12/23/1915-002 i ~: ~;;j -' La.VG~ysa. ~ I ~:.w._ 1 i~.<.SOLUTION OF IT~i`~.~'"~TIOP~' N0, 1~4 Q:~+' T~~ BO~~D QF Ti~UST~S OI' T:E~ C I ~ 0.~ ;1£S IDPt. 2 3 Resolved, by the %3oard of Trustees of the City of ~.nahe~.m: 4 ,action 1. That the _,ublie interest $nd convenience require 5 and that 3.t is ~'ze _nte,ztion of the Board of Tr~~stees of `the City 6 of gr~aheim to order the follovrin~ street wore: to be done i~ said 7 city, to-wit: . 8 ihat• the roadway of rYest Broadwa~r Street in said City from the 9 '~e storTy property lane of Sauth Los ~,n~ele s Mtreet, produced Tlorth 10 erly across said ;hest Broadw~p Street to the r~'est City Limits of gnahaim {e:'ceptir~~; t~lerefrom that portion of the roadway of ~~est 11 12 Braadwsti% Street lying between a line produced Southerly from the 13 ~ Northerly property line of said ~~est Broadway Street to they cen- ~I 14 ter line of the roadway of sgid 'oe~st.Sroadws~;.r Street and being 15" ~~ d.istant westerlT 33.'75 feet. at xi~sit an~las from the monutne:rited 16 center line of So~..th Los ,~.~eles Street, and aline ;~rodn~ed Soti?t~ 17 , erly from the ~4o-t~•therly property lire of said w~~est 3x~oadw~r Stxee~f to the center line of t~~e ros.cl.wa;T of said ~'~dest Lro~,cl,,,~ Street 18 19 and bea_n.~ dist~;~ t `Mesterly Cne ~i2~ndred Si~'_ty-five and tti~enty-lour hLUZdxec~ti~.s {165.2:) feet ~.t r~~>~,'c ~1~~;les fLor.~ the ~,`~o:!~~~.ated ~`~en- 20 4 21 ter l:i.sle of So,zt?Z Las ,;~~~,eles Street; ,and e~centin~ t?~~.erefro~ tht~t ~~ortion o-~ ~lie ro~,dEk~a,~ c-~ °,~eut Broadti~~a~r w~reet l~'~i.n~; bet~reen 2 2 -~ 23 t~l.e ~,`~~tGrly c ~?c~ 'f+:t~~. rl';- ~':^0-'~7G'.u 1 ~ be,s t~:f' +1~i?1~1 uE'T:iO's7. ~`~'i~"_'eE>'t, d - 24 -;3 t~ C71;_~GC~i ,)O'at tL' "~_~r i:i.vra C~''J ~ .~t' ~ ~~ ~.,~:'a ~ .7 ;~:',J c:_ ,u'nU ~~~ .J '~ c?.d~sar ~ Uwe e1 .. f 2~ ~~~- ~i~.lieAlt~~~ U_1~:1V~illii vrlZl, +7!°~1~~.~ __ t V .~.,(!a ~,~~ ~~. ,jeaS~ i,JWaad' 26 27 28 29 3~ 31. 32 ,,~„T~ ~~~"ee~ Iy~I~~ ',e-~;G:ee~~. ~L~lp .~,_~_`..e"ql`~ ;:x~.d ~e;,~e~lj .~~o~erty fires _. 0 :,: ti r 2 ~i; .,' i;'!_ e?Tle n ~ l77@ `~'u i`.'. t: v 2'0 ~~ '.{', e u~ ,~,,' C~ L'c.t~3.v t' ~ ~ O "~; i.c, f3 8;~'1~i~ r l i ~~,e ~~' ~'iiG r0aClwawJ 0_" >>~v~C~ ,ue^'~ .,..,',_`aw~`- ~ ..:tY'ee"G• ;a..i!G_ E~'y~:~t?~y~~;7..21~ ~:',li~:~`f'... s -J~iat?.i t,.~c; ~ ''.Ors 1G17"i r1: , .1. tO~iC 'v.,„`" O. , u .,~ _ ,,_,_... .~_,. ~, w ~.,~, ~ ~~~ ,~ ,-,ra~art~T 1_~.~~es o=. oit~a ~:;ler~lan- ~t, ~,fweeil u~~~ .+".:~<;..- ~,E3tl,;- c,ciCt ~`~c~a.~r w _ ., '~ ~ ~e aureet ~T~C~I.c'•eC~ ~O i'~^~ °~`;. ~` _~.RE ce]":~'v'-.~ Z_1re 0'+~ Gila ro~.d~r~- f .. ,.., -..+ s~v~~d ;~e st ~ ~~o ~,d~4 ~.~, ~,~r:;e~- ~~;.,~.~~ e~ c~:-~t irl~; u ; :..e., ror.; ~lie'~~a~°~; iori _ l 9 _ , i~ 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 f j; i18 ~.' 4 ~,Ct ti"d ~' O ~~ ,'. ~`° c~ L .+:~ r C? , s, - ~,~;' .`"`-• > :t' ~ c:, ~_ J 121,x; j~ 0 "k ~ ~-?G e "ti i; ~F' €i ~c..,'G E% 'Y'~ ;y .t- ~ ~. ~~?ti: ~~:ol~n~. 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