06/08/1916-033 1 2 3 4 5 ,1 6 7 8 9 10 11 ".`! 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25s: , ~~ 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r --, i I _..-- _., _.. - ~. yn r w ./,~ ~ ~A ~ ~! ~ ~ a~ ITT 'Y'L-T[i+ Tt~,~.T~B'4F P.~VITdG TI-~.'~' T~flADf~~A OF .:'T ~` ~' BRC~~tim'~.Y ,`~i~~'1' ,IN Tom' CITY 4F ~ASTA~I2~fi, ~~~=(7P~PTiA. RESfl~UTION OHD'~i~IN~ R~. ~- ~~UZ~~ the_ Ba rare ~~ e~ o e Ci~~ of ~~'zaheiffi: st. SECTION 1. ^ That the public interest d convenience require an the 30 ~zrd of .~rLZ~teee of the City of ~ im, pursuaYZt to Fie olu- tion of Inten'Gion Flo. 12'~ o~ the Board a Trustees of the City I i of :~,naheim which said Re solution oaf Irate' .ion Teo. 12'7 was d~].y gassed and o,do~ted by said Board of Tru~~ees on the 11th day of ~ 2~I€.~y, 1916, hereby orders the followin,, s~~reet ~rork to be done in said city, t©`-~ttit; ~~.,' f l -- -. .~. , .e d and cue c 1 ~,re d in pur- ~lutian ofy Intention No, 12'7 xbat trial bonds.` z~raseti tv ' ' xe$ra8ent O'~Gir' ~C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~. ~`~#utance~ai~d~ i~nprn 3t>~t~~~{ bpslri ~ t~ red , talz~ ens fb3?~ t76~. ` tfit: "April. 7 ,39~ 1 .:a SECTION 3. _ . _ _., __.., '; ''~, ;.. All of the herein proposed work and im- ' provement and all proceedings taken in regard tha~eto shall be in pursuance of and in accordance with an act of the ' Legislature of the State of California, entitled, "An act to provide for work iii and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys,-,- courts, places and sidewalks within mu-. nicipalities and upon propertya,nd rights of way owned by municipalities, and for establishing and changing the grades of ;,:_, any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, f.• courts, places and sidewalks, and pro- i viding for the issuance and payment of ;;, street improvement bonds to represent V' certain assessments for the cost there- r of and providing a method for the pay- ; ment of such bonds." Approved April 7, 1911. _ __ _ __ ACTION ~~,, The City Clerk of the City pf r~z`~~.heim is b.ereby~ dir- ected to past conspicuously for five days, on or near the cham- ber door of the board of Trustees of said City of ~~x~.an.eim, a nv- Lice of said work inviting -sealed proposals ar bide and a cvPg of specifications Tyo. J adopted by the ~3oa.rd of yrrz;tees of the said City of ,l~xa.aheim on the 23rd day of December, 1915; he is alga dir- acted to cause a copy of said notice to be published twice in the ` "~.riahe ~.~n Dai13~ Herald", a daily xie~u~spap er . a f gene ral circulation, ..printed, published and cireulated in said .City v:~hich said newspap er is hereby designated for that purpose, Said notice shall invite sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered and shall refer to the. specifications posted and. on File, which said notice shall rewire all proposalw or bids of- $ered to be accompanied bT a check payable to the City of Anaheim certified by a responsible bank for an amount which shall not be; less than tan, per cent of the a.~;gregate of the pro.posa,l or by a bond for the said Mount so pa„Table, signed by the bidder and two sureties.4~ho ~h~.1.1 justify before any officer competent to ad.n- aster an oath, in double the said amount and over and above all ~ttatut~bry exemptions. Thursday, the ' ~~t, day of 1926, is hereby deli . T gated and fixed as the d o v ich, up to the hour of 8 a `clock P. T,:., the said proposals or bids shall. be received and ~khe said notices shall so spec~:fy. .. 3 - ~}, i ~. 1 The fore going resolution ~~ws signed, a~tested ~,nd ~,r~~aroved by 2 ~e this 8th day of Jti~ne, 1916. 3 4 ~" 6 Attest. 7 `;~ - ~r~.~ 8 u'`~i ,~ Cle r~ o e Czty o f L~iahe zm. 9 10 } 12 County of Or€~x3.~e, ~ 3S. 13 City of ,~,noheim. ) 14 " ~ G~%C/Z/ ~ en of she ~o~,r o Tru ~ of the City of ~~,naheim. 15 I, udvrard I3. T,~erritt, City Clerk of= the City of .~r~.ahem, do 16 hereby certify that the foregoing resolution v~a~,:~ regularly passed 17 and adopted at a regular zneetin~; of thee: ~3o~.rd of ~~ru;~tees ,of the 18 City of ~iaheim held on the 8th d~,~r of ~'une, 1916, by the follo~v- 19 ing vote ; 00 2 0 AY.~ S ~ Trustees ~ c~~,-~ u ~ ~ '~ ~ ct 21 T~IC:~: S , T ru~;t e e s,~~ 22 A~3~~dT A~]'D '~iUr VOTIIV?G, Trustees -~-1~. -- 2~ I.N ~'rITiV~aS T''`q'H~~:'0~,, I have hereLU7.to set my hand ~,nd affixes 24 the seal of the said City of Anaheirx~ this 8th day of June,1916. 25 ; 26 27 - 28 29 30 31 32 ~ :. _ ~~-~fY~, ~,.L.l~,-.--~~ Ci y ler o e - 4 - y o~ ,~,n.ane i~.