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-~-~--~ ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION OF T~ B0~'? OF TRUST' {'S OF T1~ CITY OF gNAH~:IM, BETER 1ti2INING THE RESULT OF .A GET~R~L ~~UNICTP'AL ELECTION HOLD IN SAIL CITY ON Tl~ 10TH DAY OF ~.PRIL, 1916, ' WHEREAS pursuant to law and pursuant to Ordinance No. 297 of the Bvard of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, entitled, "AN ORDII~ DICE PR~VIBING FOR HOLDING A GEI~R,pL ~JiU~~CII'1~L EJECTION IN THE CITY OF AId~HEI~i ON TF3E S'uCOT~ l~iONl~AY IN' 'RIL, 1916, TO-~'JIT, ON THE lOT~t DAY OF 1~PRIL, 1916," passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim. on the 4th day of February: 1916, a general municipal election wa,s held in said city on the second ~ondsy in .April, 1916, to-wit, on the 10th day of ;~pril, 1916, for the purpose of filling the several eltctivc~ offices in and for said city, and of submitting to the qualified voters of said city, the proposition hereinafter set forth, s.nd rYHEREAS due notice of the holding of s~.i.d election, as required by ].aw end s~:id Ordinance No. 297 was liven, ~,s appears from ~ i the e,ffidavit of 13enry Fuchel on file in> the Of~'ice of the City Clerk of said city, and ~~~:REA,S it .appears that said general municips,7. election was j held in the manner and form required by law, €and that the polls the re a$ we r® .kept open during the time required by lew, and ths,t the s~arne was held and conducted, and that the votes cast the re $t, were received and cs;nvassed, and the returns thereof aseertainec~, determined and declared in accordance with the laws of the State of California, end the Ordinances of the. said City of ,Ax~sheim, and #N; AREAS the Board of Trustees of said City of ~,ris,heim, did on the first Monday after said election, to-wit, on the 17th d~ a~f April, 1916, meet in regular ad journecl session. and proceeded to canvass the returns of said. general municipal election as required by law, and the results of said. canvass having been found as herein stated, set forth and d®clared;~ ,r` _ _ 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~0 31 32 IT I8 TF3:T.REPO~, ~SOI,V~'D, DBTLR~fINLm AN:ll ~EE3Z,iRBD bythe Board of Trustees of the City of Ana~ieim as follows; {1} That the whole number of votes east at said general manic: pal election in Blection Precinct TSo. 1 was__~' ~'~G._. • (2) That the whole number of votes cast at said general mun- icipal election in Election Precinct Noy 2 was~~ {3} That .the whole number of votes cgst at said general, m~n- icipa7.. election in L+'lection Precinct B'o, 3 was ~ ~ ~ . (4) That the whole number of votes cast at said general mun- icipal election in Blection Precinct 1Vo. 4 was~~~. (5) That the whole number of votes os,st at said general mun- icipal election in :Election Precinct r~o, 5 was____~__~__-__, (6) That the whole number of votes cast at said ,general ffiun- icipal election in .Blection Precinct X10.- 6 was ~ U . (7) That the whole number of votes cyst at ~`€a,id general ffiua- icipal election in Blection Precinct No. 7 was ~ L~ ~ . -_.. (8} That the whole number of votes cast at ss.id general mun- icipal eleatian in Election precinct No. 8 was___-1~ . (9} That the whole number of votes cast at said general mun- icipal election in :Election Precinct No. 9 was / 3~ (10} That the whole number of votes cast at said general mun- icipal election in B~'lectio.n Precinct Via. 10 was (11} That the whole number of votes cast at said ,general mun- icipal election in Election Precinct No. 11 was ~~ ,i (12) That the whole number of votes cast at staid general man-. icip a1 eleetion was ~j ~ y _ ~ (13) That the names of the persons voted for and the office to fill which each person was voted for, ..are respectively as fol, lows, towit; d©hn H. Gook for the office of member of the Beard of Trustees; ~©hn J. Bwyer for the office of member of the Board of Trustees; Drank C, Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of Trustees; Germanicus I1. Simpson for the office of member - 2 - L-' i j i 9 1 ~ of the Board of Trustees; Wil.liazn Stark for the office of member ~, 2 '' of the Board of Trustees; Ldward B. ~Texritt for the office of City 3 ''! Clerk; earl x. Abbey for the office of City Treasurer; and Charles ?