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(,3T? t~I'": '!.'I'Irr :130t~~hff~;''~qq Gr.~~ '~'.l~~U ~x^`~"y ~:v>`~Jgr}~-F "•`. /?~~~y,,+~ {i T~}}.'Y} 0~1~1'~A; •i~`~-r~a I~y,,w -p.,~t ~`~'.'*' ,1..1~~ ~~.fi.r~ .~#..~. ++ ,we~7 Y~e14~~~1V13. ~.i .~f.l l.J i7 1'tCl ~~ .~'.e~l~~~~i~' iiF.k,'.~~.+:ai1~F i~V~..I.L IS.~~~ad 11~1'1.1~1J~ ~I ~1~0~i.~i~~ ~.'•r ,:~~Y".i:~~i~ ~.1'r r*v''.... ~i,~,`~ l~~' f`~i1t1i~.',~~it Oi~j~~0~.~~~.~.~• R'~~0?~V.~ PY t~3Q :13n~;mr~~i o~ `~'~.c~:~t~:€~s e?t trre c'afi~ ~~~ A~~€~~~~~~.~!. the th®se ce•wtr~zx~ ~eci~ia€~tidn~ g~re~p~re~ b~-.At3. ~~~. ~*e~-r;;r~, t`i'~~~ :~:r.- " ~' i ~ ~ ~?" •r2 gam. ~ 71 n pr`.• ~ F,? cv i ~ 7 t7 r~ ~ .~ y' ~ r ~^ ~ineer ~,~.~ ~.~r_e.~~~~y~ ~s zh~ir_., ~4,,..~_.~t_ ax~~`i? ~ _~;r~.~.~~~ ,,;n ~ i:~'_ r. . ti~n~ Ida. `~ ter thQ cc~n~~;rza.eti~~s ~~' metre ~~i,°3_x»,~ ~~~:~~, ~~.~ax~ttlic ~ ~ ma nt Ana 'S $~r~ r~ s~ a rice ~ .r s, G t°~ 4~ x~.e :'~ s; r ~~vi~ ;~ .- ~ ~.c~_ ~ ~°L-~ ~~~ ~:'I t ^~ ~ Vii.. x..~ - ur~ ~~~`®, ir1 ~Iiilfr' 0~ ~ia* J ~` yY;4?7~431LTa}, %:~~.~.~"~7"~1 Lf.-~ P.''1i.e3,Cz W'".~7"f3 g~.0.;~~'~6'~, ~r'f t'he r~ae,r~ ~:~ Trtzs~:ees a~ s~.~. E~i~;p~ a~1 t ~; ark. ~~~r Lei.' I~t~c~ca~tfier, 1915, 'S~ , ~,.~~. u' ~~ Wr ax'e ~~.e :~,eh~,. ~,d~ life t~! ~ at t l~;e ~t-r eC ~.~~'2.C ~t :Z. 41A~E i's~r ~3 S'9 i 21~ t 16`,~ f ~ ~ L" E9 ~ ~ F13.~3 t7 C1 T`v 1_ ;J t1;~ n i~ "l; ~ ]~:` ?`"t9 "~ f aye' rl ~ ,i r;+.s t .~'i ~'4"~ "'F~ lR~~' 2treet ix1 u~, w.ty~ of .r~~wr~~i.r~, ~~"tiif.ka. ~.~e ber~ire,i't~x cle~er~.'ued, ~cl that tho ~.,~ c~~"~ ~=a.zx ~~.r:~ns ~.~.c? ;.~ roi'.l+~ ;~ ~z~z-a?^~tl 'T1 P`~ ~.~ ~~.~n:c~~l ~~ "Plana f~:cr ~a~v.r;~; ~~I;ree~; :C~:+~:.1`r~g4:i,°i~azs +~~' mast ~~''~€~~.~r~.~ ~,r.~etri, ~F3 t d ~ r1G~ y ~~ i1~ X'9 b:~T ~.~.e~~`t; E3 ~. H.S "~ 1'14 ~~.,Eix1~ ~,;;:~d 1'1 T~ ~il~ ;~ ~i9 r 'the v~~rk ~~' ~~yrix~$ ~,~,1;<~;1.t ~^.~~~m~ent ~n this h:erei~l~:E't~r de~i~~~:~Ffi~ far-. '~ :1. n ~7. ti ~ ~ X18 +7i'Q Eib~t'+ Qur Q ~ T:: u"8t ~r0 df~.i~G ~'~rfd ~;t• ~.2:~ '1; I1E~ ~: i'~ ~ ~~ ,ati'-i4%c18 '1'hr~se cc~zt~.~~~ p4rt;:i4~i~1^ ~:~ tn.