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1 2 3 4 5 ; B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 , 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 8' 2fl ~~ 31 3 '` I %~S4ZUTI©N 0~' I~~TuNTION I1~. '128 QF TFt.: 80;8~tD OF TRUST'~ES ©F .TIC CITX OF 9~TA~IY. Resolved bg the Board of Trustees'of the Citg of Aziaheim, SECTION 1: That the public interest end convenience require and that it is the intention of the Board, of Trustees of the Citg of Anaheim to order the follo~~ing street -work to be done in~~id eitg, to-wit ; That the roadway of West Broadway Street in said City from the Westerly property line of South Los Angeles Ntreet, produced Northerly across said \1'est Broadway Street to the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim (exce~t- ing therefrom that portion of the road- way of Wesf Broadway Street lying be- tween aline produced Southerly from the Northerly property line of said West Broadway Street to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street and being distant Westerly 33.75 feet at right angles from the monumented cen- ter line of South Los Angeles Street, and a line produced Southerly from the 1~Tortherly property line of said \Vest Broadway Street to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street and being distant Westerly One hundred sixty-five and twenty-fcrnr hundredths (165.24) feet at right angles from the Monumented center lute. of South Los Angeles Street;;ahd except- ing therefrom that portion" of the road- way of Nest Broadway' Street Iyiug nc:- tween the Easterly and Westerly prop- erty lines of South Lemon Street, pto- duced Southerly across the roadway ~f said West Broadway Street; and except- ing therefrom that portion of the road- tray- of West Broadway Street lying Le- tween the Easterly and 4\%esterl-~ prop- . erty lines of South Clementine Street '~- ptoduced Southerly to the ~~enter line o` the roadway of said West r-S-oad~.vay' Street; and excepting thex•efru;n that portion of the roadway of West Broad- way Street lying between the Flaste:ly' +,nd tiVesteriy property lines of ,south', Clementine Street produced Northerly to' t}:e center line of the roadway of said • West Broadway Street and exec ptiug therefrom that portion of the roadway ; r.f West Broadway Street lying between ~, the Easterly and Westerly- property lines of South Helena Street, produced ` Southerly to the center line of the road-' way of said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the. roadway of Nest Broadway Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly prop- erty lines of South Helena Street, pro- duced Nor*_herly to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway' Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of tiVest Broad- tvay Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property- lines of South Palm Street produced Southerly across] the roadway of said Nest Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Broad- way Street lying between the Easterly and Testerly property lines of South' Citron Street, produced Southerly across: the roadway of said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Broad- , _ue._.. wa.y Street. lying between Yhe--~~t~ttlg_~" and Westerly property lines of South Ohio Street produced Southerly to the' center line of the roadway of said `Vest '' Broadway Street; and excepting there- ', from that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street lying between the East- I erly and Westerly property lines of Il- linois Street produced Southerly to the ', center line of the roadway of said West '. Broadway Street; and excepting there- i'rom that portion of the roadway of Nest Broadway Street lying between the I Easteriy and Westerly property lines oP South Nest Street produced Southerly across the roadway of said West Broad- ' way Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West ~. Broadway Street lying between a line produced Southerly from tiie point of intersection of the East property line oP Walnut Street and the Northerly prop- erty line of ~S'est Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said ! West Broadway Street and at right ang- les to said center line, and a hne pro- , duced Southerly from the point of in- tersection of the West property line of Walnut Street and the Northerly prop- ' erty line of West Broadway Street to the center line of the roadway of said West i Broadway Street and at right angles to' l -. `~lo:v 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 2 :~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32. said center line; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of Nest Broadway Street lying between a line produced Northerly from the point of intersection of the East property line oY Walnut Street and the Southerly prop- erty line of jVest Broadway Street, to the center tine of the roadway of said tiVest Broadway Street and at right an- gles to said center line, and a line pro- duced Northerly- from the point of in- tersection of the West property line of'' Walnut Street and the Southerly prop- . erty line of j-Vest Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said, West Broadway Street and at right an- gles to said center line; and excepting.' therefrom that portion of the roadway of ~~'est Broadway Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of Cherry Street, produced South- ,I erly to the center line of the roadway of,. said West Broadway Street; and except- ing therefrom that portion of the road- way of West Broadway Street lying be-~ tween the Easterly and Westerly prop-, erty lines of South Thalia Street, pro-', duced Southerly to the center line of the', roadway of said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of '' the roadway of ~tiest Bro adway Stx•eet described as follows: Beginning at a point on the extended Easterly proper- ty