~ 4 ~~ A. Boegc~ for the office of City Tre as~tzrer. 5 I~ (14) ~, That the propo sit ion voted for at sai d. general manic ipal g election was "Shall the several members of the Board of Trustees q of the Gity of Anaheim receive the earn of Ten 010.00) dollars 8 ~ per month each as compensation far their services as such Trustees g ~' (15} That the number of votes given in Election Precinct No. 1 10 ;for each of such persons for the office to fill which they were. 11 ~ voted for, are respectively as (allows, town; 12 1 John H. Co©k for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 13 t 6 3 yote$. 14 ~ John J. Dwyer for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 15 s7 ~rate$. ___~___ 16 Frankq C. Goodrich for the office of member of the .Board.. of Trus 17 tees d votes. 18 Germanicus ~T. Simpson for the office of member of the Board of 19 Trustees ~~ votes. 20 I~illiam Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trustees d ~ v©te s. 21 22 E~war~. ]fderrit for ~~ffiee of C~.ty Clerk ~~ votes. G ~'~. 23 Earl R. g-bey f ~ office of City Trea~r /Jvotes. 24 Charles g. Boege .for the office of City Treasurer votes. 25 (I~+) .That the number of votes liven in Election Precinct No. «~ 26 2 for ea.eh of such persons for the office to fill which they were 27 ~ voted for, era respectively as follows, town; 28 John H. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 29 i,_~~ votes. ~0 John J. Davyer for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 31 ~~ ~ vote S. 32 Frank C. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of Trus• tees ~~ ~ votes. 3 i 1 j Germanicus I'~i. Simpson for the office of member of the Board I 2 ~ of Trustee s~ ote s. 3 `'~ Gilliam Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- ~ it tees ~ ~ votes. ~~ 5 ` Edward B. ~,~erritt for the office of City Clerk__/ ,~ 2, votes. ~~I l g ~~ Eax'1 I3. Abbey far the office of City '.Preasurer~~ vates. ~j q Charles A. Boege for the office of City Treasurer ~ votes g {1?) That the number of votes given in Election Precint No. g 3 for each of such persons for the office to fi11 which they were 10 voted for, are respectively as follows, town: 11 John H. hook for the office of member of the Board of Trustee k Q~ ~j E 12 -u-~6~----vot 8 3• 13 John J. Dwyer for the office o f member of the Board of Trus- f t e e s____~_~vot e s. 14 i 15 Frao-k C. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of 16 Trustees ~ votes. 17 Gertuanicus IBS. Simpson for the office of member of the Board 18 of Truste es____~_d votes. 19 ~~illi~alm/~St~k •for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 20 tees I "~ votes. 21 Edward B. Iulerritt for the office of City Clerk // ~. votes. 22 Earl 8, Abbey for the office of City Treasurer 1_.Z._....votes. 23 Charles A. Boege fox the office of City Treasurer„- ~ vote 24 (18) That the number of votes given in Election Precinct No. 25 4 for each of such l,ersons for the office ~n fill which they we 26 voted for, a,re respectively as follows, town: 27 John~j H. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 28 tees / ~ votes. 29 John J. Dryer for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tees ~ ~ votes. , 30 frank C. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of 31 Trustees ~ ~ votes. 32 _ 4 - ii je 1 d 1 Germanicu~s-A~. Simpson for the office of member of the Board of 2 Trustees J ~ votes. 3 ~1i11iam Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- ~ to es~„~_vote s. 5 ~.dwar B. ~®rritt or the o Tice of City Clerk ~ 3 votes. moo-` s~.e C~,~ CrQ~-~~°~~,~~~,~rr~~^y r/~..t ~~ 6 ~'arl R. Abbey~or he office of City Treasurer l5 votes. 