~ rc~~,1v,~~,• ~~' s€;.,id ~a,st 13r~~:wey st rc~ et h~: x•~ ;~~, x~c~ f~ x~re c~ -v v ~::~tc'. ~ r r ~~ ~€: .Y "gig x~ ~- :~ ~'~i c h said' P1 srZ.s and sPecificicxls are I~are1~:~ ~doPte~., r,~'e described. ~s ~~llcs~vs, t~-grit ; r r ~ w ~. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31` 3 2 and th~~.t portion of the raad~aJ ©~ ~as~ Bros,d~~a;~ titreet 1;~i,n, bet~~ee~1 the :~~,sterl~T anti' '~~'csterlsT ~ronertTT line of Month Orange ~;treet, ;~Y~oducer~ MoutherlJT acrQ~~ the road~r~;~r of ^~,id Fact Bxo ,:lt-ra&,r Mtreet, el~ces tines therefrom that far- ` ti on of the roadt~j;:~ o?~ ~~,st ~.~road~ray Street l~rin~ bet~~een t}Ze rails anal tv~~o feet out side ~,t right ankle ~ :~rorn the, mils off' the house-track, the main trek and tl~.e trUns~er track o-~ the ~tczison, Toi~eka arlci Santa y~,e ~~ailroad, cross- i~ saki Nast :~rour3t~~y Street at South Orange Street,. - ~ r ,, ~'~ 1 2 3 4 ~++~ ~+,i. is 'J ~.4A3J.-J ry.~t ~li.{. 1.i ~J5 ~i ~Y i.I~~ ~ILA'~~1 •:.~'.~4 ~~F~i4J (,Y~.1W ~,A .4 ~.Y 1.~rr'"F7 lul~ Li~W~ t~3.a m f~~,. ~'~ ~! :~ '~ hS'3 ~ ~.'~, ;'' ~~~1 ~;'3. YI,~~3.' {) `~` ~~`. `.,zl~ ~" its ~..':'1 '~;;;~e ~i i°ti~t ~~~,~.1 5 n s~°.id Cite , ~,-~~i that they m~,v' h~ra~,~ter;-b~ ra~'errad t~ t~ t~i~ 6 ~scr~.pWien he~~:~~°ixa. c°^~z~.~Link~~.. ~ I ~ TT ~'.'Ua~~~~'~ ?.~~)~~r?~.~':I3, ~'h~.t t~~a vi+~ C~.wr~~ ~~x t~:~G Cit~r c~~ 8 ~,.~,~2ei~rs, 1n~?, ~J + }le ~.~ hereby ir,titr~.ze;t~e~. t~ cr~a~e to aye p~zb~.is~~ed 9 ~~' tesr~ s~;.c c~ ,~s:i.~`e insa rt ians in thv ~:~~,hdnz u~v L°ta , ~, ~vo ~~c~~ na~vs.. 10: apox caP c};.~xL1 Ci:°°c:ul~~4~4Gx~, ~;ta~al.i:khed ir. ;~~id G].u,~'• a nc~tiee in- 11 vitro; s~~ ~?d 1`'xca~,,~~;alu er bi ~.s ~'ar ~aS.:~g tlxe ~e.i~ ~~rk ~xidE sh~.1.~. 12 re~'er tc- t~.F' nl~~~, 4;ci~. ~,,~;~;jf'ze~,tiar~ C:1 f3le, tr?~:i;;:z s~ic~ n.AtieQ 13 shall r®rxtziy~•e x.7.1 pra,~e:~~:als ~r bids fiarOw tC be ~c~c~peniad btu' 14 a cheek p~r~ble ~w+ry the ~s.ty ~t ~~~heim, ~~~t:~iad by ~. ;~-~~pt~r~ai?~1.a 15 band ~~r vnt Which sxz~;:a.l net be ~: t~.~, tin Per ae~114 a~ th+~ 16 >~r'~~at~ c~~ t~~e pr~~es~7_ ~:~° by a b~ncl :£+~r the s~~_i~~ rJ'n~;~it.~2t ~t~ p~g- 17 ab1®, s~.~ned 'br t::x~ bi.c~~.er ~+~c'~ t~~~ ss.~:c~ci~w ~~he szaal.l j~z.st~3.:!