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Re'lved« the Boars of Tx-ustees of the Cit9 t~f Anaheigt;
se~-~ion 1. That Resolution of Intention No« ~ of the
Boe.rd ~~ Trustee of the Gi.tg o~ Anaheim, ,adopted '~~- the Boars
of Trutee;e of laid eity on the 4th dag of Februar~r'~ 1916 b~,
an8 the 'same. i~> here'by reaCsindad, vsaated d a~sa.,.+~d. ate.,
that ne proQee4ngs~ be had or done under the provfe~pnre of
said ~o~tttiax~ of Intention No« 1~4.
Ss~~ioxi ~ That no work or imp~vemen~ be hag er do~1-
under, by viztx~e of or pursuant to said ,~1aa~.uti4~t ~f 3xtts~.
Lion 1 1.
Thy foregt~lx~ Resolution is si,~ne8, approved ltd attested
by me phis io ~- dad of Pebruaxy, 391,4.
o 0
T te+ of the_Q~.t~ of a~tim.-
~T,AT~ t~F G,~+II~~ ~
Countq ~f grange: ~~ ~
City' Qi` 9nahe ~Mt« }
I« ~3dwaxd ~« Merritt, City Clerk of t?~ City C1f ,~.ah9"itrl, do
herebg aerti~'j- that the fore~oiza~ Resolut+~n was pressed and.
sdoptad at a ar~r~ular meetira~ of the Board oi' 2ruat~ree of tit
City' m~ ~ahe~t, held on the lt?th day of F+~bruary, x.916, b~
the ~t~'lYowin~ ~D t e
7!~@~S r T rur~rceee ~~.
A$RI' NqT VOTIBA~, Trustees ~-~-•-*- .
„ I f'u.x~-ber oert3far that the Pregid~nt of Board of
Trustl~es signed and approved said Resalatit~rt an tl~ lt~th dad .
of ~'ebrur~ry, 1916.
III ~IT.N~98 ~f~E1~QF I have heunto yet ~' hazt~, and affi~ced
the Q~'~ioial dal of said City this '10th dad of bruax~-, 1916«
4 y' 0 ~ 1A«
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