7 Chars B@ag fQ the office of C'ty ,Treasurer voters. 8 (19~ Tha the um r of votes given in ~lectian precinct No. 9 5 for each of such persons for the office ~o fill which they were 10 voted for, are respectively as follows, town; 11 John H. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 2~ votes. 12 13 John J. Dwyer for the office of member of the, Board of Trus- 14 tees votes. 15 Frank C. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of 16 Trustee s~_y votes. 17 Germani~us I~. Simpson for the office of member of the Board of Trustees /,~~ votes. 18 William Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 19 tae s `~ ~ votes. 20 I~dward B, Merritt for the office of City Clerk 3 ~ votes. 21 Earl R. Abbey for the office of City Treasurer ~ y votes. 22 Charles $. Boege for the office of City Treasurer f 9 votes . 23 (20~ That the number of votes given in Blection ;precinct No. 24 6 for each of such persons for the office to fill which they were 25 voted for, are respectively as follows, ~awit; 26 John fI. Coak for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 27 5./ Vota;Z. 28 John J. Dwyer for the office of member o f the Board o .f Truste e 29 vote $. 30 Frank C. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of Tru 31 teas ~. votes, 38 5 - 1 Cen1eus 1'~. Simpson for the office of member of the Board 2 of Trustees votes. 3 I~i3liam Stark for the office of member of the ~~ard of Trus- 4 tees ~ ~ votes. 5 ?~'dward B. T~ierritt for the office of City Clerk ~ ~ votes. g Larl i~. Abbey for the a ffice of City Tre asurer_ ~ ~ votes, ~ Charles ,Boe e f rrthe office of ~t Treasurer S ~ votes. (2l) That the n~ue r 8 r of votes given in :~l ction Brecinct ~So. i 9 fi for each of such persons for the office to fill which they were 10 voted for, are respectively as follav~s, tovrit; 11 John H. Cook far the ai`fice of member of the Board of Trustee 12 O ~ votes. 13 John J. Dwyer far the of:~ice of member of the Board of Trus- 14 tees ~~~ otes. lb .rank C. Goodrich for the'afi'ice of member of the Board of 16 Truste e,~°°° ~ ""` votes, 17 Germanicus l~r• Simpson for the office of member of the Board o Truste es~~votes. 18 r~illi~xn Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 19 tees votes. 20 ~~dward B. RFerritt for the o ffi.ce of City Clerk ~~,votes. 21 Lar1 R. ~.bbey for the office of City Treasurer ~=L~votes, 22 Charles A. Boege for the office of City Tres,surer~/votes. 23 (22) That the number of votes liven in ~leetion Precinct No. 24 C for each of such persons for tk~e o:~"fice to fill ~t~hich they ~c~ere 25 voted for, are respectivel~T as follows, town; 26 John >T. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trustees 27 ~ votes. 28 John. J, I~rer for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 29 tees alp votes. ~0 Frank C. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of 31 Trustees votes. 32 6 1 f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ' 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~o 31 32 Germanicus It~~. Simpson for the office of member of the Board of Trustees ~ ~ votes, i`~illiarn Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tees ~~~votes, ~ c Edgard ~. Ta~erritt for the office of City Clerk / Q .votes Earl ~~. gbbey for the office of City treasurer S3 votes Charles A. Boege for the office of City Treasurer s-z votes (23) That the number of votes given in .Election Precinct ~To ' 9 for each of such persons for the office to fill which they we voted for, are respectively as follows, town: John H. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tees J~ 10 votes. John J. Dwyer for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tees votes, Frank C. Goodrich for the office of.member of the Board of Truste~es__ votes. Germanicus TAT. Simpson for the office of member of the Board of Trustees ~~~votes. 