~` b~_ 18 fare any. a~'~'it~~:.r ~empetan~; to a~nminister an. oath, in da~.~b7.~- the 19 said smaun~ end evQr anc~ ~~.t;a~rc a7.7~ ~~ta~uter~v e:~eza?Aarui.aras, said cheek 20 ar brand ~s~ be ~oa•~cit~~ t~ ~;he ~it,y ~~' .A~t~.~i~~:i.~, ~. ~ ?~~:ithin tSn. day't~ 21 aftax the aw~;T~. of thy: cantr~,ct, the sut~su_'L bi~.dmr s~z,~. i~ai.l 22 to enter ~.ntS- a contract far thc~ doing ~# s~,:i.d wcark ~d ~u.~riish 23 the bends rewired,. 24 Said suae~ss~ul. bidder sha.1.1 be required to ~`u.x~a.ish a ~pnd., 25 eq ~,,, tai a e-2~1.~ e~ the e~s~uxtt ~+~ hi.s b1~:, e~ee'u~ed by tars su.r~ati! ~ ~~-ti~ 26 w'hv shall gt~.p~,i~r~ore ~x~y c-i~ficter e;~a.tliorized to admi.ni~er 8n 27 oath under ~~ b~ virtue a~' th~a laws a~ 'the Stater 4f C€~~.i~+~rnis,. 28 in unencumbe~d praperty, equ$1 tm° value tc dcub~.e the atzie~nt a~ 29 said bcnd~ ~rhich band shall bc~ cc~~.d.itiox~~ open the ~'aithi' per- 30 ~czmr~.nce cf Said centre,et, and shall ba :Subject tQ the ~~prQVa1 +~~ 31 the .8a sr d ®f ~'rus t e e s o ~' the C it ~r c f ,~.ab~ im. 3E w 3 °r I s~ 1 ,~~``'.~.C?. `; ;.>Yl~~'~,C'~n.~ ~`xl':?.3~ ~J~ Y"t3~`t?i~~+~c~ ~$ '~7].~ ~'~."~~2 `~~tf3 ~~"i~. 0~ 2 ~':rzx;~t~,~:~; r-" ~;,icy :i.tr, ~~~;.~t~~~^ s~~~. ~d~~.it.attr~.]. bnn~., iii ~~ o~nt a ~w~~ ~. ,~U.~.~= C, ~ri.e~-, vuYzic=r' '~~~rsi ~r:r:7.7E. ~~'- 4 ~ ~.~ t~zt~ c..~xz~;r~;K ;:er :~:~,~'~1..~R to ~,~,,~ .~~~~ motif rz~'~~•ari~ ~;ra., a ,. , i 5 r-1.,inT1~, ~:x'~'U'E',33~8x', Q~' C1t~1Px' :~t~4~N3~~..~~3, t33" l,.~~~! ~l(~ 122, k31}r?AfII, ., 6 ~aa~~r, x~ ,.~~aor}.t ,f.~~i~: ~~r~x•~, c~~~;r~z~t~~. t;r-, ~~a ~c~na, ~~A .'`~r v~~r.;i crr la- 7 her d.~+na i~herac~~1 c~~ ~yrz~yr kind, ~,rz~~~ ~ha .~~~!~°ef,y er ~z?~:~tia~ ~~.ll 8 Pte' the ;..~-:rne ire ;;rz. ;.r~eaurr~ nc~t e~c~:F,~.~-r~ ~k~e ~tz~t smc.~'ie~. ~.n ~~rie 9 bc221t~., ~'; :x ~'fr~.CZ°.~~ ~ ~'1f1'~x ~L7.C3 }1 ~~. ai2n ~}1~ ~. ~)9 '. ~~E!'1 .:,.ZI ~+hF: ii3i222r `3,251 10 Ll~r~ ~.^(1 a~ 2{]..~'~~ ~p~r 'i22 <.~~'~; ~ 1. ~L+~~l~' ~j~~~~.L `~,1 ~~ d~ tt ~fi ~ It ~.~~~ ~.iw 4+C;LA.1.'~ 11 i'e ~' ~ CIS 2 d~ 12 b'~t~,'EF~i,A'`~2v, ~r:'CJ?~fr~Ce,, ~'~::x:~:~BC~'..~.~~~4, ~~~'!