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{ ~. ~,, ~~-~ ~ r ~~ .~G.. ~ ~, t ~t.~a BBSC1LtJTI02~ o~ IBTE1~TIO~ ~v. 1R6 of THE Bo,,~D o~ TRUST~~S €~,~,,;. T~ CITY of ANBH~I'~ Resolved, by the Board of Trustees of the City of 9nah~a3~: Seotion 1. That the public interest and convenience reuir® and that it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of City of Az~ahei~tt to order the following street wort to be in said city, to-wit; That the roadway of Test. Broadway Stre®~ in said City fpm the Westerly property line of South Los ~gelse Street, pre~n.oed Rortherly acrmes Maid West Broadway St rest to the West Cif" Limits of the City of Bnaheim (®~oepting therefrom that portion of the roadway off' feet Broadwa~* 9t re et lgiag between a liars pro- duced Southerl,~ from the Northerly prop®rEy line of said ,st Broadway Street to the center line of th® roadway of said "-at Bro adwey Stream and being di stunt We ate r1.,~': 33, ?5 feet at ~ht angles from t~ monumente.d Dent®r line of youth Loy Angela.~t Street, and a line produced Southerly from the Northerly pr~ep- arty lia® oi' said 1~®$t Broadway Street to the canter Sine df the roadway of said West Broadway street end being distan'~ Wester~.y Qne hundred sixty-five and twentg-foar huadradt (165.g4a feet eat right angles front the I~oented center life of South Los `gales Street; and excepting therefrom. that. pQr- tioa of the x'cssdway of West Broadway Street lying betweesi the easterly and W~lsterly property lines of 3ettth Lemon Street, . ~produQed Southerly across the roadway of e~id West Broad .Street; and s~aepting therefrom that porti4~n of the roadw of West Broadway Strast lying between the ~esterl~ and W~st~tr- ly property li~ae of South Clementine Strut produced Southerly to the center line of the roadway of said hest Broadway Street; and ezc®pting therefrom that portion of the .roadway of ~'ee- Bxtsadway Strse# lying between the Easterly end Westerly p;r- lty lines of gouth Clementine Strast prod~eed Nartherlyy~t.* _... .~ the osnter liml of the roadway of paid Wei Broadway Street - 1 - send excepting .therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street lging between the ~asterlg and Westerly proper- ty lines of South Hel®na Street, produced ~8outherly to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street; chi excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Br~ad- way Street 13ri.ng between the Easterly and Testerly proper~~ linen of South`Helena Street, produced No'herly to the c+rsa- ter line of the roadway of said W®st Broad~ray Street; and ex- eepting therefromt that portion of the rosdtay o~ West Broadway Street lying betRean the ~asterlg and Wes'~erly property liner of South Palm Street produced Southerlg across the roadw~ cf said West Broadway Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Broadwayy Street lying .between the ~astarlg and Werterlg property lines of South Citra-n Street, prodtt4e-d Southerlg across the roadway of said W®st Broadway street; and o=cepting therrefrom that portion of the roadway of West Brad- ;., way Strset lg3~g betwe en the Easterlg and ~fe sterly props :` lines of South Ohi® Street produced Southerlg to the center line of the roadwag of said West Broadway Street; and except- ing therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street lging between the Easterlg and Wes'~erlg property lira®e of Illinois Street produced South®rlg to the center line of ~~ ` , the roadway of said West Broadway Street; and excepting tyre- from that portion of the roa~ivay of ,hest .Broadway Streating ..