02/24/1916-047..~. r 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2°"~` 26 27 28 29 30 3I 3 ~3 A Rx~SOZUTION OF TIC BO~~.D O.F TEUSTEES OF TI-~ CITY OF ATdAI~'EIb~, CON- FIt~I~~~IIdG TIC REPORT 0~' T~ STREET SUPERINTErBDF-NT pF SAID C~,TX R'~I-AT TO TIC AB~s ;ANT OF ~xIEDS AS A NUISS,NCE 14IT~II~ S.AI33 CTTY. ~`dR.REAS, the Board of Trustees of the City of Anaheim did, on the 26th dayf August, 1915, pass and adopt a resolution..declar- ing all weeds growing upon certain streets and sidewalks and upon private property, which said weeds bear seeds of a wingy or downy nature or attain such a large growth as to become afire menace when dry, or which are ot'nerwise noxious or dangerous, to be a public nuisance, and, ~rHEREAS, thereafter, to-wit: on the 27th day of September, 1915, the Street Superintendent of the City of ,6xiaheim did cause to be conspicuously posted in front of the property on which or in front of which such nuisance exists, et not more than. one hun- Bred feet in distance apart, and not le~t~ than three in s~;l, nv- tires to destroy weeds in the manner and form required by law, all of which will more fully appear in the affidavit of said Street . Superintendent on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City and, ~~TI~REAS, said not ices were posted more than five days prior to the time fox hearing ob jections, and, u~TI~REAS, no objections or protests to the proposed removal of such weeds were made or filed; and jPIF~R~-AS, at the time st ate d. in said notices, to-wit , on the 14th day of Octor, 1.915, the said Board of ,,,;Trustees did, by,~Resolutio declare all of such weeds to be a, public nuisance and did order the street Superintendent of said City to abate the same by having) said weeds removed and'- ~YR~REAS, the reafaat..e~~r, on the 24th da?T of February, 1916, said Street Superintendent~d~re~nd~, present to said Board of Trus tees an itemized report in writing showing the cost of removing such weeds on each ssp~rate lot, or in front thereof or b~t~i, and - 1 - «„ 1 2 3 4 8 7 g 9 10 1T 12 13 14 15`. 16 17 18 is 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 28 30 31 32 Street ON to-wit, the 15th day of February, 1916, sai~Superintendent did post a copy of said report for more than three days oII the bulletin board of the Board of Trustees near the chamber door of said Board of Trustees at the City Hall in said City, together witk a notice of t~.e time when said report would be submitte d iREAS, at the time fixed for hearing and consideria~g said report, the said Board of Trustees did hear the same and RYAS, no object ions were raised by any property ot~ners li- able to be assessed for the work of abating said nuisance, NO~t THEREFORE, BE IT RSODVED by the Board of Trustees of the City of ,Bxlaheim: ACTION 1. That the Board of Trustees of the City of Aziaheim has acquired jurisdiction to confirm said report and to do and ac- complish all acts and things herein contained. wECTION ~ That said Report and account of said Street Super- intendant be and the same is hereby adopted, approved, ratified and confirmed. Si:CTION S. That the amounts of the cost for abating such nui ance in front of and upon the various parcels of land mentioned in said report are hereby assessed against each of said respective lots in the ~aount hereinafter set after the respective descrip- tions thereof, to-wit; Zot One (1) of Block A of Vineyard Zot D3 as shown on ~~-map recorded in Book 34 of""-Reds, at page 592, Records of Zos Angeles County, California, fronting upon East Cypress Street in said city; ------------------------------------ ', Dot Two (2} of Block $ of Vineyard Dot D3 ' as shown on ~, map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at page 592, Records of Zos ales County, California, fronting upon East Cypress Street in said city; ----------~-------------------------- Lot Three ~3} of Block ,A of Vineyard Dot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at page 592, Records of Dos Angeles County, California, fronting upon .East Cypress Street in said city; -----------------------------------~ .42 .42 . 42 2 - ~,. 