02/10/1916-046~: ~o~~- 7 _~ ~ I ~ o. 125 0 ~ Bad of TRIISTE aittlveei, by the Board of Trustees of th® City' of g~aheim: ~lctit ~. That the public interest and .convenience require that it is the intention of the Boar. of Trust®es of the City x. ~.~i~t to Order the follaWi~ strQet, work to bye clans in said ait~r tci-~3~~s That .the roadway' of East Broadway Sheet in Said City from the ~, ~ line of South East 3t~et - Produced Southerly Vie. P y $ said Sast Broadway 3treQt to the Easterly property line of g tenth yes ~~e!les Street produced Southerly across the roadway of astE Best Broadway Street (excepting therefrom that portion of the roe~ay of East Broadway Street ~yi~g between-the; Easterl.~t ,~ 1~~a#er~$ property lines of South Rom Street, prod'aced South- erly ec3r®ss the roadway of said East Brtfa~.way Street, and exaept- :~ r ~~;~ ,_ ~"'tt''~ ing tharefrcr.m that portion of the ro ad'~ay of Eae Bra ad~aq Street G _. bet~o~. the Easterly and ~esterl~r prope~"ty'*Ylinee of Bush lyi , ~t7M11tt• p~~ueed Southerly across the roadway of said East Broad- Street ~ and exoept ing therefrom the port ion of the ro adw~r . i between the Easterly' and '~esterly 0 i" B ~o affray Street , ly n8 ~ . •7G''~ lulls of South Vise Street, Produced Southerly across 4 the r+~a~-a~' of said East Broadway Street and asc:epting therefrom thgt pox~lom of the .roadway of East Broadway Street. lying be- and ~a sterly prop81"'~T lines of South ©rangs tws~n the ~-sterly I gt~et, pradttced Southerly across '..the roadway of sail East Broad- ' _ - ~,~ &t~~.~, and esceptir:g therefrom that portioa of the roaewey e~ East Bx~adway Street lying between the Eastex'3.y and ~fe st~r- grgps~~' lin®s of South gtchison Si~teet Produced Southerly ser4ad the roadway of said East Bra adw0.Y Street, and except i.nB thsr~rfrc~ that portion of the roadway 4f East Broadway Street 3~ri bstw®en the Sasterly and Waster3q proper=ty limos of Boger ~tr~et, produced Southerly to the center line of said Street, and excepting therefrom that portion of 1 --~_ the roadway of Bast Broadw~r Street, Ding between~~a1M Easterly and We at®rly property lines of 8roeger Street, produced North- erly to the Center line of said East Broadw&y Street, and e~cept- ing therefrom that portion of the roadway of East Brpadw~r Street lying between the Saste rly and Westerly proge rty lutes of ~liel- rose Street, gro~uced Southerly to the center line of $aid Salt Broadway Street, and eYCepting .therefrom that portion of the ro adwey o f East Broadway St re st , lying be t1~e en the $ast erly and Westerly property lines of Idelrose Street, produced Northerly to-the center line of said Eaet Broadway ~rset, and a=cepting therefrom that portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street, lying between the ~Testerly property Tina of Melrose Street, produced Northerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and the Easterly groperty line of South Olive Str®et, produced Northerly to the center line of said Last Sroa~.wsy 3trse~, and ezeepting therefrom that portion o~ t~a~"roadai-ay~ "'""~""'~'" ~, y _. Sast fro adway greet , lying b®twe en the 8a~tte rly and Westerly. property lines of South 41ive Street, produced Southerly to the center line of said East Broadway Street, and a~ceepting th®re- from that portion of the roadway of East Broadway Street, 'lying b®tween the Sas~terly and ~Pesterly property lines of South Olive Street, produe~ed Northerly to the eenter line of said East Braad- way Serest; sud esespting therefrom that portion of the roadway of Salt Broadway Street, Lying between the Easterly and fester- ly property lines of South Philadelphia Street, produced South: erly across said East Braadwey Street; and a=cepting therefrom theft portion of the roadway of Sast Broad~r~y Street, lying betweea the Easterly and Westerly property lines of South plaudina Street, praduaa~d Sout~rly across the roadws~r of said East Broadway Street be graded to tie official grads and paved with hydreulic cement concrete base and with asphaltic wearing surf~e. Said wort shall be done in accordance with the plans, pro- file, sud epecificatione therefor, which said plans and. profiles - it were adogtMd by the Board of Trustees of the City of Mahe im. by resolution on the 23rd dad' of December, 191Fi; are number~l "1-4~-1" and are marked and d®signated, "plan of prApos®d improvements on East Broadway Street, Axiehe im: Ce.7.ifo rni a, ~ and