* between the Baeterlg and Westerly proper~p lines of South West Street produced Southerly across the road f,`,s~id. West Broad- ,. ~ ~ _ _ w8y Street;and excepting therefrom that portion of the r~adwag of West Broadway Street lging between a line produced Southerlg from the point of intersection of the FaBt property line of Wal- nut Street an8 the No rtherlg props rtg lute o~ West Bro adwsyy Street, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadway Street an~- at right angles to said cent®r line, and a find pro- duced Southes~.y from the point of inte.rseotion of the West prop- erty line of Walnut Street and the Northerly property line of - , We at Broadway Street to the center line of the roadway of said We at Broadway Street and at right angles to said Center lice ; and a=cepting therefrom that portion of thq roadway of West Broadway Street lying between a line prodnded ~or'therly from the point of intersection of the fast property line of Walnut Street and the_ Southerly' property line of ,hest Broadway Sire et, to the center line of the roadway of said West Broadw~ Street and at right eagles to said center line. aid a, line prod~ed B'ortherly from the point of intersection of the West property line of Walnut Street and the Southerly property line of West Broadway Street, to the center line of the roadway of sail[ West Broadway Street and at right angles to said center line; and exc®pting therefrom that portion of th®~ roadway of Wes' Broadway Street lying between the ~aeterly and ~Te~terly property lines of Cherry Street, produced Southerly to the canter line of the rc~adwr~r of said West Broadwa3~ Street; sad except. therefrom that ~ portion of the roadway of hest Broadway Staet lying between the easterly and Westerly property lines of South Thalia Street, produced Scuther3.y to the center line of t~ roadway of said West Broadway Street; and. ~ Pfd the reProa~ that portion of the roadway of West Broadway Street described as folle~wst Beginning at a point on the astended ~aeterl~r property line Af South Thalia Street twent;~ eight and six hun- dredth$ (!18.46} feet Southerly from the pp~,nt of intersection . of the easterly property line of said South Thalia Street and ,y the Northerly ~troperty line of Nest. Broadw~q Street; thenq Ty Southerly fifty-five and seventy-three hundredtha (56.73) feet to a paint on the Southerly curb line of said West Broadv~+1~ Street, said point being sixty-one and three hundredths (61.03) feet Masterly from the point of intersection of the Southerly curb line of said West. Broadway Street and the eztended canter line of South Thalia Street; thence Westerly along the South» erly curb line of West Broadway Street 1g~16 feet; thence 1~orth- i Orly 40. Q8 feat to a point in the center line of the roadw~p of 3 said Vest Brosdvpay St re at, said point being twenty three and forty-one hundredths (23.411 feet easterly from the point of interseotion 0f the extended center line of south; Thalia street and the Center line of said West Broadway street; thence ~ta,st- erly along the center line of said West BrpadWay Street o -,.and fifth=ni~M '`'hundredths (1.69} fe®t; thence Northerly a~.ong the extended 8~asterly property line of So~-th Thalia Street eleven and ninety-four hundredths (11.941 test to place of beginni~gg and excepting therefrom that portion of the rva~ra~q of hest Broadway Street lying between a line beginning at point on the Southerly curb line: of said West Broadway 'St~iet, said point being Fifty-eight and thirty-three hundredths 06.33} feat Westerly from the point of intersection of the extended, center line of South Thalia Street and the Southerly curb lin® of €~aid West Broadway Street, and eztendi~ Northerly eighty and si~ctean hundredths (80.16} feet to a paint on the Nort'l~erlq curb line of amid W®st Broadway Street, s.d point b®ir~g eighty- $iat and eevent~-sic hundredths (86.'76] few; ~Iteeterly from the point of inter~ation of the extended Westerly property lira of South Thalia Street and the gortherly curb Line of said Whet Broadway Street, and a line beginning. at a point on the Sq~tth- erly curb line of West Broadway Street, said point being m hundred four at~d twenty seven hundredths ~:~.04.27} feet I~serl.g from the point of intersection of the extended center line of South Thalia Street and the Southerly curb line of said West Broadway Street, anti extending Northerly eighty-nine and thirty- eight hundredths (89.38} feet to a point on the Northerly Qnrb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being one h~dr®~ forty-fife and seventy two hundredths (14672} feet Wester2g of the point of intersection of the extended ~®sterly property line of South Thalia Street and the Northerly curb line of said West Broadway $tre et ; and excepting therefrom that po rt ioa of the roadway of West Broadwa~- Street lying between a line beginning st a point vn the South ourb Tine of said west Broadway Street, ,.