'vlilliam Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tees 6 ~, votes. Cep, .Edward B. T~~Zerritt for th office of City Clerk / / votes. ~w ~f. ~ G~ C j ~~~ - ~c c Ah2 r~ - Earl R. abbey fo the office of Cit Treasurer otes., ~~ le,~ .p. 3oe~e or tl~~o ffice of ~ity Treasurer ~ ~ vote' (24) Thst the n be of votes liven in ~1 tion Precinct T~Toa 10 for each of such persons for the office to fill which they we voted for, are respectively as follaws~ town: Jahn II. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tee s ~~^vote s, John J., Dwyer for the office of member of the Board of Trus- tees ~ ,~~~votes, .'rank C. ~oadrich for the office of member of the Board of Trustees ~ d votes. ~. - '7 - ~~ 1 Cermanicti:s AST. Simpson for the office of member of the Board 2 of Trustees ~~ votes. 3 SYilliam Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 4 tees ~ ~ votes. 5 Edward B,.rF Merritt for the office of City Clerk ~~6 votes. g Bart x. abbey for the office of City Treasurer ~3 votes. ~ Charles ,8.. Boege for the office of City Treasurer ~3 votes g (25) That the number of votes liven in Election Precinct No. 9 ll for each of such persons for the office to fill which they wer IO ~ voted for, are respectively as follows, towit; 11 John H. Cook for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 12 tees~~ votes, 13 Joh(~n J. Dyer for the office of member of the Board oi~ Txua~. 14 te:68 D ~ 'dotes. 1~ .Frank C. Goodrich for the office of member of th® Board oi' .~.. 16 Trustees ~ votes. 17 Germanieu~ &i. Simpson for the office of member of the Boara~ 18 of Trustees ~ 3 votes. 19 4Villi~n Stark for the office of member of the Board of Trus- 20 tees_~ votes. 21 Edward B. B~erritt for the office of City Clerk ~ ~ votes. Earl H. Abbey for the office of City Treasurer 3l votes. 22 Charles A. Boege for the office of City Treasure rvotg . 23 24 {26) That the number of votes given in said Election Frecint Trio . I for said propo sit ion was v~ vote s. z5 26 (27~ That the number of votes given in said Election Precinc 27 No. ~ ~'~g`ains~. said proposition was __ ~~ votes, 28 (28) That the number of votes given in said Election Precinc Teo. 2 for said proposition was ~ S^ votes. 29 30 (29) That the number of votes given in said Election precine No. 2 against said proposition was 5~votes, 31 (30) Thai. the number of votes given in said Election Precinc 32 No. 3 for said proposition was ~~ votes. .~ 8 - ~_ 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ~~..~. s~ .,... , 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31 32 (31) That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 3 against said proposition was ~ ~ votes, (32) That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 4 for said proposition was_~,~r i _.._.votes. {33) That pthe number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 4 against M1said proposition ws.s~____votes. {34} That-the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 5 for said proposition was ~ ~ votes. (35) That the number of votes liven in said Election Precinct No. 5 against said proposition was otes. (36 } That the number of votes liven in said Elect ion Prec inot No. 6 for said proposition was ~ ~ votes. (37) That.-the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 6 against .said propo sition waste ote s. (38) Than the number of votes' given in said Election Precinct r7o. 7 for said propo sit ion was~~/ votes. (39) That. the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. ? against said proposition was ~ ~ votes. {40) That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct Na. 8 for said proposition was ~ 6 votes. {41) That the number of votes giv/e!n in said Election Precinct No. 8 against said propo sition was `~ ~ votes. (42) That the number of votes liven in said Elect ion Precinct No. 9 for said. proposition was S` ( votes. (43j That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 9 against said propo sition was~vote s. { 44) That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 