t~ e t e; e. o c iva~ ., -1~est ~3ro$dw~~ ~tre2t, •':~et'~1~~r#Son C+~ t~~ rfi :. } ~"~cid t~c ~ha~'~ie cI ~~ atace ~vi~~the plans. ~~o~ilee a ficaLibil~ttk~erefor,,.~~c~ sal SSSlFp r0~1G~ TYE£C Rd4~ceCl--lllf' t ~~ of Tr'ustCeec of tIle G#it? of ' ~ lay, ~r,sohr4iun "o4k the- 2:~rd r1s ember, 2815; ac's ~untbered snd .,ngarked aaid dr_~sigr~at of p~t-pf9sB~d mpTawements o Broadway Street, A,nahdim. i~~&r» ~~ ~ ~oh ~~e in, the ofl'i~ ~Xig%3,t~er df,yaid~Gitt~, in ~~ ibi said t'at~y, and v~-~irh ; cihe&#{#~s ~4Per:~ ;~t~ot3'ted ~* t~~ of 'I`tttstees of the ~itY'gS ~ by >•esoiutian on,~a bird,' aa~ ce~ber, ~$lb,-:~{i' wliioh%ssti #3nrla era r~r)~ec~ -at{d de .y ~ U~~ - _ ~ ~t~~~~Yn, in the ~ itZt ~~ai ~~ ___ and ~ ',~~;;3~+;~8; ~l~ere;~fter pursuant to la~~r and. to s~.id Resolution at' Intention No. 128, said ~?ewolution of Ir~tes~tion ~To. 128 ws,s published twice in the T'~;;naheim ~a,il~ ~ierald", a de,ily newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in said 4 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 City as ~~ill more fu11y apps ~r from. the affidavit of i?. J. H. John ston, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the Cit~r of Ana, '~ he im, and ~~J 'r~'~~.3, after the adoption of said ~~esolution of Intention, the Street superintendent did cause to be conspicuously posted a- 1on~ the line of said contemplated ti~yrork or improvement, at the time and in the form and manner ~areacribed by low, notices of the passage of said. Resolution ~o. 128, as will more fu11y appear from the affidavit of J. ~~'~`. Hackett on file in the offic® of the City Clerk o~ the City of y~,naheim, and 'i"V'F~~AS, thereafter and ~~rithin the time prescribed b~ 1aw, no o~~ner or ov~ners of property liable to be assessed foi^ ~a,id ~rYork, me,de written protest against the proposed work, . 1~1Q-Y, '1 F'~°.I~FOi~ 13h IT ' r°'St7I,VT~? BY ~.~?~ BOA~~I7 ©.~ I'~~UB"~:i.;~3 ©~' ~~: CITY 0 :6` .~,id ~ Ilh : B~CTTOt~ 1. "'hat. x,11 acts ~d thinks rec~tzired by la~~r to be done to vest said ~3oard of ~"rusts©s ~Nith jurisdiction to order th doing of said work have 'oeen done and complied ~°Tith. S`~9:CTION 2, That said Board of Trustees does hereby find and determine that it has a,cc?uired jurisdiction to order the doing of said work in accordance ~~ith said resolution of I~itention T~FO. 128. The foregoing Resolution is signed, ap~~rovad -nd attested by nie this 8th day o f Jun®, 1916 . dent o~ the .~oara o~ ~l~rus- s of the City of Anaheim. - 5 - -~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 gg 27 28 29 30 31 32 County of prance , ) SS. } City of Anaheim. ) I, ~dti~rard B. T~erxitt, .City C'?erk of the City of ~~.~~~heim, do 5; hereby certify that the fore~;oir~~; re;~olution ~a~~s ~a,sscd and ado;~t- ed at a regular meeting of t?~e :~oa,rd of .Trustees of the City of ,~,na,heim held. on the,C~3th day of June, 1916, by the fo1?o~~in~ vote: e S ; i; r u st e e ~ %"~c~f+,-L c.~ oC~,~,~,,~.. ~~.,/C, '/ J,~C ~..~ ~., or~_~``d d0 T£.~,~,_ does; i"rustees ~~~ - Absent and not voting; ~irustees ~~~-- IN 4"~~ITT1`&~''~S ~~~~Tp:~' I heve hereunto set my hsnd and affixed the official Meal of said City this ~3th day of June, 1916. y 1e o e i y o _ 6 _