# - .. said point being Salt fifty- ei~c and aiataen hundredths (66.16 j feet from the point of intersection of tea West City Limti of City of ~riaheim and the South curb .line of said ~~et'ft Broadwa~r Street. and running Northerly on a curve of siata~ln degree~a (16°) to the right seventh-one ax~6 fourteen hundr~+~.the ( 71.14) feet ara11l1 to the Easterly rai3 of the tranef+~r traeY of the ?i~os blamitoe Branch of the Southern Pacific Conti pang and two (8) feet Easterly at right angles from said ~aet- ex`].y rail to a point on the North curb line of said West ~3raad- way Street, said point being Saste~3~ ninety-three and eighty. two hundredths (93.80 feet from the point of intersectia~ of the West City Limits of the City of Anahe3,m and the North curb line of said ~'!at Broadway Street, and a Tine beginning at a point on the youth ourb line of said We st. Broadway Straw.,, said point being 8gast Forty-five and ninety-nf.~te hundredths {~i99) feat from the goint of intersection of the West Cfty y~.m,~t,,~ suf. the Citg of ,1,~ahei~t and the South curb lime of said t7sat oad~- of way Street , and running Northe rly on a curve,, state en degx'oA~1 (16°) to the right ee~enty-ona and fourte+ln hundredths ('~'~:14) feet parallel to the Westerly rail of the trauafar traQY Qf the Zoe Alamitos Branch of the Southern Pacific Company two (2) feat We st a rly at right angles fr+~ said Wa sterly rail ~ to a point on the North curb line of said Mast Broadway Street said point being Sast eighth two and twenty hundredths (~~7~} feet from the point of intersection of the West City himt~ of the Citg of ,~ahe im and the North curb lie of eai~. Wi st -Bro ad- way Street; and e~ccepting therefrom that portion of the road way of West Broadway Street lying between a line produced South, from a point on the North curb line of said West Broadw~ ,street, said point being fort~t eight a~td thirty-~.~-e hundredths #8.39) feat Salt of the point of intersection of the Weat City Tiimits of the City of 9riaheim and the North ourb line of said West Broadway Street, to the center .line of the roadway of asl~ Wlst ;a ., 5 ., Broadway Street, and a line. produced South from a point on the North curb line of said West Broadway Street, said point being ten and forty hundredths {.14.40). feat East of the point off' in- tersection of the 'Wiest City Limits of the City of Anaheim and the North curb line of said Nest Broadway street, tv the esn- ter line of tl~e roadway of said Wiest Broaway Street; and es~- cepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of West Brc~,dway Straet lying between the Wiest City Limits of the City of ,Ituar heim snd a line produced South, ac roes the roadway of said West Street Broadvray~parallal to, and distant East ten and forty hundredths (10.4Q~ fe®t from the West City Limits of the City of Aaaheimj be graded to the official grade and paved with hydraulic cement concrete base and with asphaltic wearing surface. Said work shall be done in accordance with the plans, pro- files and specifications therefor, which said plans and pro- fil®s were sd~~ted bar the Board of Trustee of the City Anaheim, by r~eolution on the 23rd day of December, 1915; :era numbered "1-€~»~" and are marked and designated, "Plan of pro- posed improve~aents on Vest Broadway Straet, ,8ztaheim, Califor- nia," and are on -file in the office of the City Engineer of said City, in the City ~ia11 in said city, and which said speci- fications were adopted by the Board of Trustees of the C'#~y of Anaheim, by resolution on the 23rd day of December, 191b, and which said specific atian~ are marked and designated t~~peci• ficatione No. 9, for the construction of street paving wi'~h ,,,hydraulic cem~.nt .and broken stone or scre~ad gravel and .