03/23/1916-0431 Ty; ,I-,,, Y ,.r'yw4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ~~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a9~ t-"1,~,., ~ 1 r ~ ~~ F ' ~. tT'1 !'1 "'1~r.T v I 1 ~ ill ~.-?33.+iw-~ 11~i , v ~j I.l a. ..: l .lie ':~80T,U~~'I01~ OF?J:~I~G ~'0~'. ~w:OV~ by the Bowrc~. of Trustees of the CitJ- of ~,n~.ihei.m; ~~-~ ? ~;~~.~r_3~? ~~- a 3,1`~/~ G'.~IO~d 1. That the public interest and convenience require the Board of Trustees o-f the ~~it~r of Anaheim, pursuant to Re~:ol~.- tion of Intention No. 125 of the Board of Trustees of the .City o.f~o,heim which said i>,esolution of intention Sao. 125 wc,s duly passed snd adopted by said Boe,rd of '.trustees on the 10th day of February, 1916, herebuT orders tha following street «rork to be done in said city, to~rYit; That th2"roadway of East Broadway Street in said City from the Westerly property line of South East Street, pro- , auced Southerly across said East Broad- way Street to the Easterly property line ' of South Los Angeles Street produced. Southerly across the roadway of said East Broadway Street (excepting there- from that portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street lying between the East- erly and Westerly property lines of South Rose Street, produced Southerly across the roadway of said East Broadway Street, and excepting therefrom that por- tion of the roadway of East Broadway ._ - Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of Bush Street, produced southerly across the roadway of said East Broadway Street, and ex- cepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street, ly- ing between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of South Vine Street, pro- . .auced Southerly across the roadway of said East Broadway Street and except- ipg therefrom that portion of the road-' way of East Broadway Street, lying be- tween the Easterly and Westerly prop- erty lines of Soutn Orange Street, pro- duced Southerly across the roadway of Bair East Broadway Street, and except- ing therefrom that portion of the road- way oY East Broadway Street lying be- tween the Easterly and Westerly prop- erty lines of South Atchison Street pro- auced Southerly across the roadway of said East Broadway Street, and except- ing therefrom that portion of the road- way of East Broadway Street lying be- tween the Easterly and Westerly prop- erty lines of Krueger Street, produced Southerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and excepting there- from that portion of the roadway Of East Broadway Street, lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of Krueger Street, produced Northerly to the Center line of said East Broadway Street, and excepting therefrom that por- tion of the roadway of East Broadway Street lying between the Easterly and Westerly property lines of Melrose Street, produced Southerly to the can- . 'ter line of said East Broadway Street, and excepting therefrom that portion of tiro roadway of East Broadway Street, lying between the Easterly and Westerly prop- erty lines of Melrose Street, produced Northerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and excepting there- froin that portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street lying between the ~~~est- erly property line of Melrose Street, pro- duced Northerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and the Easterly property line of South Olive Street, produced Northerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street, lying between the Easterly and Westerly prop- , erty lines of South Olive Street, produced Southerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and excepting there- from that portion of the x•oadway of East Broadway Street, lying between thG Easterly and Westerly property lines of South Olive Street, produced Northerly to the center line of said East Broad- way Street; and excepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of East Broad- way Street, lying between the Easterly ana_ Westerly property lines of South ___.__ _ _ ], ., R~•-: i ~ .... 1 Philadelphia Street, produced Southerlyr , exceptingltherefromr that po tion of the between the East BY andaWesterly pr p- 2 erty lines of South Claudine Street, pro- duced Southerly .across the roadway _ of .said 7ias~ Broadway Streetj be graded 3 to the official grade and paved with hy- draulic cement concrete base and with asphaltic wearing surface. Said work shall be done in accordance 4 with the plans, profiles and specifica- tions therefor, which said plans and pro- files were adopted by the Board of Trus- tees of the City of Anaheim, by resolu- 5 Lion on the 23rd day of December, 1915; are numbered "1-0-1" and are marked and designated, "Plan of proposed im- -provements on East Broadway Street, 6 Anaheim, California," and are on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city, in the City Hall in said city, and _ _ __ _ _- which said specifications were adopted 7 by