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1 2 3 4 5 a~~ 9 10 11 12 13 f 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25: 26 27 28 29 30 31 "?i ~ ~ ~ ,~~ .. ,_ ~. .. y i _, ,_. ~ ,,~ ,, yy~# - ..~..._ .._. _ - - ~, ~~ ., That tfle roadway of East. Broaow, Street in .said City-from the Westei property line of South East.: Step produced Southerly _ across' said E .Broadway Street to tine Ea~~i -property line of South Los Angel ;-Street produced~,Southerly across t xoselway of said Esst Broadway Str, (Excepting_th~efrdY#~ tZtat portion the roadway'~f East Broadway Stan ..lying between the Easterly end W~ sriy propertg lines of South Rc -Street, prodaced Southerly across roadway of said East BroadSv Street, and excepting therefrom portion of the roadway of East Er w .Street lying between the Eaat a Westerly. propert . tix~e~ o~ ,S ' `street, prvylhced ~o~iexlya,~vats~ road'~ray ~~„' said . E°ast~ Broady ly yflnd :~'~lY` propertYr lines aez?iss the.'`°iroailway of ~~. said ~ ~ },iroaflwap ~t~eet and e$c~pting t~+ from. that ~©rtion of the' i`oa~lway East Broadway' Street, lyiig betav the Eastggrly end Westerly prop@ lines ` of Soy~tli Orange ,Strut, ; dttced SoutAerly acrass t1Qe'roadwar ;said. Fast 'roadway Streetp and y~~~ ting therefrom that gortion: of ~ o~tdway cif, ~ast.Eroadwa~ Street iz~ hetu^ee,~i` the Easterly. and Wr Orly property lines of Soutl-' AtchS Street produced Southerlyacross roadway-'o#'"said .East Broady Street, end; excepting therefrom t portion Qf the roadway of East Bra way Street' lying between the Eas1~ and Westerly Iroperty lines of Kro er Street; dproduced Southerly to Centex line :of said East Broady Btree~, and excepting 'therefrom. gbrtion o,~£- LYe'roadway of East Bro portion oP the roadway of East BIi way 3txee#, j~~ between the Eaet a$d=,may°Pxopertylines of 1 rope Stx~et, produced Southerly to u~eltt,er h~ne~~nf said East 'Broad` Street, .and excepting, therefrom_i pai~ton ofahe'xoadway of Eas"t'$rc way Street lying between the Eas ly and Westerly property lines of P rose Street_ produced Northerly the center Tine of`said East $road~ Streei, ~'~ excepting `therefrom 1 p~rtion~^%~ the road~gay of East Brc way S~X~eet l~in~ between the W erly ~Ytrpert~* line of McTrase Stt p~:od d Nn2~herly tca.: tbe canter: a~.saEast'$ruadiatay str9eti and ~~ gz~opertyv_lizke off, Sac~t~c (7 . _ ~C '" Q~-~c..`l-~: ~3a 19! b . _ _ ', 4' c`~,,1 1 M' 2 ~ 3 1F 4 4! 5 fl 8 E 7 ° 8 9 '~ 10 s 11 12 ~E~ i 13 ~a r ~~ 14 f 15 (~ 16 (~ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b . 26 27 28 29 30 31 3' Street, produced 14'bfthe#ly%to'the ter line of said East Broadway St and excepting therefrom that por • of the roadway of .East Sroad Street, lying between,the Easterly Westerly property lines of South Q Street, produced Southerly to the r-line of said East ffroaclwa} Str' ~ exceptnig "therefrom that po' the roadway of East Broad, ~it~eet, lying-:_~n the Easterly;` rly pro~ert lines of,~outh O .; t, produc+~d ~orth rly~~ ~ta the ~~ of said East, $~oa way ~st~; ' a~"`exceptfng';t~erefram .that ga _~ -.the way off; > East t street. ~~¢ bet'4iie~n the .East x uc Yd 5o tlz, across"the roa~vvay of said Broi~dxva~ Street) be ailed tv th fici~ls grade.