~e- p-halt wearing surface, in the Citg of Anaheim, California," which said specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, in the City Hall in said City. Scotian ~. Notice is hereby given that on Thursday th+e 9th day of ~axch, 1916, at the hour of 8 0' clock P. M. at the chamber of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anahe~a, in the City Ha3.1 in said city, any and all persons having - 6 - 01~ j®ctions to the proposed work or improvement may appear b®• fare the Board of Trustees o~ the City of Anaheim, and show ^~~ cause why said proposednimprovement should not be caxried ont in accordance with this resolution. Section 3. That said Board of Trustees hereby further df- tarmines that serial bonds shall be issued tt~ represent amssas- ments of ~25,~1U, or over, for the coat sn.d e~en~ of said nark and improvement; that said serial bonds shall attend over a period of nine y4ars from the 2nd day of January nelct succ®Ad- img their d~a-te and an even annual proportion of the principe~. s thereof shall be pay~tbl®, by coupon, on the 2nd day of January every year after their date, until the whole is paid, and the interest shall be payable semi-annually, by coupon, on the 2nd day of January and July respectively of eaAh year a~ the rat® of seven per cent per annum on all sums unpaid ua- til the whole of said principal and interest'' are paid. ~eQtion 4« Thy ,Axiaheim Gaaette is hereby designated as the new$paper printed, published, and circulated in said citg, in which this Re~lution of Intention shall be published. The City Clerk of th® Gity of ,Axiaheim is hereby directed to publish this resolution b~ two succt~ssive insertions in said naWSpsper , and to post the same for two days conspicuously on or rear the chamber door of the Board of Trustees of the said City of Anaheim. The Street Superintendent shall immediatelg cause to be con spieuaislp posted along the line of said contemplated work oar iawpravem®nt and in front of all the property ~=i able to b® aa~ss.. ed, notice of the passage of this resolution of intention in the mann®r and form required by la~v« d).1 o f t he herein proposed work and improvement and all p ro- o®edings taken in regard thereto shall be in pursuance of and. in aaeeordanee with an act of the ,?,a~i.a~aty~ of the State of Califaacy nia, entitled, " act to provide for work is and upon stretts, aver u4{i, lam s, alleys, courts, places and sidew~.ks within muniQi~,i- ties and upon property and rights of Way owned by municipal- - 7 - itie a, and for s st ablishiag and ohanging ..the grades of ate such attests, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places axed sidewalks, and providing for the issuance and payment of street improveffient bonds to represent pertain assessment for the cost thereof and providing a mstilldd for the pay- went of auoh '~gnds, " approved April 7, 111. The foregoing Resolution of Intention is signed, gg- proved and attested by me this 14th day of ~sbruary, 191P~~, ,r' re en s r F Trustees of the City of ~eheim. .Atte ~t. y la o e y © eim, ., ,,~gT~:~ca~ c~I~z~a, l County o3 Osage, ~ SS. . .City of ,,~ishe ~ I• Mdward B. Merritt, City C1erY of the City of „~ahaiia„ do 'hereby pertffg that the foregoing resolution of Inter~tiQn. Bo. 1g6 was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Ts%s- teas of the City of ,~lxiaheim, held on the 1f3th day of Fsbrugry, 1916, by the following vote; ,5, Trustees _ C S ~ ~' o~ 845 i Troete ea~.Ls,.,,~, I ~I IIY ~~~ti rr~w ~F3ST 9 NOT YQTIB'G, Trustees ,..- .~.~~~~ ,Lnd I further asrtify that the President of the Board of Trust®es of the City of Aueh®im signed and approved said 8sso- tut ion of Intent ion, on the lOt h day of ~'ubruary. 1915. IN FITNESS THEREOF I have hereunto set- my hand and - _ filed theofficial ~ seal of the City of ,A,naheim, this 1Qth dsy _ of February, 1916. City Cleat of the -City of gn she im. .. .. - 8 - .. .