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1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 is 17 18 ~ i 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28~~ 29 30 31.~ 32 ,~~. ~ f i~,SO~UTION ~DO:~'TII3G I'I:.~?dS ~:yD, tii'l:,CI~'IC~`I'IONS POR T'~VIaG .~~'AST BRG~, yaAY STa ~,,-~,T IN TIC: CITY OF !~'~.~~:IIt~: SOZV~:D BY T'ia: T3O3;i~7 OI' T~~UST~S OF T CT'y'V OF ~w.~S::I~: TiiAl' thosa~ certain specifications marked and designated "Spec ficwtions Teo. 9 for the Construction of Street Paving Frith Hydra is Cement and Broken Stone ar Screened Gravel, and aspn.alt wear- ing surface, in the City of ,ilxiahei.m, California," prepared by fl. ~~. Steward, City Ttngineer of the City of ,~,.naheim, be and they are hereby adopted as the specifications for the paving of past Bro vQayy Street in said city, from the N~esterly property line of South east Street produced Southerly across so.id i-ast Broadway Street to the ~:aste rly property line of South Zos gn~;ele s Street , produced Southerly across said,~ast Broadv~ay,Street, and that those certain plans and profiles nu~~bermd "1-0-1" and designated as "plans of Proposed Improvements on~:ast Broadwa,~ Stree~t,~ ,ns- helm, California," prepared by 0. H. Steward, City ~nineer of the City of ~,xiaheir~, be and they are herebar adopted as the plans and profiles for the v~rork of Dying asphalt pavement on Nast Brow ~r~ Street in aaid city, from the ~resterly property line of South '.east Street, produced Southerly across said ~:ast Broadvaay Street to the ~o,sterly property li~~e of So~ut~z Zos ~ngele s Street , pro- duced Southerly across said Nast Broadway Street. ~,nd Be It Further Resolved that said specifications be and re- main on file in the office off' the City Clerk of the City of dna- heim, in the City Hall in said city, and that said plans and pro- files be and remain on file in the Office of t~ze City engineer of said City of s.heim, in the City _~all in said cit~T and that the s~yme may hereafter be referred to for all p~zrposes bar tha desig- natxans herein mentioned. The following re solution is si~,ned, approved ~,nd sate sted by ~:a this ~;~~ d ~.y o :~ ~ ©c erib e r , ,c;.. :0 . l 915 ~ ~ ~~ ,attest. Ties n- o e o4~~d of 2rus~ee; ~~G.^-r'~. ~( of t. e City of ~~n~.heim. Ci y Cler of t$e City of ,~nahei~n. - ~., - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15`~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ST&T::. OP C,~IFOrZ:3I1, ) COUTTTY OF Or~TG~,, ) ~S. ) CITY Oy ,€~: ~I~I~. ) I, ~:d~vard B. I+.~rritt, City Clerk of the Czty of ~~ns~hem, do hereby certify that the fore~,oin~; resolution was duly and re~u- la,rly passed. and adapted at µ regular naeet~.n~ o~ the hoard of Trustees of the City of ,~l~,hei?'"i, held on the ~' ~Ad day of ~~~b~r, 1915, bar the follo~~in~ vote : ~e s, 1'rusteeS ~ doe s, Trustees ~.-~-r~.~. absent acid not votir~, Trusteed ~c./-r,,.~,~c.~, And I further certify that the President of the Foard of Tres tees of said. city signed and approved said resolution on the said `?".^"~ day of .~~~~mbers ~. ll. 1915• ITu o4IT~TESS '~~':~I~':"t~.O F+' I have he reunto set my hard a.nd affixed th official se~7 of said cit;~ this ~<:"~~d_____ day of ~~~mber, ~. ~?. 1915, ~~.~,.rd ~• ~-C.~~Y~ n hem „1 ~ e r o e ~ y o_ ~ a 2 -