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III vdIIT~SS 'r'r.ti~t~:Q~', tl~e CitJ of ~Ze,'n.eim h~.s hereunto e€~use~. 9 its ~or~or~,te n~~~e t1o ue si~r~~ed and its ~Cox°~o'r~.te seal to 10 be affixed bUr the ~resi~'e~:Lt os the. :~o~~rd of x'r~zste8s end the Cit;yT Clerk of s~~,ic Cite o= 9X~aheim, therew~:to dlzlf 11 ~,zthorized b~- resolution of i~f;s ~o4~c~ cf 5~~~_`tees: the dar e;L~~~ ~;-e ~,,,r First ~,boT, e ;,,written. I2 ~ _Y 13 1: re ;>i c~e:T1~ ~r~e ~o ~ ~. o ~ 1,,,~'-s- tees of ~ ie C.~ ~~~ o-r _.~.°~~he~.r.~. 14 err ~.+~w G-+^ ~ ~ v - ~~GCcrr~' ~ z ~ v° e r g o ~: u t le ~, i „;- o~ ~;;r~. ~.. e i 1 . 16 Section 4. e ~_~.; 'i:~~~ Lt ~. ~~.o^.~.~1vec~? t~~~~~~~; 're ui-sJ~ ,.,,_,~o~~r~e;~r 17 0~ ~~~'-e J.~~~- of ~,~ .._ ~;~ ;e, ._~ ~~e =~._ _~re,~~;. ~.~~,~~o-r~i~.ec~ to o~~'er :~11C? ~r0~1.Z?.^@ a Gv°'.,;_ :n?_CZ?!;Q 0" a ~.:.:?G' _ t~~':: €3. 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