line of South Thalia Street twenty. eight and six hundredths (28.06) fee~~ Southerly from the point of intersection of the Easterly property line of said= South Thalia Street and the Northerly property line of West Broadway Street;- thence Southerly fifty-five and seventy- , three hundredths (55.73) feet to a point on the. Southerly curb line of said West ' Broadway Street, said point being sixty: 'j one and three hundredths (61.03) feei<' Easterly from the point of intersection o the Southerly curb line of said Wes' Broadway Street and the extended coas- ter line of South Thalia Street; thence Westerly along the Southerly .curb line of West Broadway Street 12.16' feet; thence Northerly 90.08 feet to a point in the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street, said point being '' twenty-three and forty-one hundredths r (28.41) feet Easterly from the point of intersection of the extended center line of South Thalia Street and the center line of said West Broadway Street,~f thence Easterly along the center line of ` said West Broadway Street one and fifty- nine hundredths (1.59) feet; thence Northerly along the extended Easterly property line of South Thalia Street; elev- en and ninety-four hundredths (11.94) ,; 'feet to place of beginning and excepting , therefrom that portion of the roadway , of ~ti'est Broadway Street lying between :aline beginning at a point on the South= '' erly curb line of said West Broadway •, Street, said point being Fifty-eight axisl- thirty-three hundredths (58.33) feet ;. ~S'esterly from the point of intersection of the extended center line of South Tha- lia Street and the Southerly curb line of said West Broadway Street, and • extending• Northerly eighty and sixteen hundredths (80.16) feet to a point on the' Northerly curb line of said West Broad- way Street, said point being eighty-six' and seventy-six hundredths (86.'76) feet. Westerly from the point of intersectiop. of the extended Westerly property hne of South Thalia Street and the Northerly curb line of said West Broadway Street,-, - ana a line beginning at a point on they Southerly curb line of West Broadway'. Street, said point being one hundred four. and twenty-seven hundredths (104.27).' feet Westerly from the point of intersec- lion of the extended center line of South'.;, Thalia Street and the Southerly curb] line of said West Broadway Street, and extending Northerly eighty-nine and thir- • ty-eight hundredths (89.38) feet to a point on the Northerly curb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being one hundred forty-five and seventy-two w., hundredths (145.72) feet Westerly of L = -• point of intersection of the extended West- . erly property line of South Thalia Street and the Northerly curb line of said West Broadway Street;` and excepting there- from that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street lying between a line beginning at a point on the South curb line of said tiVest Broadway Street, said point being East fifty-six and six- teen hundredths (56.16) feet from the point of intersection of the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the South curb line of said West Broadway Street, and running Northerly on a curve of sixteen degrees (16°) to the right ' seventy-one and fourteen hundredths (71.14) feet parallel to the Easterly rail of the transfer track of the Los Alamitos Branch of the Southern Pacific Company and two (2) feet Easterly at right an- gles from said Easterly rail to a point on the North curb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being East ninety-three and eighty-two hundredths Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S ;(a , . ; 9 . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ' 22 23 24 the City Hall in said City ~ ------- (93.82) feet from the point of itersection of the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the North curb line of said I• West Broadway Street, and a line be- ' ginning at a point on the South curb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being East Forty-five and ninety- , nine hundredths (45.99) feet from the point of intersection of the West City l Limits of the City of Anaheim and the: South curb line of said West Broadway Street, and running Northerly on a curve ° - of sixteen degrees (16°) to the right sev- enty-one and fourteen hundredths''. (71.14) feet parellel to the Westerly rail of the transfer track of the Los Alamitos Branch of the Southern Pacific Company'," and "two (2) feet Westerly at right an-, gles from said Westerly -rail, to a point on the North curb line of said West Broadway Street said point being East. eighty-two and twenty hundredths (82.20) feet from the point of intersec- '`=' tion of the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the North curb line of -said West Broadway Street; and except-'; ing therefrom that portion of the road- way of West Broadway Street lying be- tween a line produced South, from a' point on the North curb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being forty- eight and• thirty-nine hundredths (48.39) feet East of the point of intersection of the West City Limits of the City of Ana- heim and the North curb line of said West-' Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street, and a line produced South from a point on the North curb line of said ,r' West Broadway Stx•eetr said point bean ~,~,,,..