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li ~~ .:~~: .. I y F .~.-~~. ~ ~~ ~o- f a- ~ s, ~~ 1 IN TTY T.1~.TTuT? OF P.iiVING Tf~ RO~VVA,Y OF ~~ BROr^~i~l;~,Y ST~TET IN .T~3E ..CITY OF ~S~I~;.. 2 T Ti,~.T ''''SOI,TJTIOr•1 D~'TE:tiT;TININ~T?T,~ BOa~D 0~' Tt~TJS S Tiy~S ,~C'::~UITUi:D JtTT~ISDIC 3 TION TO C)TH T DOING OF T RK. 4 _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ ~~•~~r~I~:~S; the Board o~ Trustees oi' th~ ity of ~,naheim, did on 5 the 11th d ~,;,r O f I:Ta~r, 1916 , p as ~ -and ~,do g , s ire s o lut i o n o f In-~ e n- 6 tion No. 127 t4 7 8 . `~~~, " .~ ~`,"~ city, tc~ 'av~~~ R - ~~~~ illb TP$~wPAj~ D~ ~iy+o-~ x g bt:x~,:+e~id; ~r©z~ t~e. ~ - e ~~ ~ . 1 d l a ~ ~ ~rx~ ~~ s:~ , 1 ~ ~ ~~: . ~Sp~i ~tfl~af~a`: k j?, the Toa~t~v~l~ bf ~ ~r~4cli'' k 12 R~ c~~ - ~.~ , of _ on, ~ 3 13 ~,a ~~4 ~ ~ ~R t ~ ~' 14 ~ ;. 15 i • ~ ar i ~ ~, ~ i 4 .~ ~...~.....,.,,,,.,,A.. .,. ~~~ F: 17 - ,~~~ ` 18 '. .QM F: t`~ ~~ . ,.. ~p~ 4, 19 dt tea a~a 20 ~t ~~ t3~e'r t- ~~ ~~~ cif Eaa~ Bxoac~$ ~' ` in ~ '~e'~ x~ ~~e~s~ez~5' er~}~ 1~P~3' sue. ~vstth A • 21 street, ~code~cad '8avt~erlw a:cr 22 ~ ~a~ o~ a~ `t ~~~ Het~ve~n t,~e ~~~ ~~~ i~ ~ ~+~ ~ 23 ~ ~ ~~, f d ~d ~ . ,~, s 3,za uc =mod ~ ;~~ A~ { , , 24 ~ , s ~~. ~t+~ 25 ~,, ~ -e~ .~ ~Y~-e Center line of ssad ~1'~ , ' •, 26 , ~ ~s,:-ate a-.. ,~ vary o~ th~.r$qq - Wi ~t+ ~ ' ` 27 ~p~ g. ~ rorq; tte+~G ~rb :~ x~ ,ptA ~t F ~ ~aicq grcte~ced ~rl~` 1 } cn~r ~fnt of :akaid. ~ 28 ~t~set„ e.xid• exCe~t ~' sg t2t~re~xo` ~,oxtitizrat tikic roadtvdy ~ East.? tray ,~at~eet 1~r~ g hetweCn t ~~ ak~d ~'Vesteidy ~rn~ertg 29 rc~e StrQgi, prpzlucesl the ceenf~r 1`~ s~d,:~sat. 30 t, ~w. ~. ~~ a#>. r^ 31 ,~: •~, __ 32 ~; ,~1 ~~~...~. _-._ ~._ N,~ __._... Y _-_~._ ._ ~. it r ~~ -~, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and , ~~lH%I'~'AS; Thereafter,. pursuant to lati~ and to said resolution of Intention No. 12'7, said resolution of Intention No. 12'7 was published tti~ise in the "~.naheim. 17aily Herald", a daily neevapoper o general circulation, printed, published 'd circulated in said City as will more fully appear from the affidavit; o f r. J. I-~. John stop, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of .Axla- he im , and ~JH~r~AS, after the adoption of said resolution of Intention, the Street Superintendent did cause to be conspicuously posted a- long the line of said contemplated. work or improvement, ~,t the- tiro A* and in the form and manner prescribed by Iaw, notices of the pass- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 age of said Resolution of Intention Teo. 127, as ti4i11 rlore i"~i.lly appear from the affidavit of J. 4ti'. 8~,ckett on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of ~,naheim, and `~I~~RL.A.S, thereafter and within the time x~rescribec~i b~T law, no owner or o~~nere Qf pr©r~c~rty liable tom a~~es~ed for ot~9d work, made ~Tritten protest ag~.inst the proposed tirork, z~o~~~, TI:~`,i~:~'o~:~ ~ IT R:~sozv~z BY ,~ . ~o~x~ o~~ TRUS~~~s o~ CITY 0.~' ~~I.~I~t SECTION 1. That all acts and things required by law to be done to vest said Board of Trustees with jurisdiction to order the. doing of said ~n'ork have been done €~,nd complied with. S:K~CTIQN ~ That said Board off' Trustees does hereby fired and ', determine that it has acquired jurisdiction to order the doing of said work in accordance with said ~es~lution of Intention Iyo. 127. The foregoing Resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this 8th day of ~7une, 1916. en o e .oar o xus- s o f t he City o f .~,rlahe im. - 3 -