1 2 3 4 ~- 6 7 8 9 10 lI 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~ (:05`1' 0~' li~L:NiQ V iiVl7 ~~'YEET34. Lot Four (9~} of Block A of Vineyard Lot, D3 as shown on ~, map recorded in Book 34 of beads at page 592, Records of Los Angeles Coun"Gy, California, fronting upon Bast Cypress Street in said city; ----------------------------------- ~~. Lot Five (5) of Block A of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on s map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at page 592, Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting upon _~'•ast Cypress Street in said city• ----------------------------------- , Lot Six (6) in Block -,g,e o f Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at page 592 of Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting on North Phil a delphia Street in said city; -------------------- Lot Nine (9) in Block "A" of Vineyard Lot ~3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at pa$e 592 of Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting. on North Phila- delphia Street in said city; -------------------_ Lot yen (14) in Block 'TA" of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown an a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at page 592 of Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting on North Phla delphia Street in said city; -------------------- Lot Seven (7) in Block A of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, page 592, Records of Los Angelest County, California, fronting on North Olive Street in said city=; ---------------------------- Lot Eight (8) in Block A of Vine~Tard Lot D3 as sho~+n on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, page 592, Records of Los Angeles County, California, fronting on North Olive Street in said city; ----------------------__---- Lot .:levee. (11) in Block A of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, page 592, Records of Los Angeles County, Cali~rni$, fronting on North O~lvs Street in said city; ---------------------------- Lot Eleven (11) in Bloek F of a resubdivis- ion of Block. F of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, page 24 of Licen- sed Surveyor's Maps, Records of Orange County, California, Fronting on East Center Street in said city; -~---------------------------•-------- Lot Twelve (12) in Block F of a resubdivis- ion of Block F of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 1, page 24 of Licen- sed Surveyor's maps, Records of Orange County, California, fronting on East Center Street in said city; -------------------------------------- .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 . 42 .42 .65 .35 - 3 - 1 i Lam: S C RIFT ION OF La T : _ _ ~ - ( t C~ ~fi-(5~'-ZO~`l~ ~dEEDS. 2' , ~, I The Easterly twenty seven { 27 } feet of Lot I 3 1 Six (6} in Block E of a re-subdivision oi' Block of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown on a map recorded 4 in Book 28, page 63, I+~Iiscellaneous Records of os Angeles County, California, fronting on ast Center S~„~eet in said city; ----------------- - 1.18 g The Southerly thirty {301 feet of Lot Nine {9) in Block D of Vineyard Lot D3 as shown 7 on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, at age 592, Records of Los Ang®1e s County, Col- s. ifornia, fronting on North Los Angeles Street in said city; ------------------------------------ .58 9 Lot Ten (I0} in Block D of Vineyard Lot D3 10 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at Page 592, .Records of Los Angeles County, 11 California, fronting on North Los Angeles Street in said city; ------------------------------------- .59 12 Lot Eleven (111 in B1oek D of Vineyard Lot 13 D3 as shown oar a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds at Page 592, Records of Zos dngeles 14 County, California, fronting on North Los Angeles Street in said city; --------------------- .59 15' Lot Twelve (12} ixx Block D of Vineyard .Lot 16 D3 as shown on a map recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, ~t Page 592, Records of Los Angeles 17 County, California, fronting on North Los ~gele s Street in said city; ---------__.._-_..____.. ~ 59 18 Lot Sixteen (161 in Block 3 of the Santa Fe 19 Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 21, page 49, biscellaneous Records of Los Angeles 20 County, California, fronting on East Center St re et in said city; ----------------------------- 1.25 21 Lot Twenty--five (251 in Block 3 of the Santa 22 Fe Tract as shown on a map recorded in Bogk 21, page 49, l~Iiiscellaneous Records of Loa gn- 23 gales County, California, fronting on North Atchison Street in said city; -------------------- - .35 24 Lot twerlty~ six (261 in Block 3 of the San- 23 to .re Tract sa shown on a map recorded in, Book - - 21, page 49, ~iscellan®ous Records of Loa .~- 26 gales County,.: California: fronting on North Atchison Street in said city; -------------------- - .34 27 Lot T~:enty-seven (27) i.n Block 3 of the wan- 28 to Fe .Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 2I, page 49, Miscellaneous ~[ecords of Lo.~ An- 29 gels s County,.;. California, fronting on North Atchison Street in said city; -------------------- - .S4 30 Lot twenty-'eight (281 in Block 3 of the San- 31 to Fe Tract as shown on a map recorded in Book 2I, pag® 49, Miscellaneous Records of Los An- 32 ales County, California, fronting on North Atchiscon Street in said city; -------------------- .34 _ 4 _ 1 2 Lat .Tarty-eight (48} in Block B of the Hotel 3 el Campo Tract as shown on a map recorded in ook 24, page8 69 and '70, Miscellaneous R~- 4 cords of Los Angeles County, California, front- ing on East Center Street in said city; -..__-____ ;; .r Lot twelve '~12} in Block C of the Zeyn 6 Tract annex $~ .shown on a, map recorded in oak 7, at page 5 of Miscellaneous ~'Iaps, 7 ecords of Or~n,ge County, California, fronting on North Lemon Street in said 8 ity'; ------------------------------~~----------- g Lot Thirteen (13} in Block C of the eyn Tract g as shown an a map re- 10 corded in Book 7, at page 5 of Miscell- an®ais Maps, Records of Orange County, 11 California, fronting on North Lemon Street in said city; ____________________________ 12 Lot Fourteen (14) in Block C of the 13 eyn Tract g as shown on a map re- orded in Book 7, at page 5 of Miscell- 1~ aneous Maps, 8ecords of Orange County, alifornia, fronting on IVTorth Lemon 13" `` Street in sai+~: city; --------------------~.-__..__.. lfi Lot Fifteen _(15) in Block C of the eyn Tract ,~ia~x as shown on a map record= 17 din Book '7, at page 5 of I~~iscellaneous ape, Records of Orange County, Califor- 18 ia, fronting on North Lemon Street in aid city• ___----------------------- 19 Lot Sixteen (16) in Block C of the eyn Tract Annex as shown on a map re- 20 orded in Book 7, at page 5 of ~:iscell- eons daps, Records of Orange County, 21 alifornia, fronting on North Lemon treat in said city; -------____________ 22 Lot One (1) in Block g of Zeyn '$treet 23 ex as shown on a map recorded in Book at page 5, Miscellaneous Records of 24 range County, California, fronting on orth Los 6pg~les Street in said city -- 2 5_ Lot Sixteen (16) of Stueckle*s Subdi- 2fi ision as shown on a map recorded in Book page 43, Miscell aneous Naps, Records 27 f Orange Cou~.ty, C alifarnia~ fronting on outh Lemon Street in said city; ---------------~ 28 That certain lot, piece and parcel of 29 and situate in the City of Anaheim, des- . ribe d as follov~s, to-wit ; Beginning at 30 he intersection of the f`resterly line of orth Helena Street and the 1V~ortherly 31 ine of P,lest Genter Street as shovrn on a ap of a subdivision of Vineyard Lot D5 32 ecorded in Book I'7 at page 'T2 of Miscel- 1~ .~.., 1 ,~S ~ 0~ 0 + 1 ~ ~ ~~ D, 2 ~ 3 Ia~lous Records of Ito s ,~rigele s County California; thence We ste~rly slang the PTarth- 4 erly line of Nest Center Street 50 feet; thence Northerly parallel to the ~~esterly line of North He le n~, ~t re e t , one hundred and fifty one (1517 few; thence Easterly parallel•to '-°""""` 6 the Northerl line of wvest Center Street (50} feet to the asterly line' of IJorth Helen. 7 Street; thence Southerly along said ~'lesterly line one hundred fifty one (1511 feet to the 8 place of beginning, fronting on y7est Center Street in said city; ----------------------------- ~ .25 9 10 The foregoing Re solution i a signed, approved and attested by 11 ffie this 24th day of rebruary, 1916. 12 ,~ / 13. re si e o e oar o rus e "- of the ity of gnahe im. 1 15 gtt83tS 16 17 ~,-~. ~ y e r o e ~ y o Axi a im. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~- 6 1 ~T,f~T~ OF C~IFORTII~, ~ 2 COUNTY CF OR,AJ`tG~:, ~ SS. 3 CITY OI'~iTAH~IT,~. ) 4 I, Edward B. Merritt, City Clerk cif the City of Anaheim, - x _, ~,,~ ~ . ~ ,.Y, , .,~~,~,~- ,., ...... , do hereby c ertify that the foregoing re~~7:ution was duly passed ~ and ado~nted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trusteed of the 7 City of Bnaheim, held on the 24th day of February, ~. D. 1916, 8 by the following vote ; e ~.Y~' S : Trustees ~ ~C ~~.~G ~ ~.,~ d ~.,.,,..~.~~~ 13~.1...,~-~~ 10 NOES Trustees .~,.}`~.~, 11 ~3. ~ STD riOT VCTIITG, Trustees 12 ~,nd I further certify that the President of the Board of 13 Trustees of the City of ~aheim signed and approved said resolutio: 14 on the 24th day of February, ~. D. 1916. 15 I% ~dIi%~:N; ~~~;:C~::~O.I' I :gave here°anto set my hand and affirmed 16 the official seal of said city this 24th day of February, A.D.191b 17 19 City Clerk of the City of ,~,nahei; 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 _ 7