the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim, bS' resolution on the 23rd day of December, 1916, and which said speci- fications are marked and designated S "Specifications No. 9, for the construc- tion of street paving with hydraulic ce- ment and broken stone or screened grav- el and asphalt wearing surface, in the 9 City of Anaheim, California," which said specifications are on Pile in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, ' in the C_ ity FIall _ in said City.. _ 10 S~:CTI4PT 2. ` h~,t it is hereby determined and declared in pur-- 11 nuance of said F.esolution of Tntentior~ 1Va. 125 that ser al bonds shall be issued to represent assess- 12 menta of $25.00, or over, for the cost and expense of said work and improvement; that said aerial bonds shall extend over a period of nine years from the 2nd day of. 1 3 January next succeeding their date and an even annual proportion of the principal sum thereof shall be payable, by coupon, '; on the 2nd day of January every year of-I' 1 ~ ter their date, until the whole is paid, and ` the interest shall be payable semi-annual- ly, by coupon, on the 2nd day of January and July respectively of each year at the 1 5 ~ rate of seven per cent per annum on all sums unpaid until. the whole of said prin- C~"1' rt ~ ~ ° r _._cipal and interest are paid.._ _ All of the herein proposed work and im- 1 7 provement and all proceedings taken in regard thereto shall be in pursuance of and in accordance with an act of the Leg- islature of the State of California, en-'- titled, "An act to provide for work in 18 and upon streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, I, courts, places and sidewalks within mu- nicipalities and upon property and rights'i 19 of ways owned by municipalities, and for',- establishing and changing the grades of any such streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, ; courts, places and sidewalks, and pro- I~ 2 O viding for the issuance and payment of street improvement bonds to represent •, certain assessments for the cost thereof and providing a method for the payment , of such bonds,"._AvAx4ved~l4ri1 7._1911 21 _ __ ~i:TTQ% 4. 'The City Clem of tle City of i;aGk,.eim is hereby- 22 di.~ected to post conspicuo~.~sly for five days, on or near the chi 23 ber door of the ~~o;~rd of ~ru.stees o~ awid CitvT of ^~~,Y~.eim, a no- 24 tics. o~ s>.id vaorx~ inviting sealed proposals or bids ~,nd a copy 25 of specifications TYo. 9 adopted by tie Board of Trustees of the 26 said City o:r ,~ian.e3_r~ on t~~e 23rd day of Dece~,ber, 1915; he is 27 else directed to c~~use a copy of s~.id notice to be published t~vic 28 in the "gnah.eim Gazette", w r~iee~ly neaasp~,per of general eircula- 29 tion, printed, published ~,r~c7 circul.s,ted in s~.id city ~~~12ich said 30 nevasp~,per is hereb~r deai~nated for t~~'~,t puxyoo:;e. 31 :aid notice s'nsl.l invite sealed proposals or bids for doing 32 the :~-orrz ordered a%~d shµl.l re-~er to tine sl~eci~i~;wt3.ons posted and _ 2 1 on file , ~rhich s`;:4id not ice shall re ~z~.ireall y~ra1 a sa± s or bid , of- t fared to be accornnanied by a checl~ p~sble to the Ow;;.`;;° of ~zsl2eim, 3 certified by a res~~ansible bails far an az:7a~~znt ~~rh.ch s'.r2~ll not be 4 leas than tRn per cent of the a~;~re,~ate o~= the pro-~o sal. or by a 5 bond for the said amount sa pGyable, signed by the bidder mid ttvo g I sureties ~nrho sha~.l justlfTr before ~~_ off3.cer car~~etent to ::wd?:.isz- 7 ~ inter ar. oath, 3.rA dos~.l~le the said a'~'lolznt snd aver and wbove all ~I $ sta,tutar~T exemx~tio~~s. li g Thursd arr, the 13th ~,~; of ~~lril, 1915, E.. a ;-1< ^eby cZe sib°:riwted 10 a~.d fixed ~,s tl~.e da~T ar ti-v:~.i.ch, ~.z to the hazer aF 8 o'c~.ock t . 1HI., 11 t'r_e said. ropo sc.Is ar bid.; s'_F~~~7..1 be received a:~1 tlne said notices 12 Uhall ~o specify . 13 +he forsgoir.;~ re so, ;tioz2 . _.:~ :~i.~sze d, attested =;~nc~ ;~,~nrave r;? by ~~ 14 ,„,e t''13. ~; _Z,~3 ,~,_ ~ cam' a f I'.i,`-,rC:1^_, 1 t?1.5 • 15 R ~~ 16 re s oa: e oar o r7is ees 17 of th City of ~xiahein. ~twest. 18 ~~-r ~ • ~. 19 .,1 -J. r~1er 0 e ~;. ~ of .:a~w~eir~. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - 3 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 is 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,e,~::~ 0~ G ~, I~ . ~,_: I~., Cc~~.nt;;r ai Orux!~e , g Sw. J i-~;vT o f ~~ah.e ~ m. ) I, :~d•~rrard ~. Il'ierritt, Cite C1erh- of the City' a-f ~ahei~r, da hereby; cextif;~ that the fore~o`~ne :resalution. ~Yas re~2~l.arZy~ ~f~a~s~' ~xd adoitecl at a regular r~eetin~: of the ~o~.rd of Lru-steel of the Ca.t;~ of ,~i~,b.ei~ held on the z3 ~~ do,~~ o:~~ T:~c,rch, 1916, by the fo11o~1Yin~ Grote; .~it?"y+ S , T ru s t e e s ~ ~-/C,~,Q.~~{? c~t~,~s~rr,~ ~~~-~l.,s~ ~ ~3~r ~.~,~. 1O~S, Trustees ~,,...~ _ it ~~ ~.li~ES Y~~:T~:O~ , I have hereunto set nt`7 h~n„:nd awe aff~-xe~. the seal of the said City of ,~x~,lei~ this z3~D ~µvr of March, ,.~g16. C i~ ~T ~.le k-o~---~'x~e ~"1'~;;~":~.~~,ne in. ~- -