~~4:"?Y~%T+ ~~ ~+~,nr~n~~~~~T4~?8 T1' t7~~ 13 I iG;~ •r ~ r^~ , T n ~~,E~,~".u, ~.1~~ .Zv~`~.1r, u~i f,~LST"ii ~~~~1e~ti sr'~i".x,t'.~ ~"~t+~~'~~~ ~~~f~,;~`~uil ~r~• .i.C~7i 14 8 »id bc~ n~ "h a1?- ~ a e.-:~ c; s~.te d h~ t; ~~;~ "~ f~5~` x~~#o~ ~~t?- r,t :1.e ~c~ tv~rQ 15 3u,:ret ~ n ~ , '~ r ~'r~,. ~ c: Q r~; o :~ ~.tq 8512'~Pt~ , ~,~ ! ~'~. S1L~ !1 by :t rs'~; ~~~ ~~ I;1 , , . is jugti~' xr~ tha m.,,;~~.d-eye -~,`~ ~p-r}r ~/~ x ~ ~4~ :~~.~ ~~~~. a. r,~ ~,, y~ }~y~$, /~ V - /~ :: J. ~} Y i~~/ W. ~~ 4~~ s1~ MI .~. I~Le i t V' th~ W 17 ~~~~v'~ ~,~f the a~E'~. '2~' ~~:.~~s~~~~~ ~,~ ~°'.,id E;i~~~. ~ ~ 18 ;~a~4~ec! ~rn~aoU~.l~ car 1ai51~ a to be dv~:livara~ Lu -she; C~.tQ 19 ~~7.erk a~ t~;~e Ciz4r Qf .aA~1~:h5:im, 4w~ ~~.°,~ r~~~'ice ;x,~h wit x~a11 ix~ 20 ~~?~d Uitrt, Q~l ~x b~a~,°Qx'a .~~~.'~:t o'c.1.c~c,a~ ~f?• ~, ~.f° he 1,3t?tl 21 der' of July e 1916. 22 Tho ~o of ~rustaee a~' said tit;l ~1~erve~ the right- tq ro- 23 ~eQt €~x2y and 81.I bido 24 ~3~ IT '~H ' ' S{)Z'Y.~I~ that tho t ~.m~ of ee ru':ice ~r~ 25 ~ ' 3abq~res, nor or me;oh8ui~s up~xi. ~~id ~'+'J~ ~h~.l be ~,imit~'+d ar2d 26 ~ s~tr~,Qted ~;~ eight h5atxre 53uring any Qnq ;-e~lenclar dey'. prq-. 27 vidod by ,~eafit,en 653 C o~ the Penal. Code i-~ the ~3ttat$ o~ Cali~4r- 2 8 ni a. 29 The ~'gre~q.~. ~e,~nlutir~i4 is sigra.ed, q~Proved ~1,Y15~. ~,tteted 30 by m+~ t~a~.s soh ~.e~ o~ Ju2~~, a~16. 3 I ::. . ~rl. ~f~/ C~~-liZ./ ,i3t ki V y~' js r sw7 ~.ti. ~ ~ ~ ~i ~.r ~ Q rl ~. ~w e 59 8 R ~' the ~ it ~ q ~ .9R~hd im. Y er o - he City m~' ,~,riSheim. .. ~ ., 1 2 3 4 5 F.. 7- 8 9 10 lI- 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~T,g,~ OF G,,IFORNI.d, ~ Cawrtty a1` C17C8n,g~, ~ ~~. City of ~nteim. ~ I, Edward B. A4erritt, City Clerk ~+t tha City of Anaheim, da hereby 4art~y that tha ~ara,gaing re ec+~;~ ian waa p ae9~-a ~.d adapt ed st a regux.ar meeting c+f the ~3aard a~ Trustees a~' tha pity a~ ,Anaheim held Qn the 8th.day a~ June, 216, by the 1'c-llawi;~ v~tey Nae s, T3~w.ste a~ ~~-t-~ ----- Absent d Nat Vs~ting, Trustees ~~C ---- I2~ viITIBS S~~HH~I~OF I have he reuntw .Bet my hand aril a~f~.$ed the c~ticaia'~ seal oaf said City this 8th day a~ June, 1918„ y ~ a e y a ~. ~. - 5 -