are on file in the otfia® oi' the City Engineer of said city, in the City IIa"tl in said airy, and which said specifications ~rere ~+ dopted by the Board of Trustees. of the City of ~Rahe~,tit, by re solutipn on the 3rd day of December, 1915, awi which .said epecifieation~a are marked and designated *~paai- fiaations No. 9, for the construction of $t rest pa'~ing with hydraulic cement and broken atone or saree~ed gravel and asphalt wearing surf8oe, in the City of ~taheim, Cslifornia* which said epeaifiaations are on fil® in the office of the City Clerk of the City of ~xiaheim, in the Cit3r Hall in said City. ~~. $eatio~ 2. &otiee is hereby giTen that on ~hureday the 9th dart' of March, 1916, at the hAUr of 8 e'clock 8~ Y. at th® chamber of the Board of Trustee of the City of ,~riahe im, in the City Hall in said City, at~y' and all persons having objections to the proposed work or improvement m~ appear before the Board of Traetee8 of the City of Anaheim, snd show cause why said propa8ed~O~ improvement should not be as;~ried out in aaaordance Rith this resolution. Seatios 3. That said Board of Trustees her/-by further determines that aerial bonds shall be issued to repr®sent ass®ssmentf~ of ~E5.Q0, or ov®r, for the coat and expense of .. ~ .. said work and improvement; that said serial bonds sha11 ®atend ova r a pe rio d o f nine years from the 2nd day o f January neat sue- ceeding their date and an even annual proportion of the princi- pal sum "thereof shall be payable, by coupon, on the 2nd day oi' January every year after their date, until the whol® is paid, and the interest. sha11 be payable semi-annually, by coupon, on the 2nd: day of ~"8nuaxy and July respectively' of each..~ear at the rate of Seven per cent per annum on all soma unpaid until. the whole of said ps~incipal and interest are paid, Section 4. fibs ~iaheim Gazette is hereb~- designated as„_--------~~ ry .. -~,e"~" thit newspaper printed, published and circulated in s1~id city, in which this Rewsolution of tiitention shall be publi®hed. The City C1~~7c of the City of ,griaheim is hereby directed to publish this re~vlution by two successive ihsertions in said news» paper, and to pest the same for two days, conapicuoos3.y on or near the chamber door of the Board of Trustaos of tbe- said City .~ A .of ~8 lm `, The .Street S~erintendent shall immediately caus~t to be con- spicuously post®~ along. the. line of said contemplated work or im- provement and in front of all the property ~,iable to be assessed., notice of the passage of this resolution of intention in th® manner axtd form required by law. All of the ho rein proposed wort and imprt~vement and all pro- eeedings taken in regard thereto shall be in pursuance of and in . accordance with t~~ s 4'~et Legislature of the State of Calif- ornia, entitled, ".B~Ci act to provide for word in and upon street a, avenue s, lane s, alleys, courts, places and Sidewalks within mun- ic~.palities and upon property and rights of wary owneal by munici» paltti®s, and far establishing and changing .the grades of any such streetB, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, paces and Sidetvalka, snd providing for the issuance and payment of street improvement bo nda to repreee~ oartain asssments for the cast thereof and providing a methad for tie payment of such bonds," droved aril 7, 1911. The foregoing Resolution of intention is signed, approved and attested by me this 10th day of February: 1916. ~~~ ,Attest, *... President of the Board of Trus#~o~t8 of the Q1ty of ,,~Stsheim. y ~Zerk of the City of gnaheim. sTaT~ o~ cazz~©BNIA,} County of Orang®, ; ss. city ~f Anah~~.~. i, Edward B. Merritt, City Clergy of the City off' Anaheim, d© her®by certify that the foregoing Re~Alution off, Intsntio No. 125 was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board Qf True- tees of the City of Anaheim, held on tha 10th day of February, 1916, by the .following vote: AYEB, Trustees,~~,-1C S,~~/C ~G~~~;~5~/„r.t,~: ,- ~° NOES , Trustees ~-~-~.,..~ ABSENT AND NOT VOTIN4, Trustees And I furthsra~r~~F that that the ,President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim signal. and approved .$aid Resalution of Intention, on the 10th deg of Febrtii~ry, T916. ~~.... .,..fi, _~..~...:..,. ,..IN ~tIR'S~a 1~$ER~C3~' `'I have '~iereuntoet°. ms- ~~ af- . ~ , firmed the official seal of the City of fah®im, this lath dsy of February, 191b. .~ ~ ~ er ~ u $ y of s ~~ Anaheim. ~. 5 -