~° ten and forty hundredths ~18:4Aj-°1~E~ - East of the point of intersc tion of the' West City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the North curb line of said West " Broadway Street, to .the center line of the roadway of ' said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that por- tion of the roadway of West Broadway / _ _. -- ---- . _ _. - _ t Street lying between the West City Lim- its of the City of Anaheim and a line ' produced South, across the roadway of ', said West Broadway Street, parallel to, ', and distant East ten and forty hun- " dredths (10.40) feet from the West City Limits of the City of Anaheim) be grad- . ed to the official grade arid... paved with hydraulic cement concrete base and with asphaltic wearing surface. Said wox•k shall be done in accordance with the plans, profiles and specifics- ' tions therefor, which said plans and pro- files were adopted by the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim, by resolu- '~, tion on the 23rd day of December, 1915; are numbered "1-0-2" and are marked , and designated, "Plan of proposed im- provements on West Broadway Street, Anaheim, California," and are on file ~I , in the office of the City Engineer of said City, in the City Hall in said city, and which said specifications were adopted " by the Board of Trustees of the City of !, Anaheim, by resolution ox>,„the daY ; - of December, 1915, and wkxich sat Veci- fications are marked and designated "Specifications No. 9, for the construction of street paving with hydraulic cement and bro'ien stone or screened gravel and asphalt wearing surface, in the City of ' Anaheim, California," which said' spec- ifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, in SECT ION 2: Not ice i s hereby given that o n Thursday the nth d _...... Qf ~-~.~,, 1916, at the hour of 8 Q' clock p. ~, at the chomber of 25 the Baard of Trusteas of the City of 1~n.ah®>im, in the City Hall in 26 said City, any a,nd all persons having obje+~tions to the proposed 27 work or improvement may appear before the Board of Trustees of 28 the City o f .anahe im, and show cause why said proposed work snd 29 improvement should not be carried out in accordance with this ~0 resolution. Section 3. That said Board of Trustees'. 3 1 hereby further determines that serial' bonds shall be issued to represent assess-;, menu of $25.00 or over, for the cost and ' expense of said work and improvement; '; 3'~ teat said serial bonds shall extend ovc~~ a period of nine years from the 2nd %lay !: of January next succeeding their date t _and an gven_annual. proportion of tt•e p ., 3 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ', i 22 23 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 ~o 31 32 principal sum thereof shall be payable, by coupon, on the 2nd day of January every year after their date, until the whore is paid, and the interest shall ba Payable semi-annually, by co :pon, on the .2nd day of January and July re - spectively of each year at the rate of seven per :cent per annum on all sums unpaid until -the whole of said principal ana interest are - - - _ _ _ paid. Said bonds sh211 be issued u:o.der and by virtue of the provis- ', ions of axi fief of the Legislature of the State of .California, en- titled ~ • "An act to provide for work in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks within mu- nicipalities and upon property and rights of way owned by municipalities, and for establishing and changing the grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and pro- " viding for the issuance and payment of ' street improvement bonds to represent certain assessments for the cost there- of and providing a method for the pay'- ment of such bonds." Approved April 7, 1911. SECTION 4: The firiaheim Daily Herald is hereby designated as the newspaper printed, published and circulated in said city in which tn.is resolution of Intention shall be published. 'l he City Clerk of the City of Ana- - heim is hereby directed to publish this resolution by two successive insertions. ih said newspaper, and to post the same- for two days conspicuously on or near the chamber door of the Board of Trus- +~ ~ tees of the said City of Anaheim. _ The Street Superintendent sha1Y"im- mediately caA9e to be conspicuously. posted along the line of said contemplated work or improvement and in front of all property liable to be assessed, notice of the passage of this resolution of inten- tion in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed work and im- provement and all proceedings taken in regard thereto shall be in ,pursuance of and in accordance with an act--.of the Legislature of the-' State of Calforgia; entitled, "An act to provide for wor1C in and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks within mu- nicipalities and upon property and rights of way owned by municipalities, and for establishing and changing the grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places and sidewalks, and pro- viding for the issuance and payment of street improvement bonds to represent certain assessments for the cost there- - of and providing a method for the pay- ment of such bonds." Approved April 7, 1911. The foregoing resolution of Intention is signed, approved and attested by me this ~?.,~~ day of T~:~~,~, 1916. en~t o~ one .8oarct of ~rus- o f t he City o f ~xia,he im. fittest. f~-r~3.~~,,.r~ i y Cler of e Ci y of Anaheim. - 4 - 1 2 3' 4 5 6°. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 '; 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I COU~;CTY OI+' OI~TGL, ) SS. C I Tlr U~' .~} ~,}3E III. ) I, Edward B. Iy~erritt, City Clerk of the City of .t~naheim, d© hereby certify that the foregoing Hesalution of Intention NQ. 128 was adopted at a regular meeting of the ~~vard of Trustees o~ the C i t o f s~ahe im he don e ~- ~ - - y , 1 th ~ ~_~ rz day Of I, ,,- , 191, by the following vote.; gS~S; T~~stees S~-,,,-~~~~ ~S ~C CSC ~ ~ v NOES : T rust a e, s ~-o,-~ - ABSr{.NT BTID NOT VOTITuG: Trustees ~-~.~ ~~ T further certify that the president of the Board of Trustees of the City of 1~riaheim signed and approved said F~eso- lution of Intention on the ~ t}1 day of ,;~.~~-, , 1916. IN ~~IT-NESS T~~'}iL+::EiEOF I have hereunto set my hand acid affixed the official seal of the City of ,~iaheim, this 1~ ~:i day of }.~:~;' ~ 1916. y e. o yo 5 --