<and paved with h~ eem¢;~: cwncrete °h~se ands ~ tenth pYfaltic we~r#n anrfaee. ~sid work shall be done~,in~ ~x anee with the plans, profiles and $catianS thexei'or, .which s~d• •, a?id'~i~rbfii~ were adopted hy, 12oard of 'T'rustees of the City of hteim, by resoIutof~ on the 23rd •dE Deeetrslser, 1915; are numisered "1• -and ~ marked and designated, '.' of proposed improvements ;Broadway Stzset; aheim, ~ t1e] nia' asxi 'on file fn the` e o i:`~k'v E~rrlniiei of said city; in tk~e "' ~~~f~ins'GPere a opted by the,8~, Trustees ~~:. the ~ ty a Ali resolut~o~t.r~ the ~q o~ I? $er, 1.915 s1~d ~hieh said•sp+ee~fie • az~ ~ snd'`d~.t~ .:~ t~trt-'s 1+'co, .8, foe t e const3ctio~ stxeet , paaxi~ with hyd~sa~ic o aud.. braked one :ar acre+d s BfiA~ ~+~'. , 8ur1'o 1n .; y• of A.~a malifo 8," said s~e'^~~~~s are on _#e in, th call is 'skid S _' ,. ~ a_ w ,., ~~ ~. _._ .. _~ _ __ .._ ,~ _ _~. t __ . ~.. _ ~ .. ~ ~ . - r ~~ 1 1 _...._.-~-.. . ~`~~ lid'' C-.L"--L-F ._. .~, v ~. _. _ u,_ , _ s _ -_ I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 j 19 ~ 20 21 ~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3~ . _ ~ - _ _ ,_ ~_ ;~.. .- - _ ~_ ._ _ .~u._ _. sefiial bonds:.shall' issued to represent assessor of- $25.00 ar over, for the slid expense of sairl.work and impr mint; that said serial ~orids shall' tend over a period of ni'he years the 2nd day of Januarys xt sac ;ing their date and an evgVi annua. ' pq~tion of the principaI~'sum' th shall be payable, by ,coupon, on'' ".2nd day of January every year- their date, until the whole is paid;., the interest shall be payable sem nually, by coupon, on the 2nd d ~~~January and July respectivelyof,: ~~ year. at the rate of seven per cen annum on all sums unpaid anti whole of said principal and int ~~ ~~ia Ssi bonds shall be issued ands b' virtue of the provision~,o~ a Q .~ Islat>zre of the Stat e Cai~ifornf''°~`in"to P for work in and upon streets, aver , " lanes, alleys, court's, places and - vf~lTts within municip lines and - pngperty and rights ways owri municipalities, and for establ' and. changing the glades of ang streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, c , places and sidewalks; and prP ' for the issuance and ~sylt7ent of. improvement bonds to repreaent tairi assesslnenta Yor; tng cost of and.. providing '1t method fo payment of such bonds."' App A;pri1 ~, 1911. _ _., _ f 1 ~, _ _ .. t. .. . ~ - :. s c 3 I~ _ _._ _ _, - ~'•- 5 - 6 ~ ~ __ _ _ _> _---- 8 li _ ~,i _ . .. .. ... .. - . ., Y __. 9 _ ._ _.._ - _. - ._ ...._ ._ _ _ 10 _r , ,..._ ._~ ..-. ,....- y~ _ _.-. _ ,.,.~ ' 11 - ., w.i ~.~... q 12 13 ~ _ _ '- _ •_ '~_ __ _ ..-. _ r .. . . .~ _. 1n_. ... l 14 - ,. ~,, - _.. - _ l 15 _ _, .. ,., ~:~ ,. .,, - - ~ .._ . ,,~.. 18 , . '_y3_ ~1. - 19 ~ .,, ~ _ -1~~~ , ~~~~ __-____.__ 2 0 ~.~_ , - ..• -.- .~ w ~, _ _ _____.-_._._.._.____.-_. -.-__ .~ w _ c~_. 21 ~ -- - - _ 22 - ~.~: . 23 , - ,._ _. _ . - _, ~ : E _ 24 2 5 f _ . ____ _ -_~__ _.. -- ~ -~`rr __ 26 27 . 28 29 30 31 32 ,