10 f'or said propo sition was ~ ~ votes. (45} That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 10 against said propc sition was ~ 0 votes. (46) That the number of votes given in said Election Precinct No. 11 for said proposition was ~ ~ votes. -~ 9 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ 16 17 18 1$ f (47} That the number of votes given in said EI®ction Precinct No. 11 sgs„inst said proposition was ~ ~ votes. (48) That the number of votes given in the said City of ,Axis heim for each of said persons is respectively as follows, town; For John $ Cook for the office of member of the Board of Tres ~ tees ~P ~~votes. For John J. Dwyer for the office of m®mber of the Board of Trustees ~D ~ r votes. For Frank- G. Goodrich for the office of member of the Board of Trustees ~ 3 ~ votes. For ~ermanicus Tt~. Simpson for the office of member of the Bo of Trustees ,~~U ~ votes. For Gilliam Stark for the office of, member of the Board of Trustees (~ ~ D votes, Edwat B. e~ritt for the ~ffi~e• o City Clerk /D ~ 6 votes,' Earl R. ey f~r the office of Cit~~~asurer ,~` 2 ~ votes. Charles g, Boege for the office of City Trea~nrer 7 S~ -~ votes ~.___.._ (49) That the number of votes given in the said City of .Ana- heim for said proposition, is ~_~L.~._votes. 20 (50) That the number of votes given in said City of Axiaheim 21 against said proposition, is ,~ ~ 5 votes. 22 THN~FQ~ Bu IT ~SOZVr.~D that John J. Dwyer and ~~illiam Starr 23 and each of them having received the. high~-st number of votes giver 24 ~ for the office of member of the Board of ~rustess at such general 25 municipal, election, be and they are herel~p declared elected to 26 such several offices for the term of four years and that Edward 27 B. Beier-rite, having received the highest number of vo tes given for 28 the office of City Clerk, be and he is hereby declared elected 29 City Clerk of the City of Anaheim for the period of two years and 3C that the said Charles g. Boege, having received the highest number 31 of votes liven for the office of City Tregsurer for the said City 32 of Anaheim, be and he is hereby declared elected to the office of - 10 \ K ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 h'S .,~,a 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31 32 ~ City Treasurer of the City of -gna,heim-for two years. AND BE IT FURTF~R ~SOLVFD that the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim be anal he is hereby directed to immediately make out -and deliver to each of such persons a certificate of election for the office ~`or wh~''ch they and each of them were respectively elected, signed by him and authenticated with the seal of the said City of ,Axiahe im. AND BE IT FURT~R i~SOLVED that said propo sition did not re- ceive a majority of the votes of the electors of said City of ~,a~-,-eim voting for or against said proposition, and that the refo xe~ said propo sition i s defeated. The .foregoing resolution is signed, approved and attested by me this ?7th day of April, 191. .-..~. ~ ~.: re si n o e o a o rus- ,, te~s of''~he _ City of Axiaheirn. Attest: City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. - 11 - 1 STATE OF C~yIFORNIA, ) 2 COUNTY OF 0$®,I.VTG~, ) SS. ) 3 CITY OF ~J.aH~I~T. ) ) 4 I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk of .the City of ~riaheim, do 5 hereby certi:far that the foregoing Re sol~[tion was .passed and a- 6 dopted at a ~cggular adjourned meeting of the Board of Trustees 7 of the City of ,~naheim held at the City Ha11 of said city on the 8 ~:~'th day of gpril, 1916, by the followixtg vote ; 9 ~ ~,yes• Trustees ~~C ~ u,,,, ~ ~~ ~ ~ 10 Noes, T rust e e s_ `-G~.,~~, _ 11 absent and not voting, Trustees ~.~-~~ 12 13 IN R~ITNESS a~I~OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed th® 14 official seal of said City this lath dey of April, 1916. ~5 ~ J~, 16 ig er o e Cx yo Anahe 3r~. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ . 29 30 31 32